Late Third Millennium/Early Second Millennium
Early Dynastic Period (3000–2334 BC)
Akkadian Period (2334–2193 BC)
Old Assyrian/Old Babylonian (2004–1595 BC)
Middle Assyrian (1595–1000 BC)
Neo-Babylonian Empire (612–539 BC)
Hellenistic/Seleucid (330–126 BC)
Erbil in the early second millennium
Erbil in the Middle Assyrian Period
Erbil in the Neo-Assyrian period
Erbil in the Neo-Babylonian and Achaemenid Periods
Summary: from Erridu-Pizir to Alexander – Erbil in the Cuneiform Sources
Early Second Millennium Sources
Epigraphs prepared for reliefs
Oracular Pronouncements and Divination