

Other Leads

A few minutes later, the four friends found a seat on the wooden bench in the middle of the Prehistoric Humans exhibit. It was quiet there, and it gave Clementine a chance to calm down.

“I really don’t think she considers you a suspect, Clem,” Wilson said.

“Of course she doesn’t think that,” Amal agreed. “How could it be you? Five scientists and like ten giant crates? All on your own? It’s crazy.”

Clementine sniffed. “You think so?”

“No way,” Wilson said. “She doesn’t think you did it. She just wants to know where the paint came from. She doesn’t think you kidnapped my mom.”

“Okay,” Clementine said. She sniffed again and blew her nose. “Sorry for blubbering.”

Wilson gave her shoulders a squeeze. “Let’s find Moman,” he said. “She must be in Mrs. Nakamoto’s office by now.”

Sure enough, when the friends arrived back at Mrs. Nakamoto’s office, Moman was there waiting. She sat on the couch with her knees together and facing the door. Her eyes were red from crying, and when she saw Wilson, she opened her arms for him. “Mon cheri,” she said. “Mon petit cheri.” Then she started crying again.

“Hi, Moman,” Wilson said, walking over to the couch and letting her hug him.

“My darling,” Moman said. “I’m sorry it took me so long to get here, and I’m sorry I didn’t believe you this morning that something was wrong, and I’m sorry I—”

“Moman,” Wilson said, interrupting her. “It’s okay. They’ll find her. I’m sure they will.”

Moman nodded and hugged him a little closer. “I’m here now,” she said. “Are you okay?”

Wilson nodded and pulled out of her hug. “I’m going to take a walk,” he said. “With my friends.”

Moman looked up as if seeing Clementine, Raining, and Amal for the first time. “Thank you for taking such good care of mon cheri,” she said to them.

“You’re welcome,” the friends all said together.

“Don’t be gone too long, okay?” Moman said.

“Okay,” Wilson agreed. He moved back toward the door and pulled Clementine by the hand out of the president’s office. Amal and Raining hurried after him.

“Where are we going?” Clementine asked.

“We have to get out of here,” Wilson said, hurrying down the hall.

“Why?” Raining said.

“I just don’t want to be here,” Wilson said. “Where should we go?”

Amal twisted her mouth. “We won’t be able to solve the case if we’re not even here,” she pointed out.

Wilson took a deep breath. “We can look into other leads,” he said.

“Like terrorists?” Raining said.

“Chinese museums?” Clementine suggested.

“Shipping companies,” Wilson said firmly. “Come on.”