
Foreword to the Wisdom Edition by Ruben Habito

Preface to the Wisdom Edition by Kubota Ji’un

Preface to the Wisdom Edition by Masamichi Yamada

Author’s Preface to the First Edition

Note on Chinese and Japanese Terms

Shūan’s Preface

Dedication to the Throne

Mumon’s Preface

Case 1 Jōshū’s Dog

Case 2 Hyakujō and the Fox

Case 3 Gutei’s One Finger

Case 4 The Barbarian Has No Beard

Case 5 Kyōgen’s Man Up a Tree

Case 6 Buddha Holds Up a Flower

Case 7 Jōshū’s “Wash Your Bowls”

Case 8 Keichū Makes Carts

Case 9 Daitsū Chishō

Case 10 Seizei the Poor

Case 11 Jōshū Examines the Hermits

Case 12 Zuigan Calls Himself “Master”

Case 13 Tokusan Carries His Bowls

Case 14 Nansen Kills the Cat

Case 15 Tōzan’s Sixty Blows

Case 16 The Sound of the Bell and the Seven-Panel Robe

Case 17 The National Teacher’s Three Calls

Case 18 Tōzan’s Masagin

Case 19 Ordinary Mind Is the Way

Case 20 A Man of Great Strength

Case 21 Unmon’s Kanshiketsu

Case 22 Kashyapa’s Flagpole

Case 23 Think Neither Good Nor Evil

Case 24 Leaving Speech and Silence Behind

Case 25 The Sermon of the Third Seat

Case 26 Two Monks Roll Up the Blinds

Case 27 Not Mind, Not Buddha

Case 28 Ryūtan’s Name Echoed Long

Case 29 Not the Wind, Not the Flag

Case 30 Mind Is Buddha

Case 31 Jōshū Sees Through an Old Woman

Case 32 A Non-Buddhist Questions Buddha

Case 33 No Mind, No Buddha

Case 34 Knowing Is Not the Way

Case 35 Seijo’s Soul Is Separated

Case 36 Meeting a Man Who Has Accomplished the Way

Case 37 The Oak Tree in the Garden

Case 38 A Cow Passes Through a Window

Case 39 Unmon and a Mistake in Speech

Case 40 Kicking Over the Water Jug

Case 41 Bodhidharma Puts the Mind to Rest

Case 42 A Woman Comes Out of Samadhi

Case 43 Shuzan’s Shippei

Case 44 Bashō’s Shujō

Case 45 Who Is That One?

Case 46 Stepping Forward From the Top of a Pole

Case 47 Tosotsu’s Three Barriers

Case 48 Kempō’s One Way

Mumon’s Postscript

Mumon’s Zen Warnings

Ōryū’s Three Barriers

Muryō Sōju’s Verses on Ōryū’s Three Barriers

Mōkyō’s Epilogue

Amban’s Forty-ninth Case

Appendix 1 Introduction to the History of Zen Practice, by Thomas Cleary

Appendix 2 Writings and Zen Records Mentioned in the Introduction to the History of Zen Practice

Appendix 3 Personal Names, Place Names, and Writings (Japanese—Chinese)

Appendix 4 Personal Names, Place Names, and Writings (Chinese—Japanese)

Appendix 5 Lineage Charts

Appendix 6 Foreword to the Previous Edition by Taizan Maezumi

Appendix 7 Preface to the Previous Edition by H. M. Enomiya-Lasalle, S.J.