Excerpt From the Trump/Dorset Sessions

July 1, 2018, 7:56 PM

Dorset: You believe in God.

Trump: Doesn’t everybody?

Dorset: Atheists don’t. Agnostics don’t know.

Trump: They should. They really, really should. The Bible is one of the two greatest books ever written. Right up there with The Art of the Deal. I would say that Jesus is my favorite author, besides myself.

Dorset: Jesus didn’t write the Bible.

Trump: Then He had a helluva ghostwriter. Shows you what a great manager He was.

Dorset: Manager?

Trump: He started his church with just twelve guys. Twelve! And look how many employees He has now. I have tremendous respect for the guy. He really knew how to work a room.

Dorset: Speaking of working rooms, you’ve come under fire repeatedly for working them into frenzies. At one of your campaign stops, you pointed to the press corps and called them “scum.” Journalists covering your campaign reported being pelted with batteries and ice cubes, among other objects.

Trump: That’s not true.

Dorset: No? There’s video of it . . .

Trump: It wasn’t just one stop. It was multiple stops. It was a part of my routine for a while. The line about “scum” always got big laughs. Brought the house down. People loved the interactive part, with the batteries and whatnot.

Dorset: Since, by your own admission, the media actually helped you out, shouldn’t you at least show them a little more respect now?

Trump: What do you want me to do, send Fox News a thank-you card? I’ll send them a fuck-you card, because fuck you, Roger Ailes. Do they make fuck-you cards?

Dorset: I’ve never checked.

Trump: Someone could make an easy million selling fuck-you cards. They wouldn’t even have to sell them on the street, because I’d buy every damn one. I’d have a long list of recipients, believe me. Longer than my Christmas card list, that’s for sure. Who’s in charge of making national holidays? Is that me?