Achæans, assembly of, 55; early organization of, 5 ff. ; in Asia Minor, 13 ff. ; in the Ægean, 9 ff. Achemenidæ, 383 Achilles, 39, 43, 45, 50, 53f., 55, 58 Acragas, 24, 27, 75, 84 Acropolis, 10, 12; Aristotle on, 18, 23; at Athens, 11, 17, 18 Adeia, 169, 173 f., 249 Ægean, early civilization of, 9 Ægina, 102 ; area of, 25 ; population of, 28 Ægospotami, 272 Aeinautai, 66, 68 Æolians, 5, 13 Æolus, 9

Æschines, on degeneration of Ecclesia, 341 ; on policy towards slaves, 261 ; service in army, 350 Æschylus, 40, 255, 305, 352 f. Agamemnon, 34, 37, 39, 40, 42, 43, 48, 50, 51, 53f., 55, 56, 58 Agathoples, 324 Agela, 78

Agesilaus, 385, 386 Agidæ, 62, 118 Agis, 28

Agora, 21 ff., 50, 70; early significance of word, 46 ; in Thessalian towns, 81 ; seat of, 51 Agyrrhius, 333 Aidesis, 8 Aidos, 7, 8 Aigeirotomoi, 17 Aisimnion, 91

Aisymnates, 21, 89, 90 f., 92 Aisymnetes, 63, 107 Ajax, 39, 64, 75 Akaidai, 17 Alcæus, 104 f.

Alcibiades, 385 ; fights against Athens, 326; on spirit of independence in cities, 31 Alcinous, 9, 19, 21, 38, 39, 40, 46, 55, 58, 61 Alcmæonidæ, 64, 121, 170 Aletridæ, 17 Aleuadæ, 61, 70

Alexander, 381

Aliens (u. also Metlcs), agreements protecting, 266 ff. ; bestowal of citizenship on, 269 ff. ; position of, in city, 26 f., 263; rights bestowed on, 268 f.

Alphabet, triumph of Ionian, 354

Althaimenidæ, 15

Amnemones, 87

Amorgus, 389

Amphictyonies, 17, 30

Anaxagoras, 140

Androelidæ, 14

Androdamas, 105

Androtion, 345, 385

Antalcidas, treaty of, 362

Antandrus, 359

Antenor, 55

Antimachidæ, 14

Antinous, 58

Antipatros, work at Athens, 76, 79

Antiphon, 174, 255

Antissa, 92

Anytos, 146

Apagoge, 200, 234

Aparos, 71

Apaturia, 15, 17

Apella, 23, 77, 83f., 85, 275

Apelles, 304

Aphester, 87

Apodektai, 195, 196, 280 Aposteleis, 195

Arbitration, settlement of disputes by, 265f.

Arcadia, attempts at union in, 31, 288f., 371f.

Archeanactidæ, 61 Archiadæ, 14 Archidamus, 386

Architecture, developments in, 302f.

Archons, 17, 92, 124, 126, 127, 157, 198, 210f., 217, 218, 220 Archytus, 385

Areopagus, as guardian of the laws, 178; diminishing importance of, 124; jurisdiction of, 234 f.; reformed by Ephialtes, 125, 164, 178

Arginusæ, victorious generals of, 134, 166, 175

Argos, area of, 25; king of, 62; polis in, 13; political organization of, 85, 89, 90 ; revolution at,


Aristarchus, 108

Aristides, 171, 206, 209, 210, 211, 276f.

Aristippus, 308

Aristocracy, effect of commercial development on, 66 ff. ; signs of, in monarchy of Homeric era, 59 ; the city under, 33 ff.

Aristocrates, 31

Aristophanes, criticism of magistrates, 224; on Assembly, 152f., 154, 176; on Athenian Confederation, 284; on education, 348; on equality of wealth, 322 ; plays of, 306 ; plea for peace, 353 ; power of citizen, 232 ; Praxagora on communism, 322; references to, 177, 281, 301, 324; satirizes Demos, 229

Aristophon, 346, 357

Aristoteles, 365

Aristotle, criticism of new developments in drama, 306 ; mention of aisymnetes by, 91 ; mention of archon by, 93 ; mention of prytanis by, 92 ; no allusion to nomothesia, 332; on Athenian policy towards slaves, 261 ; on the Boule, 199, 201 f. ; on defects of hereditary magistracies, 94; on defensive systems under different governments, 18; on degeneration of cities, 385 ; on democracy, 148 ff. ; on divisions in city, 30, 315; on Ecclesia, 154; on education, 348; on election by lot, 209, 210, 211, 213; on equality, 316; on forms of government, 148 f. ; on forms of oligarchy, 69 ff. ; on Greek political development, 2; on hereditary monarchy, 61, note ; on ideal population of city, 26 f.; on laws, 136, 138, 164, 165; on liberty, 205; on marriage, 295; on officials elected by vote, 213; on oligarchy at Crete, 99; on oligarchy and its connection with cavalry, 65; on ostracism, 169, 170; on perfect city, 176, 317 f.; on political organization, 1 ; on property, 318 ; on property qualifications, 95 ; on restricted Council, 87; on sovereignty of people, 164, 176; on Sparta, 86 f.; on the market place, 21 f. ; on the misthos, 202, 203; on théorie fund, 340; on tyrants, 112, 113, 116; proposals for restriction of population, 298; references to, 28, 98, 133, 137. 316 Army, recruitment of, in Homeric city, 37 ; power of Homeric king in, 41 f.

Artaxerxes, 383 Artynai, 85, 89 Artynoi, 85, 89 Arybbas, 359

Asia Minor, centre of Hellenic colonization, 16; economic position of, 16; escape from narrow traditions in, 16; growth of towns in, 17, 102; political institutions of, 2; size of cities of, 25; system of cultivation in, 33 f. ; survival of kings in, 63 Assembly (u. also Ecclesia), angry scenes in, 53 ff. ; at Athens, 129, 152 ff. ; control over Council, 184; in oligarchy, 81 ff.; in the fourth century, 328 ff. ; in the Homeric era, 50 ff. ; leaders of, 176; place of meeting, 51; powers of Homeric, 51 ff. ; restrictive safeguards in, 77 ; summoned with Council, 51; the ordinary, 162 ff.; the plenary, 168 ff.

