

A strategic inflection point is that moment when some combination of technological innovation, market evolution, and customer perception requires the company to make a radical shift or die.

Andy Grove, Only the Paranoid Survive

The Enterprise represents the business entity to which each SAFe portfolio belongs. In the small-to-midsize enterprise, one SAFe portfolio can typically govern the entire technical solution set. In larger enterprises, typically those with more than 500 to 1,000 technical practitioners, there can be multiple SAFe portfolios, typically one for each line of business. In either case, the portfolio is not the entire business, and it’s important for the enterprise to ensure that each portfolio solution set evolves to meet its needs.


Each portfolio within an enterprise exists for just one reason: to fulfill its contribution toward realizing the overall enterprise strategy. SAFe offers three primary constructs for connecting the enterprise strategy to a portfolio:

Enterprise Strategy Drives Portfolio Strategy

Developing the business strategy, and investing in the solutions that enable it, is a mostly centralized concern—the primary responsibility of the executives accountable for business performance. After all, portfolios don’t form themselves or fund themselves; they exist solely to fulfill the larger enterprise purposes.

Small Enterprises May Have a Single SAFe Portfolio

In small enterprises, a single portfolio (a single instance of SAFe) may be enough to deliver a set of solutions for the entire organization. This portfolio is connected to the business strategy by strategic themes and the budget, and it provides feedback to the enterprise via portfolio context (Figure 1).

A snapshot of the Enterprise view of a SAFe portfolio level.

Figure 1. Enterprise view of a single SAFe portfolio

Large Enterprises Will Have Multiple Portfolios

SAFe is successfully applied by many of the world’s largest enterprises. Many of these enterprises have thousands, and even tens of thousands, of IT, system, application, and solution development practitioners. Of course, these practitioners are not all working on the same solutions or within the same value streams. More likely, IT and development are organized to support various lines of business, internal departments, customer segments, or other business goals. To achieve the larger purpose, the enterprise will have multiple SAFe portfolios, each with its own budget and strategic themes reflecting that unit’s portion of the business strategy (see Figure 2).

In this case, each SAFe portfolio exists in this broader enterprise context, which is the source of the business strategy it must address. The enterprise also provides the more general funding and governance model for all the portfolios. The strategy, however, is a two-way street.

An illustration of the Enterprise view of multiple SAFe portfolios.

Figure 2. Enterprise view of multiple SAFe portfolios

Strategy Formulation

Defining the portfolio budget is a strategy development exercise (see the Strategic Themes chapter) that requires extensive collaboration. Many philosophies, trends, and influences are apparent in the tech sector, including those described by Geoffrey Moore’s series of books [1] and The Lean Startup [2]. A variety of more specific strategy approaches are in vogue as well, including the Business Model Canvas and the Lean Canvas [3].

One example is described in Beyond Entrepreneurship, by Jim Collins [4]. The output of this process is a set of strategic themes that provides an ongoing strategy snapshot, which communicates evolving intent and a budget for the portfolio. Figure 3 highlights the main aspects of that approach when adapted to the SAFe context.

An illustration of the Solution portfolio strategy formulation is shown.

Figure 3. Solution portfolio strategy formulation

Each aspect of the solution portfolio strategy formulation is discussed briefly here:

As shown in Figure 3, portfolio budgets and strategic themes are an output of a process—a process in which the business executives and other stakeholders systematically analyze a set of inputs before arriving at conclusions.

Portfolio Context Informs Enterprise Strategy

The strategy also has some emergent properties—some elements that simply can’t be known just centrally or up-front and that depend on the challenges and opportunities embedded in the current solution set and in the local market conditions they address. To respond to this kind of dynamic environment, strategy development requires continuous collaboration, communication, and alignment with downstream portfolios. In other words, it demands full and complete awareness of the portfolio context. This may include the following elements:

Strategy Formulation Is Largely Centralized; Portfolio Execution Is Decentralized

In keeping with SAFe Principle #9: Decentralize decision-making, forming a business strategy is largely centralized but also collaborative. Business executives and key portfolio stakeholders play a vital role. Executing solution strategy, however, is decentralized to the portfolio. Supported by transparency, constant feedback, KPIs, and appropriate portfolio metrics, only these people have the local knowledge necessary to define, evolve, and budget for value streams. They’re in the best position to apply the Economic Framework and to manage the development of the solutions necessary to address changing Customer needs and new market opportunities.


[1] Moore, Geoffrey. Crossing the Chasm (1991, 2014), Inside the Tornado (1995, 2004), and Escape Velocity (2011). Harper Business Essentials.

[2] Ries, Eric. The Lean Startup: How Today’s Entrepreneurs Use Continuous Innovation to Create Radically Successful Businesses. Random House, 2011.

[3] Maurya, Ash. Running Lean: Iterate from Plan A to a Plan That Works. O’Reilly Media, 2012.

[4] Collins, Jim, and William Lazier. Beyond Entrepreneurship: Turning Your Business into a Great and Enduring Company. Prentice Hall, 1992.