Many people hold a false assumption that we are all supposed to grow old. The truth is we are all born with a purpose in life; a mission. Some fulfill that mission sooner than others. Regardless, when that mission is done, we are finished and return home, no matter our chronological age.
Why do some people seem to have everything laid out for them on a path to success while others struggle so along the way? Why do some people seem to be able to put their needs first and others seem to be more comfortable taking care of others’ needs before their own? Why are some people self-assured and others riddled with doubt? Why are some folks resilient and healthy, living to a ripe old age, while others suffer from illness or even die young? There are no accidents. People are exactly where they need to be in life, doing exactly what they need to be doing, even when it doesn’t appear to be so. The lessons are in the interactions, or lack thereof, with those around them. There is learning on both sides—as caretaker or the one being taken care of … as leader and as follower … as betrayer and as betrayed.
You were born for a reason. Understanding that reason not only helps make sense of life, it leads to greater fulfillment through a passionate quest for daily living. Without that knowledge, you can be left with a feeling of disconnection or even a sense of loss.
This collection of case studies will reveal the complexities the soul faces by design throughout its many incarnations, and how revisiting certain times in our soul’s history can provide insight and release energetic blockages that were impacting our current life incarnation. It is a chapter-by-chapter look at different past life and afterlife cases (which are unconnected and independent of one another) to explore many aspects of a soul’s incarnations, showing that life is not a random series of events.
Souls learn with each lifetime they experience. As one spiritual guide stated, “No life is wasted, there are lessons in every kind of life.” For example, there are wealthy lives and poor lives where souls experience unhappiness, restriction, and laziness; and there are other wealthy lives and poor lives where souls experience happiness, love, and joy. Economic status is not a measure of happiness or pain.
The exercises at the end of each chapter bring you practical ways to achieve a greater connection with your soul energy. Doing so ultimately leads to a greater sense of inner harmony, self-confidence, and trust.
About Me
I have always been fascinated with the idea of reincarnation; even when I was a little girl I often wondered where we come from. After hearing in church that we had life everlasting and would go on to greener pastures, it left me pondering: if we go on somewhere, then we must come from somewhere, too. I was left with more questions without answers. Without knowing it, I had laid the foundation for my career as a hypnotherapist, helping myself and others find the answers to these questions and more.
I came to this work unexpectedly. I was on the East Coast pursuing my dream of being an actress, and I sought out a regressionist for a past life session to clear what was holding me back in my acting career. One past life regression turned into a future progression, which gave me glimpses into future events I would experience. I saw myself standing in a field of prairie grass, looking out over the hillside. There were trees metaphorically holding “apples” that represented gigs that were to come. I was told that I would go to Los Angeles for one reason, but it would change into something else while I was there. I didn’t know what that meant at the time, but I knew I had to go to figure it out.
All the pieces fell into place when, not long after the session, I got a call from an actress friend living in Los Angeles. She encouraged me to come out there, so I did. After arriving in LA, I enrolled in an acting class, and soon signed with an agent. I began auditioning for whatever I could and within a short period of time I booked commercials and had a few smaller parts in films.
Through a series of events, I found myself on location in an area north of LA called “the Grapevine,” standing in a field while filming a commercial. I had my own dressing room with my name and star on the door. It felt magical to be there! I stepped out to look at the view over the hillside when someone warned me to be careful of snakes. I looked down at my feet and up again, when I suddenly had a flashback to the future progression that had led me to LA. I was standing in that same field with the prairie grass and the trees that I had been shown glimpses of; it caused me to think about the interconnectedness of things.
I loved LA and had a blast auditioning, booking gigs, and meeting up with my friends afterward to share audition stories. Then one day it struck me that it was time to move behind the scenes. The years I spent in LA were instrumental. Having moved beyond my own personal limitations, I knew I could help others with theirs using hypnosis and past life regression. I found the interconnectedness of things even more amazing as I thought of all that had transpired to get me here. I also realized I had come out to LA in search of a dream but found something else I could bring home that I was equally, if not more, passionate about.
This led me to begin training in a new career as a hypnotherapist and regressionist. I was so excited to get to learn how to do this and immersed myself in learning all I could! While still in LA, I took hypnosis training and, after returning to the East Coast, I sought out the best regressionists in my field for training.
