that is not tolerated even among p, • 1 Cor 5:1
No, I imply that what p sacrifice they • 1 Cor 10:20
that when you were p you were led • 1 Cor 12:2
Oh that you had p attention to my • Is 48:18
out until you have p the very last • Lk 12:59
the wrongdoer will be p back for the • Col 3:25
in p you shall bring forth children. • Gn 3:16
“Man is also rebuked with p on his bed • Jb 33:19
are but the beginning of the birth p. • Mt 24:8
together in the p of childbirth until • Rom 8:22
upon them as labor p come upon a • 1 Thes 5:3
people gathered in the p of the high • Mt 26:3
man, fully armed, guards his own p, • Lk 11:21
springs of water and seventy p trees, • Ex 15:27
they took branches of p trees and went • Jn 12:13
raised him up, loosing the p of death, • Acts 2:24
and pierced themselves with many p. • 1 Tm 6:10
I will open my mouth in a p; • Ps 78:2
“Hear then the p of the sower: • Mt 13:18
me, ‘Is he not a maker of p?’” • Ezk 20:49
and through the prophets gave p. • Hos 12:10
then will you understand all the p? • Mk 4:13
of God, but for others they are in p, • Lk 8:10
to you, today you will be with me in P.” • Lk 23:43
was caught up into p—whether in • 2 Cor 12:3
tree of life, which is in the p of God.’ • Rv 2:7
bringing to him a p carried by four men. • Mk 2:3
“Lord, my servant is lying p at home, • Mt 8:6
bringing on a bed a man who was p, • Lk 5:18
of invalids—blind, lame, and p. • Jn 5:3
bedridden for eight years, who was p. • Acts 9:33
also the books, and above all the p. • 2 Tm 4:13
and p our iniquity and our sin, • Ex 34:9
O Lord, p my guilt, for it is great. • Ps 25:11
to our God, for he will abundantly p. • Is 55:7
warfare is ended, that her iniquity is p, • Is 40:2
delivered up even by p and brothers • Lk 21:16
to save up for their p, but p for • 2 Cor 12:14
Children, obey your p in the Lord, • Eph 6:1
body is full of light, having no p dark, • Lk 11:36
For we know in p and we prophesy in • 1 Cor 13:9
for we all p of the one bread. • 1 Cor 10:17
and p of the promise in Christ Jesus • Eph 3:6
for you are all p with me of grace, • Phil 1:7
you may become p of the divine nature, • 2 Pt 1:4
You shall not show p, and • Dt 16:19
P in judging is not good. • Prv 24:23
and teach rightly, and show no p, • Lk 20:21
For God shows no p. • Rom 2:11
wrong he has done, and there is no p. • Col 3:25
But if you show p, you are committing • Jas 2:9
is it not a p in the blood of Christ? • 1 Cor 10:16
comfort from love, any p in the Spirit, • Phil 2:1
But if the unbelieving p separates, let • 1 Cor 7:15
he is my p and fellow worker for your • 2 Cor 8:23
when I see the blood, I will p over you, • Ex 12:13
Heaven and earth will p away, but my • Lk 21:33
comes, the partial will p away. • 1 Cor 13:10
like a flower of the grass he will p away. • Jas 1:10
and then the heavens will p away with • 2 Pt 3:10
The Lord p before him and • Ex 34:6
Lord p by, and a great and strong • 1 Kgs 19:11
forbearance he had p over former sins. • Rom 3:25
We know that we have p out of death • 1 Jn 3:14
heaven and the first earth had p away, • Rv 21:1
present form of this world is p away. • 1 Cor 7:31
And the world is p away along with its • 1 Jn 2:17
better to marry than to burn with p. • 1 Cor 7:9
immorality, impurity, p, evil desire, • Col 3:5
lust of defiling p and despise authority. • 2 Pt 2:10
God gave them up to dishonorable p. • Rom 1:26
we were living in the flesh, our sinful p, • Rom 7:5
the flesh with its p and desires. • Gal 5:24
So flee youthful p and pursue • 2 Tm 2:22
to renounce ungodliness and worldly p, • Ti 2:12
do not be conformed to the p of your • 1 Pt 1:14
eat it in haste. It is the Lord’s P. • Ex 12:11
directed them, and they prepared the P. • Mt 26:19
“I have earnestly desired to eat this P • Lk 22:15
For Christ, our P lamb, has been • 1 Cor 5:7
By faith he kept the P and sprinkled • Heb 11:28
God, and we are the people of his p, • Ps 95:7
are his people, and the sheep of his p. • Ps 100:3
and on rich p they shall feed on the • Ezk 34:14
saved and will go in and out and find p. • Jn 10:9
He makes me lie down in green p. • Ps 23:2
You make known to me the p of life; • Ps 16:11
me on a level p because of my enemies. • Ps 27:11
a lamp to my feet and a light to my p. • Ps 119:105
But the p of the righteous is like the • Prv 4:18
p of life leads upward for the prudent, • Prv 15:24
he sowed, some seeds fell along the p, • Mt 13:4
He leads me in p of righteousness • Ps 23:3
O Lord; teach me your p. • Ps 25:4
him, and he will make straight your p. • Prv 3:6
have made known to me the p of life; • Acts 2:28
and make straight p for your feet, so • Heb 12:13
and good heart, and bear fruit with p. • Lk 8:15
to those who by p in well-doing seek • Rom 2:7
endured with much p vessels of wrath • Rom 9:22
with all humility and gentleness, with p, • Eph 4:2
display his perfect p as an example • 1 Tm 1:16
when God’s p waited in the days of • 1 Pt 3:20
And count the p of our Lord as • 2 Pt 3:15
Rejoice in hope, be p in tribulation, • Rom 12:12
Love is p and kind; love does not envy • 1 Cor 13:4
help the weak, be p with them all. • 1 Thes 5:14
but is p toward you, not wishing that • 2 Pt 3:9
you make them after the p for them, • Ex 25:40
according to the p that was shown • Heb 8:5
who was also called P, filled with the • Acts 13:9
they called Zeus, and P, Hermes, • Acts 14:12
they stoned P and dragged him out of • Acts 14:19
the Jews a favor, Felix left P in prison. • Acts 24:27
then is Apollos? What is P? Servants • 1 Cor 3:5
I, P, an old man and now a prisoner • Phlm 9
as our beloved brother P also wrote • 2 Pt 3:15
