from the Aspersions contain’d in a Presentment of the Grand Jury of Middlesex
An Abusive Letter to Lord C.
That the Reader may be fully instructed in the Merits of the Cause between my Adversaries and my self, it is requisite that, before he sees my Defence, he should know the whole Charge, and have before him all the Accusations against me at large.
The Presentment of the Grand Jury is worded thus
We the Grand Jury for the County of Middlesex have with the greatest Sorrow and Concern, observ’d the many Books and Pamphlets that are almost every Week Published against the Sacred Articles of our Holy Religion, and all Discipline and Order in the Church, and the Manner, in which this is carry’d on, seems to us, to have a Direct Tendency to propagate Infidelity, and consequently Corruption of all Morals.
We are justly Sensible of the Goodness of the Almighty that has preserved us from the Plague,64 which has visited our Neighbouring Nation, and for which great Mercy, his Majesty was graciously pleased to command by his Proclamation that Thanks should be returned to Heaven; but how provoking must it be to the Almighty, that his Mercies and Deliverances extended to this Nation, and our Thanksgiving that was publickly commanded for it, should be attended with such flagrant Impieties?
We know of Nothing that can be of greater Service to his Majesty and the Protestant Succession (which is happily established among us for the Defence of the Christian Religion) than the Suppression of Blasphemy and Prophaneness, which has a direct Tendency to subvert the very Foundation on which his Majesty’s Government is fixed.
So Restless have these Zealots for Infidelity been in their Diabolical Attempts against Religion, that they have,
First, Openly blasphemed and denied the Doctrine of the Ever Blessed Trinity, endeavouring by specious Pretences, to revive the Arian Heresy, which was never introduced into any Nation, but the Vengeance of Heaven pursued it.
Secondly, They affirm an Absolute Fate and deny the Providence and Government of the Almighty in the World.
Thirdly, They have endeavoured to subvert all Order and Discipline in the Church, and by vile and unjust Reflections on the Clergy, they strive to bring Contempt on all Religion; That by the Libertinism of their Opinions they may encourage and draw others into the Immoralities of their Practice.
Fourthly, That a General Libertinism may the more effectually be established, the Universities are decried, and all Instructions of Youth in the Principles of the Christian Religion are exploded with the greatest Malice and Falsity.
Fifthly, The more effectually to carry on these Works of Darkness, studied Artifices and invented Colours have been made use of to run down Religion and Vertue as prejudicial to Society, and detrimental to the State; and to recommend Luxury, Avarice, Pride, and all kind of Vices, as being necessary to Publick Welfare, and not tending to the Destruction of the Constitution: Nay the very Stews themselves have had strained Apologies and forced Encomiums made in their Favour and produced in Print, with Design, we conceive, to debauch the Nation.
These Principles having a direct Tendency to the Subversion of all Religion, and Civil Government, our Duty to the Almighty, our Love to our Country, and Regard to our Oaths, oblige us to Present,65
[Edmond Parker, at the Bible and Crown in Lombard street] as the Publisher of a Book, entituled, The Fable of the Bees, or Private Vices Publick Benefits, 2d Edit. 1723.