Assus, 19

Asty, the, 10 ff., 18, 23, 33 Astycrates, 359 Athena Phratria, 17 Athene, 11

Athens, and the Lacedaemonian League, 273, 361 ; area of, 24 ; aristocratic Council at, 86 f. ; as leader of Hellenism, 355, 389 f.; Assembly at, 152 ff.; bestowal of citizenship by, 359f. ; congress of, 374; Council at, 181 ff.; cultural influence of, 286 ; decline in military spirit at, 348 ff.; democracy at, 117 ff.; development of industry and commerce at, 102; disappearance of collective responsibility at, 258/. ; home of liberty, 128f. ; imperialism of, 285 ; king-archon at, 62, 93; magistrates at, 88,

93, 95, 96, 204 ff. ; organization of justice at, 93, 232 ff. ; policy towards aliens at, 269 f., 271 f. ; political conflicts in, during Peloponnesian War, 31 ; population of, 27, 299 f. ; problems of taxation in, 342 ff. ; settlement of commercial disputes at, 268, 283 f.; slaves at, 259 ff., 391; social structure of, 309 ff., 324 ff.; supposed constitution of Draco, 79; under the Five Thousand, 76, 82; under the Four Hundred, 76, 79, 82, 98, 165, 180, 208; under the Thirty, 74, 76, 79, 165, 180, 208; work of Cleisthenes at, 79, 122 f.; work of Draco at, 106, 119 ; work of Pisistratus at, 121 f. ; work of Solon at, 79, 106, 120f. Athenian Confederation, and judicial sovereignty of cities, 280 ff.; and single coinage, 284; comparison with Lacedæmonian League, 27f., 378; criticism of,

285 f. ; discontent of members of, 277 f., 284 f. ; establishment of cleruchies, 282; extent of, 276; foundation of, 276; interference with civic autonomy by, 278 f., 281 f.; oath to, 279; payment of tribute, 278 f. ; reconstitution of, 365 ff.; resistance to, 289 f.

Athlothetai, 207, 219 Atimia, 8, 136, 152, 159, 173, 200, 258f.

Atreidæ, title of Koiranos assumed by, 41

Attica, powerful gene of, 17 ; fusion of small communities in, 17 ; syncecism in, 18, 287 Attic dialect, predominance of, 355 Autarkeia, 7 Automedon, 43, 45 Autonomy, attacks of Athenian Confederation upon, 280 ff. ; benefits of, 32; persistence of idea of, 356; restored to cities, 368

Bacehiadæ, 62, 71, 93

Ballot, use of secret, 161, 166, 186

Basileus, 6, 63

Basilidæ, 14, 62

Battiadæ, 61

Birth control, 26, 298

Bœotia, 101

Boeotian Confederation, and Lacedæmonian League, 361, 362; conflict in, 31; dissolution of, 290 ; extent of, 25 ; extension of, 370f. ; finance in, 291 f. ; foundation of, 289 f. ; functions of Bceotarchs in, 292 ; organization of, 290 ff. ; position of Thebes in, 291, 292 f. ; reconstitution of, 290, 364 ff.

Bœotarehs, 290, 364 Bola, 84 Boreis, 16

Boule (v. also Council), and foreign policy, 163 f.; and religion, 197; as judicial body, 198 ff.; at Erythræ, 281 ; authority over magistrates, 193; committees of, 189 ff.; decrees of, 192 f.; financial powers of, 195 f. ; in constitution of Cleisthenes, 123, 198, 199; judicial competence of, in Confederation, 283 f.; position of, in Confederation, 279; relations with Ecclesia, 158 f. ; relations with federal Synedrion, 367 f. ; supervision of naval affairs, 194 f. Boulephoroi, 20

Bouleuterion, at Olympia, 21 ; origin of, 21; meeting-place of Council, 185; references to, 20,

23, 47, 196 Boulidæ, 14 Boulis, 29 Boutadæ, 17 Bouzigæ, 17

Building, policy of tyrants, 113 f. ;

supervision of, by Boule, 197 Byzantium, population of, 27 ; treaty with Athens, 365

Calchas, 36 Callias, peace of, 353 Callicles, 308 Callicratides, 353 Callistratus, 335, 342 Calymna, 14

Camirus, 21 ; great families of, 14;

inscription at, 15 ; unfortified, 19 Capital, competing with landed wealth, 17 ; growth of movable, 67, 101, 102f., 311 Caria, 383

Catalogue of Ships, 37 Ceos, 389; area of, 25; division into cities, 25 Chærephilus, 359

Chæronea, 78, 382, 392 Chalandriani, 9 Chalcidice, 362 f.

Chalcis, 28, 65, 66, 68, 102 Chamaizi, 9 Charaxus, 66 Charidemus, 359 Charondas, code of, 105 f. Cheiromacha, 68, 110 Chersonesus, 377

Chios, area of, 25; great families at, 14; inscription at, 64; political organization of, 87, 92 ; population of, 28 ; references to, 31, 62, 63; treaty with Athens, 365 Choregiai, 132 Chryses, 53

Chytron, rivalry with Clazomenæ, 80

Cicero, on Massaliot peoples, 74 Cimon, 153, 171, 177, 269 Cité antique, 3, 4

Citizens, aliens as, 269 ff. ; as guardians of the laws, 179 f., 200, 233; democratic attitude towards, 270 f. ; in the Leagues, 274; judicial powers, 233; litigious nature of Athenian, 251 ; oligarchic attitude towards, 270 ; payment of, 332 f. ; political education of, 175 ; political rights of, 21, 204 f.; revision of registers enrolling, 270; rights of, in Athenian Assembly, 159 f.; qualifications required in Athens, 152; qualifications in democracy, 69; qualifications in Homeric city, 36 f.; qualifications in oligarchy, 69 City, acropolis of, 18 f. ; area of, 24 ff. ; Aristotle on, 2, 18; autonomous nature of, 29 ff., 294; bestowal of rights of, 356 ff.; civic oath, 132f.; customs regulating wars between cities, 263 ff. ; constituent elements of Homeric, 23 f., 37 f., 57; early days of, 18 f.; end of, 383; expansion of, in fifth century,

263 ff. ; Fustel de Coulanges on, 3; growth of, 101 f. ; ideal size of population of, 26 f. ; in Asia Minor, 18 f. ; nature of, 28 ff. ; pacific settlement of disputes between cities, 265 ff. ; population of, 25 ff. ; position of, after Macedonian conquest, 384; position of aliens in, 263; position of, in Athenian Confederation, 284f. ; poverty in, 312 ff. ; under aristocracy, 33 ff. ; under democracy, 100 ff. ; under oligarchy, 61 ff. ; unfortified cities, 18 f. Clan, Achaean, 5 ff. ; chiefs of, 7 f. ;

organization of, 14 f.

