
We now prove

THEOREM 9.19.   Let R be a compact open subring of D such that (31) holds for P the radical of R. Then R is a valuation ring in the sense that if aD, images R, then a–1R. R is a maximal compact open subring of D and is the only subring having these properties.

Proof.   If a images R, there exists a b1P such that ab1 images P. If ab1 images R, we repeat the process. Eventually we obtain n elements biP such that ab1bnR, images P. Otherwise, we get an infinite sequence {bk} ⊂ P such that ab1bk images R. On the other hand, {Pn} is a base for the neighborhoods of 0, so lim b1bk = 0, which implies that lim ab1bk = 0. This contradicts ab1bk images R for all k. Thus we have an n such that ab1bnR, imagesP. Then ab1bn = u is a unit in R and a–1 = b1bnu–1PR. Hence R is a valuation ring in D. We have shown also that if a images R, then a–1P, and since bn → 0 for every bP, an → ∞ if a images R. If uR, images P, we have un images ∞ and un images 0. In fact, since RP is a compact set, every sequence of powers {unk} contains a convergent subsequence with limit in RP and hence ≠ 0. It is clear from these results on powers that P = {bD|bn → 0}, R = {aD|an images ∞}, DR = {aD|an → ∞}. If R′ is any compact open subring of D, then R′ ∩(DR) = ϕ so R′ ⊂ R. This shows that R is maximal and it is the only maximal compact open subring of D. images

We can use the valuation ring R to define an absolute value on D (defined as for fields). We have imagesPn = 0. Hence given any a ≠ 0 in R, there exists a k ≥ 0 such that aPk, a images Pk + 1 where we put P0 = R. Then we define v(a) = k. If a images R, then a–1P and we define v(a) = –v(a–1). Also we define v(0) = ∞ and |a| = cv(a) where c is a fixed real number such that 0 < c < 1. Then we have

THEOREM 9.20. | | is a non-archimedean absolute value on D: |a| ≥ 0, |a| = 0 if and only if a = 0, |a + b| ≤ max(|a|, |b|), |ab| = |a| | b|.

Proof. It suffices to prove the corresponding statements on the map v from D into images, namely, v(a) = ∞ if and only if a = 0, v(a + b) ≥ min (v(a),v(b)), v(ab) = v(a) + v(b). The first is clear from the definition of v. Let a,bD satisfy v(a) = v(b) = k ≥ 0. If ab–1P, aPbPk + 1 contrary to v(a) = k. Hence ab–1 images P and similarly ba–1 images P. Then ab–1RP and v(ab–1) = 0. If v(a) = v(b) = k < 0, then v(a–1) = v(b–1) = –k > 0 and again v(ab–1) = 0. Now choose πP, images P2. Then πkPk for k > 0, so v(πk) ≥ k. If v(πk) = l > k, then images where bi(j)P and every b1(j) images P2, so v(b1(j)) = 1 = v(π). Then images and π–1b1(j)RP. Hence v(πk – 1) > k – 1. This leads to the contradiction that v(π) > 1. Thus v(πk) = k. This and our earlier result show that if v(a) = k ≠ ∞, then there exists a uRP such that a = uπk. We observe next that the characterization of the sets P, RP, and DR by the properties of the power sequences of the elements in these sets shows that these sets are stabilized by inner automorphisms of D. Now let a ≠ 0, b ≠ 0, and let v(a) = k, v(b) = lk. Then a = uπk, b = vπl where u and v are units in R. We have a + b = (u + vπlk)πk and u + vπlkR, so v(a + b) ≥k = min(v(a),v(b)). We have ab = uπkvπl = uvπk + 1 where v′ = πkvπkRP. If k + l > 0, we have seen that πk + 1Pk + 1 images Pk + l + 1. Then the same relations hold for ab, so v(ab) = k + l = v(a) + v(b). This is clear also if k + l = 0. On the other hand, if k + l < 0, then (ab)–1 = b–1a–1 = π–(k + l)w with WRP. Then v((ab)–1)= –(k + l) and again v(ab) = k + l = v(a) + v(b). Hence in all cases v(ab) = v(a) + v(b). We therefore have v(a + b) ≥ min(v(a) v(b)) and v(ab) = v(a) + v(b) if a ≠ 0 and b ≠ 0. These relations are evident if either a = 0 or b = 0. Hence we have the required relations for all a, b. images

The definition of | | shows that the spherical neighborhood of 0 defined by |a| ≤ck, k ≥ 0, is Pk. Hence it is clear that the topology defined by the valuation is the same as the given topology on D. It follows also that D is complete relative to | |.

