ALL passages, of at least a sentence in length, which Mandeville added to The Fable of the Bees in 1723 and 1724, have been noted at the foot of the appropriate page and are not repeated here. I have listed below all other substantive variants (differences in actual wording) found in the London Journal (LJ), The Grumbling Hive (1705), and the editions of the Fable of 1714, 1723, 1724 and 1725 described on pages 48–9 above, except for obvious misprints and those corrected in the errata lists of the various editions. The letters referring to the remarks were added to The Grumbling Hive in 1714 and the addition of Remarks N and T to the Fable in 1723 required a change in alphabetization throughout the book; in both cases these minor alterations can be inferred without further notice. The first notation below, as an example of the rest, means the following: on page 54, line 25, of the present edition the words ‘point to’ printed there appeared in the editions of 1723, 1724 and 1725, replacing the words ‘point at’ in the first edition of 1714. The second edition of 1714 possesses no textual authority and has therefore been ignored throughout.
54:25 point to] 23–25; point at 14. 57:9 time] 23–25; times 14. 57:20 and the] 14, 23; the 24, 25. 57:24 swarms] 23–25; swarm 14. 57:30 ’tis] 25; it is 14–24. 58:17–18 Thus much I had said… in the Second.] 24, 25; Thus much I have said to the Reader in the First Edition; what I have further to say to him he will find in the Additions I have made since. 23.
65:6 refreshing] 14–25; retaining 05. 66:6 The] 24, 25; Some 05–23. 68:5 ’em] 05; them 14–25. 68:17 oth’r] 05; other 14–25. 71:7 be’ng] 14–25; being 05. 71:26 ’em] 05; them 14–25. 76:13 shabby crooked] 14–25; crooked, shabby 05.
81:24 has] 24–25; have 14, 23. 83: 13 Pleasures] 14–24; Pleasure 25. 83:26 Passions] 14–24; Passion 25. 86:1 stood… way] 24, 25; were so obnoxious to them 14, 23. 88:32 Sir Richard Steel] 24, 25; Mr Steele 14; Sir Rd. Steele 23. 90:31 To define then] 23–25; For, to define 14. 91:4 Toils] 23–25; Exploits 14. 92:28 of the Divine] 23–25; of Divine 14.
97:14 came] 24, 25; was come 14, 23.
99:17 Women] 24, 25; Woman 14, 23. 101:34 were] 25; was 23, 24. 105:14 that the Man] 24, 25; the Man 23. 105:22 which] 24, 25; what 23. 106:12 Submission] 24, 25; Submissions 23. 107:2 sate] 24, 25; set 23. 108:5 no other Shift] 23; no Shift 24, 25. 110:8–9 Complaisance] 25; Complaisency 23, 24. 113:9 that it is] 23, 25; that is 24.
113: 19 won’t] 24, 25; don’t 14, 23. 113:20 than] 24, 25; then 14, 23. 113:21 of] 25; for 14–24. 114:4 ask’d] 14–24; ask 25.
118:8 but] but that 14–25.
118:18 root] 24, 25; rout 14, 23. 121:16 Juniper] 25; Juniper-Berries 23, 24. 122:16 it’s] 25; it is 23, 24. 122:22 than] 25; then 23, 24. 122:31 make] 24, 25; makes 23. 124:3 that] 23,24; the 25.
126:14 Sentiments] 14–24; Sentiment 25. 129:3 endeavour] 24, 25; endeavours 14, 23. 130:24 (to whom I owe the last Paragraph)] 23–25.
133:14 Chimney] 23–25; Chimneys 14. 134:22 in a few years] 23–25; in few years 14. 134:34 thus shews] 23–25; shews 14.
139:14 Benefit] 23–25; Benefits 14. 139:23 we shall] 24, 25; we’ll 14, 23. 139:24 and only be] 24, 25; we only shall be 14, 23. 140:14 sent] 23–25; send 14. 141:21 Manufacture] 14; Manufactures 23–25. 143:23 a] 24, 25; our 14, 23. 144:4 Tockay] 24, 25; Tockay Wine 14, 23. 145:7 requires] 14, 23; require 24, 25 145:28 o’Bed] 14, 23; a-bed 24, 25. 146:23 the first] 23–25; one 14. 148:18 th’] 23–25; the 14.