his feet as it were a p of sapphire • Ex 24:10
seat at a place called The Stone P, • Jn 19:13
if the thief is found, he shall p double. • Ex 22:7
P to all what is owed to them: taxes • Rom 13:7
I will give p in the land, and you shall • Lv 26:6
countenance upon you and give you p. • Nm 6:26
for he will speak p to his people, • Ps 85:8
You keep him in perfect p whose mind • Is 26:3
the effect of righteousness will be p, • Is 32:17
is no p,” says my God, “for the wicked.” • Is 57:21
I will extend p to her like a river, • Is 66:12
‘P, p,’ when there is no p. • Jer 6:14
and he shall speak p to the nations; • Zec 9:10
come to bring p, but a sword. • Mt 10:34
“P! Be still!” And the wind ceased, • Mk 4:39
go in p, and be healed of your disease.” • Mk 5:34
to God in the highest, and on earth p • Lk 2:14
you enter, first say, ‘P be to this house!’ • Lk 10:5
P I leave with you; my p I give • Jn 14:27
in me you may have p. In the world • Jn 16:33
among them and said, “P be with you.” • Jn 20:26
we have p with God through our Lord • Rom 5:1
God has called you to p. • 1 Cor 7:15
is not a God of confusion but of p. • 1 Cor 14:33
For he himself is our p, who has made • Eph 2:14
And the p of God, which surpasses all • Phil 4:7
making p by the blood of his cross. • Col 1:20
And let the p of Christ rule in your • Col 3:15
Strive for p with everyone, • Heb 12:14
righteousness is sown in p by those • Jas 3:18
do good; let him seek p and pursue it. • 1 Pt 3:11
was permitted to take p from the earth, • Rv 6:4
as it depends on you, live p with all. • Rom 12:18
My people will abide in a p habitation, • Is 32:18
that we may lead a p and quiet life, • 1 Tm 2:2
it yields the p fruit of righteousness • Heb 12:11
“Blessed are the p, for they shall be • Mt 5:9
who, on finding one p of great value, • Mt 13:46
each of the gates made of a single p, • Rv 21:21
and do not throw your p before pigs, • Mt 7:6
A man of great wrath will pay the p, • Prv 19:19
in themselves the due p for their error. • Rom 1:27
get out until you have paid the last p. • Mt 5:26
Are not two sparrows sold for a p? • Mt 10:29
When the day of P arrived, they were • Acts 2:1
the God of Israel, ‘Let my p go, • Ex 5:1
the burden of all this p on me? • Nm 11:11
God has chosen you to be a p for his • Dt 7:6
Your p shall be my p, • Ru 1:16
if my p who are called by my name • 2 Chr 7:14
God restores the fortunes of his p, • Ps 53:6
blows on it; surely the p are grass. • Is 40:7
my p shall know my name. • Is 52:6
But my p have forgotten me; • Jer 18:15
be my p and I will be their God, • Jer 24:7
My P, for you are not my p, • Hos 1:9
p honors me with their lips, but their • Mk 7:6
make ready for the Lord a p prepared.” • Lk 1:17
the earth, will draw all p to myself.” • Jn 12:32
has God rejected his p? By no means! • Rom 11:1
desires all p to be saved and to • 1 Tm 2:4
propitiation for the sins of the p. • Heb 2:17
be mistreated with the p of God than • Heb 11:25
with them, and they will be his p, • Rv 21:3
kingdom, that all p, nations, • Dn 7:14
above the hills; and p shall flow to it, • Mi 4:1
Gentiles, and let all the p extol him.” • Rom 15:11
from all tribes and p and languages, • Rv 7:9
the flock, to be accepted it must be p; • Lv 22:21
My dove, my p one, is the only one, • Sg 6:9
You therefore must be p, as your • Mt 5:48
but when the p comes, the partial • 1 Cor 13:10
for my power is made p in weakness.” • 2 Cor 12:9
of their salvation p through suffering. • Heb 2:10
that you may be p and complete, • Jas 1:4
single offering he has p for all time • Heb 10:14
in him truly the love of God is p. • 1 Jn 2:5
Jesus, the founder and p of our faith, • Heb 12:2
I have seen a limit to all p, but your • Ps 119:96
Now if p had been attainable through • Heb 7:11
is against the law, and if I p, I p.” • Est 4:16
but the way of the wicked will p. • Ps 1:6
take the sword will p by the sword. • Mt 26:52
you repent, you will all likewise p. • Lk 13:3
eternal life, and they will never p, • Jn 10:28
they will p, but you remain; • Heb 1:11
not wishing that any should p, • 2 Pt 3:9
What is sown is p; what is raised is • 1 Cor 15:42
not with p things such as silver • 1 Pt 1:18
did not accept discipline; truth has p; • Jer 7:28
The godly has p from the earth, and • Mi 7:2
have fallen asleep in Christ have p. • 1 Cor 15:18
existed was deluged with water and p. • 2 Pt 3:6
him, saying, “Save us, Lord; we are p.” • Mt 8:25
of the cross is folly to those who are p, • 1 Cor 1:18
it is veiled to those who are p. • 2 Cor 4:3
While they were p about this, behold, • Lk 24:4
crushed; p, but not driven to despair; • 2 Cor 4:8
enemies and pray for those who p you, • Mt 5:44
persecuted me, they will also p you. • Jn 15:20
Bless those who p you; bless and do • Rom 12:14
for so they p the prophets • Mt 5:12
reviled, we bless; when p, we endure; • 1 Cor 4:12
p, but not forsaken; struck down, but • 2 Cor 4:9
a godly life in Christ Jesus will be p, • 2 Tm 3:12
this was why the Jews were p Jesus, • Jn 5:16
to him, “Saul, Saul, why are you p me?” • Acts 9:4
when tribulation or p arises on • Mt 13:21
that day a great p against the church in • Acts 8:1
Shall tribulation, or distress, or p, or • Rom 8:35
hardships, p, and calamities. • 2 Cor 12:10
faith in all your p and in the afflictions • 2 Thes 1:4
p I endured; yet from them all • 2 Tm 3:11
as to zeal, a p of the church; • Phil 3:6
though formerly I was a blasphemer, p, • 1 Tm 1:13
To that end keep alert with all p, • Eph 6:18
In the first year of Cyrus king of P, • Ezr 1:1
The army of P and Media and the • Est 1:3
