Abcam, 120121

Abgent, 119120

adaptive trial design, 213215

Africans, 128

aging, 33

AIDS, 142143

Akey, Joshua, 128, 129, 184186

Albert Einstein College of Medicine, 180

Alberts, Bruce, 193194

Alkhateeb, Ahmed, 231

Allison, David, 182183

ALS (aka Lou Gehrig’s disease or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis), 2, 82, 155156

ALS experimental design, 5363

animal model as valid surrogate for human disease and, 6869

animal studies vs. human drug trials and, 54, 5557, 5859

drug development, 62

drug testing costs, 5657

funding, 5354, 57, 6162

grant application guidelines, 6062

reproducibility, 5960, 62

ALS TDI. See ALS Therapy Development Institute

ALS Therapy Development Institute (ALS TDI), 5556, 6163, 68

Alzheimer’s disease, 1, 2, 11, 42, 82, 83

American Society for Cell Biology (ASCB), 16

American Society for Reproductive Medicine, 105

American Statistical Association, 138

American Type Culture Collection (ATCC), 98, 103, 106, 107

Amgen, 79, 16, 26, 39, 40, 116

amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. See ALS

anatomic pathologists, 200201. See also pathologists

Andersen, Olaf, 45, 178

anesthesia, 198

animal model, as valid surrogate for human disease, 6869

animal-research guidelines, 233

animal studies, 6465

animals used in, 71, 72

bias in, 7576

chips in place of, 8587

deadly consequences of, 7172

drug development and, 91

drug testing and reliance on mice in, 7479

drug-toxicity tests and, 7273

drugs for hepatitis B and, 7172

elimination of variables and, 7980

failure rates, 81

human disease and, 73, 76

vs. human drug trials, 54, 5557, 5859, 7172, 77

induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells in place of, 8384

laboratory vs. wild mice in, 7879

mouse lab issues and, 7982

for neurological disease as irrelevant, 8283

number of animals used in, 7374

replacements for, 8287

shortcomings, 7174

technology and, 8387, 8788

antibody testing, 232

gene-editing technology and, 120121

improving the quality of, 118122

index array slides and, 119

irisin for weight loss and, 116118

melanoma and, 112113

misleading results from, 112118

reproducibility and, 122

anticancer drugs, 5152, 89, 109, 199

Aristotle, 30

Arizona State University, 21, 199, 212213, 235

Armanios, Mary, 3536

ARRIVE guidelines, 233

Artandi, Steven, 35, 36

arthritis, 142

Artman, Stan, 112114

ASCB. See American Society for Cell Biology

Asia, 178

Asians, 127130, 184186

aspirin, 73

asthma, 132

AstraZeneca, 75

ATCC, 107

Australia, 97, 214

autism, 84

Bacon, Francis, 3031

bacterial genes, 152

bad science, natural selection of, 188

badges, 232

Baggerly, Keith, 123125, 126127, 129130

Barker, Anna, 2122, 201203, 213215

basic research, 11, 17

batch effect, 125, 126130, 184185

cancer research and, 201

Bayer, 910, 11

study of reproducibility failures, 5960

Begley, C. Glenn, 710, 1213, 14, 2527, 39, 40, 60, 116, 157158, 220, 227228

Belgium, 106


in animal studies, 7576

in reproducibility, 15, 4044

Biden, Beau, 19

Biden, Joe, 19

big data, 130133, 196. See also data analysis; data sharing

biologicals, 91

biology, 31, 3435, 36, 38, 130

Darwin and, 169170

as quantitative, 203

from small studies to big data and, 196

biomarker validation, 210213, 211212

costs, 212

reproducibility and, 211

biomedical research

acknowledgment of problems in, 34

analysis (see data analysis)

animal-research guidelines, 233

ARRIVE guidelines, 233

competition for postdoctoral academic, 173174

confirmatory vs. exploratory, 140141, 145, 147

costs, 2, 219

data-driven medicine and, 218221

drugs and (see drugs/pharmaceuticals)

federal support for, 3

fraudulent, 7

funding (see research funding)

