Agile Release Train


The more alignment you have, the more autonomy you can grant. The one enables the other.

Stephen Bungay, author and strategy consultant

The Agile Release Train (ART) is a long-lived team of Agile teams, which, along with other stakeholders, develops and delivers solutions incrementally, using a series of fixed-length Iterations within a Program Increment (PI) timebox. The ART aligns teams to a common business and technology mission.

Each ART is a virtual organization (50–125 people, sometimes more or less) whose members plan, commit, and execute together. ARTs are organized around the enterprise’s significant Value Streams and exist solely to realize the promise of that value by building Solutions that deliver benefit to the end user.


ARTs are cross-functional and have all the capabilities—software, hardware, firmware, and other—needed to define, implement, test, and deploy new system functionality. An ART operates with a goal of achieving a continuous flow of value, as shown in Figure 1.

A figure illustrates the Agile Release Train.

Figure 1. The long-lived Agile Release Train

The ART aligns teams to a common mission and helps manage the inherent risk and variability of solution development. ARTs operate on a set of common principles:

Additionally, in larger value streams, multiple ARTs collaborate to build larger solution capabilities via a Solution Train. Some ART stakeholders participate in Solution Train events, including the Solution Demo and Pre- and Post-PI Planning.


ARTs are typically virtual organizations that have all the people needed to define and deliver value. This arrangement breaks down any traditional functional silos (Figure 2) that may exist.

A figure shows the traditional functional organization.

Figure 2. Traditional functional organization

In the traditional functional organization, developers work with developers, testers work with other testers, and architects and systems engineers work with each other. While there are reasons why organizations have evolved in this way, value doesn’t flow easily within this type of structure, as it must cross all the silos. The daily involvement of managers and project managers is necessary to move the work across. As a result, progress is slow, and handoffs and delays rule.

In contrast, the ART applies systems thinking and builds a cross-functional organization that is optimized to facilitate the flow of value from ideation to deployment, as shown in Figure 3. Collectively, this fully cross-functional organization—whether physical (direct organizational reporting) or virtual (line of reporting is unchanged)—has everyone and everything it needs to define and deliver value. It is self-organizing and self-managing. This approach creates a far leaner organization, one where traditional daily task and project management is no longer required. Value flows more quickly, with a minimum of overhead.

A figure showsfully cross-functional agile release trains.

Figure 3. Agile Release Trains are fully cross-functional

Agile Teams Power the Train

ARTs include the teams that define, build, and test features and components. SAFe teams have a choice of Agile practices, based primarily on Scrum, XP, and Kanban. Software quality practices include continuous integration, test-first, refactoring, pair work, and collective ownership. Hardware quality is supported by exploratory early iterations, frequent system-level integration, design verification, modeling, and Set-Based Design. Agile architecture supports software and hardware quality.

Each Agile team includes five to nine dedicated individual contributors, covering all the roles necessary to build a quality increment of value for an iteration. Teams can deliver software, hardware, and any combination thereof. Of course, Agile teams within the ART are themselves cross-functional, as shown in Figure 4.

A figure shows that the agile teams within the ART are cross-functional.

Figure 4. Agile teams are cross-functional

Critical Team Roles

Each Agile team has dedicated individual contributors, covering all the roles necessary to build a quality increment of value for an iteration. Most SAFe teams apply a ScrumXP and Kanban hybrid, with the three primary Scrum roles:

Critical Program Roles

The following program-level roles, in addition to the Agile teams, help ensure successful execution of the ART:

In addition to these critical program roles, the following functions play an important part in ART success:

Develop on Cadence

ARTs also address one of the most common problems with traditional Agile development: Teams working on the same solution operate independently and asynchronously. That kind of operation makes it extremely difficult to routinely integrate the full system. In other words, “The teams are sprinting, but the system isn’t.” This increases the risk of late discovery of issues and problems, as shown in Figure 5.

A figure showing the asynchronous agile development.

Figure 5. Asynchronous Agile development

Instead, the ART applies cadence and synchronization to assure that the system is sprinting as a whole, as shown in Figure 6.

A figure shows a system consisting of eight sub-systems. An iteration exists between every system, and a continuous integration is seen between the systems. The system, on the whole, is indicated to be "sprinting."

Figure 6. Aligned development: this system is sprinting

Cadence and synchronization assure that the focus is constantly on the evolution and objective assessment of the full system, rather than its individual elements. The system demo, which occurs at the end of the iteration, provides the objective evidence that the system is moving forward.

ART Execution, DevOps, and Continuous Delivery

Every two weeks (and in aggregate, with every PI), the ART delivers a new system increment of value. This delivery cycle is supported by a Continuous Delivery Pipeline, which contains the workflows, activities, and automation needed to provide the availability of new features release. Figure 7 illustrates how these processes run concurrently and continuously, supported by the ART’s DevOps capabilities.

A figure illustrates the continuous delivery and ART’s DevOps capabilities.

Figure 7. Continuous exploration, continuous integration, and continuous deployment are continuous, concurrent, and supported by DevOps capabilities

Each ART builds and maintains (or shares) a pipeline with the assets and technologies needed to deliver solution value as independently as possible. The first three elements of the pipeline work together to support delivery of small batches of new functionality, which are then released to meet market demand.

Development and management of the continuous delivery pipeline are supported by DevOps, a capability of every ART. SAFe’s approach to DevOps uses the acronym ‘CALMR’ to reflect the aspects of Culture, Automation, Lean flow, Measurement, and Recovery.

Flow through the system is visualized, managed, and measured by the Program Kanban.

Release on Demand

Releasing is a separate concern from the development cadence. While many ARTs choose to release on the PI boundary, more typically, releases occur independently of this cadence. Moreover, for larger systems, a release is not an all-or-nothing event; that is, different parts of the solution (e.g., subsystems, services) can be released at different times, as described in Release on Demand.

ARTs Deliver All or Part of a Value Stream

The organization of an ART determines who will plan and work together, as well as which products, services, features, or components the train will deliver. Organizing ARTs is part of the ‘art’ of SAFe. This topic is covered extensively in the Implementation Roadmap chapters, particularly in Identifying Value Streams and ARTs and Creating the Implementation Plan.

A primary consideration with ART organization is size. Effective ARTs typically consist of 50–125 people. The upper limit is based on Dunbar’s number, which suggests a limit on the number of people with whom one can form effective, stable social relationships. The lower limit is based mostly on empirical observation. However, trains with fewer than 50 people can still be very effective and provide many advantages over legacy Agile practices for coordinating Agile teams.

Given the size constraints, two primary patterns tend to occur (Figure 8):

Two representations placed at the top and bottom depict the realization of value streams by ARTs.

Figure 8. ARTs realize all or part of a value stream

In the latter case, enterprises apply the elements and practices of the Large Solution Level and create a Solution Train to help coordinate the contributions of ARTs and Suppliers to deliver some of the world’s largest systems.


[1] Knaster, Richard, and Dean Leffingwell. SAFe Distilled: Applying the Scaled Agile Framework for Lean Software and Systems Engineering. Addison-Wesley, 2017.

[2] Leffingwell, Dean. Agile Software Requirements: Lean Requirements Practices for Teams, Programs, and the Enterprise. Addison-Wesley, 2011.

[3] Leffingwell, Dean. Scaling Software Agility: Best Practices for Large Enterprises. Addison-Wesley, 2007.