Let F be a closed subfield of D such that PF = PF ≠ 0. Then the absolute value | | is non-trivial on F and F is complete. Moreover, if RF = RF, then RF/PF is isomorphic to a subfield of R/P. Hence RF/PF is finite and F is a local field. Then the results of section 9.12 are available.

Let p be the characteristic of images = R/P. Then |images| = q = pm for m ≥ 1. Let ζ0 be an element of R such that images0 = ζ0 + P is a primitive (q – 1)-st root of 1. We shall now show that R contains an element ζ such that ζq – 1 = 1 and images = images0. Then ζ will be a primitive (q – 1)-st root of unity in R. Now ζ0q – 1 – 1 ∈ P and if ζ0q – 1 = 1, we can take ζ = ζ0. Otherwise, let F be the closure in D of C0) where C is the center of D. Then PF = PF contains ζ0q – 1 – 1 ≠, so PF ≠ 0, and if RF = FR, then imagesF = RF/PF contains ζ0 + PF and this is a primitive (q – 1)-st root of unity. The results of the previous section show that RF contains an element ζ such that ζq – 1 = 1 and ζ + PF= ζ0 + PF. Then images = images0.

We have seen that R and P are stabilized by the inner automorphisms of D. Hence any inner automorphism determines an automorphism of images = R/P. In particular, if πPP2, then we have the automorphism


of images = R/P. Since |images| = q = pm, this has the form


On the other hand, if uRP, then images and images. Hence the corresponding automorphism in images is the identity. Since π is determined up to a multiplier in RP by the condition that πPP2, it is clear that images is independent of the choice of π in PP2.

We shall now show that π can be chosen so that


Let G = <ζ>, the subgroup of D* generated by ζ. Then if π0PP2 and λG, then images and hence images and images. Then


satisfies μsπμ = π for μG. Moreover, π ≡ (q – 1)π0 (mod P2) and since q1 ∈ P,π ≡ – π0 (mod P2) and hence πPP2. Then μsπμ = π gives πμπ–1 = μs for μG, so in particular we have (34).

The inner automorphism a images πaπ–1 stabilizes G and induces the automorphism images in images. Since λ images images is an isomorphism of G onto the multiplicative group images*, it is clear that the order of the restriction of a images πaπ–1 to G is the order r of images. Then πr commutes with every λG and this is the smallest power of π with this property.

The proof given on pp. 571–572 shows that every element of D has a representation as a power series in π with coefficients in K = {0} ∪ G. Thus we can show that any non-zero element of D can be written in one and only one way as a series


where the λiK, λ0 ≡ 0, and k ≥ 1. It is clear from this that an element a is in the center if and only if it commutes with π and with every λG. It follows that the center C is the set of elements


where the μi are elements of K such that μis = μi. Evidently CP ≡ 0 and C is a local field. The extension field W = C(ζ) is stabilized by the inner automorphism determined by π. If σ is the induced automorphism in W/C, then C is the set of elements fixed under σ. Hence W/C is cyclic with Galois group <σ>. It is clear also that σ has order r. Hence [W : C] = r. Since W is the set of elements


where the λiR, it is clear that the ramification index of W over C is 1, so W is an unramified extension of C. Comparison of (36) and (38) shows that every element of D can be written in one and only one way in the form


where the wiW. The multiplication in D is determined by that in W and the following relations for wW:


Thus D is a cyclic algebra D = (W, σ, πr) and [D: C] = r2. We have therefore obtained the following structure theorem for totally disconnected locally compact division rings.

THEOREM 9.21.   Let D be a totally disconnected locally compact division ring. Then the center C of D is a local field and D is a cyclic algebra D =(W, σ, γ) over C where W is unramified and γ is a generator of the maximal ideal Pc of the valuation ring of C.

