
I am the rain’s fall;

you are the pull of the river.

The force of our love’s union

is like red earth and pouring rain*

the leaping of fish into the body –

the entwining of water-weeds.

The fierceness of your embrace

whirls me about

tosses me against the rock-beds

makes me lose my breath.

Your lap is my wheeling miracle-seat;

the prize conferred by the ancients.

The soft skin of your hands

strokes my eyes, reaching

around my neck.

When you come towards me, beckoning,

the grass tears my feet.

You are the hastening of time;

I am the blossoming season.

rain*The trope of red earth and pouring rain is an intertextual reference to a poem from Kuruntogai (c. 2nd century AD), ‘Yaayum yaaum yaaraagiyaro’, best known to non-Tamil readers in A.K. Ramanujan’s translation.