And also [T. Warner at the Black Boy in Pater-Noster Row,] as the Publisher of a Weekly Paper, called the British Journal, Numb. 26, 35, 36, and 39.66
The Letter I complain of is this;
’Tis Welcome News to all the King’s Loyal Subjects and True Friends to the Estabish’d Government and Succession in the Illustrious House of HANOVER, that your Lordship is said to be contriving some Effectual Means of securing us from the Dangers, wherewith His Majesty’s happy Government seems to be threatned by Catiline, under the Name of Cato; by the Writer of a Book intituled, The Fable of the Bees, &c. and by others of their Fraternity, who are undoubtedly useful Friends to the Pretender, and diligent, for his sake, in labouring to subvert and ruin our Constitution, under a specious Pretence of defending it. Your Lordship’s wise Resolution, totally to suppress such impious Writings, and the Direction already given for having them Presented, immediately, by some of the Grand Juries, will effectually convince the Nation, that no Attempts against Christianity will be suffer’d or endured here. And this Conviction will at once rid Men’s Minds of the Uneasiness which this flagitious Race of Writers has endeavour’d to raise in them; will therefore be a firm Bulwark to the Protestant Religion; will effectually defeat the Projects and Hopes of the Pretender; and best secure us against any Change in the Ministry. And no faithful Briton coud be unconcern’d, if the People should imagine any the least Neglect in any single Person bearing a part in the Ministry, or begin to grow Jealous, that any thing could be done, which is not done in defending their Religion from every the least Appearance of Danger approaching towards it. And, my Lord, this Jealousy might have been apt to rise, if no Measures had been taken to discourage and crush the open Advocates of Irreligion. ’Tis no easy Matter to get Jealousy out of one’s Brains, when ’tis once got into them. Jealousy, my Lord! ’Tis as furious a Fiend as any of them all. I have seen a little thin weak Woman so invigorated by a Fit of Jealousy, that five Grenadiers could not hold her. My Lord, go on with your just Methods of keeping the People clear of this cursed Jealousy: For, amongst the various Kinds and Occasions of it, that which concerns their Religion, is the most violent flagrant frantick Sort of all; and accordingly has, in former Reigns, produced those various Mischiefs, which your Lordship has faithfully determined to prevent, dutifully regarding the Royal Authority, and conforming to the Example of his Majesty, who has graciously given DIRECTIONS (which are well known to your Lordship) for the preserving of Unity in the Church, and the Purity of the Christian Faith. ’Tis in vain to think that the People of England will ever give up their Religion, or be very fond of any Ministry that will not support it, as the Wisdom of this Ministry has done, against such audacious Attacks as are made upon it by the Scriblers; for Scribler, your Lordship knows, is the just Appellation of every Author, who, under whatever plausible Appearance of good Sense, attempts to undermine the Religion, and therefore the Content and Quiet, the Peace and Happiness of his Fellow-Subjects, by subtle and artful and fallacious Arguments and Insinuations. May Heaven avert those insufferable Miseries, which the Church of Rome would bring upon us! Tyranny is the Bane of Human Society; and there is no Tyranny heavier than that of the Triple Crown. And therefore, this free and happy People has justly conceived an utter Abhorrence and Dread of Popery, and of every thing that looks like Encouragement or Tendency to it; but they do also abhor and dread the Violence offer’d to Christianity itself, by our British Catilines, who shelter their treacherous Designs against it, under the false Colours of Regard and Good-will to our blessed Protestant Religion, whilst they demonstrate, too plainly demonstrate, that the Title of Protestants does not belong to them, unless it can belong to those, who are in Effect Protesters against all Re-ligion.
And really, the People cannot be much blamed for being a little unwilling to part with their Religion: For they tell ye, that there is a God; and that God governs the World; and that he is wont to bless or blast a Kingdom, in Proportion to the Degrees of Religion or Irreligion prevailing in it. Your Lordship has a fine Collection of Books; and, which is a finer thing still, you do certainly understand them, and can turn to an Account of any important Affair in a trice. I would therefore fain know, whether your Lordship can show, from any Writer, let him be as profane as the Scriblers would have him, that any one Empire, Kingdom, Country or Province, Great or Small, did not dwindle and sink, and was confounded, when it once fail’d of providing studiously for the Support of Religion.