these are the kings of Media and P. • Dn 8:20
P in this, for by so doing you will • 1 Tm 4:16
As for those who p in sin, rebuke • 1 Tm 5:20
The good p out of his good treasure • Mt 12:35
from the heart, and this defiles a p. • Mt 15:18
he will repay each p according to what • Mt 16:27
perhaps for a good p one would dare • Rom 5:7
the fear of the Lord, we p others. • 2 Cor 5:11
With patience a ruler may be p, and a • Prv 25:15
some of them were p and joined Paul • Acts 17:4
and sweetness of speech increases p. • Prv 16:21
speech judicious and adds p to his lips. • Prv 16:23
end will be, for they are a p generation, • Dt 32:20
A p heart shall be far from me; I will • Ps 101:4
the mouth of the wicked, what is p. • Prv 10:32
bribe in secret to p the ways of justice. • Prv 17:23
and you p the words of the living God, • Jer 23:36
who p the grace of our God into • Jude 4
Lord sent a p on Israel from • 2 Sm 24:15
nor the p that stalks in darkness, • Ps 91:6
with famine and with p and by wild • Rv 6:8
Simon (who is called P) and Andrew • Mt 4:18
So P got out of the boat and walked • Mt 14:29
And I tell you, you are P, and on this • Mt 16:18
days Jesus took with him P and James, • Mt 17:1
Now P was sitting outside in the • Mt 26:69
But P rose and ran to the tomb; • Lk 24:12
be called Cephas” (which means P). • Jn 1:42
Jesus said to Simon P, “Simon, • Jn 21:15
But P, standing with the eleven, lifted • Acts 2:14
Then P, filled with the Holy Spirit, • Acts 4:8
P was sleeping between two soldiers, • Acts 12:6
debate, P stood up and said to them, • Acts 15:7
through P for his apostolic ministry to • Gal 2:8
of Israel grant your p that you have • 1 Sm 1:17
found Daniel making p and plea before • Dn 6:11
Then Joseph said to P, “The dreams of • Gn 41:25
“Go in, tell P king of Egypt to let the • Ex 6:11
I will get glory over P and all his host, • Ex 14:17
For the Scripture says to P, “For this • Rom 9:17
You blind P! First clean the inside • Mt 23:26
The P, standing by himself, prayed • Lk 18:11
“Brothers, I am a P, a son of Pharisees. • Acts 23:6
Hebrew of Hebrews; as to the law, a P; • Phil 3:5
exceeds that of the scribes and P, • Mt 5:20
Then the P went and plotted how to • Mt 22:15
“But woe to you, scribes and P, • Mt 23:13
P cleanse the outside of the cup • Lk 11:39
P, saying, “Is it lawful to heal on the • Lk 14:3
P and Bartholomew; Thomas and • Mt 10:3
He found P and said to him, “Follow • Jn 1:43
P said to him, “Lord, show us the • Jn 14:8
James and Andrew, P and Thomas, • Acts 1:13
So P ran to him and heard him • Acts 8:30
came into the district of Caesarea P, • Mt 16:13
and from there to P, which is a • Acts 16:12
and been shamefully treated at P, • 1 Thes 2:2
to Gerar to Abimelech king of the P. • Gn 26:1
When the P captured the ark of God, • 1 Sm 5:1
Now the P gathered their armies for • 1 Sm 17:1
David defeated the P and subdued • 2 Sm 8:1
Jeremiah the prophet concerning the P, • Jer 47:1
and Stoic p also conversed with him. • Acts 17:18
you captive by p and empty deceit, • Col 2:8
daughters of Putiel, and she bore him P. • Ex 6:25
When P the son of Eleazar, son of • Nm 25:7
Gilead, P the son of Eleazar the priest, • Jos 22:13
the two sons of Eli, Hophni and P, • 1 Sm 1:3
For they make their p broad and their • Mt 23:5
who are well have no need of a p, • Mt 9:12
to me this proverb, ‘P, heal yourself.’ • Lk 4:23
Luke the beloved p greets you, • Col 4:14
with lies; worthless p are you all. • Jb 13:4
though she had spent all her living on p, • Lk 8:43
No one puts a p of unshrunk cloth on • Mt 9:16
They gave him a p of broiled fish, • Lk 24:42
falls on this stone will be broken to p; • Mt 21:44
And they paid him thirty p of silver. • Mt 26:15
they have p my hands and feet— • Ps 22:16
on me, on him whom they have p, • Zec 12:10
But one of the soldiers p his side • Jn 19:34
will look on him whom they have p.” • Jn 19:37
eye will see him, even those who p him, • Rv 1:7
do not throw your pearls before p, • Mt 7:6
a herd of many p was feeding at some • Mt 8:30
to be fed with the pods that the p ate, • Lk 15:16
delivered him over to P the governor. • Mt 27:2
Pontius P being governor of Judea, • Lk 3:1
And Herod and P became friends with • Lk 23:12
P answered, “What I have written I • Jn 19:22
over and denied in the presence of P, • Acts 3:13
anointed, both Herod and Pontius P • Acts 4:27
in his testimony before Pontius P • 1 Tm 6:13
In the p of the cloud he spoke • Ps 99:7
God, a p and buttress of the truth. • 1 Tm 3:15
catching them, bearing them on its p, • Dt 32:11
are they the p and plumage of love? • Jb 39:13
my soul from going down into the p, • Jb 33:28
He drew me up from the p of • Ps 40:2
redeems your life from the p, • Ps 103:4
Whoever digs a p will fall into it, • Prv 26:27
they have dug a p for my life. • Jer 18:20
lead the blind, both will fall into a p.” • Mt 15:14
and threw him into the p, and shut it • Rv 20:3
Now Jacob had p his tent in the hill • Gn 31:25
for the ark of God and p a tent for it. • 1 Chr 15:1
for he had p a tent for it in Jerusalem.) • 2 Chr 1:4
we are of all people most to be p. • 1 Cor 15:19
They close their hearts to p; with their • Ps 17:10
I looked for p, but there was none, • Ps 69:20
in his love and in his p he redeemed • Is 63:9
their own shepherds have no p on them. • Zec 11:5
And Jesus in p touched their eyes, and • Mt 20:34
Moved with p, he stretched out his • Mk 1:41
“Surely the Lord is in this p, • Gn 28:16
and caused the dawn to know its p, • Jb 38:12
You are a hiding p for me; you • Ps 32:7
How lovely is your dwelling p, O • Ps 84:1
been our dwelling p in all generations. • Ps 90:1