I have been fortunate to have studied spiritual regression with many of the great teachers in this field. My early training was with Roger Woolger, Michael Newton, Brian Weiss, Henry Bolduc, and others. With each one I learned the most amazing things. I am so grateful to have had the chance to learn from them then, because as of this writing, many of them have moved on to the afterlife themselves. Now their work will live on and evolve through their students as they assist us from the cosmic realms.
I found a kindred spirit in Roger Woolger, who is known for his therapeutic ancestral work for accessing and clearing sense memories stored in the physical and subtle bodies and accessing the spiritual realm, referred to by Buddhists as the bardo state. I was on a study track with Roger and this fascinating work when I discovered Michael Newton.
Michael Newton was a remarkable teacher and his Life Between Lives Hypnotherapy course answered the many questions I had about a soul’s preplanning with guides prior to incarnating and review after an incarnation. The bigger picture was starting to make more sense to me. This left me at a crossroads; whether to continue with Roger Woolger or learn more from Michael Newton. It was at Roger’s next course that he encouraged me to keep learning and suggested that I teach.
Just over a year after taking Life Between Lives Hypnotherapy Certification with Michael Newton, I was asked by my colleague Paul Aurand to help Michael and others launch The Newton Institute for Life Between Lives Hypnotherapy (TNI). I served on an interim board before becoming VP/Membership Director and an international lead instructor. It was with Paul’s support that I stepped into my role as teacher—for the institute and for my own hypnosis practice.
We went on to build an international organization with members in over forty countries. I served as a board member for seven years, as well as an international lead instructor, before stepping down from the board to focus on my own work. And in 2014, two years after leaving The Newton Institute, I was honored to receive the Peggy Newton Award for Outstanding Service.
The years I spent at TNI were an important step in my journey and I appreciate the support from Michael Newton and the camaraderie with my colleagues in this emerging field of mindful exploration. It was during this time that I also met and studied with Brian Weiss.
Michael Newton remained a dear friend and mentor. As synchronicity would have it, we regularly saw one another when I was teaching my certification courses near where Michael and his wife, Peggy, lived up until his passing. We’d reminisce about the early days of the Newton Institute. I treasure the time I spent with them and hold those memories close.
It’s important to note that my father had a lifelong interest in the power of the mind to overcome obstacles and maintain wellness in the body. He certified in hypnosis many years before I did, focusing on self-hypnosis. And it was my mother who encouraged me to follow my dreams to see where they led. As a second-generation hypnotherapist, I come to this work naturally, though I took an indirect path.
Doing this work, I had found my true calling! Teaching the Hypno-Skillsets and Past Life Hypno-Regression certification courses I’ve developed to my own international student base gives me great satisfaction, as I help others overcome challenges and connect with the innate wisdom within themselves. I started doing Life Between Lives Spiritual Regression sixteen years ago. Over time, my sessions shifted from my original training as my own work evolved into what I now call All Lives Regression and Soul Expression Spiritual Regression (SESR).
About this Book
The clients in the cases used in this book came for SESR sessions to gain insight into their soul’s intention and earthly lessons for their current incarnation. This book is about clients finding and following their soul’s guidance, and includes exercises designed for the reader to begin the process of awakening to soul. The stories are taken from session recordings, notes taken during the session, and follow-up notes afterward. Stories in this book are based on hours of session time. During this time, clients often deliver long, rambling passages filled with rich insights from guides; I have paraphrased these for clarity and condensed them down to the chapters in the book.
In writing this book, my clients’ names have been changed and personal details left out to protect their identity. I have also chosen to leave out their soul names, soul colors, and guides’ names, because these are intensely personal to them. Where guides’ names are mentioned, they have been changed. Names and places have been verified for accuracy where possible, and sometimes those of famous people and places in a past life were left out, so as to not detract from the deeper message of the story. Famous or not, they are just souls incarnating to have the experience they needed.
What is Soul Expression Spiritual Regression?