The Scriblers talk much of the Roman Government, and Liberty, and the Spirit of the Old Romans. But ’tis undeniable, that their most plausible Talk of these Things is all Pretence, and Grimace, and an Artifice to serve the Purposes of Irreligion; and by consequence to render the People uneasy, and ruin the Kingdom. For if they did in Reality esteem, and would faithfully recommend to their Countrymen, the Sentiments and Principles, the main Purposes and Practices of the wise and prosperous Romans, they would, in the first place, put us in mind, that Old Rome was as remarkable for observing and promoting Natural Religion, as New Rome has been for corrupting that which is Reveal’d. And as the Old Romans did signally recommend themselves to the Favour of Heaven, by their faithful Care of Religion; so were they abundantly convinced, and did accordingly acknowledge, with universal Consent, that their Care of Religion was the great Means* of God’s preserving the Empire, and crowning it with Conquests and Success, Prosperity and Glory. Hence it was, that when their Orators were bent upon exerting their utmost in moving and persuading the People, upon any Occasion, they ever put them in mind of their Religion, if That could be any way affected by the Point in debate; not doubting that the People would determine in their Favour, if they could but demonstrate, that the Safety of Religion depended upon the Success of their Cause. And indeed, neither the Romans, nor any other Nation upon Earth, did ever suffer their Establish’d Religion to be openly ridiculed, exploded, or opposed: And I’m sure, your Lordship would not, for all the World, that this Thing should be done with Impunity amongst Us, which was never endured in the World before. Did ever any Man, since the blessed Revelation of the Gospel, run Riot upon Christianity, as some Men, nay, and some few Women too, have lately done? Must the Devil grow rampant at this Rate, and not to be call’d Coram Nobis?68 Why should not he content himself to carry off People in the common Way, the Way of Cursing and Swearing, Sabbath-breaking and Cheating, Bribery and Hypocrisy, Drunkenness and Whoring, and such kind of Things, as he us’d to do? Never let him domineer in Men’s Mouths and Writings, as he does now, with loud, tremendous Infidelity, Blasphemy and Prophaneness, enough to frighten the King’s Subjects out of their Wits. We are now come to a short Question: God, or the Devil? that’s the Word; and Time will shew, who and who goes together. Thus much may be said at present, that those have abundantly shewn their Spirit of Opposition to Sacred Things, who have not only inveighed against the National Profession and Exercise of Religion; and endeavour’d, with Bitterness and Dexterity, to render it Odious and Contemptible, but are sollicitous to hinder Multitudes of the Natives of this Island from having the very Seeds of Religion sown among them with Advantage.
Arguments are urged, with the utmost Vehemence, against the Education of poor Children in the Charity-Schools, tho’ there hath not one just Reason been offer’d against the Provision made for that Education. The Things that have been objected against it are not, in Fact, true; and nothing ought to be regarded, by serious and wise Men, as a weighty or just Argument, if it is not a true one. How hath Catiline the Confidence left to look any Man in the Face, after he hath spent more Confidence than most Men’s whole Stock amounts to, in saying, that this pretended Charity has, in Effect, destroy’d all other Charities, which were before given to the Aged, Sick, and Impotent.
It seems pretty clear, that if those, who do not contribute to any Charity-School, are become more Uncharitable to any other Object, than formerly they were; their want of Charity to the one, is not owing to their Contribution to the other. And as to those who do contribute to these Schools; they are so far from being more sparing in their Relief of other Objects, than they were before, that the poor Widows, the Aged and the Impotent do plainly receive more Relief from Them, in Proportion to their Numbers and Abilities, than from any the same Numbers of Men under the same Circumstances of Fortune, who do not concern themselves with the Charity-Schools, in any Respect, but in condemning and decrying them. I will meet Catiline at the Grecian Coffee-House any Day in the Week, and by an Enumeration of particular Persons, in as great a Number as he pleaseth, demonstrate the Truth of what I say. But I do not much depend upon his giving me the Meeting, because ’tis his Business, not to encourage Demonstrations of the Truth, but to throw Disguises upon it; otherwise, he never could have allowed himself, after representing the Charity Schools as intended to breed up Children to Reading and Writing, and a sober Behaviour, that they may be qualified to be Servants, immediately to add these Words; A sort of idle and rioting Vermin, by which the Kingdom is already almost devoured, and are become every where a publick Nusance, &c. What? Is it owing to the Charity Schools, that Servants are become so Idle, such rioting Vermin, such a publick Nusance; that Women-Servants turn Whores, and the Men-Servants Robbers, House-breakers, and Sharpers? (as he says they commonly do). Is this owing to the Charity-Schools? or, if it is not, how comes he to allow himself the Liberty of representing these Schools as a Means of increasing this Load of Mischief, which is indeed too plainly fallen upon the Publick? The imbibing Principles of Vertue hath not, usually, been thought the chief Occasion of running into Vice. If the early Knowledge of Truth, and of our Obligations to it, were the surest Means of departing from it, no Body would doubt, that the Knowledge of Truth was instill’d into Catiline very Early, and with the utmost Care. ’Tis a good pretty Thing in him to spread a Report, and to lay so much Stress upon it as he does, that there is more Collected at the Church Doors in a Day, to make these poor Boys and Girls appear in Caps and Livery-Coats, than for all the Poor in a Year. O rare Catiline! This Point you’ll carry most swimingly; for you have no Witnesses against you, nor any living Soul to contradict you, except the Collectors and Overseers of the Poor, and all other principal Inhabitants of most of the Parishes, where any Charity-Schools are, in England.