Classes, conflict of, 104 f., 110,

119, 316f., 318f., 388f. ; decline of middle class, 317 ; inequalities of, 312 f., 314 f. ; in Homeric city, 34 ff.

Clazomenæ, rivalry with Chytron,

30, 62 Clearchus, 358

Cleisthenes, author of ostracism, 169 f. ; calendar of, 183, 219; Council of, 181 f. ; policy towards aliens, 270; position of laws of, in Athens, 164 ; property qualifications retained by, 96, 112 ; references to, 125, 263, 269 ; religious policy of, 112; system of election by lot attributed to, 209; work at Athens, 122f., 210 Cleon, 31, 144, 164, 174, 202, 215, 284, 285 Cleophon, 358

Cleruchs, exemption from trier- archy, 347; in fourth century,

376 f. ; injustice of system of, 282; policy of Athens with regard to, 131, 282 Clytidæ, 14f.

Cnidus, 19, 20, 74, 87 Cnossus, 11, 267

Colonization, expansion of, 66 ; in connection with population, 26; in fourth century, 313 Colonus, 153 Colophon, 65, 75, 84, 102 Commerce, demiourgoi and, 67 f. ; development of, 66 ff., 71, 101 f. ; effects of, on social and political organization, 101 ff., 124; great landlords and, 66f.; rules regulating, at Athens, 131 f. ; settlement of commercial disputes between cities, 267 f. Conon, 359 Copais, Lake, 10 Corcyra, 27, 71, 88, 92, 138 Corinth, and Lacedaemonian League, 272, 274 f., 361; area of, 25; Bacchiadae at, 62, 93; dynastic oligarchy at, 71 ; justice at, 94; League of, 379 ff., 384;

oligarchy at, 87 f. ; population of, 27; references to, 9, 92, 102; revolution at, 326 f.

Coronea, number of active citizens, 78

Cos, 14, 22, 389 Cotys, 359

Council (u. also Boule), as an essential institution of the city, 20 f.; assumes powers lost by king, 58 ; at Athens, 129, 192 ff. ; committees of, 189 ff.; convened by prytaneis, 184; discipline of, 184, 186 ; in Homeric era, 46 ff. ; necessity for, in democracy, 181 ; oligarchical, 81 ff., 89; places of meeting, 185 ; powers of, 192 ff. ; referred to, 52, 63, 181 ff; secret sessions of, 185, 194; two periods in history of Athenian, 202 f.

Councillors, Athenian, 181 ff. ; elected by lot, 182; entry into office, 183f.; oath of, 183; payment of, 182, 184; responsibility to people, 184 Craftsmen (v. also Demiourgoi), in Homeric city, 34 ff.

Crannon, 70

Crete, area of, 25; conditions of citizenship in, 78; development of written law in, 106 ; divisions of, 25 ; magistrates in, 95 ; Plato’s admiration for, 147 ; powers of Assembly in towns of, 82; referred to, 9, 13;

Socrates’ admiration for, 146; towns of, 34 Croesus, 27

Croton, 27, 75, 77, 84, 86 Ctesias, 383

Cults, Dionysian and Orphic, 15

Cumæ, 352

Cyclades, the, 9

Cylon, 110, 119

Cyprian Songs, 25 f.

Cyprus, Archæan occupation of, 13 Cypselus, 110, 115 Cyrene, population of, 27 Cyrus, 386

Damiourgeum, 20 Damiourgos, 20 Darius, 29, 31

Decrees, place of, in Athenian law, 164f.

Deinarchus, 315 Delos, area of, 25

Delphi, 22, 92, 266, 271 Delphinion, judicial competence of, 235 Demades, 176, 340 Demarch, 63

Demes, division of Attica into, 122; fraudulent enrolment in, 357 ; punishment of illegally enrolled, 198; revision of registers of, 357 Demiourgoi (v. also Craftsmen),

24, 34, 45, 100, 104 Demiourgoi (magistrates), 89f. Democracy, Aristotle on, 80, 148, 205; as distinguished from oligarchy, 69 ; attitude towards aliens, 270 f. ; attitude towards magistrates, 224, 229 f.; conflicts with oligarchs, 319; criticisms of, 143 ff. ; in Athens,

31, 98, 117 ff.; magistrates of,

204 ff. ; necessity for Council in, 20 f. ; origins of, 100 ff. ; principles of Athenian, 128 ff., 141 ; signs of, in Homeric monarchy, 59; Thucydides on, 141 ff., 205 Democritus, 129, 229 Demonax, 108

Demophantus, decree of, 183 Demos, 9, 12 and note, 17, 18, 33 50, 81, 103 Demosthenes, deplores degrading of privilege of citizenship, 358, 359 ; on army, 351 ; on Athenian law, 389; on devices of candidates for office, 216; on financial evasions at Athens, 345; on inequalities of wealth, 317; on law, 139; on magistrates, 223; on prytaneis, 189; on sophistication of Athenians, 302 ; opposes Philip, 388 ; referred to, 133, 166, 202, 315, 335, 337, 344, 346, 350, 382 Demotionidæ, 14 Demou phatis, 9, 12 Demon phemis (v. also Public opinion), 9, 57, 60 Diaitetai, 238 Dikaspoloi, 94

Dikastai, large numbers of, 253 f. ; payment of, 241 ; preparation of business for, 242; referred to, 94 240 Dikasteres, 94 Dike, 8, 49, 135 Diobelia, at Athens, 132 Diogenes, 308

Diomedes, 48, 53, 55, 56, 58 Dion, 323

Dionysius (the Elder), 323, 359, 385 Dionysius (the Younger), 323 Dokimasia, 159, 182, 198, 211, 213, 215, 217f., 220, 221 Dorians, customs governing war amongst, 265; invasion of, 12f. Double Axe, Cretan cult of, 17 Draco, a supposed constitution of, 79; code of, 106; ephetai established by, 94; position of laws of, in Athens, 164; transcription of laws of, 165; work of, 119, 389

Drama, developments in, 305 f. Dreros, 78 Dropides, 209

Ecclesia (v. also Assembly), 23, 81, 84, 152 ff. ; and foreign policy, 162 ff. ; control of executive power by, 162, 167 f., 225 f. ; criticism of, 174 f.; judicial power of, 162, 166 f.; legislative power of, 162, 164 ff. ; payment for attendance at, 154, 332 ff. ; power in the Confederation, 278f., 283 ; president of, 157; procedure in, 157 ff. ; relations with Boule, 158 f. ; relations with federal Synedrion, 367 f., 374 ff.