Of course, this shows that D is a finite dimensional algebra over a local field. We have seen also that a local field is either a Laurent series field over a finite field or a finite dimensional extension field of a field of p-adic numbers (Theorem 9.16, p. 597). Hence D is either a finite dimensional division algebra over a field of formal Laurent series F0((x)), F0 finite, or a finite dimensional division algebra over some p-adic field imagesp. The first case holds if and only if the characteristic of D is a prime. We have seen also that the topology is given by the absolute value | | defined by the unique maximal compact and open subring R of D. It is easily seen that this topology is the same as the product topology obtained by regarding D as a product of a finite number of copies of F0((x)) or of imagesp.

It is not difficult to prove the following converse of Theorem 9.21. Let D be a finite dimensional division algebra over F0((x)) or imagesp. Then we can introduce a topology in D so that D becomes a non-discrete totally disconnected locally compact division ring. We sketch the argument. Let F = F0((x)) or imagesp. We have the topology on F given by an absolute value defined as before and the valuation ring R and the maximal ideal P (R = F0[[x]] in the first case and the ring of p-adic integers in the second). Now R can be regarded as the inverse limit of the set of finite rings R/Pk (see p. 73) and its topology can be identified with the topology of the inverse limit of finite sets. Hence R is compact and totally disconnected. It follows that F is locally compact totally disconnected and not discrete. The fact that the map x images x–1 of F* into itself is continuous can be proved as in the case of the field images.

Now let A be a finite dimensional algebra over F and endow A with the product topology. Then A is locally compact totally disconnected and not discrete. It is readily seen that A is a topological ring. Let N(a) denote the determinant of the matrix ρ(a) in a regular representation of A. Then a images N(a) is a continuous map of A into F, and the set U of invertible elements of A is the open subset defined by N(u) ≠ 0. It is easy to see that uimages u–1 is a continuous map of U into U. In the special case in which A = D is a division algebra over F, U = D* and A is a topological division ring in the sense defined at the outset.


We shall now apply Theorem 9.21, the remarks following it, and the results on cyclic algebras given in section 8.5 (p. 484) to determine the Brauer group Br(F) of a local field F. We recall that if E is a cyclic extension of a field F, then the subgroup Br(F, E) of the Brauer group of F consisting of the classes of finite dimensional central simple algebras A having E as splitting field is isomorphic to F*/N(E*) where N(E*) is the group of norms NE/F(a) of the non-zero elements aE. The isomorphism is implemented by choosing a generator s of G = Gal E/F and defining the cyclic algebra (E, s, γ), γ ∈ F*. Then the map γ(N(E*)) images [(E,s,γ)], the similarity class of (E,s,γ), is an isomorphism of F*/N(E*) onto Br(E/F). Let K be a subfield of E/F and let images be the restriction of s to K. Then images is a generator of the Galois group of K/F. The order of images is [K : F] = r and we have n = rm where m = [E : K]. Any central simple algebra split by K is split by E and we have the monomorphism of Br(K/F) into Br(E/F) sending the class of (K,images,γ) into that of (E, s, γm) (p. 485).

Now let F be a local field. We determine first the group F*/N(W*) where W is an unramified extension of F. We shall need the following result.

LEMMA.   Let Fq be a finite field with q elements, Fqn an extension field with qn elements. Then any a ∈ F*q is a norm of an element b ∈ F*qn that is not contained in any proper subfield of Fqn.

Proof.   The automorphism x images xq generates the Galois group of Fqn/Fq. Hence the norm map of F*qn is


The kernel of this map is the set of elements such that NFqn Fq(x) = 1 and this has order (qn– 1)/(q – 1). Hence the image has order q – 1. Since the image is contained in F*q, which has order q – 1, it is clear that the norm map of F*qn is surjective on F*q. Moreover, for any aF*q there exist (qn – 1)/(q – 1) elements b such that NFqn/Fq(b) = a. On the other hand, the elements b contained in proper subfields of Fqn are contained in maximal proper subfields. The cardinality of any of these is of the form qm where m is a maximal proper divisor of n, and distinct subfields have distinct orders. It follows that the number of non-zero elements contained in proper subfields does not exceed images(qm – 1) where the summation is taken over the maximum proper divisors m of n. Evidently this number is < (qn – 1)/(q – 1) = 1 + q + … + qn – 1. Hence we have a bFqn not in any proper subfield such that NFqn/ Fq(b) = a. images

The requirement that b is not contained in any proper subfield of Fqn is equivalent to Fq(b) = Fqn. This occurs if and only if the degree of the minimum polynomial of b over Fq is n. We can now prove

PROPOSITION 9.8.   Let W be an unramified extension field of the local field F, RF the valuation ring of F, PF its ideal of non-units. Then any element u ∈ RF – PF is a norm in W.