it is gone, and its p knows it no more. • Ps 103:16
eyes of the Lord are in every p, • Prv 15:3
and his resting p shall be glorious. • Is 11:10
that I go to prepare a p for you? • Jn 14:2
together into a dwelling p for God by • Eph 2:22
the dwelling p of God is with man. • Rv 21:3
noticed how they chose the p of honor, • Lk 14:7
he entered once for all into the holy p, • Heb 9:12
“Yet one p more I will bring • Ex 11:1
to befall you, no p come near your tent. • Ps 91:10
strike the earth with every kind of p, • Rv 11:6
people of diseases and p and evil • Lk 7:21
By these three p a third of mankind • Rv 9:18
add to him the p described in this book, • Rv 22:18
become level, and the rough places a p. • Is 40:4
can be known about God is p to them, • Rom 1:19
If you are the Christ, tell us p.” • Jn 10:24
but will tell you p about the Father. • Jn 16:25
us and that God had frustrated their p, • Neh 4:15
Do not p evil against your neighbor, • Prv 3:29
but those who p peace have joy. • Prv 12:20
to the definite p and foreknowledge of • Acts 2:23
as a p for the fullness of time, to unite • Eph 1:10
what is the p of the mystery hidden • Eph 3:9
I p from days of old what now I • 2 Kgs 19:25
“As I have p, so shall it be, • Is 14:24
heart’s desire and fulfill all your p! • Ps 20:4
The heart of man p his way, but • Prv 16:9
P are established by counsel; by wise • Prv 20:18
p formed of old, faithful and sure. • Is 25:1
But he who is noble p noble things, • Is 32:8
For I know the p I have for you, • Jer 29:11
given you every p yielding seed that • Gn 1:29
God appointed a p and made it • Jon 4:6
“Every p that my heavenly Father has • Mt 15:13
of the earth or any green p or any tree, • Rv 9:4
Scarcely are they p, scarcely sown, • Is 40:24
tree, ‘Be uprooted and p in the sea,’ • Lk 17:6
I p, Apollos watered, but God gave • 1 Cor 3:6
God responded to the p for the land. • 2 Sm 21:14
to my prayer; listen to my p for grace. • Ps 86:6
my p before the Lord • Dn 9:20
to the Lord I p for mercy: • Ps 30:8
P my cause and redeem me; give • Ps 119:154
for the Lord will p their cause • Prv 22:23
“And I p with the Lord at • Dt 3:23
Three times I p with the Lord about • 2 Cor 12:8
The lines have fallen for me in p places; • Ps 16:6
how good and p it is when brothers • Ps 133:1
Light is sweet, and it is p for the eyes • Eccl 11:7
This will p the Lord more • Ps 69:31
who are in the flesh cannot p God. • Rom 8:8
Let each of us p his neighbor for his • Rom 15:2
things of the Lord, how to p the Lord. • 1 Cor 7:32
just as I try to p everyone in • 1 Cor 10:33
we make it our aim to p him. • 2 Cor 5:9
but to p God who tests our hearts. • 1 Thes 2:4
how you ought to walk and to p God, • 1 Thes 4:1
beloved Son, with whom I am well p.” • Mt 3:17
it p God through the folly of what • 1 Cor 1:21
he was commended as having p God. • Heb 11:5
beloved Son, with whom I am well p,” • 2 Pt 1:17
Whatever the Lord p, he does, • Ps 135:6
in everything, for this p the Lord. • Col 3:20
commandments and do what p him. • 1 Jn 3:22
I always do the things that are p to him • Jn 8:29
a sacrifice acceptable and p to God. • Phil 4:18
worthy of the Lord, fully p to him, • Col 1:10
for such sacrifices are p to God. • Heb 13:16
but the Lord takes p in those • Ps 147:11
Whoever loves p will be a poor man; • Prv 21:17
for it is your Father’s good p to give • Lk 12:32
both to will and to work for his good p. • Phil 2:13
at your right hand are p forevermore. • Ps 16:11
by the cares and riches and p of life, • Lk 8:14
than to enjoy the fleeting p of sin. • Heb 11:25
“The harvest is p, but the laborers are • Mt 9:37
pursuits will have p of poverty. • Prv 28:19
“You shall eat in p and be satisfied, • Jl 2:26
nations rage and the peoples p in vain? • Ps 2:1
rage, and the peoples p in vain? • Acts 4:25
but their p became known to Saul. • Acts 9:24
The wicked p against the righteous • Ps 37:12
let us make p against Jeremiah, • Jer 18:18
to me through the p of the Jews; • Acts 20:19
had p against the Jews to destroy them, • Est 9:24
p together in order to arrest Jesus by • Mt 26:4
had passed, the Jews p to kill him, • Acts 9:23
hand to the p and looks back is fit • Lk 9:62
the plowman should p in hope and • 1 Cor 9:10
of hosts, “‘Zion shall be p as a field; • Jer 26:18
You have p iniquity; you have reaped • Hos 10:13
because of you Zion shall be p as a • Mi 3:12
Beat your p into swords, and • Jl 3:10
shall beat their swords into p, • Mi 4:3
the line, and righteousness the p line; • Is 28:17
I am setting a p line in the midst of my • Am 7:8
and shall see the p line in the hand of • Zec 4:10
Thus they p the Egyptians. • Ex 12:36
people went out and p the camp of • 2 Kgs 7:16
“Because the poor are p, because • Ps 12:5
have turned justice into p and the fruit • Am 6:12
It is a restless evil, full of deadly p. • Jas 3:8
You shall not p the land in which • Nm 35:33
they p the house of the Lord • 2 Chr 36:14
and the land was p with blood. • Ps 106:38
righteous deeds are like a p garment. • Is 64:6
to abstain from the things p by idols, • Acts 15:20
and the splendor and p of his greatness • Est 1:4
Man in his p will not remain; he is like • Ps 49:12
Be angry, and do not sin; p in • Ps 4:4
P the path of your feet; then all your • Prv 4:26
You shall not be partial to the p or • Lv 19:15
The Lord makes p and makes • 1 Sm 2:7
and the hope of the p shall not perish • Ps 9:18
distributed freely; he has given to the p • Ps 112:9
Better is a p person who walks in • Prv 19:1
closes his ear to the cry of the p will • Prv 21:13
anointed me to bring good news to the p • Is 61:1