Echecratides, 70 Echeneus, 47

Economic changes in seventh century, 66 ff.

Education, Aristophanes on, 348; Aristotle on, 348; in Athens, 348 f. ; Socrates on, 349 Egypt, 383 Eisagogeis, 242 f. ; 279 Eisangelid, 155, 166 f., 201, 225, 234, 241, 329 f.

Eisphora, 130, 343 ff.

Eklogeis, 280, 281 Elis, Council at, 86; demiourgos at, 89 f. ; federation of, 288 ; political and social organization of, 72 f. ; population of, 28 ; referred to, 19, 29, 63 Endeixis, 200, 234 Ennea Hodoi, original size of population of, 27 Epaminondas, 371 Ephebos, consecration to city, 29 f., 133; list of, controlled by Council, 194; training of, 351

Ephegesis, 234 Ephesus, 27, 86, 359 Ephetai, 94

Ephialtes, and the Areopagus, 125, 164, 178, 201, 237; system of election by lot attributed to, 209

Ephors, 77, 84 Epicheirotonia, 155, 225, 228 Epicieros , 40, 347 Epidaurus, oligarchy at, 73, 85, 89

Epigenes, 359 Epimeletes, 347 Epirus, 101 Episkopoi, 281

Epistates (of the prytaneis),

changes in position of, 334 f. ; elected by lot, 187 ; power of, 187 f.; responsibility of, 189 Epizephyrian Locri, 75 Equality, applied to magistrates, 222 ; Athenian conception of, 129 f., 207; popular conception of, 320, 321 ; sophist conception of, 319 f.; Thucydides on Athenian, 142 " Equals, " the, 77, 83, 300 Erectheidæ, 17, 18 Erectheum, 10, 206 Eresos, 92

Eretria, 28, 65, 88, 102 Erythræ, 14, 31, 62, 281, 389 Escletos, 75, 84 Etoneus, 44 Euagoras, 385, 386 Euboea, area of, 25; Athens confers citizenship on citizens of, 271 ; divisions of, 25 Eubulus, 335, 342 Euergetai, 193 Eumæus, 43

Eumelides, 199, 328, 329 Eumolpidæ, 17, 64 Eupatridæ, 17, 65, 66, 92, 93, 95, 105, 119, 120, 121 Eupeithes, 57 Euphranor, 304

Euripides, on democracy, 143; on liberty, 144; popularity of, 305 f. ; tomb of, 355 Eurymachus, 58 Eurymedon, 124 Eurypontidae, 62, 118 Euthynoi, 221, 227 f.

Eutresis, number of active citizens at, 78 Exegetai, 135 f., 158

Family (v. also Genos), and political development, 4 f. ; and the city, 4 f., 107; and the individual, 4 f. ; Aristotle and, 2; disappearance of judicial responsibility of, 258 f. ; Fustel de Coulanges and, 2 Federation (v. also Lacedaemonian League, Athenian Confederation, Boeotian League), as reaction against ambitious leagues,

286 f. ; general character of, 378 f.; in fourth century, 360 ff.; of Arcadia, 288; of Eleans, 288 ; opposition to attempts at, 30 f.

Finance, control of, by Boule, 195 ff.; problems of, in fourth century, 342 ff.

Fustel de Coulanges, and influence of religion on institutions, 3; and political development, 2, 3 ; criticism of, 4 f.; on causes of decline of Greece, 389; on election by lot, 209

Gambreion, 92, 389 Gela, population of, 27 Genos (u. also Clan, Family), diminishing importance of, 74; Fustel de Coulanges and, 3; gerontes as arbitrators between, 49; in Athens, 118, 121; persistence of, 64; position of, in Achæan society, 5 ff.; position of men outside the gene, 35 ff. ; power of illustrious gene, 17; rivalries of, 30 Gens, 3 Geomoroi, 65 Gephyreans, 17 Gergithes, 14, 68

Gerontes y as dispensers of justice, 49 f. ; in Homeric era, 46 ff, , 91 ; power of, in the Homeric Assembly, 52 ff. ; reference to, 20,

52, 57, 84; summoned by king, 39, 46

Gerousia, 21, 73, 77, 84, 85 f., 94 Gorgias, 129, 306, 353 Gortyna, 22, 94, 106 Græadæ, 4

Graphe pamnomon, 125 f., 134, 178 ff., 328 f.

Greece, geographical structure of, 1 f.; influence on East, 383 f. ; unification of, 352 ff. Gymnastics, decline of, 350

Ilaghios Andreas, 9 Halia, 23, 81, 84

Ilaliartis, number of active citizens at, 78 Halicarnassus, Hellenic influence in, 383; political organization of, 92; population of, 27 Hecætadæ, 14 Hecateus, 64 Hector, 30, 57 Hecuba, 11 Hegemony, 31 Hekiemoroi, 104, 119, 120 Heliæa (v. also Justice), as established by Solon, 232; judicial competence of, in Confederation, 283; one of essential institutions, 202; power of, 232; references to, 23, 129 Heliasts, difficulty of securing, in fourth century, 341 f. ; eligibility for position of, 239 ; method of voting used by, 247 ; nature of, 126, 233; oath of, 239 ; payment of, 241, 341 Ilellanodikai, 24, 72, 73 Hellenotamiaiy administration of confederate funds by, 278, 280; assistants of, 220; elected, 213

Helots, 77 Heraelea, 74 Heracleides, 72, 332, 359 Heraclitus, on law, 139 Heræa, 374

Heralds, causes of decline in social status of, 45; functions of, in fifth century, 264; position of, in Homeric times, 44 f. ; war and, 261 f., 264 Hermias, 385

Herodotus, conception of liberty,

29, 134; on democracy, 144; on Greeks and Persians, 23; on mission of Greece, 353; on number of cities in Lesbos, 25; on oligarchy, 99 ; on poverty of Greece, 26; referred to, 114, 128, 143

Hesiod, on injustice, 49, 101; on population, 26; on the "sacred law of labour, " 322 Hestia, 19 Hestiasis, 20 Hetaireiai, 78, 82, 95, 309 Heudanemoi, 17 Hiero, 386