This work developed over time from my own training and experience in past lives and Life Between Lives when I saw an opportunity to expand this work to enhance the soul connection. Soul Expression Spiritual Regression is a transpersonal hypno-regression technique for accessing the soul level of the mind. A SESR (pronounced sessor, as in “assessor”) session offers a review of one’s current life, which permits the magnification of one’s soul in the current mind and body. It allows one to identify and review the past and future simultaneously from the perspective of the current life, with direct guidance from one’s soul and spiritual team for clarification of one’s current life purpose. Armed with insights regarding one’s strengths, weaknesses, and progress to this point in life, one can resolve current life issues affected by karmic carryover and move forward with greater clarity, joy, and peace for restorative balance.
Simply put, a SESR session is an assessment session that allows clients to review and assess their current life status midway through a lifetime, rather than at their death, when it is normally done. By making connections at the soul level of the mind, a SESR session helps clients find and follow their soul’s guidance, identify negative patterns, and move through their issues more quickly. This saves time; the client avoids having to be born and start all over again to complete lessons.
The soul is the link between the human and Source. In order to be in unison, there must be a meeting of both the human self and the soul self. SESR opens this connection at the human level to the presence of one’s soul self, which resides in each of us; here, an energy transfer takes places that strengthens that connection for direct communication with one’s soul and spiritual team. During this process, the client lifts their energy vibration to a level that increases communications with guides and one’s soul, as guides lower their own energy vibration. The communications take place in the middle where the two meet. SESR is about connecting with the soul self and bringing those attributes more fully into your human expression.
SESR shifts the focus onto bringing in soul energy and shifting the subtle bodies for a recharge and magnification of one’s soul expression in their current incarnation. This knowledge provides soul guidance and alignment to aid in achieving one’s purpose faster and better.
Too often people set an intention and when it doesn’t unfold immediately or in the time they expect it to, they change their focus to something else before it’s able to come to fruition. The seeds of intention must be nourished with thoughts of desired outcomes while taking actions toward that end. They must be given time to grow, along with flexibility and inner guidance in knowing what direction to go in. Through SESR’s personal assessment and its energy work, clients can learn to look at their current life with a new perspective. It’s a chance to look at issues and identify them in their current life to shift what needs shifting for a deeper understanding of one’s true self.
Prerequisite to SESR
Prior to experiencing a SESR session, clients have had at least one past life or All Lives Regression with me. “Past life regression” is too limiting and is not truly an accurate term, since lifetimes are not necessarily lived in a linear order. I’ve developed a technique called All Lives Regression, which I use to prepare clients for SESR; it allows clients to access all lifetimes, past and future, to find the one(s) that hold the answers they need to bring resolution. Revisiting another lifetime serves as a tool for gaining insights and healing old wounds to get the most from the current life; this fosters the client’s growth along the way. The life you’re in is the important one.
With regard to future events, clients can be shown glimpses of potential future events, but the future is not laid out for them. They must find their way forward. Clients have free will to choose to do something or not. There are no absolutes.
What makes SESR different from traditional Life Between Lives Spiritual Regression is the method used to access the spirit world, and how the time is spent in the spirit world. In a typical Life Between Lives session, clients are regressed through their current life, into the womb, and into a past life. The past life death scene serves as the entry point into the spirit world. In SESR, clients are given the option to go directly into the spirit world, bypassing the womb and past life altogether, so that more time can be spent in the spirit world. Information regarding a relevant past life is often given by guides later in the spirit world without taking the client through a complete past life.
The SESR model evolved with each client, and was developed over the years as my clients began bypassing certain areas of the spirit world that were interesting, but not always necessary for them to visit.
Why Do Clients Seek SESR?
Many cultures recognize the immortal existence of the soul and its incarnations into various bodies and lifetimes. They access this wisdom with the help of shamans, psychic mediums, and seers who possess special abilities to tune in on behalf of the client. SESR allows the client this direct access to themselves.
My clients come from all walks of life, with different belief systems regarding life, politics, and religion. The common thread that joins them all is their belief in something more than this current physical life, and their desire to know more about the role they play in it. They come from all over the world for SESR sessions, yet their findings are consistent with one another, regardless of nationality or religion.
Most seek out a SESR session for one of the following reasons: to find and enhance the connection with their soul to better follow their soul’s guidance while in this current incarnation; to make contact and strengthen communications with their guides; to discover more about their current life’s mission and what they are here to do; or to find peace and possibly make contact with loved ones who have crossed over.