150:18 their] 23–25; his 14. 150:31 were] 14; was 23–25. 151:28 beholden] 23–25; beholding 14. 152:19 Whatsun] 24, 25; Whitsuntide 14, 23. 155:10 ridiculous] 25; a ridiculous 14–24. 156:24 sleek] 24, 25; slick 14, 23.
158:23 what] 24, 25; which 23. 159:33 their] 25; the 23, 24. 162:3 but to] 24, 25; but 23. 163:2 latter] 25; first 23, 24. 168:17 which it is] 23; which is 24, 25.
173:20 like] 24, 25; as 14, 23. 173:29 Pleasures] 23–25; Pleasure 14. 173:32 ever] 24, 25; never 14, 23. 178:11 upon] 24, 25; on 14, 23. 181:6–7 unreasonable] 14; reasonable 23–25. 181:15–16 all the Symptoms] 24, 25; a great share 14, 23. 181:23–24 has not Strength… to] 24, 25; can’t 14, 23. 183:35 in a Magnificence] 25; in Magnificence 14–24. 184:14–16 Those pageant Ornaments… but] 24, 25. 185:2 their own Appetites] 23–25; themselves 14. 186:29 would be thought] 23–25; would be 14. 187:2 but] 23–25; than 14. 187:25 ’em] 25; them 14–24.
188:21 to what] 23–25; what 14. 191:9–10 was a Funeral for Slaves, or made a Punishment] 23–25; was a Punishment 14. 191:21 it is] 23–25; is it 14. 193:17 extirpation] 14, 23; Extirpations 24, 25. 194:23–24 the countenance… Beast] 24, 25; his countenance 14, 23. 195:30 ’em] 24, 25; them 14, 23. 195:34 if Man] 14, 23; if a Man 24, 25. 196:6 belong] 23–25; belongs 14. 196:35 worst] 23–25; worse 14. 198:15–16 as soon as… can] 23–25; what Mortal can, as soon as the wide Wound is made, and the Jugulars are cut asunder 14.
200:16 are] 23–25; is 14. 202:6 their] 23–25; this 14. 203:26 a wonder] 23–25; wonder 14. 203:33 the same] 23–25; same 14. 204:7 further improve our] 23–25; keep up the Price of 14. 204:10 those] 23–25; they 14. 205:19 proportion] 23–25; part 14. 205:23 since] 23–25; ever since 14. 205:28 it is] 23–25; is 14. 205:32–33 Burthen… lies] 23–25; Burden lies of all Excises and Impositions 14. 208:5 in such a] 23–25; in a 14. 208:7 by] 24, 25; up 14, 23. 208:10–11 (what…) that] 23–25; that (which is yet impossible) 14. 208:17 would] 23–25; should 14. 209:22 whatever] 24, 25; whoever 23. 209:23 Labourers] 24, 25; Labour 23. 210:2 prompted to it] 23–25; prompted 14. 210:4 powerfully influenc’d] 23–25; influenc’d 14. 210:7 the labouring Man] 23–25; Man 14. 210:21 there were] 23–25; were 14.
219:33 noxious] 24, 25; obnoxious 14, 23. 220:12 by] 23–25; with 14. 220:13–14 to consult… Method] 23–25; in a different manner to act toward 14. 221:4 how civiliz’d… may] 23–25; as civiliz’d as Men can 14. 222:12 whom they] 24, 25; they 14, 23. 222:33 comes] 24, 25; becomes 14, 23. 224:27 this] 14–24; there 25. 226:10 when] 23–25; and 14. 226:11 ghastly] 23–25; ghostly 14. 226:12–13 with all… and] 23–25; mangled Carcasses, with all the various Scenes of 14. 227:1 cannot] 23–25; can 14. 227:19 silly] 24, 25; horrid 14, 23. 228:10–11 instead of Valour… himself 23–25; and even by himself be mistaken for a Principle of Valour 14. 228:31–32 without laughing… Finery] 23–25; upon a Man accoutred with so much paultry Gaudiness and affected Finery, without laughing 14. 228:34 it is in] 23–25; it is 14. 229:4 Bedlam] 23–25; Bethlem 14. 230:12 grew] grow 14–25. 230:18 it is] 23–25; is it 14. 230: 18 without it] 23–25; without 14. 230:19 beholden] 23–25; beholding 14. 230:22 who] 24, 25; which 14, 23.