Hieropoioi, at Athens, 190; work of, 190, 198

Hipparehs, 206, 213, 216 Hipparchus, 170, 210 Hippeis, 64, 65 Hippias, 170 Hippobotæ, 65 Hippocleides, 64, 209 Hippodamus, 26, 27 Hippon, 323 Histiæa, 88

Historians, individualistic outlook of, 307

Homer, conception of phratry, 15; details of genos in, 6; on the Cyclopes, 23 Homoioi, 83 Hyeans, 11 Hyperides, 387 Hypomeiones, 83

Ialysus, 11, 21 Ictinus, 313 Idæus, 55 Idomeneus, 39, 59 Iliad, 11, 37, 43, 46, 48, 53, 57, 58, 61 Ilium, 11

Individual, city and the, 4 f. ; family and the, 4 f.; liberty of, in Athens of Pericles, 128 f. Individualism, and disorganization of the family, 299 f. ; and destruction of the civic system, 5, 295; at Camirus, 15; effects of, on arts and letters, 301 ff. ; principles of, introduced into justice, 119, 238 Industry, demiourgoi and, 67 f. ; development of, 66 ff. ; nobles and, 67 f.

“Inferiors,” the, 77, 83 Ionians, celebration of Apaturia by, 15; degeneration of, 349; referred to, 5, 13 Ios, 62 Ioulis, 389 Isagoras, 210, 270 Isegoria, 129, 159 Isocrates, and Philip of Macedon, 386, 387; conception of Greek unity, 353; deplores degrading of privilege of citizenship, 378; on education, 349; on social conflicts, 319; panegyrics of, 307; proposes citizen army, 350

Isonomia, 129, 143 Isopoliteia, 356, 360 Istros, 74

Italy, political institutions of, 2 Ithaca, 11 Ithacan suitors, 40

Jason of Pheræ, 385, 386 Justice, Council as judicial body, 198 ff ; courts, 234 ff. ; criticism of judicial institutions, 249 ff. ; defence of judicial system, 252 ff.; distortions of, 101, 105,

324 f.; execution of sentences, 249 f. ; family, 7 f. ; gerontes and, 49, 93 ; itinerant judges, 238 ; judicial powers of Athenian magistrates, 204 ; initiative taken by individuals, 233 f. ; organization of, under oligarchy, 93 f. ; penalties, 247 f., 249; people as sovereign justiciary, 166 f. ; popular tribunals, 237, 239 ff. ; principles underlying, 248 256

f. ; private suits, 233, 243, 246, 247 ; procedure, 234, 236 f., 243 ff. ; Pseudo-Xenophon on Athenian, 145; public arbitrators, 238 f. ; public suits, 233, 243, 246; right of withdrawal from case, 246 f.; slaves and, 259 f., 261 f.

Katalogeis, 194, 213, 216 Keondai, 17 Kerykes, 17, 45

King, as dispenser of justice,

49 f. ; decline of Homeric, 58 f., 89, 91 f. ; household of Homeric, 43 f. ; in Homeric times, 38 ff., 57 f. ; position in relation to Assembly, 50 f. ; position in relation to councillors, 46 ff., 89; remains eponymous in certain cities, 62 f. ; the most kingly, 39, 72; traditional survivals of, 61 f.

King, the Great, Lacedaemonian negotiations with, 353 Kinyradae, 61 Kleroi, 70

Knights, and commerce, 66 f. ; at Athens, 120, 130; lose military supremacy, 103 Koiranos, 41 Komaiy 2, 23, 24, 33 Kosmetor, 194, 217 Kosmoi, 78, 82, 87, 94, 95 Kyme, 63, 75, 91, 102

Lacedaemon (v. also Sparta), 11,

120, 146

Lacedaemonian League, character of, 274, 378 ; declares war against Athens, 274 ff.; divided into districts, 369 ; foundation of, 272; organization of, 272, 273 f., 276; relations between members of, 273 ff.; reorganization of, 360/.; secessions from,

287 ff.

Laertes, 35

Landholders, and commerce, 66 ff. ; aristocracy of, 100 ; position of smallest, 100 Law, Alexandrian, 390 f. ; Aristotle on, 136, 138; Athenian, 134 ff. , 164 ff., 389 f. ; codification of, 105 ff.; family, 7 f.; general character of Athenian, 257 f. ; individualistic conception of, 308 ; influence of Athenian conception of, 286; interfamily, 8; practice of nomothesia in, 331 f. ; protection of, 178 ff. ; public, 8 ; sovereignty expressed through, 69, 77

Leagues, Athenian, 273, 276 ff. ; Lacedaemonian, 272 ff.; Pan- hellenic, 379 ff.

Leiton, at Phthiotis, 20 Leochares, 304 Lepreon, 266, 374 Lesbos, Aehæans in, 13; area of, 25; cities of, 25; referred to, 68, 92

Leuctra, 28, 370, 374 Lexiarchs, 157

Liberty, Aristotle on, 205; essential complement of autonomous city, 29 ; Herodotus’ conception of, 29; in Athens of Pericles, 128 f.; meaningless character of, 314; Plato on, 147, 205; Thucydides on Athenian, 142 Liturgies, 20, 130, 251, 325 Livy, 20 Locri, 75, 94 Locris, 11 Logistai, 190

Logographoi, criticism of, 252, 338; function of, 245; reference to, 307

Lot, advantages of, 212 f. ; Aristotle on, 209, 210; character of,

208 f.; contemporary opinions of, 212 ; election by, 127, 208 ff. ; fraudulent manipulations of,

209 f., 212, 216; origin of, 209; reform of, 209 ff.

Lycomedes, 31 Lycophron, 319, 385 Lycurgus, 335, 342 Lydia, 383 Lygdamis, 110, 115 Lysander, 327, 385, 387 Lysias, 353 Lysimachus, 199 Lysippus, 304

Macedon, and Olynthian League, 363; brings unity to Greece, 32, 384

Magistrates, appointment of, by lot, 208 ff. ; appointment of, by vote, 213 f.; Aristotle on position of, in extreme oligarchy, 69 ff.; assistants of, 220 f.; colleges of, 206 ; day of election of, 214 f. ; democratic attitude towards, 224, 229, 230; Demosthenes on, 223; distribution of, among tribes, 207 f., 215 f. ; entry into office, 219 f. ; examination of, 217 ff. ; increase in number of, 93; in democracy,

204 ff. ; jobbery among, 216 f. ; judicial, 242f.; length of office,

205 f.; main characteristics of,

94 ff.; oath of, 220; oligarchical, 89 payment of, 206 f. ;

privileges of, 223 f.; rendering of account by, 224 f., 226 ff. ; responsibility of, 167 f., 223, 224, 225 ff., 228, 232 ; secretaries of, 221 f. ; survival of kings as, 61 ff. ; under supervision of Boule, 193, 200, 224, 228

Magnesia ad Mæandrum, 65 Malthusian practices, 26, 297, 299 Mantinea, population of, 28; rebuilding of capital for, 371 ; union destroyed, 362 ; union restored, 372 f.