The Jest of it is, my Lord, that these Scriblers would still be thought good moral Men. But, when Men make it their Business to mislead and deceive their Neighbours, and that in Matters of Moment, by distorting and disguising the Truth, by Misrepresentations, and false Insinuations; if such Men are not Guilty of Usurpation, whilst they take upon them the Character of good moral Men, then ’tis not Immoral, in any Man, to be false and deceitful, in Cases where the Law cannot touch him for being so, and Morality bears no Relation to Truth and Fair Dealing. However, I shall not be very willing to meet one of these moral Men upon Hownslow-Heath, if I should happen to ride that Way without Pistols. For I have a Notion, that They who have no Conscience in one Point, don’t much abound with it in another. Your Lordship, who judges accurately of Men, as well as Books, will easily imagine, if you had no other Knowledge of the Charity-Schools, that there must be something very excellent in them, because such kind of Men as These are so warm in opposing them.
They tell you, that these Schools are Hinderances to Husbandry and to Manufacture: As to Husbandry : the Children are not kept in the Schools longer than till they are of Age and Strength to perform the principal Parts of it, or to bear constant Labour in it; and even whilst they are under this Course of Education, your Lordship may depend upon it, that they shall never be hindered from working in the Fields, or being employ’d in such Labour as they are capable of, in any Parts of the Year, when they can get such Employment for the Support of their Parents and themselves. In this Case the Parents in the several Countries are proper Judges of their several Situations and Circumstances, and at the same time, not so very fond of their Childrens getting a little Knowledge, rather than a little Money, but that they will find other Employment for them than going to School, whenever they can get a Penny by so doing. And the Case is the same as to the Manufactures; the Trustees of the Charity-Schools, and the Parents of the Children bred in them, would be thankful to those Gentlemen who make the Objection, if they would assist in removing it, by subscribing to a Fund for joyning the Employment of Manufacture to the Business of learning to Read and Write in the Charity-Schools: This would be a noble Work: ’Tis already effected by the Supporters of some Charity-Schools, and is aimed at, and earnestly desired by all the rest: But Rome was not built in a Day. Till this great Thing can be brought about, let the Masters and Managers of the Manufactures in the several Places of the Kingdom be so charitable as to employ the poor Children for a certain Number of Hours in every Day in their respective Manufactures, whilst the Trustees are taking Care to fill up their other Hours of the Day in the usual Duties of the Charity-Schools. ’Tis an easy Matter for Party-men, for designing and perverted Minds, to invent colourable, fallacious Arguments, and to offer Railing under the Appearance of Reasoning against the best Things in the World. But undoubtedly, no impartial Man, who is affected with a serious Sense of Goodness, and a real Love of his Country, can think this proper and just View of the Charity-Schools liable to any just, weighty Objection, or refuse to contribute his Endeavours to improve and raise them to that Perfection which is propos’d in them. In the mean time, let no Man be so weak or so wicked as to deny, that when poor Children cannot meet with Employment in any other honest Way, rather than suffer their tender Age to be spent in Idleness, or in learning the Arts of Lying and Swearing and Stealing, ’tis true Charity to Them and good Service done to our Country, to employ them in learning the Principles of Religion and Vertue, till their Age and Strength will enable them to become Servants in Families, or to be engag’d in Husbandry, or Manufacture, or any kind of Mechanick Trade or Laborious Employment; for to these laborious Employments are the Charity Children generally, if not always turn’d, as soon as they become capable of them: And therefore Catiline may be pleas’d to retract his Objection concerning Shop-Keepers or Retailers of Commodities, wherein he has affirm’d, that their Employments which he says ought to fall to the Share of Children of their own Degree, are mostly anticipated and engross’d by the Managers of the Charity-Schools. He must excuse my acquainting your Lordship, that this Affirmation is in Fact directly false, which is an Inconvenience very apt to fall upon his Affirmations, as it has particularly done upon one of ’em more, which I would mention: For he is not asham’d roundly to assert, That the Principles of our common People are debauch’d in our Charity Schools, who are taught as soon as they can speak to blabber out HIGH-CHURCH and ORMOND,69 and so are bred up to be Traytors before they know what Treason signifies. Your Lordship, and other Persons of Integrity, whose Words are the faithful Representatives of their Meaning, would now think, if I had not given you a Key to Catiline’s Talk, that he has been fully convinced, that the Children in the Charity-Schools are bred up to be Traytors.
