chapter 7
The Gifts You
Brought with You
Claire is interested in a SESR to explore and recharge. “I want to be aware of the afterlife in this plane, hold a little piece of it in my heart and let it recharge me,” she shared. What follows reveals that all lives have meaning. If you think your life is insignificant or has no meaning, you are incorrect. Your existence affects others one way or the other simply by your having been here. There’s an energetic exchange upon remembrance by the parties involved.
The SESR session begins. Floating along the current of her soul’s consciousness, Claire ends up in the womb where she experiences a bit of her mother’s distress. She can feel her mother’s energy shooting through her tiny body at this midway point between the seventh and eighth month of development. It is close to the time when she is to be born. It is becoming more difficult for her mother, who is nervous and stressed about having another child so quickly after their first one. Claire’s father feels distant to Claire, as if he looks at having children as just something that people are expected to do.
Her mother is not pleased with the pregnancy part of motherhood and wants to get this part over with as quickly as possible. During this developmental period when Claire can “feel” her mother’s stress levels surge, she tries to remain calm and send that calmness back to her mother. Claire is glad and excited to be born, constantly thanking her for agreeing to be her mother this time around.
Claire’s spirits are high. She knows she is coming to bring enthusiasm and spread it around. It’s needed on Earth and she happily signed up for it. She will do this in many ways through what she does, and when she writes. Claire has boundless energy and is bringing it to Earth to share. She too shares her mother’s feelings of wanting to get through the pregnancy period and get on with being born.
Since the fifth month, Claire’s spirit has stayed in the body to get aligned with it, rather than traveling back “home” to prepare. Much of her time is spent floating and sleeping, planning and observing her thoughts about what she’ll need for the life that is coming.
Suspended there, she receives information that flows directly into her cells. These instructions are sent from “home”—from that place where they help you build your “suit with your traits that you’re going to be,” Claire explains. You start out with what you come in with and can change how you see and move around in the world. These instructions are stored and remembered later when you need them.
These downloads contain information about the person that she will be. She reveals that the soul helps create the part of the suit where you agree what you’ll be. Then the ones who help you in prebirth planning tell you how that will happen and the traits and personality that go with that. It’s talked about, planned, and designed by them for you before you incarnate. They’re like tailors. They take what you’re planning to come for and make a suit for you to wear.
I ask Claire to tell me more about her prebirth planning. She clarifies that she knew she would be incarnating and would need a lot of enthusiasm, energy, the sense of that “I can do it!” feeling with her this time. Her soul works with her spiritual team of guides and her Soul Advisory Council in prebirth planning to give her what she will need for this incarnation as Claire. They give you the pieces you’ll need to remember to do when you incarnate. The suit has the memories in it, so they activate later when you need them.
I probe further, asking how this body will help her with what she is coming to do. “You can’t see the suit,” she explains. “At different times it will help you to do what you’re supposed to do, like how you see the world … it’s on the inside. It’s what makes you laugh at some things and not others. It’s hooked in. It’s the suit you put on to get born and has all you need in it. You hook into what you’ll need while you’re here, like how you see different than someone else does, it’s all there … it’s your ‘Birthday Suit.’”
The amount of energy a soul brings in for an incarnation varies depending on what’s required for the lifetime. Some souls bring more, others bring less. Claire knew she would need more energy this time because she has a big job to do, so she brought about 70 percent more this time, knowing there are a lot of unhappy people whom she has agreed to help.
Claire notices a door she is meant to go through. She knows she can enter it just by looking at it. She glances at it and slips inside. On the other side of the doorway are stars everywhere. She goes directly into the cosmic realms, bypassing a past life. It feels light, free, and quiet to be there. Suddenly a ball of light appears. It is her guide, whom she is meant to follow. He patiently takes her slowly along this pathway through the stars, so she can feel them and absorb the atmosphere here.
Next, Claire is taken to a place where other spirits are around her. She’s curious to see her soul group, the group of souls who incarnate together, playing different roles in one another’s lives throughout their various incarnations. They take on roles to help each other learn and experience. Claire’s guide tells her it isn’t time yet. She passes several family members she recognizes from her current life, some living and some deceased, who smile at her as she passes by. Because a part of one’s soul remains in the spirit world while one incarnates, souls are able to be in the spirit world in session and also in her current life as people Claire knows.
They continue to the Soul Awareness Area. Here Claire is shown pieces of everything. All kinds of things she has done are playing on a big viewing screen. There are also images she doesn’t recognize. These are places and people that she is instructed are important to see in case she might need them.
Along with the images, Claire receives a lot of information through an energy download that makes her feel tingly as it activates a soul recalibration. As I sit and observe, I am reminded that Earth is an emotional planet. It’s the planet where souls come to experience the range of emotions. All emotions are here. Half the battle of existing on this planet is managing one’s emotions. Some get here and tend to get stuck in either the good or the bad, forgetting they can move through the emotions and don’t have to limit themselves or their perception to just one.
