Introduction to the Large Solution Level


Everything must be made as simple as possible. But not simpler.

Albert Einstein

The Large Solution Level contains the roles, artifacts, and processes needed to build large and complex solutions. This includes a stronger focus on capturing requirements in Solution Intent, the coordination of multiple Agile Release Trains (ARTs) and Suppliers, and the need to ensure compliance with regulations and standards.

Einstein’s quote reminds us that we should strive to make things as simple as possible, but not simpler than what is needed. Similarly, when building large and complex systems, theoretically the simplest thing that could possibly work would be a single team. Of course, we know that even teams with more than 10 people are problematic. And a single ‘team’ of hundreds, or even thousands, of people just isn’t feasible. Instead, we scale by organizing people into ARTs (a team-of-Agile-teams) and Solution Trains (a team of multiple ARTs). Coordinating the work of a Solution Train to build large and complex solutions requires additional roles, events, and artifacts, which is the purpose of the large solution level.


The large solution level (see Figure 1) is meant for enterprises that face the biggest challenges—building large-scale solutions that are beyond the scope of a single ART to develop. Building these solutions requires additional roles, artifacts, events, and coordination.

A snapshot showing the large solution level.

Figure 1. Large solution level


Following are the highlights of the large solution level:


The large solution level roles provide governance and help coordinate multiple ARTs and suppliers:


The large solution level uses three major activities to help coordinate multiple ARTs and suppliers:


The following large-solution-level artifacts help coordinate multiple ARTs and suppliers:

Solution Trains Deliver Value

The Solution Train is the organizational vehicle that is used to coordinate the efforts of multiple ARTs and suppliers to deliver the world’s largest and most complex systems. These trains align and coordinate ARTs and suppliers so that they can collaborate like a single team but have all the advantages inherent in organizing using small teams and ARTs to scale the development and release effort.

Apply Large Solution Elements to Other SAFe Configurations

A number of unique elements are present at the large solution level, yet any individual element of this level may also be applied to the Essential SAFe or Portfolio SAFe configurations. For example, solution intent and compliance might be used by a single ART that is building a medical device of modest scale. As illustrated in Figure 2, this is part of SAFe’s scalability and configurability.

Application of large solution elements to SAFe configurations is depicted.

Figure 2. Applying large solution level elements to other SAFe configurations