My Lord, If any one Master be suffer’d by the Trustees to continue in any Charity-School, against whom Proof can be brought, that he is disaffected to the Government, or that he does not as faithfully teach the Children Obedience and Loyalty to the King, as any other Duty in the Catechism, then I will gratify Catiline with a License to pull down the Schools, and hang up the Masters according to his Heart’s Desire.
These and such things as these are urg’d with the like Bitterness and as little Truth in the Book mention’d above, viz. The Fable of the Bees; or, Private Vices, publick Benefits, &c. Catiline explodes the fundamental Articles of Faith, impiously comparing the Doctrine of the Blessed Trinity to Fee-fa-fum : This profligate Author of the Fable is not only an Auxiliary to Catiline in Opposition to Faith, but has taken upon him to tear up the very Foundations of Moral Vertue, and establish Vice in its Room. The best Physician in the World did never labour more to purge the Natural Body of bad Qualities, than this Bumble-Bee has done to purge the Body Politick of good ones. He himself bears Testimony to the Truth of this Charge against him: For when he comes to the Conclusion of his Book, he makes this Observation upon himself and his Performance: ‘After this I flatter my self to have demonstrated, that neither the friendly Qualities and kind Affections that are natural to Man, nor the real Virtues he is capable of acquiring by Reason and Self-denial, are the Foundation of Society; but that what we call Evil in this World, Moral as well as Natural, is the Grand Principle that makes us sociable Creatures, the solid Basis, the Life and Support of all Trades and Employments without Exception: That there we must look for the true Origin of all Arts and Sciences, and that the Moment Evil ceases, the Society must be spoil’d, if not totally dissolv’d.’
Now, My Lord, you see the Grand Design, the main Drift of Catiline and his Confederates; now the Scene opens, and the secret Springs appear; now the Fraternity adventure to speak out, and surely no Band of Men ever dared to speak at this Rate before; now you see the True Cause of all their Enmity to the poor Charity Schools; ’tis levell’d against Religion; Religion, my Lord, which the Schools are instituted to promote, and which this Confederacy is resolved to destroy; for the Schools are certainly one of the greatest Instruments of Religion and Vertue, one of the firmest Bulwarks against Popery, one of the best Recommendations of this People to the Divine Favour, and therefore one of the greatest Blessings to our Country of any thing that has been set on Foot since our happy Reformation and Deliverance from the Idolatry and Tyranny of Rome. If any trivial Inconvenience did arise from so excellent a Work, as some little Inconvenience attends all human Institutions and Affairs, the Excellency of the Work would still be Matter of Joy, and find Encouragement with all the Wise and the Good, who despise such insignificant Objections against it as other Men are not asham’d to raise and defend.
