
A book like this is the result of many years of fieldwork, and learning from others. Scores of naturalists and biologists have shared not only their knowledge with the author and photographer but also hidden caches of natural lore. We are grateful for their help, and hope that no omissions have been made.

Especially helpful in directly aiding with this book were: Jim Bissell, Tim Matson, John Pogacnik, Dan Rice, and Jeff Wolfinger. Staff of the Ohio Natural Heritage Program provided much valuable data on Ohio’s rare organisms and habitats: Tom Arbour, Barb Burkholder, Rick Gardner, Butch Grieszmer, Erin Hazelton, and Greg Schneider. Invaluable assistance with maps came from the Ohio Division of Geological Survey, particularly Lisa Van Doren for her map-making skills and E. Mac Swinford for graciously making resources available to us. Bruce Motsch of the Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Real Estate and Land Management was very helpful in providing maps as well.

The following individuals have spent time in the field with us or otherwise helped us to better understand Ohio’s natural history. Their enthusiasm for nature and passion for conservation contributed to the contents of this book, and their expertise made it a better product: Ian Adams, Mac Albin, Barbara Andreas, Tom Bain, Joe Barker, Tom Bartlett, Chris Bedel, Dana Bollin, Aaron Boone, Dan Boone, Renee Boronka, Bill Bosstic, Kevin Bradbury, Richard Bradley, Doug Brewer, Lisa Brohl, Deb Brill, Jennifer Brumfield, Don Burton, Ted Cavender, Phil Chaon, Delores Cole, Tom Cooperrider, Mix Cooperrider, Gary Coovert, Holly Coovert, Dave Corbin, Allison Cusick, Jim Davidson, Jim Decker, Guy Denny, Mark Dilley, Dave Dister, Jim Dolan, Judy Dumke, Doug Dunakin, Micki Dunakin, Jon Dunn, Vic Fazio, Mike Flynn, John Freudenstein, Jim Fry, Bob Gable, Brian Gara, Robert Glotzhober, Steve Gray, Gary Haase, Ben Hamilton, Joe Hammond, Rob Harlan, Cheryl Harner, Bob Harter, Pat Hayes, Lori Hayes, Dave Horn, John Howard, Bob Jackse, John Jaeger, Terry Jaworski, Kenn Kaufman, Kim Kaufman, Ned Keller, Marc Kibbey, Charlie King, Peter King, Ethan Kistler, Paul Knoop, Jason Larson, Greg Lipps, Tami Longaberger, John Mack, Bernie Master, Martin McAllister, Bret McCarty, Jim McCarty, Richard McCarty, Martha McCormac, John McCormac, Mike McCormac, Charlotte McCurdy, Jack McDowell, Debbie McFadden, Gary McFadden, Steve McKee, Joe McMahon, Karen Menard, Jane Meszaros, Eric Metzler, Len Mikles, Greg Miller, Lucy Miller, Dave Minney, Debora Moon, Marshal Moser, Rick Nirschl, Dave Nolin, John O’Meara, Marilyn Ortt, Al Parker, Brian Parsons, Bruce Peterjohn, Ralph Pfingsten, Bob Placier, Carolyn Platt, Steve Pollick, Ralph Ramey, Anton Reznicek, Jenny Richards, Stan Richards, Larry Richardson, Emliss Ricks, Dave Riepenhoff, Larry Rosche, Steve Roloson, Dan Sanders, Robert Sanford, Jen Sauter, Marty Sedluk, Judy Semroc, Ray Showman, Steve Smith, Su Snyder, Tim Snyder, Al Staffan, David Strawberry, Stanley Stine, Warren Stoutamire, Ed Stroh, Ronald Stuckey, Dave Swanson, John Switzer, Merrill Tawse, Bill Thompson III, Elliot Tramer, Roger Troutman, Warren Uxley, Michael Vincent, Edward Voss, Joel Wachtel, Tim Walters, Ben Warner, John Watts, Tom Watters, Art Weber, Patricia West, Pete Whan, Kelly Williams-Sieg, Steve Willson, Doug Wynn, Julie Zickefoose, Phil Zito, and Mark Zloba.

Special thanks to all Ohioans who enjoy the outdoors and actively support conservation.


For a complete listing of regions for each corresponding number, see specific maps at the beginning of each section.