Program and Solution Backlogs


The emphasis should be on why we do a job.

W. Edwards Deming

The Program Backlog is the holding area for upcoming Features, which are intended to address user needs and deliver business benefits for a single Agile Release Train (ART). It also contains the Enabler features necessary to build the Architectural Runway.

The Solution Backlog is the holding area for upcoming Capabilities and enablers, each of which can span multiple ARTs and is intended to advance the Solution and build its architectural runway.

Product Management has responsibility for the Program Backlog, while Solution Management is responsible for the Solution Backlog. The items in these backlogs result from research activities and active collaboration involving various stakeholders—Customers, Business Owners, Product Management, Product Owners, System and Solution Architects/Engineering, and more.

The backlog items are managed through their respective Program and Solution Kanban systems. The work travels through the states of ‘funnel’ and ‘analyzing,’ with the highest-priority features and capabilities, after being sufficiently elaborated and approved, then moving to the ‘backlog’ state. There, these items are prioritized relative to the rest of the backlog and await implementation.

Effectively identifying, refining, prioritizing, and sequencing backlog items using Weighted Shortest Job First (WSJF) is the key to the economic success of the solution. Since the backlog contains both new business functionality and the enablement work necessary to extend the architectural runway, a ‘capacity allocation’ is used to help ensure immediate and long-term value delivery, combined with adequate velocity and quality.


The program and solution backlogs are the repositories for all the upcoming work that affects the behavior of the Solution. Product and Solution Management develop, maintain, and prioritize the program and solution backlogs, respectively. The backlogs are essentially short-term holding areas for features and capabilities that have gone through their respective Kanban systems and been approved for implementation. Backlog items are estimated in story points, as Figure 1 illustrates.

An exploded view diagram of program backlog is shown.

Figure 1. Exploded view of Program Backlog, with story point size estimates

Refining the Backlog

ARTs and Solution Trains maintain a steady 8- to 12-week Program Increment (PI) cadence of planning, execution, demo, and Inspect and Adapt (I&A) events. This regular rhythm is the heartbeat that drives backlog readiness as well. Appearing at a Pre-PI Planning or a PI Planning without a well-elaborated backlog adds unacceptable risk to the upcoming PI.

The time between PI planning events is a busy time for Product and Solution Management, as these managers are always in the process of refining their backlogs in preparation for the next PI planning. Making this process visible and achieving backlog readiness for the upcoming PI are the primary purposes of the program and solution Kanbans.

Backlog refinement typically includes the following activities:

Prioritizing the Backlogs

Prioritizing the program and solution backlogs is a critical economic driver for the solution. To this end, Product and Solution Management use the WSJF prioritization method for job sequencing. To recap, WSJF ultimately translates to a simple formula, shown in Figure 2.

A formula reads, WSJF equals: “user-business value plus time criticality plus risk reduction and/ or opportunity enablement” over job size.

Figure 2. A formula for calculating WSJF

Preparing for PI Planning

The week or two before PI planning is a hectic time. Product and Solution Management personnel do the final backlog preparation, update the vision briefings, and work with Product Owners to further discuss the backlog before the event. System and Solution Architect/Engineering personnel update enabler definitions and models and often develop use cases that illustrate how the features and capabilities work together to deliver the end-user value.

Optimizing Value and Solution Integrity with Capacity Allocation

One challenge that every ART and Solution Train faces is how to balance the backlog of business features and capabilities with the need to continuously invest in the architectural runway, provide time for exploration of requirements and design for future PIs, and create prototypes and models to enhance visibility into any problem areas. To avoid velocity reduction and to defer the need for wholesale replacement of components due to technological obsolescence, ARTs must invest continuously in implementing the enablers of the solution. This complicates the prioritization of work, as different people may pull the teams in different directions (see Figure 3).

An illustration shows the dilemma over business features and enablers of the solution.

Figure 3. Business versus enabler backlog items dilemma

To address this problem, teams apply capacity allocation—a process by which they decide how much of the total effort can be used for each type of activity for an upcoming PI. Further, they agree to determine how the work is performed for each activity type. Examples of the results are given in Figure 4 and Table 1.

A figure illustrates the capacity allocation for a single PI.

Figure 4. Capacity allocation for a single PI


  • At each PI boundary, we agree on the percentage of resources to be devoted to new features or capabilities versus enablers.

  • We agree that System and Solution Architects/Engineering have authority to prioritize enabler work.

  • We agree that Product and Solution Management have authority to prioritize business backlog items.

  • We agree to jointly prioritize our work based on economics. We agree to collaborate on sequencing work in a way that maximizes customer value.

Table 1. Sample policies for managing enabler and feature capacity allocation

While the agreed-to policies can persist for some time, the amount of capacity allocated should change periodically based on the context. In the context of an ART, this decision can be revisited as part of backlog refinement in preparation for each PI planning session, while Solution Management and Solution Architect/Engineering make similar choices for the solution as a whole before pre-PI planning.

On Backlogs, Queues, Little’s Law, and Wait Times

At this point, we’ll take a brief detour to discuss the relationships among a backlog, wait times, and flow. Principle #6, Visualize and limit WIP, reduce batch sizes, and manage queue lengths, explains these relationships in detail. We’ll summarize that discussion here, because the program and solution backlogs can have the most significant impact on delivery time and throughput:

An illustration indicates that long queues are bad.

Figure 6. Long queues are bad

Your program and solution backlogs are not queues, as some items can leapfrog others for faster delivery, and you can always choose not to service everything in the backlog. (Note that neither of these tactics works at Starbucks.)

However, if all the items in your backlog are committed to stakeholders, then your backlog behaves like a queue—and the longer it is, the longer your stakeholders will have to wait for service. Of course, if they have to wait too long, they are likely to seek out another coffee shop, as your shop just can’t meet their rapidly changing market needs.

For this reason, teams must actively manage their backlogs and keep them short so that the development program is both fast and responsive. Teams also must limit their commitment to longer-term work, because some other item may come along that’s more important than a prior commitment. If a team has too many fixed and committed requirements in the backlog, it cannot respond quickly, no matter how efficient the team members are.

Teams can be both reliable and fast only if they actively manage the backlog and keep it short.


[1] Leffingwell, Dean. Agile Software Requirements: Lean Requirements Practices for Teams, Programs, and the Enterprise. Addison-Wesley, 2011.

[2] Reinertsen, Don. Principles of Product Development Flow: Second Generation Lean Product Development. Celeritas Publishing, 2009.