Marathon, 124, 170, 212, 353, 392

Marriage, Aristotle on, 295; attitude towards, in third century, 295 ff.

Massalia, oligarchy of, 84 f. ; political and social organization of, 73 f.

Megalopolis, building of, 371 ; opposition to, 373 ; population of,


Megara, king eponymous at, 62; population of, 28 ; references to, 68, 102

Megaton, the, 47

Melos, area of, 25

Menelaus, 34, 39, 43, 44, 51, 5G, 58

Mentor, 58

Mermnadæ, 383

Messara, 9

Messena, population of, 27 Methymna, 92, 365 Metics, assimilation of, 352; bestowal of citizenship on, 269 f. 271 ; excluded from citizenship, 127 f., 356; fraudulent registering of, in demes, 153, 357 ; holders of minor oflices, 204, 221 ; limited rights of, in city, 263 Meton, 157 Metroon, 191, 222 Middle class, development of, 102 f. Midias, 303

Miletus, great families at, 14; growth of, 17 ; non-Ionian tribes at, 16; political organization of, 91, 92; population of, 27; references to, 19, 31, 62, 68 Miltiades, 210

Minorities, dangers of, to monarchy, 58 Minos, 39

Misthophoria, 126, 131, 339 Misthos, criticism of, 251 f. ; defence of, 252 f. ; given to members of the Ecclesia, 332 ff. ; necessity for, 241 ; scale of, 253; referred to, 126, 202 Mitylene, population of, 28; revolution at, 323; submits to arbitration, 266; treaty with Athens, 365; referred to, 62, 63, 92 Mnemon, 94 Molpoi, 16, 91

Monarchy, Aristotle on hereditary, 61 note ; becomes an annual office, 62; dangers of minorities to, 58 f. ; death of Homeric, 61 ; decline of patriarchal, 58 ; return of, 387 f.

Money, corrupting influence of, 311 f. ; growth of power of, 67 f. Montesquieu, 4 Mycale, 124 Mycenæ, 10, 11, 12 Myrmidon, 37 Mysia, 389

Næsus, 63 Naucratis, 66, 90 Naupactus, 22

Nautodikai, 242

Navy, in Athenian Confederation,

277 f. ; recruitment of, in Homeric city, 37 f. ; supervised by Boule, 194 f.

Naxos, area of, 25, 62; defection from Athenian Confederation,

278 ; magistrates of, 91 Neleidæ, 14, 62 Nemesis, 9, 136

Neon Teichos, 13 Nestor, 9, 37, 39, 46, 47, 48, 52, 53, 54, 56 Nicias, 161, 230 f., 367 Nicocles, 386 Nicomedes, 357

Nobles, as knights, 65 f. ; become masters of the city, 64 ff. ; commerce and, 66 f., 102;

hierarchy of, 38 f. ; in Homeric city, 34 f. ; prestige of, 64 ff. Nomos, 106f., 136f., 164 Nomothetai, 165, 178, 180, 192, 196, 330 f.

Notion Teichos, 13

Obai, 83 Ochlocracy, 148

Odyssey, 11, 37, 41, 44, 46, 50,

53, 55, 56, 58, 61 Oikia, 2 Oinopæ, 16 Olbia, 62

Oligarchy, Aristotle on forms of, 69 ff. ; Aristotle on its connection with cavalry, 65; as distinguished from democracy, 69 ; compromises with democracy at Athens, 98; connection with growth of commerce, 68 ; dynastic, 69 ff. ; institutions of, 81 ff. ; merging into democracy, 79; modified type of, 74, 77 ff. ; origins of, 61 ff.; policy with regard to aliens, 270 ; " political " oligarchy, 74 ff. ; struggles with democracy, 31, 38, 319; tendency towards gerontocracy, 97; triumphs over democracy, 388

Olympia, Bouleuterion of, 21 ;

ruins of, 19 f.

Olynthus, 27, 293, 362

Opus, under the Thousand, 75, 84

Orchomenus, 10, 31, 78, 364

Orgeones, 23, 118

Orthagoras, 110

Ostracism, 169 ff.

Painting, developments in, 304 f. Paionidæ, 17 Palladion, 235, 261 Pamphylia, 13 Panathenæa, 197 f.

Panticapæum, 61 Paredroi, 220 f.

Paris, 55, 57 Parthenon, 197 Pasion, 359 Patrai, 90

Patroclus, 43, 45, 58 Peasants, position of, 100, 312 Peisthides, 359 Peleus, 58

Peloponnese, 10, 101 Peloponnesian War, Lacedaemonian army in, 275; moderation of opposing generals in, 265 Peltastai, 70 Penestai, 70

Pentacosiomedimni, 100, 120, 121, 124, 130, 170, 343 Penthilidæ, 14, 62 People, absence of judicial rights in Homeric era, 57 ; absence of political rights in Homeric era,

50 ff., 57; leaders of, in fourth century, 335 f.

Periander, 110, 111, 113, 114, 115, 266, 346 f.

Pericles, and Athenian Confederation, 280, 284, 285 ; and limitations of citizenship, 128, 152, 271, 356, 370; as orator, 307; as prostates of the people, 177 ; funeral oration, 141 ff.; genius of, 125, 131; institutes graphe paranomon, 125 f. ; institutes misthos, 126; recalled to power, 175; re-election of, 216; references to, 129, 132, 153, 164, 262, 301, 303, 355; system of election by lot attributed to, 209 Periokoi, 18, 23, 77 Persians, Athenian Confederation and, 277; Greek cities appeal to, 355 f. ; Lacedaemonian League and, 275; menace of, 19, 31 Pharsalus, 70 Phesis, 234 Pheidias, 303 Pheidon, 106 Philaidæ, 17, 64, 121 Philanthropy, Athenian conception of, 141, 338 Philip of Macedon, and Greek unity, 379 ; and League of

Corinth, 379 f. ; and war against Persians, 381 ; expectations from, 387 f. ; German estimate of, 382 f.; Isocrates and, 386, 387; victory at Chæronea, 382 Philistus, 307 Philochorus, 172 Philolaus, 106

Philosophy, developments in, 310; influence of individualism on, 307 f.

