Section I
People and Projects: Early Landmarks in American Bioarchaeology
Chapter 1
A Historical Introduction
Jane E. Buikstra
Della Collins Cook
viiiChapter 3
The Changing Role of Skeletal Biology at the Smithsonian
Douglas H. Ubelaker
Chapter 4
Kidder, Hooton, Pecos, and the Birth of Bioarchaeology
Lane Anderson Beck
Gordon F. M. Rakita
Chapter 6
A New Deal for Human Osteology
George R. Milner and Keith P. Jacobi
Chapter 7
Invisible Hands: Women in Bioarchaeology
Mary Lucas Powell, Della Collins Cook, Georgieann Bogdan, Jane E. Buikstra, Mario M. Castro, Patrick D. Horne, David R. Hunt, Richard T. Koritzer, Sheila Ferraz Mendonça de Souza, Mary Kay Sandford, Laurie Saunders, Glaucia Aparecida Malerba Sene, Lynne Sullivan, and John J. Swetnam
Section II
Emerging Specialties
ixChapter 8
Behavior and the Bones
Osbjorn M. Pearson and Jane E. Buikstra
Chapter 9
A Brief History of Paleodemography from Hooton to Hazards Analysis
Susan R. Frankenberg and Lyle W. Konigsberg
Chapter 10
A Post-Neumann History of Biological and Genetic Distance Studies in Bioarchaeology
Lyle W. Konigsberg
Chapter 11
The Evolution of American Paleopathology
Della Collins Cook and Mary Lucas Powell
Jerome C. Rose and Dolores L. Burke
Section III
On to the 21st Century
xChapter 13
The Changing Face of Bioarchaeology: An Interdisciplinary Science
Clark Spencer Larsen
Chapter 14
Mortuary Analysis and Bioarchaeology
Lynne Goldstein
Chapter 15
Repatriation and Bioarchaeology: Challenges and Opportunities
Jane E. Buikstra
Chapter 16
A View from Afar: Bioarchaeology in Britain
Charlotte A. Roberts