
chapter 12

Life Preplanning
and Manifesting

Allen has experienced a session with me prior to today to get an understanding of what is drawing him to work as a healer. Today is another opportunity to find insight into that, as well as into any residual beliefs that are holding him back in his current life. He wants to explore his relationships with others and gain clarity on moving forward.

On the day of his SESR session, Allen easily moves through time on the way to the spirit world. He stops in the womb, observing his parents at the moment of his conception. He speaks of timing. He knows he is to be their baby and when he’s supposed to go in. He zooms right into the fetus, stating proudly that these are the two people he is to incarnate with.

In the womb he has the flexibility to return to the spirit world to go over everything with his guides in preparation for his impending incarnation. For a brief period, he begins to have second thoughts about incarnating. His mother has had two stillbirths after his older brother and he can sense her nervousness over this pregnancy. His father means well but doesn’t offer much emotional support, which adds to her stress in knowing that her health is not good and that this is her last chance to have a child.

Allen’s guides encourage him to go back and work it out, so he takes the opportunity to do so. This time he “stays” in the developing body to get acclimated for the life to come. The souls of the two stillborn babies stay with him during this gestation period. He can feel their supportive words, as if they’re saying, “You can do it.” One a girl and one a boy, they know they will not be born. Neither of them has incarnated before. This has been a chance for them to experience a body briefly. The male briefly experiences negativity from the parents’ fears and from an older brother, who is used to having his parents to himself.

Being a sensitive soul, Allen notices energy in the womb too. Like when his mother cries, he feels a rush of emotion that causes his own mind to race. He discovers how the emotions motivate the mind and can push it in some directions, so you can feel good or bad.

From here, Allen goes directly into the spirit world through a big light surrounding a wooden door with a brass doorknob. It grows dark as a robed male figure stands holding a scroll. His eyes not seeming friendly, the robed figure motions to Allen to open the scroll. The message inside is “You are here to play.” At that moment others jump out and shout, “Surprise, wake up, it’s a dream!” It suddenly becomes bright and sunny. He intuitively understands that the message is the world can be dark and light, or lonely and scary … or it can be bright with people who love you. It’s all how you dream it so it’s up to you.

A screen appears, showing Allen a lifetime where he had experienced things as dark. It was 1927 in Cleveland, Ohio. His name was Henry. He was walking down a city street carrying a briefcase; he was going back to work following a marriage counseling session. Henry was determined to be positive about things and didn’t want to lose his marriage.

Henry was a banker and worried about the economy. A lot of people were losing jobs and businesses weren’t making enough. People were predicting a depression. It was his job as a banker to get money to help people but a lot of them just weren’t good risks for lending money to. Some were even contemplating suicide if they didn’t get the loans they needed.

When the Great Depression hit in 1929, Henry lost his job. His wife still had her job as a telephone operator, but it wasn’t enough for their family of four. Although he found work in the trades, he could no longer afford his counseling sessions. Eventually, the stress, worry, and fighting got out of hand, and his wife left him to go live with her parents.

Feeling sad and alone, Henry drank a lot. Hanging out at the bars became his refuge. Over time the stress of all of this had an impact on his health. When standing in food lines became too much for him and he was already in bad shape from drinking, Henry committed suicide by putting a shotgun to his head.

At the moment of death, Henry’s last thought is that he has made a mistake and is worried he is going to hell. Instead, he finds himself being guided to a place of light in the spirit realm. He is greeted by loved ones who tell him they love him and explain he has a condition that causes him to be depressed. It isn’t severe, but the drinking has made it worse.

His guide gently reminds him that prior to incarnating as Henry, he chose to experience suicide. And although he understandably feels guilty about leaving his wife in that way, she is learning too from her side of things. The kids also have their experiences of what it is like to grow up without a father. It is all planned. His guide tells him that each person involved experiences what is needed for their soul’s growth. For Henry it has been the experience of feeling completely hopeless and detached, but that it is important now not to hold on to those feelings anymore.

Allen notices that his guide appears as an older Chinese man, who is smiling and wearing a robe like a monk. His eyes now seemed friendlier than before. He is Chinese but following a Tibetan path. He appears this way to remind Allen to have more of this lightness in his life. Allen’s guide moves in front of him and sends an energy download to him as he smiles and bows telling Allen he is a “good man.” He reassures Allen he will be there to help him develop lightness, giving the analogy of planting seeds, to build upon the positivity and playfulness Allen already has. Moving forward, this will help him with his mission and his spirituality so he doesn’t worry so much.

His guide then leads him to a river, the river of his life. Allen is told he must learn to go with the flow more. This will make it much easier on him and the others around him. He and his guide follow the flow of the river. To Allen’s surprise, the river spirals uphill, yet it somehow continues to flow. Here, they come upon a small wooded area where it levels out. Allen recognizes this as a place he has been to before. They enter a building called the Building of Judgment.