Now your Lordship also sees the true Cause of the Satyr which is continually form’d against the Clergy by Catiline and his Confederates. Why should Mr Hall’s Conviction and Execution be any more an Objection against the Clergy, than Mr Layer’s against the Gentlemen of the Long Robe?70 why, because the Profession of the Law does not immediately relate to Religion: and therefore Catiline will allow, that if any Persons of that Profession should be Traytors, or otherwise vicious, all the rest may, nothwithstanding the Iniquity of a Brother, be as loyal and vertuous as any other Subjects in the King’s Dominions: But because Matters of Religion are the profess’d Concern and the Employment of the Clergy, therefore Catiline’s Logick makes it out as clear as the Day, that if any of them be disaffected to the Government, all the rest are so too; or if any of them be chargeable with Vice, this Consequence from it is plain, that All or Most of the rest are as vicious as the Devil can make them. I shall not trouble your Lordship with a particular Vindication of the Clergy, nor is there any Reason that I should, for they are already secure of your Lordship’s good Affection to them, and they are able to vindicate themselves wheresoever such a Vindication is wanted, being as faithful and vertuous and learned a Body of Men as any in Europe; and yet they suspend the Publication of Arguments in a solemn Defence of themselves, because they neither expect nor desire Approbation and Esteem from impious and abandon’d Men; and at the same Time they cannot doubt that all Persons, not only of great Penetration but of common Sense, do now clearly see; that the Arrows shot against the Clergy are intended to wound and destroy the Divine Institution of the Ministerial Offices, and to extirpate the Religion which the sacred Offices were appointed to preserve and promote. This was always supposed and suspected by every honest and impartial Man; but ’tis now demonstrated by those who before had given Occasion to such Suspicions, for they have now openly declared that Faith in the Principal Articles of it, is not only needless but ridiculous, that the Welfare of human Society must sink and perish under the Encouragement of Vertue, and that Immorality is the only firm Foundation whereon the Happiness of Mankind can be built and subsist. The Publication of such Tenets as these, an open avow’d Proposal to extirpate the Christian Faith and all Vertue, and to fix Moral Evil for the Basis of the Government, is so stunning, so shocking, so frightful, so flagrant an Enormity, that if it should be imputed to us as a National Guilt, the Divine Vengeance must inevitably fall upon us. And how far this Enormity would become a National Guilt if it should pass disregarded and unpunished, a Casuist less skilful and discerning than your Lordship may easily guess: And no doubt your Lordship’s good Judgment in so plain and important a Case has made you, like a wise and faithful Patriot, resolve to use your utmost Endeavours in your high Station to defend Religion from the bold Attacks made upon it.
As soon as I have seen a Copy of the Bill for the better Security of his Majesty and his happy Government, by the better Security of Religion in Great-Britain, your Lordship’s just Scheme of Politicks, your Love of your Country, and your great Services done to it shall again be acknowledg’d by,
Your most faithful humble Servant,
These violent Accusations and the great Clamour every where raised against the Book, by Governours, Masters, and other Champions of Charity-Schools, together with the Advice of Friends, and the Reflection on what I owed to my self, drew from me the following Answer. The candid Reader, in the perusal of it, will not be offended at the Repetition of some Passages, one of which he may have met with twice already, when he shall consider that to make my Defence by it self to the Publick, I was obliged to repeat what had been quoted in the Letter, since the Paper would unavoidably fall into the Hands of many who had never seen either the Fable of the Bees, or the Defamatory Letter wrote against it. The Answer was Published in the London Journal of August 10, 1723, in these Words:
Whereas in the Evening-Post of Thursday July 11, a Presentment was inserted of the Grand Jury of Middlesex, against the Publisher of a Book, entitled, The Fable of the Bees; or, Private Vices Publick Benefits; and since that, a passionate and abusive Letter has been publish’d against the same Book and the Author of it, in the London Journal of Saturday July, 27. I think my self indispensably oblig’d to vindicate the abovesaid Book against the black Aspersions that undeservedly have been cast upon it, being conscious that I have not had the least ill Design in Composing it. The Accusations against it having been made openly in the publick Papers, it is not equitable the Defence of it should appear in a more private Manner. What I have to say in my Behalf, I shall address to all Men of Sense and Sincerity, asking no other Favour of them than their Patience and Attention. Setting aside what in that Letter relates to others, and every thing that is Foreign and Immaterial, I shall begin with the Passage that is quoted from the Book, viz. After this, I flatter my self to have demonstrated that, neither the friendly Qualities and kind Affections that are natural to Man, nor the real Vertues he is capable of acquiring by Reason and Self-denial, are the Foundation of Society; but that what we call