“Blessed are the p in spirit, for theirs • Mt 5:3
sell what you possess and give to the p • Mt 19:21
For you always have the p with you, • Mt 26:11
and he saw a p widow put in two small • Lk 21:2
who are p in the world to be rich in faith • Jas 2:5
But the Lord’s p is his people, • Dt 32:9
let there be a double p of your spirit • 2 Kgs 2:9
strength of my heart and my p forever. • Ps 73:26
The Lord is my p; I promise • Ps 119:57
their land they shall possess a double p; • Is 61:7
“The Lord is my p,” says my soul, • Lam 3:24
Or what p does a believer share with • 2 Cor 6:15
to give you this land to p.” • Gn 15:7
Lord your God is giving you to p.’” • Jos 1:11
and p the kingdom forever, • Dn 7:18
who had been p with demons begged • Mk 5:18
at his teaching, for his word p authority. • Lk 4:32
the land of Canaan, for an everlasting p, • Gn 17:8
I will give it to you for a p. • Ex 6:8
day when I make up my treasured p, • Mal 3:17
our inheritance until we acquire p of it, • Eph 1:14
people for his own p who are zealous • Ti 2:14
away sorrowful, for he had great p. • Mt 19:22
not consist in the abundance of his p.” • Lk 12:15
were selling their p and belongings • Acts 2:45
but with God all things are p.” • Mt 19:26
is impossible with man is p with God.” • Lk 18:27
a smoking fire p and a flaming torch • Gn 15:17
man of God, there is death in the p!” • 2 Kgs 4:40
Midianites had sold him in Egypt to P, • Gn 37:36
and P, an officer of Pharaoh, • Gn 39:1
we are the clay, and you are our p; • Is 64:8
as it seemed good to the p to do. • Jer 18:4
Has the p no right over the clay, to • Rom 9:21
p out your heart before him; • Ps 62:8
I will p my Spirit upon your offspring, • Is 44:3
that I will p out my Spirit on all flesh; • Jl 2:28
that I will p out my Spirit on all flesh, • Acts 2:17
“Go and p out on the earth the seven • Rv 16:1
the covenant, which is p out for many. • Mk 14:24
Spirit was p out even on the Gentiles. • Acts 10:45
God’s love has been p into our hearts • Rom 5:5
For I am already being p out as a drink • 2 Tm 4:6
whom he p out on us richly through Jesus • Ti 3:6
profit, but mere talk tends only to p. • Prv 14:23
Love not sleep, lest you come to p; • Prv 20:13
everyone who is hasty comes only to p. • Prv 21:5
give me neither p nor riches; • Prv 30:8
she out of her p has put in everything • Mk 12:44
so that you by his p might become rich. • 2 Cor 8:9
I have raised you up, to show you my p, • Ex 9:16
Great is our Lord, and abundant in p; • Ps 147:5
He gives p to the faint, and to him • Is 40:29
“It is he who made the earth by his p, • Jer 51:15
by might, nor by p, but by my Spirit, • Zec 4:6
And the p of the Lord was with him • Lk 5:17
for I perceive that p has gone out from • Lk 8:46
you are clothed with p from on high.” • Lk 24:49
But you will receive p when the Holy • Acts 1:8
who are being saved it is the p of God. • 1 Cor 1:18
will also raise us up by his p. • 1 Cor 6:14
that the surpassing p belongs to God • 2 Cor 4:7
May you be strengthened with all p, • Col 1:11
Salvation and glory and p belong to • Rv 19:1
The voice of the Lord is p; • Ps 29:4
worldly standards, not many were p, • 1 Cor 1:26
with you, but is p among you. • 2 Cor 13:3
through faith in the p working of God, • Col 2:12
present nor things to come, nor p, • Rom 8:38
against the cosmic p over this present • Eph 6:12
word of God and the p of the age to • Heb 6:5
For they preach, but do not p. • Mt 23:3
P these things, immerse yourself • 1 Tm 4:15
No one born of God makes a p of • 1 Jn 3:9
break off your sins by p righteousness, • Dn 4:27
“Beware of p your righteousness before • Mt 6:1
him to be guarded in Herod’s p. • Acts 23:35
this is my God, and I will p him, • Ex 15:2
O you righteous! P befits the upright. • Ps 33:1
my mouth will declare your p. • Ps 51:15
Let the peoples p you, O God; let all • Ps 67:3
Let the heavens p your wonders, • Ps 89:5
P the Lord! P the Lord, • Ps 146:1
everything that has breath p the • Ps 150:6
Let another p you, and not your • Prv 27:2
garment of p instead of a faint spirit; • Is 61:3
offer up a sacrifice of p to God, • Heb 13:15
“P our God, all you his servants, • Rv 19:5
Lord, who is worthy to be p, • Ps 18:3
and greatly to be p in the city of our • Ps 48:1
streets, that they may be p by others. • Mt 6:2
saw what had taken place, he p God, • Lk 23:47
nations, and sing p to your name. • 2 Sm 22:50
will shout for joy, when I sing p to you; • Ps 71:23
“Sing p to the Lord, for he has • Is 12:5
p and giving thanks to the Lord, • Ezr 3:11
healed, turned back, p God with a loud • Lk 17:15
p God and having favor with all • Acts 2:47
walking and leaping and p God. • Acts 3:8
Lord by ceasing to p for you, • 1 Sm 12:23
P for the peace of Jerusalem! • Ps 122:6
Love your enemies and p for • Mt 5:44
P then like this: “Our Father in heaven, • Mt 6:9
p for those who abuse you. • Lk 6:28
ought always to p and not lose heart. • Lk 18:1
men went up into the temple to p, • Lk 18:10
do not know what to p for as we • Rom 8:26
For if I p in a tongue, my spirit prays • 1 Cor 14:14
we have not ceased to p for you, • Col 1:9
p without ceasing, • 1 Thes 5:17
that in every place the men should p, • 1 Tm 2:8
and p for one another, • Jas 5:16
I p to the Lord my God • Dn 9:4
Jonah p to the Lord his God • Jon 2:1
a little farther he fell on his face and p, • Mt 26:39
Pharisee, standing by himself, p thus: • Lk 18:11
all outside, and knelt down and p; • Acts 9:40
God, hear my p; give ear to the words • Ps 54:2
be called a house of p for all peoples.” • Is 56:7
seeking him by p and pleas for mercy • Dn 9:3