incentives to improve, 224235

incentives to improve, and badges, 232

meta-research and, 216, 217218

method shortcuts and, 1, 3, 4

methodology, 150, 165

methodology sharing, 150

needed improvement in, 223224

non-attachment and, 32

pharmaceutical companies, and incentives to improve, 227228

poor quality of, 227228

problems and solutions, 192196, 216, 217236

publishing guidelines and checklists, 233

quality over quantity, 235, 236

raising awareness and, 233

raising standards and, 233234

reasons for slowness of, 1

research reproducibility (see reproducibility)

self-correction, 143

to speed up and to slow down, 235

training for career in, 28

Transparency and Openness Promotion (TOP) guidelines, 233

unforced and unnecessary errors in, 3

as weak and errant, 7

See also breast cancer research; cancer research; fertility research; genetic research; genomics research; glioblastoma/brain cancer research; meta-research

biomedical scientists

challenges facing, 2930

competition among, 170179, 194 (see also scientific misconduct)

fooling oneself and, 2930, 31

promotions and tenure and, 12, 174, 224226, 233

resistance to disruptive ideas by, 78

rewards and penalties and, 12

set up for failure, 12

solutions to structural and funding problems and, 192196

sources of bias and error among, 15

biophysicists, 5758, 230

biostatisticians, 4, 126, 142143, 185186. See also statistical significance; statistics

Bissell, Mina, 46

Blackburn, Elizabeth, 3335

blood infections, 78

blood-pressure drugs, 1718

blunt instruments, 4344

Boldt, Joachim, 181

bone marrow stem cells

transdifferentiation and, 2325

See also stem cells

Boos, Dennis, 136137

Bourne, Henry, 190, 194196

brain cell research, 84

brain damage, stroke related, 7475, 76

brain tumor/cancer research. See glioblastoma/brain cancer research

breast cancer research, 219, 222

adaptive trial design and, 214215

breast cancer test and, 199

cell lines and, contamination and misidentification of, 99104

genetic profiling of, 212

tissue collection and analysis and, 199200

breast tissue/breast-reduction surgery, 4547

Bristol, Muriel, 134135

Broad Institute, Cambridge, MA, 62, 204205, 207

Brown, Pat, 100

Bugge, Thomas, 4849

burns, 7778

Caileau, Relda, 99, 102

Califf, Robert, 226

Campbell, Bill, 121

cancer, 1, 11, 33, 109

cancer-causing agents, 73

drug development, 203210

metastatic, 2, 4749, 100, 114

See also specific cancers

Cancer Genome Atlas, The (TCGA), 202

cancer immunotherapy, 5152

cancer research, 710, 2122, 89, 195

acknowledgment of inability to reproduce and, 10

adaptive trial design, 213215

antibody testing and, 112113

batch effect and, 201

blood sample collection, 201

cell lines, 204205, 207209

cell lines and, contamination and misidentification of, 9496, 99104, 106109

chemotherapy and, 8

clinical trial failure rate, 21

costs, 22, 210

G-CSF and, 8

genomics research and, 202203

problems, 22

reproducibility in, 810, 156164

standard operating procedures and, 202203

tissue collection and, 197203

See also breast cancer research; glioblastoma/brain cancer research; other specific cancers

