The editors first thank the chapter authors for their patience during the long germination of this volume. The shift in editorial responsibilities forced by Lane Beck’s illness and the subsequent delay following closure of the Smithsonian Institution Press have all taken their temporal toll. Charlotte Roberts deserves special appreciation for taking on her chapter during the final stages of manuscript preparation, when she was exceedingly busy with other matters. We are indebted to Mary Powell for compiling Chapter 7, and several folks joined the search for the Joseph Jones collection: Susan Anton, Eric Baker, Della Cook, Rachel Griffin, Mary Manhein, Christine McGee, Kevin Smith, Jamie Suskewicz, David Hurst Thomas, and John Verano. Others read sections and offered cogent comments: Jerry Cybulski, Lynne Goldstein, and Tiffany Tung. Our enduring gratitude to you all!
We extend very special and heartfelt appreciation to Melissa LaLiberte, who diligently and effectively read and checked references prior to manuscript submission. Early stages of preparation and writing were supported by an American Fellowship to Beck from the American Association of University Women and a summer Fellowship at the School of American Research.
Jane E. Buikstra
Lane A. Beckxxii