Proof.   Let imagesF be the residue field RF/PF and similarly let imagesw = Rw/Pw where Rw is the valuation ring of W, Pw its ideal of non-units. Since W is unramified, we have [imagesw : imagesF] = n = [W: F]. By the lemma, if a = images = u + PF, then there exists a bimagesw such that the minimum polynomial of b over imagesF has degree n and images. If σ ∈ Gal W/F, then the map images, xRw, is in Gal imagesW/imagesF and images is an isomorphism between these Galois groups. Hence for any vRw we have images, so if we choose vRw such that images = b, then images. We can choose a monic polynomial f(x)∈ RF[x] of degree n such that images is the minimum polynomial of images = b. Since deg images = n, this is the characteristic polynomial of b (in a regular representation) and its constant term is images Hence we may assume that the constant term of f(x) is (–1)nu. Since images is a separable polynomial, we can apply Hensel’s lemma to conclude that there exists a vRw such that f(v) = 0. Since images is irreducible in imagesF, f(x) is irreducible in F[x] and so this is the minimum polynomial over F of v. Since its degree is n, it is also the characteristic polynomial. Hence its constant term (–1) nu = (–1)nNw/F(v). Then u = Nw/F(v) as required. images

Since W is unramified over F, we can choose πF such that πPw – (Pw)2. Then any wW has the form uπk where uRwPw and kimages. Then images and NW/F(u) ∈ RFPF. Conversely, if v = uπkn where uRFPF, then πkn = NW/F(πk) and Proposition 9.8 shows that u is a norm. Hence v is a norm. It is clear from these results that F*/N(W*) is a cyclic group of order n with generator πN(W*). Then Br(W/F) is a cyclic group of order n. We can obtain an isomorphism between F*/N(W*) and Br(W/F) by mapping the coset πkN(W*), 0 ≤ kn – 1, onto the class of central simple algebras over F determined by the cyclic algebra (W, σ, πk) where σ is the Frobenius automorphism of W/F.

We can combine this result with the results of the previous section to obtain a determination of Br(F), namely, we have

THEOREM 9.22 (Hasse).   The Brauer group of a local field is isomorphic to the additive group of rational numbers modulo 1 (that is, images/images).

Proof.   We have seen that any finite dimensional central division algebra D over the local field F is a totally disconnected locally compact division ring. Hence Theorem 9.21 shows that D has an unramified (hence cyclic) extension field W/F as splitting field. It follows that any class [A] in Br(F) is contained in Br(W/F) for some W. Then A ~ (W, σ, πk) where σ is the Frobenius automorphism and 0 ≤ k < n = [W : F]. Once W has been chosen, then k is uniquely determined. We now map [A] into the rational number r = k/n. We wish to show that the rational number thus determined is independent of the choice of the splitting field. It is readily seen by using the results of section 9.12 that for any positive integer n there exists a unique (up to isomorphism) unramified extension W/F with [W : F] = n. Moreover, if W′/F is unramified and [W′ : F] = m, then W′ ⊂ W is isomorphic to a subfield of W if and only if m|n. It follows that it suffices to show that if W′ ⊂ W is a splitting field for A, then the rational number determined by W′ is the same as that determined by W. Now the restriction images of the Frobenius automorphism σ of W/F is the Frobenius automorphism of W′/F. Hence A ~ (W′, images, πl) where 0 ≤ l < m and so the rational number determined by A and W′ is l/m. Since (W′, images, πl) ~ (W, π, πln/m) = (W, σ, πk), we have ln/m = k and k/n = l/m. It is clear also that our map is surjective on rational numbers satisfying 0 ≤ r < 1. For r = k/n with 0 ≤ k < n and if we take W to be the unramified extension of degree n over F, then the cyclic algebra (W, σ, πk) is central simple with W as splitting field and this maps into r = k/n. If we have two central simple algebras A and B over F, we can choose an unramified extension field W that is a splitting field for both. Then A ~ (W, σ, πk) and B ~ (W, σ, πl) where 0 ≤ k, l < n, and A images B ~ (W, σ, πk + l) ~ (W, σ, πm) where 0 ≤ m < n and m/n ≡ (k + l)/n (mod images). It follows that the map {A} images (k/n)+ images is an isomorphism of Br(F) onto images/images. images

Another important consequence of our results is

THEOREM 9.23.   The exponent of a finite dimensional central simple algebra over a local field coincides with its index.