Capes-Davis, Amanda, 9799, 99, 102, 111

Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden, 177

Casadevall, Arturo, 1718, 164, 165167, 169170, 182, 236

Catholic University of America, 96

Caucasians, 127130, 184186

Cech, Tom, 3638, 171

Cell, 175, 176179

cell banks, 97, 98, 103, 106, 107, 110

cell-fingerprinting technology, 98

cell lines, 130, 203, 232, 233

antibody tests and, 122

cancer, 9496, 99104, 106109, 204205, 207209

cell lines, contamination and misidentification of, 93122

authentication and, 109, 122

avoidance of misidentification, 109111

breast cancer research and, 99104

cancer research and, 9496, 99104, 106109

cell-fingerprinting technology and, 98

cell line sharing and, 110

fertility research and, 9394, 104106

glioblastoma/brain cancer research and, 106107

NIH and, 9697, 108109

SNP analysis and, 111

testing systems and, 110111

cells, 1011

brain, 84

induced pluripotent stem (iPS), 8384

See also stem cells

Center for Open Science, Charlottesville, VA, 146, 157, 232

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 19

Chavalarias, David, 41

chemistry, 38

chemotherapy, 8

Cheung, Vivian, 127128, 184186

Children’s National Medical Center, Washington, DC, 44, 64

China, 133, 178, 214

chips, in place of animal studies, 8587

cholesterol-lowering drugs, 72

Cleveland Clinic Foundation, 93, 104, 105106

clinical pathologists, 200. See also pathologists

clinical research, 222223, 147

coffee, 73

Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Long Island, 170

Collins, Francis, 16, 5960, 151, 152153

colon cancer, 197198, 204

commercial motivation, 142

“Common Genetic Variants Account for Differences in Gene Expression Among Ethnic Groups” (Spielman and Cheung), 128


among biomedical scientists, 170179, 194 (see also scientific misconduct)

federal grants and, 174, 176

high-impact journal publications and, 174179

postdoctoral academic research and, 173174

promotion and tenure and, 174

telomerase discovery and, 170172

Compton, Carolyn, 197202

confirmatory research

vs. exploratory research, 140141, 145, 147

A Conspiracy of Cells (Gold), 95

coronary artery disease, 132

Correlogic Systems, 125

Crick, Francis, 33

CRISPR, 120121

Cure Duchenne, 65

Curtin, Daniel, 20

Curtin, Kevin, 20

Curtin, Lester “Randy,” 1920

Curtin, Sally, 1920

Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, 46, 205, 207

Darwin, Charles, 169170

data analysis

batch effect and, 125, 126130

big data and, 130133, 196

commercial motivation and, 142

disclosure and openness and, 143

exploratory vs. confirmatory research and, 140141

HARKing and, 140142

p-hacking and, 139140

p-value and, 126, 134138, 139141

problems, 125143

reproducibility and, 130

statistical significance and, 133138, 139

data-driven medicine, 218221

data sharing, 150156

reproducibility and, 150

transparency and, 150, 152

Davis, Mark, 4952

Davis, Ron, 7778

Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, 84

depression, 132

Desai, Nina, 9394, 104106

dexpramipexole (“dex”), 55

diabetes, 90

diet drugs, 89

digital data

genomics research and, 203

direct observation, 3133

disease advocacy organizations, 63

DNA. See under genetic research

DNA sequencing. See under genetic research

Down syndrome, 84

drug development, 8991

ALS experimental design and, 62

animal studies and, 91

biologicals and, 91

biomarker validation and, 210213

cancer and genome data collection, 203210

chance and, 90

halt in, due to expense, 18

off-target effects and, 91

drug testing, 6467

costs and ALS experimental design, 5657

reliance on mice in, 7479

drug-toxicity tests, 7273

drug trials, 1920, 2122, 223

vs. animal studies, 54, 5557, 5859, 7172, 77

drug/pharmaceutical companies

vs. academia and retaining jobs, and reproducibility, 212

anticancer drugs and, 5152

file drawer effect and, 147148

incentives to improve biomedical research and, 227228

reliance on biomedical research by, 8, 13


anti-arthritis, 142

anticancer, 5152, 89, 109, 199

antisepsis, 7778

approval rate of new, 18

blood-pressure, 1718

for brain damage caused by stroke, 7475, 76

cholesterol-lowering, 72

diet, 89

FDA approval and, 142143

halt in development due to expense of, 18

hepatitis B, 7172

HIV, 142143

ovarian cancer blood test, 123125, 127

pain, 7677

progress in mid-1990s, 18

serious injury, 7778

testing failures of, 17

type 2 diabetes, 90

worsening state of development of, 18

Duchenne muscular dystrophy

TACT and, 65

Duchenne muscular dystrophy experimental design, 6367

See also muscular dystrophy; muscular dystrophy experimental design, 63

Duke University, 116

education. See scientific education

Einstein, Albert, 192

Eisen, Michael, 230

eLife, 158, 159, 161, 178

Ellis, Lee, 10, 11, 60

Emory University, 104

Emulate, 8487

Erickson, Harold, 116118

Errington, Tim, 157, 158, 160162

estrogen, 219, 222

Europe, 153, 224

European Commission, 64

European Union, 67

evolution, theory of, 169170

experimental design, 165. See also ALS experimental design; muscular dystrophy experimental design