234:28 and ask’d] 23–25; ask’d 14. 234:31–32 that of the Weavers] 23–25; those 14. 234:32 Silk] 24, 25; Silks 14, 23.
236:22 that the] 23; the 24, 25. 239:5 poorly] 24, 25; but poorly 23. 240:31 the last] 24, 25; this 23. 242:17 very scarce… wanted] 24, 25; scarce, if not almost useless 23. 243: 10 a shift] 24, 25; shift 23.
248:21 for] 24, 25; to 14, 23. 248:28 an Eye] 23–25; a Look 14. 249:33 Speed] 24, 25; Expedition 14, 23. 252:17 a] 14–24; for a 25. 252:18 Hand] 23, 24; Hands 14, 25. 252:27 Person] 23–25; Persons 14.
255:18 has] 23–25; as has 14. 258:21 difference in] 25; difference of 23, 24. 259:3 turns] turn 23–25.
266:12 are] 24, 25; were 23. 271:8 sometimes] 23, 24; sometime 25. 274:6 a hundred] 25; hundred 23, 24. 274:33 Mens] 24, 25; Mans 23. 278:19 those] 25; these 23, 24. 278:34–35 Snuff Box] 25; a Snuff Box 23, 24. 279:21–22 the taking] 23, 24; taking 25. 280:9 ’em] 23; them 24, 25. 280:32 not have] 23, 24; have 25. 282:3 It is not then the want] 25; It is then not want 23; It is then not the want 24. 286:17 it] 24, 25; of it 23. 286: 25 denying] 23; denying it 24, 25. 287:14 most] 23, 24; the most 25. 288:13 seem] seems 23–25. 290:25 enjoyns] 23, 24; enjoys 25. 293:27 make up] 24, 25; make 23. 294:29 these] 24, 25; those 23. 295:7 are] 25; is 23, 24. 296:16 I never] 24, 25; that I never 23. 297:1 Methinks] 24, 25; my thinks 23. 301:28 discourage] 23; discharge 24, 25. 301:34 ’em] 24, 25; them 23. 303:12 th’ other] 23, 24; the other 25. 304:2 the] 25; their 23, 24. 305:23 Tradesman] 24, 25; Tradesman 23. 305:28 neglectful] 25; negligent 23; neglecting 24. 308:17 or] 23, 24; and 25. 311:5 to ’t] 24, 25; to it 23. 314:4 ’em] 24, 25; them 23. 315:7 ’em] 2?; them 24, 25. 315:10 ’em] 24, 25; them 23. 315:21 have call’d] 23, 24; called 25. 315:23 ’em] 24, 25; them 23. 322:35 of] 25; on 23, 24.
329:6 expect] 25; expects 23, 24. 332:17 but] 25; bar 23, 24. 332:30 Carnation] 24, 25; Coronation 23. 332:35 a vast] 23; vast 24, 25. 333:9 ’em] 24, 25; them 23. 340:2–3 This bears a fine gloss] 24, 25; This is great Stress laid upon 23. 340:3 and is] 24, 25; and 23. 343:5 ’cm] 24, 25; them 23. 343:14 a Clock] 23; a’Clock 24, 25. 350:2 Man] 25; Men 23, 24. 353:3 cannot] 24, 25; shall not 23. 358:14 great] 25; brave 23, 24. 359:17 West-Indies] 23, 24; East-Indies 25. 360:10 Ship-wreck] 24, 25; a Ship-wreck 23. 361:31 makes] 23, 24; make 25. 366:24 should] 25; would 23, 24. 368:21 Trades] 25; Trade 23, 24. 368:31 nor] 25; or 23, 24.