July 2, 2018, 3:36 PM
Dorset: You’re a big proponent of the Second Amendment and the rights of gun owners in general. Are you carrying a firearm right now?
Trump: I have a concealed-carry permit, but if I were to answer your question in the negative, it might embolden my enemies. If I answer in the affirmative, it would probably piss off the Secret Service. It’s a no-win. I’d rather keep everyone guessing. Let’s just say I’m not happy to see you.
Dorset: Has the Secret Service told you not to carry a gun?
Trump: There’s nothing in the Constitution forbidding the president from carrying a gun. I could carry a bazooka if I wanted to. But you know how people get—they think you’re stepping on their toes. It’s their job to protect the president. If I can defend myself, there goes their livelihood. They’d be more comfortable with a wimp like Obama.
Dorset: Can we talk about President Obama for a couple of minutes?
Trump: Two minutes. I’m not wasting more time than I have to on that clown.
Dorset: In 2011, you became the public face of the so-called birther movement. You questioned whether the president was actually born in the United States and thus eligible to be commander in chief. President Obama eventually released the long-form version of his Hawaiian birth certificate to quell the flames. In the days and months that followed, did you ever regret raising the issue?
Trump: First off, I reject the term “birther.” It’s derogatory. It just sounds icky, like childbirth. And secondly, I’m still very proud of what I was able to accomplish. As a private citizen of the United States, I successfully petitioned the president. I did what no one else could do. The White House produced his birth certificate, which looked very realistic, I’ll give them that. The media bought it, at least.
Dorset: You never did—one of your first acts as president was to revoke his US citizenship. You deported him and his family to Hawaii.
Trump: That’s correct.
Dorset: You do know that Hawaii is within the United States, right?
Trump: Your hundred and twenty seconds are up.