‘My house shall be called a house of p,’ • Mt 21:13
And whatever you ask in p, you will • Mt 21:22
accord were devoting themselves to p, • Acts 1:14
in tribulation, be constant in p. • Rom 12:12
You also must help us by p, so • 2 Cor 1:11
Continue steadfastly in p, being • Col 4:2
made holy by the word of God and p. • 1 Tm 4:5
The p of a righteous person has great • Jas 5:16
for a pretense make long p. • Mk 12:40
granted us through the p of many. • 2 Cor 1:11
for you, remembering you in my p, • Eph 1:16
know that through your p and the help • Phil 1:19
that supplications, p, intercessions, • 1 Tm 2:1
so that your p may not be hindered. • 1 Pt 3:7
incense, which are the p of the saints. • Rv 5:8
And whenever you stand p, forgive, • Mk 11:25
I am p for them. I am not p • Jn 17:9
Then after fasting and p they laid • Acts 13:3
and Silas were p and singing hymns • Acts 16:25
that time Jesus began to p, saying, • Mt 4:17
For they p, but do not practice. • Mt 23:3
commanded us to p to the people • Acts 10:42
So I am eager to p the gospel to • Rom 1:15
And how are they to p unless they • Rom 10:15
folly of what we p to save those • 1 Cor 1:21
Woe to me if I do not p the gospel! • 1 Cor 9:16
so that we may p the gospel in lands • 2 Cor 10:16
I might p him among the Gentiles, • Gal 1:16
to p to the Gentiles the unsearchable • Eph 3:8
Some indeed p Christ from envy • Phil 1:15
he p good news to the people. • Lk 3:18
And he came and p peace to you • Eph 2:17
through those who p the good news • 1 Pt 1:12
John the Baptist came p in the • Mt 3:1
And he was p the word to them. • Mk 2:2
not cease teaching and p that the • Acts 5:42
teaching and p the word of the Lord, • Acts 15:35
are they to hear without someone p? • Rom 10:14
then our p is in vain and your faith • 1 Cor 15:14
If anyone is p to you a gospel contrary • Gal 1:9
persecute us is now p the faith he • Gal 1:23
those who labor in p and teaching. • 1 Tm 5:17
For it is p upon p, p upon • Is 28:10
the p of the Lord are right, • Ps 19:8
all his p are trustworthy; • Ps 111:7
I will meditate on your p and fix my • Ps 119:15
I give you good p; do not forsake my • Prv 4:2
How p is your steadfast love, • Ps 36:7
P in the sight of the Lord is • Ps 116:15
She is far more p than jewels. • Prv 31:10
your faith—more p than gold that • 1 Pt 1:7
but with the p blood of Christ, • 1 Pt 1:19
a cornerstone chosen and p, • 1 Pt 2:6
and your plan had p to take place. • Acts 4:28
he foreknew he also p to be conformed • Rom 8:29
p us for adoption as sons through Jesus • Eph 1:5
having been p according to the • Eph 1:11
remember the p of the holy prophets • 2 Pt 3:2
the p of the apostles of our Lord Jesus • Jude 17
dead, that in everything he might be p. • Col 1:18
You p a table before me in the • Ps 23:5
P your work outside; get everything • Prv 24:27
“In the wilderness p the way of the • Is 40:3
to you, p to meet your God, • Am 4:12
messenger, and he will p the way • Mal 3:1
‘P the way of the Lord; • Mt 3:3
And if I go and p a place for you, I • Jn 14:3
which he has p beforehand for glory— • Rom 9:23
what God has p for those who love • 1 Cor 2:9
He who has p us for this very thing • 2 Cor 5:5
good works, which God p beforehand, • Eph 2:10
always being p to make a defense to • 1 Pt 3:15
themselves from the p of the Lord • Gn 3:8
set the bread of the P on the table • Ex 25:30
Let us come into his p with • Ps 95:2
Come into his p with singing! • Ps 100:2
Or where shall I flee from your p? • Ps 139:7
bring us with you into his p. • 2 Cor 4:14
away from the p of the Lord and from • 2 Thes 1:9
now to appear in the p of God on • Heb 9:24
but p yourselves to God as those who • Rom 6:13
life or death or the p or the future— • 1 Cor 3:22
absent in body, I am p in spirit; • 1 Cor 5:3
so that he might p the church to • Eph 5:27
in order to p you holy and blameless • Col 1:22
for God sent me before you to p life. • Gn 45:5
but the lips of the wise will p them. • Prv 14:3
Whoever seeks to p his life will lose it, • Lk 17:33
who have faith and p their souls. • Heb 10:39
The Lord p the faithful but • Ps 31:23
He p the lives of his saints; he delivers • Ps 97:10
The Lord p all who love • Ps 145:20
wisdom p the life of him who has it. • Eccl 7:12
let us p on to know the Lord; • Hos 6:3
I p on toward the goal for the prize • Phil 3:14
Good measure, p down, shaken • Lk 6:38
I am hard p between the two. My desire • Phil 1:23
my p will not be heavy upon you. • Jb 33:7
there is the daily p on me of my • 2 Cor 11:28
for not by might shall a man p. • 1 Sm 2:9
Moses held up his hand, Israel p, • Ex 17:11
the p of wisdom is above pearls. • Jb 28:18
the p of him on whom a p had • Mt 27:9
for you were bought with a p. • 1 Cor 6:20
You were bought with a p; do not • 1 Cor 7:23
desires take the water of life without p. • Rv 22:17
In the p of his face the wicked does not • Ps 10:4
P and arrogance and the way of evil • Prv 8:13
P goes before destruction, • Prv 16:18
One’s p will bring him low, • Prv 29:23
sensuality, envy, slander, p, foolishness. • Mk 7:22
of the eyes and p of life— • 1 Jn 2:16
(He was p of God Most High.) • Gn 14:18
I will raise up for myself a faithful p, • 1 Sm 2:35
“You are a p forever after the order • Ps 110:4
the lips of a p should guard knowledge, • Mal 2:7
Judea, there was a p named Zechariah, • Lk 1:5
For we do not have a high p who is • Heb 4:15
place, “You are a p forever, • Heb 5:6
we have such a high p, one who is • Heb 8:1
And the p shall be theirs by a statute • Ex 29:9
but he holds his p permanently, • Heb 7:24
