FIGURE 1 Bonnie and Clyde (Arthur Penn, 1967)
On 8 December 1967, Time magazine’s cover announced ‘The New Cinema: Violence … Sex … Art’ with a picture from Bonnie and Clyde, a violent, funny and lyrical film about two Depression-era bank robbers; inside, an article entitled ‘The Shock of Freedom in Films’ declared Bonnie and Clyde to be a ‘watershed picture, the kind that signals a new style, a new trend’ (Kanfer 1971: 331; see also Biskind 1998: 45). The article argued that by building on formal and thematic innovations both in American cinema and, more importantly, in European cinema, and by combining commercial success with critical controversy, Bonnie and Clyde demonstrated that Hollywood was undergoing a ‘renaissance’, a period of great artistic achievement based on ‘new freedom’ and widespread experimentation (1971: 333). The film provoked a ‘battle among movie critics’, with Bosley Crowther, a veteran of the New York Times, condemning the film, and younger writers like Pauline Kael celebrating it (in the New Yorker) (1971: 330). Some critics even battled themselves: ‘Newsweek panned the film, but the following week returned to praise it’ (ibid.). According to Time, the appearance of films like Bonnie and Clyde was made possible by the major studios’ unprecedented willingness to open ‘doors and checkbooks to innovation-minded producers and directors’, many of them unusually young, including 28-year-old Francis Ford Coppola, ‘a precocious graduate of the nudie industry’ (1971: 331–2). While the magazine was hopeful about the future outcomes of Hollywood’s new approach, it also sounded a note of caution: ‘For every bold, experimental foray there are bound to be many ambitious failures or cold, calculated imitations’ (1971: 333).
Within a few years of the publication of this article, film scholars began to discuss the second half of the 1960s as a period of fundamental change in American film history, tracing the development of the Hollywood renaissance into the 1970s, and variously re-labelling it as ‘modern’/‘modernist’ American cinema or, more commonly, ‘New Hollywood’ (see Krämer 1998a; for continuing use of the ‘renaissance’ label see Jacobs 1977 and Man 1994). In the rapidly expanding literature, three critical agreements soon emerged. Firstly, the late 1960s and early 1970s were a golden age in Hollywood history, characterised by a large number of challenging films. Secondly, most of the outstanding films of these years were the work of a small group of young directors, many of them film school graduates like Francis Ford Coppola who had studied at the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) before working in exploitation filmmaking. Thirdly, the period of intense formal and thematic innovation which began around 1967 ended in the mid- to late 1970s, with Jaws (Steven Spielberg, 1975) or, more often, Star Wars (George Lucas, 1977) being selected as markers of another historical turning point.
Confusingly, the term ‘New Hollywood’ has been applied both to identify a select group of films made from 1967 to the mid-1970s and to refer to this period as a whole. Even more confusingly, the period since the mid- 1970s is also frequently called ‘New Hollywood’. To avoid such confusion, I only use the term to refer to the period 1967–76 in American film history (that is all American films, the film industry and the wider film culture during these years).
While publications about the New Hollywood and its key films and directors have appeared at an impressive rate since the 1970s, from the late 1990s onwards there has been an explosion of interest. In 1998, Peter Biskind’s Easy Riders, Raging Bulls: How the Sex-Drugs-and-Rock ’n’ Roll Generation Saved Hollywood demonstrated that there was a large audience for an in-depth account of the lives and films of some of the key Hollywood personalities of the late 1960s and 1970s (in 2003 a documentary with the same title was released). In 2000 and 2001, volumes on the 1960s and 1970s were published in Scribner’s authoritative ‘History of the American Cinema’ series, providing future scholars with an important reference point (Cook 2000, Monaco 2001). The year 2000 saw the publication of the third edition of Robert Kolker’s by then classic study of key Hollywood directors since the 1960s entitled A Cinema of Loneliness: Penn, Stone, Kubrick, Scorsese, Spielberg, Altman (the first edition had been published with a slightly different line-up of directors in 1980). Three years later, Ryan Gilbey’s It Don’t Worry Me: Nashville, Jaws, Star Wars and Beyond discussed ten essential directors of the 1970s (including Coppola, George Lucas, Terrence Malick, Brian De Palma, Woody Allen and Jonathan Demme as well as most of the directors in Kolker’s line-up). Furthermore, Peter Lev (2000) analysed some of the decade’s most important cycles, ranging from hippie films to blaxploitation, and Stephen Paul Miller (1999) offered readings of key 1970s films in relation to American politics and culture (for earlier examples of this kind of work see Bernardoni 1991; Ryan & Kellner 1988: chs. 1–6; and Ray 1985: chs. 8–10). Several New Hollywood films have also recently been the subject of volumes in the British Film Institute’s Modern Classics series and in the Cambridge Film Handbooks series. Tom Stempel (2001) examined people’s memories of cinemagoing during the last few decades, including several chapters on the 1960s and 1970s, while Geoff King (2002), Michael Allen (2003) and also, somewhat idiosyncratically, Richard W. Haines (2003) have offered comprehensive accounts of American cinema since the 1960s, situating the New Hollywood of 1967–76 in broader film historical contexts.