Next, Claire is joined by the others who tell her there is more work to do. Emotional help is needed on Earth and that is the team she is on. “There are many changes coming our way on Earth. They ‘think’ it into your head. I’m to help with compassion. It’s what’s needed to help with these changes. The pulse of Earth is changing, it’s beating faster, and some can’t take the shift,” she reveals. “The vibration is changing because it’s not good how it is now. Lots of different people will soon be helping … teams of them … the pulse of all the spirits are all changing. We will be different, we’ll change with it.”
Claire is shown a heartbeat that speeds up and slows down. A piece is placed in her heart to hold as a reminder. It feels like blood pulsing through her veins. She understands this pulsing is happening around the planet, explaining that where souls meet is in that changed vibration. Claire knows instinctively that the energy of the heartbeat is shifting her into the right vibration for the work she is to do.
After a while, Claire’s guide instructs her to follow him to another space, where she’s surrounded by lights of different colors and begins to feel a pressure on the crown of her head. She reveals that this is a space for creating. Here, souls talk about things and then create them. She explains this is a place where you can “see” what you “think.” What you think you can then create.
The creative space opens up to a big field, which she tells me is a metaphor for one’s energy field. Her guide tells her you can think anything. He shows her that she can do that and always could. What’s held her back was not believing that she can.
The space starts to clear out as souls begin leaving. It is busy with souls moving about and going places. She asks about her soul group again and this time they appear. As a group, their common goal is to bring love and happiness down to Earth. They all do this differently, with the ultimate goal being to bring the vibration up by allowing happiness and joy. There is a lot of love in Claire’s soul group.
One group member brings back love from her travels and “puts” it into the energy field of others, so they can feel it too. Another, a driver for a ride-sharing service in a scenic part of the country, has a special connection to Earth. He pulls this energy in for his passengers to connect to along scenic routes on the way to their destination. Another member of the group works with geometry. Math, lines, and grids are the tools he uses to create spaces that people connect through. And lastly, the final member of the group helps bring order to those around him.
As they finish up here, Claire’s guide instructs her it is time to go back to the Soul Awareness area. He senses a bit of apprehension from her and tells her not to be afraid, that all the information is there so she’d understand it.
It is vast and beautiful here and holds the knowledge about all souls. Claire explains to me that “everything is here and there is information everywhere—who you are and who you always were … not just you but everyone you know, so much, I’m in awe … it’s all here, backward and forward from all of your lifetimes.” Claire feels more energy downloading as a continuation of her soul recalibration. She is reminded of her soul name, which means “to give.” As a soul she is a peacemaker and brings the desire to give and to pass love into each of the lifetimes she lives.
In Soul Reflection, she recalls a past life where she had not spoken up for someone and it cost them their life. Following a scuffle in a marketplace, the man she loved was falsely accused of stealing. Ali was her name then. A young Arab woman of about twenty years old, she had been afraid to get involved and afraid they wouldn’t believe her if she stepped up because she was a woman. She watched as they hauled him away in an open cart. He looked to her, pleading with his dark eyes for her help. She hid under her hooded veil, ashamed of herself for pretending not to know him.
She lost her life too when she lost her love. She punished herself for not speaking out on his behalf by living out her days in a cave. Lonely and isolated, she died looking much older than her years from living with the sadness and despair in the aftermath of her selfishness and what she had done.
Her guide does not scold her as she had initially feared; he only shows her what transpired. She is shown that he might have had a chance had she spoken up, but she didn’t even try. It may not have ended better for him, but even if she hadn’t been able to stop it, she would have been able to live with herself knowing that she had tried.
In her current life, she has the opportunity to overcome this karmic carryover. Her guide tells her to find her voice now, to believe in herself. He shows her a pattern set by people in her life who have taught her by their example to hold back and not stand out. He explains how everyone has a role and plays a part. Claire is shown how she’s learned this behavior and how she’s held herself back by not speaking up more or sooner. He gives her a sword of light to use when she needs to speak up, so she won’t be afraid to use her voice. He also tells her not to be so hard on herself as he reminds her that she is learning and can speak up without giving her power away. She’s learning to use her art and her writing to express herself too.
The energy of compassion is palpable in the room as the soul of Ali’s lost love shows up in her soul group and lets her know that all is forgiven. He had signed up for it and knew going in that he was going to die no matter what.
They continue on with an overview of lifetimes, so she can see how sometimes it is good and sometimes not good. Her soul reveals that this current time is important. She is not to give up, she is to keep going. There is light and there is resistance, but it can all be overcome. She’s to remember what she came in with and use that. Everything has been leading up to this one. All of it!
Assurances are made that all of the people on her team have incarnated this time. No one is missing; not even Ali’s lost love. She’s told to trust this last part that her group will be doing together. She is given glimpses of world events where everything is shifting. Some people feel despair. Claire knows despair and can help them with that.
Her guide shows a vase falling with a crack in the inner piece [peace]. This was a metaphor for watching the thoughts and the big confusion that is occurring with humans. He shares: “Lightworkers and others are fixing it. World events are happening so people are confused, scared, and acting out in dark ways. We’re not to be without hope, we can fix it … show different hands reaching up doing this work in many ways. The act of everyone working to soften the changes is part of their global purpose. We don’t have to be fearful; there’s a much bigger plan.”