experimental science, 29

exploratory research

vs. confirmatory research, 140141, 145, 147

Faculty of 1000, 230

Failure: Why Science Is So Successful (Firestein), 3839

Fanelli, Daniele, 186, 229

Fang, Ferric, 182

FDA. See Food and Drug Administration

federal registration system, 147150

fertility research

cell lines and, contamination and misidentification of, 9394, 104106

fetal bovine serum, 45

Feynman, Richard, 29

fialuridine (FIAU), 7172

FIAU. See fialuridine

fibronectin, 4445

file drawer effect, 147148

Firestein Stuart, 3839, 40

Fisher, Ronald “R. A.,” 134135

Fisher’s Exact Test, 134135

Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 1617, 66, 87, 105, 160, 211, 226

AIDS and HIV and, 142143

breast cancer test and, 199

laboratory practice guidelines of, 227

new-drug approval by, 142143

ovarian cancer blood test and, 123, 125

Food and Drug Administration Modernization Act, 147

fooling oneself

reproducibility and, 2930, 31, 34, 4044


scientific misconduct and, 179186

Freedman, Leonard, 1314, 126

Freshney, R. Ian, 9798

Fujii, Yoshitaka, 181

funding. See research funding

“Future of Research” meetings, 193

G-CSF, 8

Galileo, 30

Garner, Joseph, 7982

Garraway, Levi, 206208, 210

GBM Agile, 214

gene-editing technology, 120121

Genetech, 110114, 207, 208, 210

genetic research, 127130, 184186

DNA, 3334, 127128, 152, 155156

DNA sequencing technology, 88, 202, 203

genetics, 131, 170

genomics, 131

genomics research, 130133, 151154, 156

cancer and, 202203

data and, 152153, 203210

digital data and, 203

sequencing and, 88, 202, 203

Georgia State University, 190

Germany, 116117, 181

Gilead Pharmaceuticals, 143

GIP. See good institutional practice

Gleevec, 89

glioblastoma/brain cancer research

adaptive trial design and, 213215

cell lines and, contamination and misidentification of, 106107

clinical trial failures, 1920, 2122

personal story of clinical trials and, 1920

See also cancer; cancer research

Global Biological Standards Institute, 1314

Gold, Michael, 95

Goldacre, Ben, 148

good institutional practice (GIP), 228

Goodman, Steven, 3132, 137, 217219, 221, 222224, 229230

Gottesman, Michael, 103, 108109

grants. See research grants

Great Britain, 120, 230

Greenland, Sander, 221

Greider, Carol, 3336, 175

Haibe-Kains, Benjamin, 205207

Hall, Richard, 192

HARKing (hypothesizing, post-result), 140142, 145150. See also hypotheses

Hartung, Thomas, 7273, 84

Harvard Medical School, 204, 208, 231

Harvard University, 116, 117, 193, 198

Hawking, Stephen, 54

HealthPartners Institute, Minnesota, 186

heart attacks, 142

heart disease, 132, 219, 222

Henderson, Richard, 192

hepatitis B, 7172

Herceptin, 199

Hesterlee, Sharon, 66

HHMI. See Howard Hughes Medical Institute

Hicks, David, 199

high blood pressure, 132

Hines, Curt, 4547

Hinojosa, Chris, 8687

Hippocrates, 196

HIV, 71, 142143, 192, 210


Hoffman, Eric, 44, 6365

hormone replacement therapy, 219, 222

Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI), 24, 37, 49, 158, 183

human cells

biomedical research and, 1011

human disease

animal model as valid surrogate for, 6869

animal studies and, 73, 76

human drug trials, 1920, 2122, 223

vs. animal studies, 54, 5557, 5859, 7172, 77

Human Genome Project, 153

hypotheses, 232

Darwin and, 169170

federal registration system and, 147150

post-result (see HARKing)