Similarly, both Jon Lewis (1998) and Steve Neale and Murray Smith (1998) published important edited collections on American cinema since the 1960s, including essays on key aesthetic, ideological, industrial and technological developments of the 1960s and 1970s. In addition, more than half of J. Hoberman’s The Dream Life: Movies, Media, and the Mythology of the Sixties (2003), a political discussion of a range of important films and filmmakers, dealt with the period 1967–76, as did much of Robin Wood’s classic study Hollywood From Vietnam to Reagan (first published in 1986), an extended edition of which came out in 2003. Last but not least, Thomas Elsaesser, Alexander Horwath and Noel King’s edited collection The Last Great American Picture Show: New Hollywood Cinema in the 1970s (2004) contained survey essays as well as detailed case studies of films and filmmakers, and was produced in conjunction with two major retrospectives of American cinema from 1967 to 1976, the first at the Viennale, Vienna’s international film festival, in 1995, and the second at the Berlin Film Festival in 2004.
In this book, I discuss the films of the New Hollywood as products of their time, locating the work of filmmakers (by which I mean not only directors but also producers, scriptwriters, actors and so on) in the context of changes in the film industry, in its audiences and, more broadly, in American society in the 1960s and 1970s. Unlike most previous studies of the New Hollywood, mine is going to deal primarily with the period’s biggest hits (for a similar methodological approach see Garncarz 1994 and 1996). Some of these hits were made by the great directors usually associated with the New Hollywood, while the majority were not. The main reason for studying hits is that they were enormously important both for the film industry and for audiences; they generated a substantial portion of Hollywood’s income and were seen by the largest numbers of people, many of whom watched them repeatedly.
In examining hit movies, I look for what they have in common with each other. Some of these commonalities distinguish the hits of the New Hollywood from Hollywood’s big hits in the years before 1967 and after 1976. In the conclusion I comment on new patterns of success from 1977 onwards, which are most closely associated with the science fiction and adventure films made by George Lucas and Steven Spielberg, especially Star Wars. In the main body of this book, however, I compare New Hollywood successes with hits in preceding decades. This comparison throws the distinctive qualities of the New Hollywood into sharp relief and confirms that American film culture underwent a dramatic re-orientation in the course of the 1960s.
It is important to note that the present study of this re-orientation deals only with thematic currents, rather than with formal and stylistic developments. Elsewhere (Krämer 1998a) I have outlined the long-standing and ongoing critical debates about aesthetic changes in Hollywood from the 1940s to the present, with a particular focus on the 1960s and 1970s. No doubt there is important work still to be done in this area. However, in the following chapters I concentrate on filmic content.
Chapter one identifies a group of fourteen breakaway hits for the period 1967–76 and demonstrates the central role they played in American film culture, in terms of their economic importance, their audience reach, their tie-ins with best-selling books, records and Broadway shows, their decisive impact on future film production and hit patterns, their status as audience favorites as well as their high critical standing both in the press and in the film industry itself. The distinctive thematic features of these New Hollywood superhits are then examined by way of comparison with the superhits of the preceding era (1949–66), most of which had originally been addressed to family audiences and received a so-called ‘roadshow’ release.
Chapters two and three offer an explanation for the shift in hit patterns from the Roadshow Era to the New Hollywood. The first of these two chapters outlines several interconnected changes in film production (notably the rising output of taboo-breaking movies in the late 1960s and the eventual replacement of traditional family roadshows in the early 1970s) and in movie audiences (notably the increasing importance and specific interests of young people), which together determined changing hit patterns. The third chapter aims to understand why film production and movie audiences changed. It does so by examining shifts in public opinion (characterised by both liberalisation and polarisation) and the restructuring of the film industry (with closer corporate links to other media and the rise of new generations of filmmakers).