Proof.   We have to show that if D is a central division algebra over a local field F such that [D : F] = n2, then the order of {D} is n. By Theorem 9.21, D = (W, τ, π) where τ is a generator of the Galois group of W/F and τ ∈PFPF2. Then the exponent of D is the order of πN(W*). This is evidently n. images


We shall first define an invariant, the Hasse invariant, of a non-degenerate quadratic form on a finite dimensional vector space over an arbitrary field F of characteristic ≠ 2. In this we follow a method due to Witt that appeared in a beautiful paper of his on quadratic forms in vol. 176 (1937) of Crelle’s Journal.

The definition and properties of the Hasse invariant are based on quaternion algebras and Clifford algebras. We need to recall some results on quaternion algebras and develop some formulas for tensor products of these algebras. We have denoted the quaternion algebra generated by two elements i, j satisfying the relations


where a and b are non-zero elements of F, as (a, b) (p. 232). In dealing with tensor products of quaternion algebras we abbreviate (a, b) images F (c, d) to (a, b)(c, d) and as usual we write ~ for similarity of central simple algebras. Evidently we have


It is clear also that


for any s ≠ 0, t ≠ 0.

A quaternion algebra (a,b) is either a division algebra or (a, b) images M2(F), that is, (a, b) ~ 1 in the Brauer group Br(F). Evidently (1, b) ~ 1 and hence


The algebra (a, b) has the base (1, i, j, k = ij). If x = x0 + x1i + x2j + x3k and


then x2T(x)x + N(x) = 0. Let (a, b)0 denote the subspace of elements of trace 0: T(x) = 0. This has the base (i,j,k) and has the quadratic norm form N(x) = – ax12bx22 + abx32. It is clear that (a,b)~ 1 if and only if (a, b) contains an element z ≠ 0 such that z2 = 0. This is the case if and only if T(z) = 0 = N(z). Hence (a, b) ~ 1 if and only if the quadratic norm form on (a, b)0 is a null form, that is, – ax1 2bx22 + abx32 = 0 has a solution ≡ (0, 0,0). Evidently this implies


Since (a, b)0 can be characterized as the set of elements x ∈ (a, b) such that x images F but x2F, it is clear that an isomorphism of (a, b) onto (c, d) maps (a, b)0 onto (c, d)0. It follows that if (a, b) images (c,d), then the quadratic forms – ax1 2bx22 + abx32 and – cx12dx22 + cdx32 are equivalent. It is quite easy to apply the theory of composition algebras to prove the converse (see exercise 2, page 450 of BAI).

If a is a non-square, then we have the field images, which has the automorphism σ such that images. Then the quaternion algebra (a, b) is the same thing as the cyclic algebra (Z, σ, b) (p. 480). Hence the multiplication formula for cyclic algebras (p. 475) gives the formula


if a is a non-square. Evidently this holds also if a is a square, since in this case all three algebras are ~1. Since (a, b)(a, b) ~ 1, (a, a).(b, b) ~ (a, a)(a, b)(b, b)(a, b) ~ (a, ab)(b, ab) ~ (ab, ab). Hence we have


Iteration of this gives


We now consider a quadratic form Q on an n-dimensional vector space V over a field F of characteristic≠ 2. The associated symmetric bilinear form B is defined by B(x, y) = Q(x + y) – Q(x) – Q(y). Then Q(x) = imagesB(x, x). We assume throughout that Q is non-degenerate in the sense that B is nondegenerate. We now define the discriminant of Q to be the discriminant of images B. Thus if (v1,…, v) is an orthogonal base of V relative to Q (= relative to B) then the discriminant d = d(Q) defined by this base is images.

We shall now define the Hasse invariant of Q as a certain element of the Brauer group Br(F). If n = 1, the element is the unit 1 of Br(F) and if n > 1, we define the Hasse invariant of Q relative to an orthogonal base (v1,…,vn) as the element of Br(F) determined by the tensor product


We proceed to show that this is independent of the choice of the orthogonal base.

