Introduction to the Portfolio Level


To succeed in the long term, focus on the middle term.

Geoffrey Moore

The Portfolio Level contains the principles, practices, and roles needed to initiate and govern a set of development Value Streams. This is where strategy and investment funding are defined for value streams and their Solutions. This level also provides Agile portfolio operations and Lean governance for the people and resources needed to deliver solutions.

The portfolio level aligns enterprise strategy to portfolio execution by organizing the Lean-Agile Enterprise around the flow of value through one or more value streams. Delivering the basic budgeting and necessary governance mechanisms, it assures that investment in solutions will provide the return on investment (ROI) the enterprise needs to meet its strategic objectives. In the large enterprise, there may be multiple SAFe portfolios.


The SAFe portfolio level (Figure 1) contains the people and processes necessary to build the systems and solutions that the Enterprise needs to meet its strategic objectives.

A snapshot of SAFe portfolio level.

Figure 1. SAFe portfolio level

Each SAFe portfolio has a two-way connection to the enterprise. The first way establishes the Strategic Themes for the portfolio that guide it through ever-changing business objectives. The second way provides a constant flow of feedback from the portfolio back to the enterprise stakeholders. This feedback includes:


Highlights of the portfolio level include:


The portfolio-level roles provide the highest level of accountability and governance, including the coordination of multiple value streams.


The following portfolio-level artifacts help describe the strategic intent of the portfolio solution set:


[1] Leffingwell, Dean. Agile Software Requirements: Lean Requirements Practices for Teams, Programs, and the Portfolio. Addison-Wesley, 2011.