Philotes, 6 f., 8

Phlius, area of, 25; population of, 28

Phocis, area of, 25 Phocion, 217, 303 Phoenicia, 383 Phoenix, 43 Phormion, 359 Phormisios, 79

Phratries, cults of, 15; division of cities into, 24 ; position of great families in, 14, 17; referred to, 6, 23

Phreattys, judicial competence of court of, 235 Phreorykhoi, 17 Phrourarch, 281 Phryniehus, 285 Phthiotis, 20 Phylai, 6, 122, 123 Phylarchs, 123, 206, 213, 216 Phylobasileus, 6, 63 Phylopis, 6, 37 Pindar, 70, 352 Piraeus, 124, 131, 185 Pisistratidæ, 19, 110, 121, 170 Pisistratus, 110, 112, 113, 114, 115, 12jfjf., 210, 237, 258, 269, 270 Pittacus, 91, 108, 115 Plataea, admitted to citizenship of Athens, 359; battle of, 124, 211, 352, 392; destruction of, 364; number of active citizens at, 78 Plato, as portrait painter, 308; attitude towards poets, 306 ; communism of, 321; criticism of democracy, 147 f.; looks for leader of his Republic, 386; on causes of scantiness of population, 25; on ideal population of city, 26; on liberty, 205, 315; on political rivalries, 336 f. ; on relations between sexes, 297 ; on restricting population, 298; on the destitute, 312; on timo- cratic appointment to offices, 95 Plethosy 81

Ploutis, 68

Plutarch, criticism of Epliialtes, 125; on Assembly, 154 note; on election to Gerousia, 85 f. ; on ostracism, 172; on type of magistrates elected, 217 Plutocracy, aristocracy tends towards, 67 f.; power of, 102 Pnyx, 22, 158, 156, 215 Poine, 8

Polemarch, 93, 222, 242 Poletai, 195, 249

Polis, Aristotle and, 2 ; conception of, as cause of Greek superiority, 28 ; early meaning of, 10 f.; later meaning of, 11 f.; references to, 1, 2, 33

Political development, Aristotle and, 2 ; Fustel de Coulanges and, 3 f. ; influence of economic factors on, 66 ff. ; influence of geography on, 1 f.

Politics, 2, 209, et passim Polyarchus, 385

Polybius, on class conflict, 388; on degeneration of Bceotia, 299 ; on depopulation, 299; on Elis, 72 ; on revolutions, 323 Polycrates, 114 Polydor us, 64

Population, causes of scantiness of, 25 f. ; of Greek cities, 25 ff. ; shrinkage of, 299 f.; practices restricting, 297 ff.

Potamos, 357 Potidæ, 377 Praktores, 249 Praxiteles, 304, 383 Pre-Hellenes, 9 f.

Priam, 6, 9, 55 Priene, 22, 31, 55 Probole, 82

Probouleuma, 158, 159, 165, 167, 192

Probouloi, 87, 88, 89 Procheirotonia, 158, 159 Prodikoi, 88 Proedroi, 82 Proeisphora, 345

Property, as qualification for citizenship, 69 ff.

Prostates of the people, 176 f. Protagoras, 255 f.

Proxenia, development of, 269 ;

nature of, 268 f.

Prytaneia, 186 f.

Prytaneis, changes in position of, 334 f.; payment of, 187; powers

of, 188; references to, 19, 21,

32, 63, 71, 89, 90, 91 f., 157, 160, 161, 181 ff.; relation to Council, 186 f.; seat of, 187 Prytaneum, 17, 19 f., 21, 22, 23.

47, 63, 90, 92, 93 Public opinion (u. also Demou phemis), 9, 53 f., 59, 60 Pylos, 34, 37 f., 51 Pythagoras, constitution of, at Croton, 77

Religion, and development of Greek institutions, 3; attitude of tyrants towards, 112; in the city, 19 f. ; religious associations, 309, 310; religious ceremonies in Assembly, 157 f. ; under supervision of Boule, 197 f.

Rex sacrificulus, 62 Rex sacrorum, 63 Rhegium, 75, 84, 92 Rhetoric, development of, 306 f. Rhexenor, 40

Rhodes, Achæans in, 13; area of, 25; cities in, 25; great families of; 14; synœcism at, 292 f., 360; treaty with Athens, 365 ; vessels contributed by, 37 Rome, conquest by, 388 ; influence of Athenian law on, 389 ; brings unity to Greece, 32

“Sacred Power,” 39, 58 Sacred War, 371

Salamis, 30, 124, 211, 352, 353, 392

Samos, admitted to Athenian citizenship, 272, 359; area of, 25; establishment of cleruchs at,

377 ; population of, 28 Samothrace, 63 Sappho, 66 Sardis, 383 Scaliodæ, 14 Scambonidæ, 17 Scheria, 11, 38, 40, 51 Scopads, 61, 70 Scopas, 383

Sculpture, developments in, 303 f. ; influence of Panhellenic movement on, 354 Seisaclitheia, 120 Sicily, revolution in, 323 f.

Sicyon, area of, 25 ; population of, 28

Sidon, 383

Siphnos, 9, 62 Sitophylakes, 31 Skepsis, 62 Skias, the, 51, 187 Skiridæ, 14

Slaves, after Macedonian conquest, 391 f. ; Athenian treatment of, 259 f., 391 ; attached to magistracies, 221 ; numbers of, in Attica, 127 ; position of, in city, 26 f.

Social War, 346, 377 Socrates, condemnation of, 248, 252, 253 f.; criticism of democracy, 146; defends victorious generals of Arginusæ, 134, 160; method of disputation, 307 f. ; on the Ecclesia, 154; on the laws, 139 f.