PROPOSITION 9.9.   Let (v… ,vn),(v′ l, …,v′ n) be orthogonal bases of V relative to Q. Then


Proof (Witt). Let U be an n-dimensional vector space equipped with a quadratic form P for which we have an orthogonal base (ul, …,un) such that P(Ui) = – 1, 1 ≤ in Form W = U images V and define a quadratic form R on W by R(u + v) = P(u) + Q(v), uU,vV. Then W = U images V and the restrictions of R to U and Vare P and Q respectively. We shall show that for any orthogonal base (v 1…, vn) for V we have


where C(W, R) is the Clifford algebra of R and d is a discriminant of Q. Evidently this will imply (44). Put images. We show first that


We know that C(W, R) is a central simple algebra generated by the elements ui, vi 1 = ≤ in, and we have the relations ui2 = – 1, vi2 = ai, UiUj = –UjUi, vivj = – VjVi if ij, uivk = – VkUi for all i, k (pp. 229–230). Put


Since images, images and vnw2 = – w2 un, we have


Hence the subalgebra generated by W1 and w2 is (an,dn) and C(W, R) ≅ (an,dn)images FC′ where C′ is the centralizer in C(W, R) of the subalgebra generated by w1 and w2 (p. 233). The elements ui vi 1 ≤ in – l, commute with w1 and w2 and the subalgebra generated by these elements is isomorphic to the Clifford algebra C(WR′ ) where images and R′ is the restriction of R to W′ . Since [C(WR′ : F] = 2 2(n – 1} and [C′ : F] 22n/4 = 22(n – 1), we have C images C(W′ R′ ) and C(W, R) images (an, dn) images C(W′ R′ ). The formula (46) now follows by induction on n. This and (v) and (vi′ ) give


Hence images

In view of Proposition 9.9 it makes sense to define the Hasse invariant s(Q) of Q to be the unit of Br(F) if n = 1 and the element of Br(F) defined by (43) if > 1.

The Hasse invariant is either 1 or an element of order two in the Brauer group. If F is algebraically closed or is finite, then Br(F) = 1, so in this case the Hasse invariant is trivial for any quadratic form over F. If F = images or a local field, then there is a unique element of order two in Br(F). We denote this as – 1. Let Q+ and Q be positive definite and negative definite quadratic forms respectively on an n-dimensional vector space over images. Then the Hasse invariant images (mod 4), then s(Q+) = s(Q), but these forms are inequivalent. On the other hand, we shall show that the discriminant and Hasse invariant constitute a complete set of invariants for quadratic forms over local fields: Two such forms are equivalent if and only if they have the same discriminant and the same Hasse invariant.

We develop first some results for arbitrary base fields (of characteristic ≠ 2).

PROPOSITION 9.10.   Let n ≤ 3. Then two non-degenerate quadratic forms on an n-dimensional vector space are equivalent if and only if they have the same discriminant and Hasse invariant.

Proof.   The necessity of the condition is clear and the sufficiency is clear if n = 1. Now let n = 2 and let diag {a, b}, diag {a′ , b′ } be diagonal matrices for the two quadratic forms. We are assuming that (a, b) ~ (ab′ ) and ab and a′ b′ differ by a square. Then (a, b) images (a′ , b′ ) and we may assume that ab = a′ b′ . The condition (a,b) ≅ (a′ b′ ) implies that the quadratic forms images and images are equivalent. Since ab = a′ b′ we have the equivalence of images by Witt’s cancellation theorem (BAI, p. 367). Next let n = 3 and assume that images images. The hypotheses are images and d = abc and d′ = a′ b′ c′ differ by a square, so we may assume that d = d′ . It suffices to show that – dQ and – dQ′ which have discriminant – 1, are equivalent. A simple calculation, which we leave as an exercise, shows that images, so it suffices to prove the result for Q and Q′ of discriminant – 1. Then we may assume that images. Then s(Q) = images. Since Q arid Q′ are the negatives of the norm forms on (a, b)0 and (a′ , b′ )0 respectively, it follows that Q and Q′ are equivalent. images

We prove next

PROPOSITION 9.11.   Let F be a field such that every quadratic form on a five-dimensional vector space over F is a null form. Then any two non-degenerate quadratic forms on a vector space V over F are equivalent if and only if they have the same discriminant and the same Hasse invariant.