hysterectomies, 219

Ice Bucket Challenge of 2014, 5354

images, misleading, 191192

The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks (Skloot), 94

immune system checkpoint inhibitors, 5152

immunology, 5052

index array slides, 119

induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells, 8384

inflammation, 7778

influenza genomes, 154

injuries, 7778

Institute for Genomic Research, The (TIGR),151152

Institute of Medicine, 72

interferons, 51

International Cell Line Authentication Committee, 99

The Invention of Science (Wootton), 30

investors, 65

Ioannidis, John, 11, 41, 132133, 203, 218222, 224


weight loss and, 116118

Irwin, Veronica, 148149

Japan, 72, 179, 181

Johns Hopkins, 127, 221, 236

Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, 1718, 164

Johns Hopkins Hospital, 94

Johns Hopkins University, 72, 77, 153, 175, 182, 217, 227, 228

Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, 35

Johnson, Valen, 137138

Journal of Cell Biology, 4748

Journal of Proteome Research, 213

journal publications

failure rate in, 220222

false findings in, 217222

false-positive results in, 220

guidelines, 233

high-impact, and competition, 174179

high-impact, and scientific misconduct, 190191, 193

incentives to improve, and badges/openness badges, 232

promotion and tenure issues and, 224226 (see also under biomedical scientists)

reproducibility and, 177178

research comment sites and, 230

retractions and, 229

scientific misconduct and, 179186

self-retractions and, 229

journal publishers

efforts to improve reproducibility and, 228233

Kaplan, Robert, 148149

Kennedy, Ted, 19

Kiermer, Veronique, 172, 176177, 178179

Kimmelman, Jonathan, 234235

Kirschner, Marc, 193194

Knoepfler, Paul, 230

Korch, Christopher, 94, 99, 102105

Korea, 178

Kunkel, Louis, 63

La Barbera, Andrew, 105

LaBaer, Josh, 212213

laboratory practice guidelines, 227

Lancet, 124, 125

Landis, Story, 5859

Law, Peter, 63

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, 46, 192

Leek, Jeff, 128, 129, 184186, 221

leptin, 73

leukemia, 204

Levner, Daniel, 8687

life expectancy, 2

Lingner, Joachim, 171

lipidomics, 131

literature. See scientific literature

Lorsch, Jon, 165

Lou Gehrig’s disease. See ALS

Lyell, Charles, 170

Macleod, Malcolm, 3, 15, 7476, 8182

Maddox, John, 231

Madsen, Daniel, 48

manufacturing equipment, high-tech, 85

Marcus, Adam, 180181

Martinez, Kristina, 172175, 193

Martinson, Brian, 186189, 233234

Masopust, David, 7879

mass spectrometer, 124

Massachusetts General Hospital, 204, 205, 207

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), 10, 62, 159, 181

Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, 188

McElreath, Richard, 188

McGill University, Montreal, 234

McNutt, Marcia, 231232

MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, 10, 15, 123

MD Anderson Hospital and Tumor Institute, 99

medical progress

vs. technological progress, 88

medical research. See biomedical research

Medical Research Council Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge, UK, 192

melanoma, 112113

Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, NYC, 201

Merck, 142, 228

Meta-Research Innovation Center at Stanford (METRICS), 216, 217218, 229

meta-research (research on research), 216, 217218, 229

metabolomics, 131

metastatic cancer, 2, 4749, 100, 114

metformin, 90

METRICS. See Meta-Research Innovation Center at Stanford

microarray chips, 128129, 184

microscopy, 88

Miedema, Frank, 225226

Miller, Debra, 6566

MIT. See Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Moore’s law, 18

Morrison, Sean, 2425, 183

Morton, Don, 102

Mountzouris, John, 119120

Murphy, Keri, 54

Murphy, Tom, 5355, 56, 155156

muscular dystrophy, 4344

muscular dystrophy experimental design, 6367

animal studies and, 6465

drug testing and, 6467

funding, 64

investors and, 65

standard operating procedures, 64

See also Duchenne muscular dystrophy; Duchenne muscular dystrophy experimental design

