



Appalachian Plateaus

Clear Creek Metropark

Conkles Hollow State Nature Preserve

Dysart Woods

Lake Katharine State Nature Preserve

Little Beaver Creek

Mohican State Forest

Shawnee State Forest

Tri-Valley Wildlife Area

Interior Low Plateau—Bluegrass Section

Chaparral Prairie State Nature Preserve

Edge of Appalachia Preserve

Lynx Prairie

Central Lowland—Till Plains

Bigelow/Smith Cemeteries State Nature Preserves

Big and Little Darby Creeks

Cedar Bog State Memorial

Clifton Gorge State Nature Preserve

Cranberry Island State Nature Preserve

Killdeer Plains/Big Island Wildlife Areas

Lawrence Woods State Nature Preserve

Mud Lake Bog State Nature Preserve

Huron-Erie Lake Plains

Forrest Woods Nature Preserve

Goll Woods State Nature Preserve

Headlands Dunes State Nature Preserve

Irwin Prairie State Nature Preserve

Kelleys Island

Kitty Todd Preserve

Magee Marsh Wildlife Area/Ottawa National Wildlife Refuge

Oak Openings Preserve

Resthaven Wildlife Area

Glaciated Allegheny Plateaus

Buzzards Roost Nature Preserve

Fern Lake and Lake Kelso

Gott Fen State Nature Preserve

Grand River Terraces

Hell Hollow Wilderness Area/Paine Creek Watershed

Johnson Woods State Nature Preserve

Kent Bog State Nature Preserve

Killbuck Marsh Wildlife Area

Mantua Bog State Nature Preserve

Morgan Swamp

Singer Lake Bog

Triangle Lake Bog State Nature Preserve

Selected Bibliography

Index of Animals and Plants