Proof. The necessity of the condition is clear and the sufficiency holds by Proposition 9.10 if dim V ≤ 3. Hence assume n ≥4. The hypothesis implies that any non-degenerate quadratic form P on a four-dimensional vector space U/F is universal, that is, represents every non-zero element of F. For if a ≠ 0 we can form U images Fx, x ≠ 0, and define a quadratic form R on U images Fx by images. The fact that R is a null form implies that we have a u + α x ≠ 0 such that P(u) = α2a. If α = 0 then u ≠ 0, so P is a null form and hence P is universal. If α ≠ 0 then P– 1 u) = a. Thus P is universal. The universality of non-degenerate quadratic form on four-dimensional spaces implies that if Q is a non-degenerate quadratic form on an n-dimensional vector space V, n ≥ 4, then we have an orthogonal base (vl,…,vn) with Q(vi) = 1 for i > 3. If R denotes the restriction of Q to Fv1 + Fv2 + Fv3, then the definitions and the formula (l,a) ~ 1 show that Q and R have the same discriminant and Hasse invariant. If Q′ is a second non-degenerate quadratic form on an n-dimensional vector space, then we have an orthogonal base (v′ l,…,v′ n) with Q(v′ i) = 1 for i > 3. The conditions that s(Q) = s(Q′ ) and Q and Q′ have the same discriminant imply the same conditions on the restrictions of Q and Q′ to Fv1 + Fv2 + Fv3 and Fv′ 1 + Fv′ 2 + Fv′ 3. Hence these restrictions are equivalent and so Q and Q′ are equivalent. images

We require one further result for general fields.

PROPOSITION 9.12.   The quadratic form images with d = a1a2a3a4. ≠ 0 is a null form if and only if images is a splitting field for ( – a3a4, – a2a4).

Proof. Put a = – a3a4, b = – a2a4, c = a2a3a4. Then cQ is equivalent to images is the norm form on (a, b)0 = ( – a3a4, – a2a4)0. Suppose first that images. In this case cQ is equivalent to images, the norm form of (a,b), and (a, b) ~ 1 if and only if this norm form and hence Q is a null form. Thus the result holds in this case. Next assume images. Then images is a splitting field of (a,b) if and only if images is a subfield of (a,b) (p. 221). The condition for this is that (a, b)0 contains an element u such that u2 = d. This is the case if and only if cQ and hence Q is a null form. Hence the result holds in this case also. images

We now suppose that F is a local field. Then the results of the previous section show that there is a unique element of order two in Br(F). This has a representative that is a cyclic algebra (W, σ, π) where W is an unramified quadratic extension of F, σ the automorphism ≠ 1 of W/F, and π is any element of F such that πPP2 where P is the ideal of non-units in the valuation ring R of W. Since we are assuming that char F ≠ 2, W = F images and hence (W, σ, π) = (a, n). We have

PROPOSITION 9.13.   Let F be a local field of characteristic ≠ 2 and let A be a quaternion division algebra over F. Then any quadratic extension field E/F is a splitting field for A.

Proof.   We have A = (W,σ, π) = (a, π). The extension field E/F is either unramified or completely ramified. In the first case E images W, so A contains a subfield isomorphic to E and hence E is a splitting field. Next assume that E is completely ramified. Then E = F(b) where b is a root of a quadratic Eisenstein polynomial. By completing the square we may assume that b2 = π′ ∈ PP2. We can construct the division algebra (W′ ,σ′ ,π′ ) where W′ is unramified and σ′ is an automorphism of period two. Then (W′ , σ′ , π′ ) ≅ (W, σ, π) = A, so again A contains a subfield isomorphic to E and E is a splitting field. images

The next result we shall need on quaternion algebras requires the stronger hypothesis that the residue field R/P is of characteristic ≠ 2. This is

PROPOSITION 9.14.   If F is a local field such that char R/P ≠ 2, then (–1, – 1 )/F~ 1.

(This does not always hold if char R/P = 2. For example ( – 1, – 1)/images2 ~ 1. See exercise 5 below.)

Proof.   The result is clear if – 1 is a square in F. Hence we assume images Now W is unramified since the reducibility of x2 + 1 in (R/P)[x] implies by Hensel’s lemma the existence of images in F. Thus [(Rw/Pw):(R/P] = 2 so the residue degree of W/F is two and hence the ramification index is 1, that is W/F is unramified. It follows that if (– 1, – 1) ~ 1 then (– 1, – 1) ≅ (– l,π) where πPwPw2. This implies that – πN(W*). This contradicts the determination of N(W*) given on p. 610. Hence ( – 1, – 1)~1. images

We can now prove

PROPOSITION 9.15.   If F is a local field of characteristic ≠ 2, then any non-degenerate quadratic form Q on a five-dimensional vector space over F is a null form.