No matter the path that led them to my office, clients desiring a SESR session are seeking answers and understanding while living this earthly existence. They find comfort in knowing that they are not alone, but have assistance along the way from their spiritual team, who are there to help them succeed. These sessions provide insightful awareness that allows them to put worries and concerns to rest, to find peace, and to move forward feeling more empowered with the understanding that they were born with a purpose and that there is no one who is just like them, even identical twins. Every soul is unique!
What Happens During a SESR Session?
A SESR session is three and a half to four hours long. It is preceded by an All Lives Session of about two hours on a different day to prepare the client, getting them used to working in a deeper trance state. A few clients choose to do more than one All Lives Session before having the SESR done.
Clients are guided into a deep meditative state using hypnosis techniques. Each client’s experience is unique. Some clients travel to places in the spirit world, while others get the information through conversations and interactions with guides. Clients tend to describe similar areas or groups, which I refer to as “Soul Reflection,” “Soul Awareness,” and “Soul Advisory Council.” (Please refer to the glossary at the back of this book for a description of terms used in the stories.) Clients may visit Soul Reflection, where they are given glimpses into significant lives (past and future) that hold relevant information to their current incarnation. The client’s spiritual team—consisting of guides and Soul Advisory Council—give input as to their progress. During this process their guides come through as intermediaries for the client to assist them and provide guidance. As this happens, clients communicate telepathically with their guides and then share with me verbally what is said. Often while in this meditative state the soul, a guide, or sometimes a member of the Soul Advisory Council speaks directly through the client to me. When this happens, the client is still present and aware of what is being said. Their voice changes from their natural speaking voice and they speak about the client in the third person.
One’s state of readiness and ability to let go are important factors in accessing the wisdom within. Everyone comes to these sessions with different experiences and varying levels of awareness. This is not something that’s done “to” a client. They must be open to the experience and actually participate in it. Everything one has done in their life to this point can either assist (or hinder) access to this place deep within.
Clients experience a great deal in the session that is more than can be put into a few words. In the stories that follow, it’s important to note that not all clients are “visual,” although the stories may read that way. A visual client “sees” images or scenes during the session, an auditory client “hears” the information, and some clients get information kinetically, through “feelings” or a “sense of knowing.”
In this deeper state of hypnosis, one can create a channel for communication to align with the soul. Upon emerging from this deeper state, clients are free from karmic entanglements and left with a greater sense of clarity about their current life purpose.
Practical Takeaway for a
Soul-Minded Approach to Living
What does it mean to be soul minded? It means knowing that we are more than the flesh and bones that make up our human self, and that we are connected to our own spiritual team on the other side who assist us along our earthly journey. Knowing this brings comfort, but there’s more to it than that. Your soul knows what you need, and it is available to you when you know how to listen and connect to it through intuitive awareness.
You can ask for help and when you know how to look for the signs you can “know” to navigate your path more easily. It begins with getting “quiet” and turning inward.
In session, clients are given messages from their guides that directly relate to them. There are other messages that have dual meanings that relate not only to that individual client but also to humanity and our human existence. Exercises at the end of each chapter offer practical applications for you to begin learning the soul-minded approach in your own life (be sure to do these in a safe place and never while driving). These exercises are to help you with finding and following your own soul’s guidance.
Emotions such as fear, jealousy, shame, and guilt are lower level energies that sit densely on the physical and subtle bodies. Shifting your thinking away from them and onto higher energies like love, joy, and happiness enlivens the subtle bodies with vitality and openness to intuition. Each exercise is designed to clear and lift your energy vibration to bring more joy into your life as you strengthen communications with your guides and soul.
How You as the Reader Will Benefit
I have found myself personally touched by each and every one of my clients, which has, I hope, made me more understanding and compassionate of their plight in life. It has also given me insight into events in my own life, knowing we are not alone; there is a guiding force underneath it all. I hope that by reading these stories you will feel this, too.
I share on the following pages as a way of being authentic to what transpired during these deeply profound sessions. Statements made by guides on such topics as politics or religion are not meant to be for or against any one group, but are important to give perspective on matters that can help one understand why some things are as they are. It is my hope that you will find the accounts in this book helpful in some way and find peace in knowing that life is eternal and the soul lives on.