myeloma, 109

Nagaraju, Kanneboyina (“Raju”), 6465

Nardone, Roland, 9697, 102, 109

National Academy of Sciences, 136, 193

National Cancer Institute (NCI), 2122, 95, 103, 193, 201

National Center for Health Statistics, 19

National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, 148

National Institute of General Medical Sciences, NIH, 165

National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS), 57, 58

National Institutes of Health (NIH), 16, 40, 42, 4748, 59, 60, 61, 66, 148, 180, 191, 194195, 227

acknowledgment of problems in medical research and, 4

ALS research funding by, 57

brain cell research and, 84

cancer research, 1920, 21

cell line contamination and misidenitification and, 9697, 108109

competition for postdoctoral academic research positions and, 173

federal registration system and, 147

funding of, 2

genomics research and, 154

grants, 62, 64, 115, 189, 190

hepatitis B drugs and, 71

ovarian cancer blood test and, 123

personalized medicine and precision medicine and, 196

publication guidelines and, 233

research comment sites, 230

scientific education and, 165

Nationwide Children’s Hospital, Columbus, Ohio, 4344

natural philosophers, 30

natural selection of bad science, 188

Nature, 10, 16, 27, 60, 87, 97, 151, 152, 153, 175, 176179, 205, 231, 233

Nature Genetics, 128, 129

Nature Reviews Genetics, 129

NCI. See National Cancer Institute

Nelson-Rees, Walter, 95, 96, 98, 99

neurological diseases, 23, 5758, 8283. See also specific neurological diseases

Neve, Richard, 110111

New York Times, 125, 146

NIH. See National Institutes of Health

NINDS. See National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke

NK-1 antagonists, 76

non-attachment, 32

North Carolina State University, 136

Norway, 106, 153

Nosek, Brian, 145147, 149150, 156157, 161163, 224225, 232233, 233234

Novaric drug company, 204205

NXY-059, 75

Obama, Barack, 196

obesity, 73, 132

Office of Research Integrity, 179180

Ohio State University, 93

“-omics,” 131132

oncologists, 199200, 209

Open Science Framework, 146, 147, 149, 150

Oransky, Ivan, 180181, 182

organ transplants, 18

artificial organs and, 8587

organization, 146

organoids, 84

osteoarthritis, 1, 211212

osteoporosis, 132

OvaCheck blood test, 125, 127

ovarian cancer blood test, 123125, 127

ovarian cell lines, 209

p-hacking, 139140

p-value, 126, 134138, 139141

pain studies, 7677

Parent Project Muscular Dystrophy, 66

pathologists, 197203

cancer research and, 202203

clinical and anatomic, 200201

standard operating procedures and, 202203

Perrin, Steve, 5657, 6163

personalized medicine, 196

Petsko, Gregory, 42, 8284, 176, 192193

pharmaceutical companies. See drug/pharmaceutical companies

pharmaceuticals. See drugs/pharmaceuticals

Porter, John, 6667

precision medicine

biomarker validation, 210213

challenges, 196, 197216

correlation of snippets of DNA, proteins, and other molecules with disease diagnosis or prognosis and, 198