up as a spiritual house, to be a holy p, • 1 Pt 2:5
a chosen race, a royal p, a holy nation, • 1 Pt 2:9
me a kingdom of p and a holy nation. • Ex 19:6
p became obedient to the faith. • Acts 6:7
a kingdom and p to our God, • Rv 5:10
but they will be p of God and • Rv 20:6
Everlasting Father, P of Peace. • Is 9:6
casts out demons by the p of demons.” • Mt 9:34
following the p of the power of the air, • Eph 2:2
Greet P and Aquila, my fellow workers • Rom 16:3
Aquila and P, together with the • 1 Cor 16:19
Greet P and Aquila, and the • 2 Tm 4:19
come from Italy with his wife P, • Acts 18:2
but when P and Aquila heard him, • Acts 18:26
keeper of the p put Joseph in charge • Gn 39:22
I was in p and you came to me.’ • Mt 25:36
Lord opened the p doors and brought • Acts 5:19
Lord had brought him out of the p. • Acts 12:17
Christ, on account of which I am in p— • Col 4:3
Remember those who are in p, • Heb 13:3
went and proclaimed to the spirits in p, • 1 Pt 3:19
ended, Satan will be released from his p • Rv 20:7
For this reason I, Paul, a p for Christ • Eph 3:1
about our Lord, nor of me his p, • 2 Tm 1:8
The Lord sets the p free; • Ps 146:7
to bring out the p from the dungeon, • Is 42:7
supposing that the p had escaped. • Acts 16:27
run, but only one receives the p? • 1 Cor 9:24
for the p of the upward call of God in • Phil 3:14
The heavens p his righteousness, • Ps 97:6
Who is like me? Let him p it. Let him • Is 44:7
hear whispered, p on the housetops. • Mt 10:27
“Go into all the world and p the gospel • Mk 16:15
to p the year of the Lord’s favor.” • Lk 4:19
p the gospel should get their living by • 1 Cor 9:14
and p the name of the Lord. • Ex 34:5
my name might be p in all the earth.” • Rom 9:17
which has been p in all creation • Col 1:23
and the sky above p his handiwork. • Ps 19:1
but the heart of fools p folly. • Prv 12:23
very day, they ate of the p of the land, • Jos 5:11
be full, providing all kinds of p; • Ps 144:13
and with the firstfruits of all your p; • Prv 3:9
for the anger of man does not p the • Jas 1:20
and pressing anger p strife. • Prv 30:33
and character p hope, • Rom 5:4
For godly grief p a repentance that • 2 Cor 7:10
and p a crop useful to those • Heb 6:7
testing of your faith p steadfastness. • Jas 1:3
But you p it when you say that the • Mal 1:12
priests in the temple p the Sabbath and • Mt 12:5
and her p better than gold. • Prv 3:14
Riches do not p in the day of wrath, • Prv 11:4
In all toil there is p, but mere talk • Prv 14:23
What is the p of our keeping his charge • Mal 3:14
For what will it p a man if he gains • Mt 16:26
be gracious to me according to your p. • Ps 119:58
I am sending the p of my Father upon • Lk 24:49
but to wait for the p of the Father, • Acts 1:4
in order that the p may rest on grace • Rom 4:16
so that the p by faith in Jesus Christ • Gal 3:22
the first commandment with a p), • Eph 6:2
God according to the p of the life • 2 Tm 1:1
By faith he went to live in the land of p, • Heb 11:9
But according to his p we are waiting • 2 Pt 3:13
And this is the p that he made to us— • 1 Jn 2:25
your God will bless you, as he p you, • Dt 15:6
will do this thing that he has p: • Is 38:7
God was able to do what he had p. • Rom 4:21
receive the p Spirit through faith. • Gal 3:14
were sealed with the p Holy Spirit, • Eph 1:13
wavering, for he who p is faithful. • Heb 10:23
of the law, the worship, and the p. • Rom 9:4
For all the p of God find their Yes • 2 Cor 1:20
Since we have these p, beloved, let • 2 Cor 7:1
to us his precious and very great p, • 2 Pt 1:4
the wise heart will know the p time • Eccl 8:5
is it p for a wife to pray to God with • 1 Cor 11:13
as is p among saints. • Eph 5:3
p for women who profess godliness— • 1 Tm 2:10
God so that at the p time he may exalt • 1 Pt 5:6
As for p, they will pass away; • 1 Cor 13:8
Do not despise p, • 1 Thes 5:20
in accordance with the p previously • 1 Tm 1:18
grace given to us, let us use them: if p, • Rom 12:6
working of miracles, to another p, • 1 Cor 12:10
while p is a sign not for unbelievers • 1 Cor 14:22
given you by p when the council of • 1 Tm 4:14
For no p was ever produced by the will • 2 Pt 1:21
keeps the words of the p of this book.” • Rv 22:7
the Prophets and the Law p until John, • Mt 11:13
was filled with the Holy Spirit and p, • Lk 1:67
priest that year he p that Jesus would • Jn 11:51
had four unmarried daughters, who p. • Acts 21:9
and you will p with them • 1 Sm 10:6
your sons and your daughters shall p, • Jl 2:28
Lord, did we not p in your name, • Mt 7:22
pour out my Spirit, and they shall p. • Acts 2:18
For we know in part and we p in part, • 1 Cor 13:9
gifts, especially that you may p. • 1 Cor 14:1
So, my brothers, earnestly desire to p, • 1 Cor 14:39
I will raise up for them a p like you • Dt 18:18
send you Elijah the p before the great • Mal 4:5
The one who receives a p because he • Mt 10:41
“A p is not without honor, • Mk 6:4
no p is acceptable in his hometown. • Lk 4:24
to him, “Sir, I perceive that you are a p. • Jn 4:19
If anyone thinks that he is a p, • 1 Cor 14:37
through the p writings has been • Rom 16:26
the p word more fully confirmed, • 2 Pt 1:19
my anointed ones, do my p no harm!” • Ps 105:15
abolish the Law or the P; I have not • Mt 5:17
“Beware of false p, who come to you • Mt 7:15
them in shedding the blood of the p.’ • Mt 23:30
believe all that the p have spoken! • Lk 24:25
To him all the p bear witness • Acts 10:43
apostles, second p, third teachers, • 1 Cor 12:28
the spirits of p are subject to p. • 1 Cor 14:32
the apostles, the p, the evangelists, • Eph 4:11
God spoke to our fathers by the p, • Heb 1:1