Shifts in financial markets in the United States in past years have caused people to scramble and be confused. More will occur, but assurances were given that a whole new way is coming. Initially, people will be confused and won’t know what to think. They’re to know that they’ve outgrown the way the current financial system is run. These changes have to happen to make way for a new thought.
As the financial system changes, negativity will go with it. There will be a new type of exchange. People will understand about helping people. They won’t have things to hold over one another and will help each other out instead. It will be natural to help one another. That concept is far away from where things are right now. Souls and spirits on all dimensions are assisting with this shift. Not to worry, this shift will be like a “reset” that returns people to a simpler way.
Souls signed on to be here for this time in history. It will all be fine. Changes will come out for the better. Signals from our spiritual teams will come to guide those who pay attention to make the changes as needed, so they can do the work they came to do. Compassion will be a big part of it. You can’t put a price on enthusiasm. It will be a valued commodity in the future during these shifts.
Her guide signals it is time for Claire to visit with her Soul Advisory Council. The Soul Advisory Council goes by many names—Elders, Wise Beings, the Wise Ones. They are a group of wise beings, like a special committee, that supports souls with all phases of their incarnations. Claire is led into a big, big, big room where five white light beings are waiting. She feels nervous to be in their presence. Her guide is there with her, reminding her this is a safe place. Her Elders make her feel comfortable and she stops feeling as if she is being judged by them when she realizes she was judging herself. They smile and tell her they are pleased with her and how she’s behaved. Now, she’s to finish what she incarnated for. This is not a time to be passive, it’s a time to step up. She’s reminded to hold love and compassion and to take in everyone that needs it.
The Elders let Claire know that they hear her when she asks for help and are giving her what she needs. The Elder on the left appears more lighthearted and the one on right is more serious, while the ones in the middle seemed to strike a balance. She tells me they’ve been with her for lifetimes and are with her now.
She is reminded of her first incarnation on Earth during the time of Jesus, but she was not part of Jesus’s story. She lived in the same part of the world and everyone knew about him, but she never got to see him. In that life she was a stable boy. It was a lowly job, but she wasn’t unhappy. That life was a reminder about being humble, understanding, and making your own way. It didn’t matter what your walk in life was, it was a chance to hold your head up no matter who you were or what you did. She did it with determination and this is being called for again now. No matter what you do you can make the best of it. Claire reminisces with her Soul Advisory Council about incarnations on other worlds and the struggles that went on.
The lighthearted Elder signals to Claire that it’s time for her to come back. He laughs, divulging that the reason her Elders are all white light beings is to serve as a white light recharger for her spirit. “Recharge, recharge,” he muses. “Go back, bring change, and be brave!” Her guide tells her to stop worrying so much about what she can see and not see. She carries the information in her “birthday suit” so she need not worry; she was born with everything she needs!
The session ends with a vision of many hands, those of people and other beings, working on the situation at hand. It’s inevitable the vase will hit the ground, but it will be better after it does.
Following the session, Claire’s energy seems stronger, with less worry and self-doubt. Clearing the past life energy through insightful review with her guide clears away insecurities and guilt she felt from it, and her energy field looks bright. She finds solace in knowing her connection to the divine.
Her sense of purpose is strengthened now that she has a clearer understanding of her uniqueness as a soul and as the person she is now. She finds comfort in knowing it is okay to speak up more and use her voice, and in knowing that she was born with everything she needs. She looks great and feels grateful to be charged up!
_ Soul-Minded Journaling _
Recognizing Your Unique
Gifts, Skills, and Abilities
Everyone has gifts or talents that make them unique. Sometimes people don’t recognize their gifts as special, or they take them for granted, thinking everyone can do what they’re able to do naturally. Use this journaling exercise to discover and identify your own gifts and abilities. Take time to really look at yourself objectively to uncover the qualities you possess.
• One way to recognize your gifts is to look back to your childhood. What kinds of things did you enjoy doing without being told to do them? What activities were you naturally good at in school or in your social life? Were you afraid or curious as a child? Were you outgoing or were you shy?
• What gifts, skills, and abilities do you possess in your current life? Do you recognize the gifts that make you special? Learn to recognize what’s unique to you that you bring with you wherever you go. Do people turn to you for leadership, or a sense of comfort, or for a laugh because of your unique perspective on things? Do you have an upbeat attitude or sense of adventure? Are you a good listener or naturally organized? Do your talents lie in gardening or are animals naturally drawn to you? Are you good at building things or better at demolition? Are you great at manifesting things?
• What skills and abilities do you admire in others? What do others tell you they admire in you? Identify the special gifts you bring to your relationships and interactions with others.
• What are you naturally good at? What ways can you improve on strengths you naturally have, or overcome areas where you are deficient? What would you like to improve on? What abilities have you cultivated in yourself that you once admired in others? How do you feel about your abilities? How do they help you manage your life? Are you comfortable expressing who you are? What experiences or situations are keeping you from feeling comfortable being your true self? What makes you happy?
• Is your energy open and inviting, or restrictive and closed off? Find ways to boost your “birthday suit” to make your energy field fresh and new again! What makes you light up? What brings you joy?