creating new incentives and, 215216

drug development and, 203210

paradox of, 215

reengineering the culture and, 215216

tissue collection and, 197203

understanding perverse incentives and, 215

Preclinical Reproducibility and Robustness website channel, 230

preclinical research, 11

untrustworthiness of, 14

Price, Derek de Solla, 235

Princeton University, 193

progestin, 219, 222

proteomics, 131

Psychological Science, 232

psychologists, 146

psychology, 223

“Psychology’s Fears Confirmed: Rechecked Studies Don’t Hold Up,” 146

Public Library of Science (PLOS) journals, 172

publishing guidelines and checklists, 233

Pubmed Commons, 230

PubMed database, 184

PubPeer, 230

Quackenbush, John, 205207

reagents, sharing of, 150

Reports of the Society for Experiments, 30

reproducibility, 818, 2528, 2933, 92, 177178, 179, 217, 218, 221, 222, 228236

academia vs. pharmaceutical companies and retaining jobs and, 212

ALS experimental design and, 5960, 62

antibody testing and, 122

Bayer study of, 5960

bias in, 15, 4044

biomarker validation and, 211

blinding in, 42

cancer research and, 156164

criticism and funding of, 37

data analysis and, 130

data sharing and, 150

direct observation and, 3133

drug companies’ reliance on, 8, 13

of facts, 3031

failure rates, 13, 1516

false leads and, 3738

fickleness of, 4449

flawed preclinical research and, 11

flimsy study design and analysis and, 11

fooling oneself and, 2930, 31, 34, 4044

human cells and, 1011

illustration of thought experiment and, 31

vs. interpretation and understanding of the mechanism, 36

journal publishers’ efforts to improve, 228233

learning from failures in, 3840

measurement of rigor in, 25

misleading results in laboratory research and, 11

nutrients as variable biological material and, 45

organization and, 146

poorly spent funds and, 40

preventable errors in, 40

problems and solutions, 133, 232233

questions for researchers, 2728

scientific disagreements in, 4952

scientific education and, 164167

scientific error in, 15

scientific method and, 25, 3031

scientists’ slowness to recognize problems of, 3840

secrecy agreements and, 2627

self-correcting mechanisms and, 37, 39, 40

slowdown in progress and, 11, 1718

statistical significance and, 146147

status and perceived expertise and, 50

technical steps to improve, 232233

telomerase and, 3337

transparency and, 143, 145147, 149

vested interests in, 50

Reproducibility Project: Cancer Biology, 156163

Rescuing Biomedical Research, 194

“Rescuing US Biomedical Research from Its Systemic Flaws” (Alberts, Kirschner, Tilghman, and Varmus), 193