Inside the building, Archangel Michael is waiting for Allen with an angel on each side. Clients are sometimes greeted by Archangels who provide them with support for their lessons in addition to their own personal guide. Archangel Michael is formal but reassuring as he shows Allen glimpses of planning out the life of Henry with the souls who would have roles as his wife and two children. He shows the scene where Henry is asked if he is willing to do this experiment. It is a gentle reminder for him not to take leaving them this way personally, because all the souls involved will each learn through the experience. This experience has taught him how environment, cultures, and events can affect a soul once incarnate, and even make it more difficult for them.

Archangel Michael tells Allen not to carry those dark feelings, but to live in the light. Henry’s family are all there, thanking him for what he has done. He thanks them too for incarnating with him during such a difficult lifetime and for having the courage it took going into that life. Archangel Michael explains that this scene is to give Allen closure on the piece that is holding him back in his current life: he has been feeling unnecessarily responsible for them now, although they are not his family this time around.

The other lesson Henry learns is to see the effect of how people react to money. People put importance on money as being positive or negative, when it’s actually neutral. It can be used for good or ill and has effects depending on how it’s used, and the value culture puts on it.

As his guide takes him to the “current life planning” to go over his upcoming plans regarding writing and the healing work he will do with others, he tells Allen that he’s been on the path for eons and he’s going in the right direction. He has the right intentions and is told to not be so hard on himself. More progress can be made with a gentler grasp, and he is reminded that he has a natural love of harmony that’s built into his spirit.

Allen’s guide tells him that his future is bright—and longer than he thinks. “You don’t really understand how much you can manifest if you’ll only try to,” he advises Allen. “The future is malleable and can be impressed upon.” He instructs him to “just think about what you want specifically that will help you grow as a spirit. That’s part of spirit; spirit can manifest. We manifest for the greatest benefit of all.” Lastly, he reminds Allen not to be shy, but to be clear when asking for help and more fun-loving, too. He adds that you honor yourself as a spirit and human being when you make your needs known.

“Learning the process of manifesting teaches us about the nature of ourselves as humans,” his guide informs him. “We are given the ability to form intentions and we have emotions that can help inflame or ignite the intentions. Just like plants need fire (sun), water, air, and earth; we manifest using the same principles as growing seeds and require constant care. Making all our resources available—all of the elements that can be nutritious.”

His guide goes on to explain, “Water is also like emotions and water is like consciousness. Every cell has consciousness. In everything that is created there is a flow of consciousness that knows the needs of that plant, animal, or whatever we are trying to manifest. It’s like an organism.” Everything has consciousness and needs nourishment. And everything we are trying to manifest is like an organism that needs water and nourishment. Emotions are like gut-level inspiration and consciousness that gets imparted to that vision too, so it becomes like a living being manifesting into materiality. The ethereal and psychic dimension are also involved. Allen is encouraged to keep with it and use his wholeness, all of the elements, to manifest. The session ends here.

As a result of the session, Allen feels lighter, having let go of the concerns he had carried from the life as Henry, and with deeper insight into relationships in his life. He is practicing going with the flow more in relationships and in life. He is left with a clearer understanding of how manifesting works and he is excited about how he will take that forward into the healing work he does.

_ Soul-Minded Exercise _

Visualization for Manifesting

You can develop and hone your own skills at manifesting by learning to incorporate these principles. Everything you have now is a result of what you have manifested, the “good” and the “bad.” What would you like to manifest or have more of in your life?

1. You can get better at manifesting more of what you desire by getting clear on what you ask for.

2. Observe your thinking and begin to correct yourself when you hear yourself thinking in a negative way. Redirect your thoughts to be more positive.

3. Focus on what you want to create, instead of what you don’t want in your life. For example, saying, “I don’t want to have all of these bills,” is not the same as saying “I want to be debt free.” Or “I don’t want a partner who cheats” is not the same as “I want a partner who is faithful, loving, and appreciates me.”

4. How do you feel about what you want to create? Do you feel happy and excited or worried and afraid? Does it lift your energy when you think about having the object of your desire or does it lower your energy? Does what you’re asking for feel like you’re settling for less than you deserve? Explore your feelings to identify if what you want to create suits you. Choose those things and relationships that raise your energy and light you up inside.

Sit quietly, free of distractions, and consider what you would like to manifest or have more of in your life. Focus on what you want, not what you don’t want. Get clear on what you want. How do you “feel” about what you want to create? Do you believe it is possible? What steps will you need to take to make it happen?

As you envision this, notice how you “feel” about it. Are you excited, happy, or passionate about it? Bring these positive emotions into the vision to nourish your desires into being. Like water nourishing a seedling into maturity, use your emotions and all of your senses (how it looks, feels, sounds, smells, and tastes) to nourish your vision into reality.

Then merge with this vision and allow it to be impressed upon you.

Repeat this often. See it! Feel it! Now be it!