Proof.   We may assume that images and if multiply Q by ∏ ai we may assume that ∏ai; is a square. Suppose that Q is not a null form. Then ∑41 ajxj2 is not a null form. By Proposition 9.12 F images is not a splitting field for (– a3a4, – a2a4). Then (– a3a4, – a2a4)~ 1, so by Proposition 9.13, a1a2a3 a4 is a square. Hence a5 is a square. Similarly every ai is a square and hence we may assume that images. by Proposition again. This contradicts Proposition 9.14 if the characteristic of the residue field of F ≠ 2. Now suppose this is 2. Then F contains the field images2 of 2-adic numbers and images2 contains images. To see this we note that, by Hensel’s lemma, x2 + x + 2 is reducible in imagesl2. Hence images2 contains images contains images. Then images is a null form in images2 and hence in F. This completes the proof. images

By Proposition 9.11 and 9, 15 we have

THEOREM 9.24.   If F is a local field of characteristic ≠ 2, then any two non-degenerate quadratic forms on an n-dimensional vector space V/F are equivalent if and only if they have the same discriminant and Hasse invariant.

We show next that if n ≥ 3, the two invariants are independent. The proof of Proposition 9.11 shows that it suffices to prove this for n = 3. Then a calculation indicated in the proof of Proposition 9.10 shows that if Q = ax 2 + bx22 + cx32, then s(Q) ~ ( – da, –db)( – x, –d) where d = abc. It is clear from this formula that for a given d, a and b can be chosen so that s(Q) = ±1. Hence a, b, c can be chosen so that the discriminant is any d and s(Q) = ± 1. This result and Theorem 9.24 imply that the number of equivalence classes of non-degenerate quadratic forms over F with n ≥ 3 is 2|F*/F*2| where F*2 is the subgroup of squares in F*. It is easy to see, using an argument based on Hensel’s lemma as in the proof of Proposition 9.8 on norms, that if the characteristic of the residue field is ≡ 2, then |F*/F*2| = 4. Accordingly, the number of equivalence classes of non-degenerate quadratic forms for a given n ≥ 3 is 8. Some information on the case n < 3 and the case in which the residue class has characteristic two is indicated in the exercises.


        1. Show that ax12 + bx22, ab ≠ 0, is a null form if and only if ab = –d2 and that ax12 + bx22 + cx32 is a null form if and only if s(Q) ~ ( – d, – d), d = abc.

        2. Let F be a finite dimensional extension of images2. Show that |F*/F*2| = 2[F Q2].

        3. Determine the number of equivalence classes of non-degenerate quadratic forms with n = 2 over a local field.

        4. Let F be a field such that (a, b) ~ 1 for every quaternion algebra over F. Show that two non-degenerate quadratic forms on an n-dimensional space over F are equivalent if and only if they have the same discriminant.

        5. Show that the quadratic form x12 + x22 + x32 on a three-dimensional vector space over images2 is not a null form. Hence conclude that (– 1, – 1)images2 images 1.


S. Kürschak, Über Limesbildung und allgemeine Körpertheorie, Journal für die reine und angewandete Mathematik, vol. 142 (1913), 211–253.

E. Witt, Theorie der quadratischen Formen in beliebigen Körpern, Journal für die reine und angewandete Mathematik, vol. 176 (1937), 31–44.

O. F. G. Schilling, The Theory of Valuations, American Mathematical Society Surveys, Providence, R.I., 1950.

O. Zariski and P. Samuel, Commutative Algebra II, New printing, Springer, New York, 1960.

E. Artin, Algebraic Numbers and Algebraic Functions, Gordon and Breach, New York, 1967.


* An example in which n ≠ ∑ eι fι has been given by F. K. Schmidt in “Über die Erhaltund der Kettensatz der Ideal theorie bei beliebigen endliche Körpereweiterungen,” Mathematische Zeitschrift vol. 41 (1936), pp. 443–450.

* A good bibliography of the early literature on topological algebra appears in H.Freudenthals’s review of this book in Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde, vol. 20(1940), pp.311–316.