research funding, 226227

ALS experimental design, 5354, 57, 6162

congressional, 123, 189, 195

muscular dystrophy experimental design, 64

NIH, 2, 57

problems and solutions, 192196

reproducibility, 37, 40

scientific misconduct and, 188190

state, for universities, 189190

research grants

application guidelines, 6061, 6162

competition and, 174, 176

NIH, 63, 64, 115, 189, 190

research on research. See meta-research

research reproducibility. See reproducibility

Retraction Watch, 180181

retractions, 229

rheumatology, 211

“rigor mortis,” 3

RIKEN, 179

Rimm, David, 114116, 118119, 121

RNA, 38, 170

Rosenblatt, Michael, 228

Ross, Doug, 100102

Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine, 180

Salzberg, Steven, 151152, 153155, 163

Sarewitz, Daniel, 235236

Scannell, Jack, 18, 8891

Schekman, Randy, 158, 161, 177178

schizophrenia, 132, 204

Schwartz, Martin, 32


judgments and truth regarding, 45

Science, 152, 175, 176179, 229230, 231

Science Exchange, 156, 157, 158

scientific discovery

power of suggestion and, 2425

problems with, 2225

scientific education, 164167

experimental design and, 165

research methodology and, 165

switching fields and, 166

scientific literature

retractions in, 180186

See also journal publications

scientific method, 1, 3, 4

reproducibility and, 25, 3031

scientific misconduct

admission of mistakes and, 183

batch effect and, 184185

fraud and, 179186

funding and, 188190

high-impact journal publications and, 190191, 193

misleading images and, 191192

natural selection of bad science and, 188

punishment for, 180

questionable practices vs. serious misconduct and, 186193

retractions in scientific literature and, 180186

unfair treatment leading to, 187188

Scott, Sean, 5556

self-correction, 143

self-retractions, 229

sepsis, 7778

Settleman, Jeffrey, 204

Shatsky, Maxim, 192

Shelby, Richard, 5960

Silberberg, Shai, 5758

Simonsohn, Uri, 139140, 142

single-particle electron microscopy, 191192

“Six Red Flags for Suspect Work” (Begley), 27

Skloot, Rebecca, 94

Slusher, Barbara, 77, 227228

Smaldino, Paul, 188

SNP analysis, 111

social media, 230

SOD-1, 68

Solache, Alejandra, 121

Sorger, Peter, 208210

Spiegelman, Bruce, 116, 117118

Spielman, Richard, 127128, 184186

St. Johns Laboratory, London, 119

standard operating procedures, 64

cancer research and, 202203

Stanford University, 23, 3132, 35, 36, 49, 77, 79, 100, 101, 132, 137, 186, 217, 224, 225, 231, 232, 234

states, financial support for universities from, 189190

statins, 72

statistical significance, 146147

data analysis and, 133138, 139

See also biostatisticians; statistics

statistics, 13, 126, 134, 138, 141. See also biostatisticians; statistical significance

stem cells, 2325, 86, 109, 179. See also cells; cell lines

Stephan, Paula, 190

stroke, 1

brain damage caused by, 7475, 76

tPA and, 15

supplements, 73

Sweden, 107, 153, 177

switching fields, 166

Tabak, Lawrence, 16, 60

TACT. See TREAT-NMD Advisory Committee for Therapeutics

technological progress

vs. medical progress, 88


animal studies and, 8387, 8788

telomerase, 3337, 49, 170172

Tempst, Paul, 201

TERT (component of telomerase enzyme), 3537, 171

tetrahymena, 3334, 91

Texas A&M University, 137

Texas sharpshooter fallacy, 140

Thomson Reuters, 178

Tilghman, Shirley, 193194

tissue collection

cancer research and, 197203

collecting starting materials correctly and, 201202

TODAY show, 123

TOP guidelines. See Transparency and Openness Promotion guidelines

Torsvik, Anja, 107

tPA, 15, 74

transcriptomics, 131

transdifferentiation, 2325

transparency, 143, 145147, 149, 156157, 163, 164

data sharing and, 150, 152

Transparency and Openness Promotion (TOP) guidelines, 233

trauma, 7778

TREAT-NMD Advisory Committee for Therapeutics (TACT), 67

Truvada, 142143

type 2 diabetes, 90

United Kingdom, 7576, 148

universities, state financial support for, 189190

University Medical Center, Utrecht, Holland, 190, 225

University of Alabama, Birmingham, 182

University of Bergen, Norway, 107

University of California, Berkeley, 158, 177, 230

University of California, Davis, 230

University of California, Merced, 188

University of California, San Francisco, 130, 189190, 195

University of Chicago, 174

University of Colorado, 170

University of Colorado, Boulder, 36, 150

University of Colorado School of Medicine, 94

University of Edinburgh, 3, 74, 88

University of Minnesota, 78

University of North Carolina, Greensboro, 173

University of Pennsylvania, 127, 128, 139

University of Rochester, 199

University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, 24, 183

University of Virginia, 145, 225

University of Washington, 128129, 182

US Congress, 59, 161

biomedical research funding and, 123, 195

funding of NIH, 189

US Department of Defense, 64, 226

Varmus, Harold, 193194

Velcade, 109

Venter, J. Craig, 152

Vinkers, Christiaan, 190191

Vioxx, 142

vitamin E, 219220

Wagers, Amy, 2324

Wall Street Journal, 59

Wallace, Alfred Russel, 170

Watson, James, 3233

weight loss, 89

irisin and, 116118

Weill Cornell Medical College, 42, 45, 82, 176, 178

Weinberg, Robert, 10, 159160, 161, 181182

Weissman, Irving, 23

Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, England, 204

Whitehead Institute, MIT, 62

“Why Most Published Research Findings Are False” (Ioannidis), 11, 220

Winey, Mark, 150

Woodcock, Janet, 1617, 211212

Wootton, David, 30

Wyss Institute, Harvard, 84

Yale University, 32, 114

Yamada, Ken, 42, 4445, 191192

Yamamoto, Keith, 130

Ying Su, 4647