Solon, adaptation of method of appointing magistrates, 209; a law of the Assembly attributed to, 158 note ; and eisangelia, 329; and the Heliæa, 232; attracts foreign craftsmen to Athens, 270; constitution of, 79, 106; on his laws, 137; position of laws of, at Athens, 164 ; property qualifications retained by, 96; references to, 66, 98, 107, 108, 110, 123, 171, 253, 262; work of, 120, 128, 129, 316, 389 f. Sophocles, elected strategos, 215;

prestige of, 305 Sophronistai, 207, 217 Sovereignty, Aristotle on, 162; delegation of, to Council, 192 f.; delegation of, to magistrates, 204 f. ; economic advantages of, 338 f. ; expressed through law, 69, 77; federal, 378 f.; judicial, 232 ; of people in fourth century, 328; partial renunciation of, by cities, 356 ; patriarchal sovereignty of Homeric king, 43 f. ; seat of, in oligarchy, 81 ; theory of, in Athens, 133 f., 162 ff. Sparta, age qualifications at, 85 f., 96 ; and the Lacedæmonian League, 272 ff., 361 ff. ; area of, 24; attitude towards aliens at, 270; attitude towards magistrates at, 97; congress of, 369 f., 374; defeat of, at Leuctra, 370; justice at, 94; oligarchy at, 77, 83 f., 85 f. ; opposition to Athenian Confederation, 369; Plato’s admiration for, 147; polis of,

13; population of, 28, 300; references to, 103, 117 f.; settlement of Dorians in, 18 Spartacidæ, 61 Spartiates, 77, 83 Sperthias, 29 Spondophoroi, 205 Startos, 78

State, as employer, 131 ; as protector of individual, 130; Fustel de Coulanges on, 3 ; Greek conception of, 1 f.

Storys, 359 Strabo, 73

Strategoi, access to Council, 185; appointed by Ecclesia, 163; assistants of, 220; election of, 213, 216; length of office, 205; Pericles as, 206; qualifications for position of, 218; relations with Council, 194; rendering of account by, 228; responsibility to people, 168 Susa, 29355 Syllogeis, 189 Symmachiai, 272 ff.

Symmoriai, 344, 346, 347 Sympolities, 286 ff., 293, 378 Syncletos, 75, 77, 84 Synedrion, at Athens, 366 f., 374 ff. ; at Massalia, 73 f., 85; at Syracuse, 76 ; of the Hellenes, 380 f.

Syngrapheis, 165, 178, 192, 193 Synoecism, as distinct from sympolity, 287; of Attica, 18, 21, 118; of Elis, 288, 360 Syntaxis, 375 Syra, 9

Syracuse, area of, 24; population of, 27 ; Synedrion at, 76

Taktai, 196, 279 Talthybiadæ, 45

Tanagra, number of active citizens at, 78

Tarentum, compromise between oligarchy and democracy at, 98 ; population of, 27 Taxiarchs, 206, 213, 216 Tegea, built, 288; population of,

28 ; struggle against Sparta, 289 Telemachus, 40, 43, 50, 55 f., 57 Temenos, 42, 47

Teos, magistrates of, 90, 91, 92 Tetracomia, 18 Tetrapolis, 18 Thales, 21

Thasos, 77, 359 Theagenes, 113, 115 Thebes, and congress of Athens, 374; and Sparta, 362; area of, 25; number of active citizens at, 78, 82; population of, 27; qualifications for magistrates in, 77 f. ; struggles of confederate cities against, 31 Thelidæ, 14 Themis, 7 f., 49, 135 Themistes, 7 f., 41, 48, 106, 135 Themistes (dues levied by Homeric king), 42, 47, 49 Themistocles, 171, 206, 210, 258, 266, 269, 287, 339 f.

Theognis, 67, 105 Theopompus, 64 Théorie fund, 339, 340 Theoroi, 198 Thera, 25, 360 Theramenes, 76, 79, 83, 202 Therapontes, 43 ff., 59 Thersites, 53 Thcsmoi, 135, 136 Thesmothetai, 93, 119, 136, 166, 167, 179, 221, 222, 228, 242 Tliespiæ, 78, 364 Thessaly, 10, 70 f., 101, 119 Thetes, 34, 36, 100, 104, 120, 121, 124, 127, 130, 131, 211, 343 Thiasoi, 15 f., 23, 24, 118, 309 Thibron, 312

Thisbe, number of active citizens at, 78 Thoiadæ, 14 Tliokos, 46, 50 Tholos, the, 51, 187 Thraikidæ, 14 Thrasybulus, 110, 111, 115 Thucydides, and Panhellenic unity, 353; funeral oration of, 140 ff.; on Antiplion, 255; on Athenian constitution, 129 /., 161, 174; on cause of tyranny, 109; on civil wars, 105; on democracy, 144, 202, 205; on past history of Greece, 19; references to, 269, 307

Timocracy, at Athens, 79; Aristotle on, 95 Timotheus, 345, 386 Timoucheion, 90 Timouchoi, 73 f., 89, 90 Tiryns, 9, 11

Tombs, bee-hive (Tholoi), 9)

Treaties, definite duration assigned to, 265; ephemeral nature of, 265 ; protecting aliens, 266 ff. Tribes, Cleisthenes’ system of, 122 f.; division of cities into, 24 Tricomia, 18

Trierarcliy, 130, 342, 346 f. Trieropoioi, 189 Troad, 13

Trojans, Assembly of, 55 Trojan War, position of heralds in, 44 Troy, 51 Tylissus, 267

Tyranny, benefits expected from, 386; building and, 113 f.; Cleon on, 31; connection with increasing wealth, 109 f.; elective, 107 f. ; nature of, 108 ff. ; policy of, 111 ff.; return of, 385; short duration of, 115 f.

Ulysses, 19, 34, 38, 39, 43, 44, 47, 50, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 61 Unity, attainment of, 379 ff. ; estimate of value of, 382 ff; movement towards, 352 ff. Usury, 103 f.

Vasiliki, 9 Villages, 23, 33 f.

War, customs regulating, 263 ff.; influence of religion on, 265; part played by heralds in, 26 f., 264; treatment of prisoners of, 264

Xantippus, 171

Xenophon, Anabasis of, 307; as portrait painter, 308 ; life of, 326 ; on Athenian army, 350 f. ; on beneficent tyrant, 386; on civic oath, 132; on election by lot, 212; on treatment of magistrates, 229; reference to Hel- lenica, 307, 384 Xenophon (Pseudo), criticism of democracy, 144 f. ; inauspicious days, 154 note Xerxes, 70

Zaleucos, code of, 105 Zela, 389

Zeugitai, 120, 121, 124, 127, 130, 131, 212, 343 Zeus Pliratrios, 17 Zeuxis, 304