p who prophesied about the grace • 1 Pt 1:10
for many false p have gone out into • 1 Jn 4:1
you saints and apostles and p, for God • Rv 18:20
God put forward as a p by his blood, • Rom 3:25
to make p for the sins of the people. • Heb 2:17
He is the p for our sins, and • 1 Jn 2:2
sent his Son to be the p for our sins. • 1 Jn 4:10
“The God of heaven will make us p, • Neh 2:20
His ways p at all times; your • Ps 10:5
conceals his transgressions will not p, • Prv 28:13
for you do not know which will p, • Eccl 11:6
the will of the Lord shall p • Is 53:10
when I saw the p of the wicked. • Ps 73:3
In the day of p be joyful, and in • Eccl 7:14
house of a p whose name was Rahab • Jos 2:1
For a p is a deep pit; an adulteress is • Prv 23:27
make them members of a p? Never! • 1 Cor 6:15
also Rahab the p justified by works • Jas 2:25
Then two p came to the king and • 1 Kgs 3:16
but a companion of p squanders his • Prv 29:3
tax collectors and the p believed him. • Mt 21:32
to give us p in Judea and Jerusalem. • Ezr 9:9
for joy, and spread your p over them, • Ps 5:11
For the p of wisdom is like the • Eccl 7:12
the Lord p him and keeps him • Ps 41:2
but he who was born of God p him, • 1 Jn 5:18
tears down the house of the p but • Prv 15:25
Haughty eyes and a p heart, • Prv 21:4
patient in spirit is better than the p • Eccl 7:8
So do not become p, but fear. • Rom 11:20
lovers of money, p, arrogant, abusive, • 2 Tm 3:2
“God opposes the p, but gives grace • Jas 4:6
P me, O Lord, and try me; test • Ps 26:2
much fruit and so p to be my disciples. • Jn 15:8
if they p themselves blameless. • 1 Tm 3:10
As the p of the ancients says, ‘Out of • 1 Sm 24:13
“Doubtless you will quote to me this p, • Lk 4:23
He also spoke 3,000 p, and his songs • 1 Kgs 4:32
and arranging many p with great care. • Eccl 12:9
Abraham said, “God will p for • Gn 22:8
if anyone does not p for his relatives, • 1 Tm 5:8
O God, you p for the needy. • Ps 68:10
who p for them out of their means. • Lk 8:3
there will be richly p for you an • 2 Pt 1:11
your God, so as to p him to anger, • Dt 4:25
or p me to anger with the work of your • Jer 25:6
Shall we p the Lord to jealousy? • 1 Cor 10:22
to give p to the simple, knowledge • Prv 1:4
Daniel replied with p and discretion to • Dn 2:14
but whoever restrains his lips is p. • Prv 10:19
at once, but the p ignores an insult. • Prv 12:16
A p man conceals knowledge, • Prv 12:23
but the p gives thought to his steps. • Prv 14:15
but whoever heeds reproof is p. • Prv 15:5
Therefore he who is p will keep silent • Am 5:13
David himself says in the Book of P, • Lk 20:42
“For it is written in the Book of P, • Acts 1:20
addressing one another in p and hymns • Eph 5:19
none of you may be p up in favor of • 1 Cor 4:6
p up without reason by his sensuous • Col 2:18
or he may become p up with conceit • 1 Tm 3:6
I will p the world for its evil, • Is 13:11
I will p you according to the fruit of • Jer 21:14
being ready to p every disobedience, • 2 Cor 10:6
as sent by him to p those who do evil • 1 Pt 2:14
Cain said to the Lord, “My p • Gn 4:13
What will you do on the day of p, • Is 10:3
And these will go away into eternal p, • Mt 25:46
a one, this p by the majority is enough, • 2 Cor 2:6
will suffer the p of eternal destruction, • 2 Thes 1:9
How much worse p, do you think, will • Heb 10:29
For fear has to do with p, and whoever • 1 Jn 4:18
by undergoing a p of eternal fire. • Jude 7
What is man, that he can be p? • Jb 15:14
The words of the Lord are p • Ps 12:6
with the purified you show yourself p; • Ps 18:26
How can a young man keep his way p? • Ps 119:9
Lord, but gracious words are p. • Prv 15:26
“Blessed are the p in heart, for they • Mt 5:8
in the sins of others; keep yourself p. • 1 Tm 5:22
who call on the Lord from a p heart. • 2 Tm 2:22
To the p, all things are p, but • Ti 1:15
But the wisdom from above is first p, • Jas 3:17
hopes in him purifies himself as he is p. • 1 Jn 3:3
P me with hyssop, and I shall be clean; • Ps 51:7
“P the evil person from among you.” • 1 Cor 5:13
may be refined, p, and made white, • Dn 11:35
Having p your souls by your obedience • 1 Pt 1:22
Many shall p themselves and make • Dn 12:10
to p for himself a people for his own • Ti 2:14
p our conscience from dead works to • Heb 9:14
He who loves p of heart, and whose • Prv 22:11
by p, knowledge, patience, kindness, • 2 Cor 6:6
younger women as sisters, in all p. • 1 Tm 5:2
the crown of thorns and the p robe. • Jn 19:5
city of Thyatira, a seller of p goods, • Acts 16:14
and that no p of yours can be thwarted. • Jb 42:2
The Lord will fulfill his p for me; • Ps 138:8
Lord has made everything for its p, • Prv 16:4
stand, and I will accomplish all my p,’ • Is 46:10
but it shall accomplish that which I p, • Is 55:11
the lawyers rejected the p of God for • Lk 7:30
But for this p I have come to this hour. • Jn 12:27
who are called according to his p. • Rom 8:28
mystery of his will, according to his p, • Eph 1:9
according to the eternal p that he has • Eph 3:11
but because of his own p and grace, • 2 Tm 1:9
the unchangeable character of his p, • Heb 6:17
do good; seek peace and p it. • Ps 34:14
So then let us p what makes for peace • Rom 14:19
P love, and earnestly desire the • 1 Cor 14:1
P righteousness, godliness, faith, • 1 Tm 6:11
do good; let him seek peace and p it. • 1 Pt 3:11
And I will p my Spirit within you, and • Ezk 36:27
I will p my Spirit upon him, and he will • Mt 12:18
But p on the Lord Jesus Christ, and • Rom 13:14
P on the whole armor of God, that you • Eph 6:11
And above all these p on love, which • Col 3:14