Evil in this World, Moral as well as Natural, is the grand Principle that makes us sociable Creatures, the solid Basis the Life and Support of all Trades and Employments without Exception. That there we must look for the true Origin of all Arts and Sciences; and that the Moment Evil ceases, the Society must be spoil’d, if not totally dissolv’d. These Words I own are in the Book, and, being both innocent and true, like to remain there in all future Impressions. But I will likewise own very freely, that, if I had wrote with a Design to be understood by the meanest Capacities, I would not have chose the Subject there treated of; or if I had, I would have amplify’d, and explain’d every Period, talk’d and distinguish’d magisterially, and never appear’d without the Fescue71 in my Hand. As for Example; to make the Passage pointed at intelligible, I would have bestow’d a Page or two on the Meaning of the Word Evil; after that I would have taught them, that every Defect, every Want was an Evil; that on the Multiplicity of those Wants depended all those mutual Services which the individual Members of a Society pay to each other; and that consequently, the greater Variety there was of Wants, the larger Number of Individuals might find their private Interest in labouring for the good of others, and united together, compose one Body. Is there a Trade or Handicraft but what supplies us with something we wanted? This Want certainly, before it was supply’d, was an Evil, which that Trade or Handicraft was to remedy, and without which it could never have been thought of. Is there an Art or Science that was not invented to mend some Defect? Had this latter not existed, there could have been no occasion for the former to remove it. I say, p. 368. The Excellency of human Thought and Contrivance has been, and is yet no where more conspicuous than in the Variety of Tools and Instruments of Workmen and Artificers, and the Multiplicity of Engines, that were all invented, either to assist the Weakness of Man, to correct his many Imperfections, to gratify his Laziness, or obviate his Impatience. Several foregoing Pages run in the same strain. But what Relation has all this to Religion or Infidelity more than it has to Navigation or the Peace in the North?
The many Hands that are employ’d to supply our natural Wants, that are really such, as Hunger, Thirst, and Nakedness, are inconsiderable to the vast Numbers that are all innocently gratifying the Depravity of our corrupt Nature; I mean the Industrious, who get a Livelihood by their honest Labour, to which the Vain and Voluptuous must be beholden for all their Tools and Implements of Ease and Luxury. The short sighted Vulgar, in the Chain of Causes, seldom can see farther than one Link; but those who can enlarge their View, and will give themselves Leisure of gazing on the Prospect of concatenated Events, may in a hundred Places see Good spring up and pullulate from Evil, as naturally as Chickens do from Eggs.
These words are to be found p. 123 in the Remark made on the seeming Paradox; that in the grumblng Hive
The worst of all the Multitude
Did something for the Common Good:
Where in many Instances may be amply discover’d, how unsearchable Providence daily orders the Comforts of the Laborious, and even the Deliverances of the Oppress’d secretly to come forth not only from the Vices of the Luxurious, but likewise the Crimes of the Flagitious and most Abandon’d.
Men of Candour and Capacity perceive at first Sight, that in the Passage censur’d, there is no Meaning hid or express’d that is not altogether contain’d in the following Words: Man is a necessitous Creature on innumerable Accounts, and yet from those very Necessities, and nothing else, arise all Trades and Employments: But it is ridiculous for Men to meddle with Books above their Sphere.
The Fable of the Bees was design’d for the Entertainment of People of Knowledge and Education, when they have an idle Hour which they know not how to spend better: It is a Book of severe and exalted Morality, that contains a strict Test of Vertue, an infallible Touch-stone to distinguish the real from the counterfeited, and shews many Actions to be faulty that are pawm’d upon the World for good ones: It describes the Nature and Symptoms of human Passions, detects their Force, and disguises and traces Self-Love in its darkest Recesses; I might safely add, beyond any other System of Ethicks: The Whole is a Rhapsody void of Order or Method, but no Part of it has any thing in it that is sour or pedantick; the Style I confess is very unequal, sometimes very high and rhetorical, and sometimes very low and even very trivial; such as it is, I am satisfied that it has diverted Persons of great Probity and Virtue, and unquestionable good Sense; and I am in no fear that it will ever cease to do so whilst it is read by such. Whoever has seen the violent Charge against this Book, will pardon me for saying more in Commendation of it, than a Man not labouring under the same Necessity would do of his own Work on any other Occasion.
The Encomiums upon Stews complain’d of in the Presentment are no where in the Book. What might give a Handle to this Charge, must be a Political Dissertation concerning the best Method to guard and preserve Women of Honour and Virtue from the Insults of dissolute Men, whose Passions are often ungovernable: As in this there is a Dilemma between two Evils, which it is impracticable to shun both, so I have treated it with the utmost Caution, and begin thus : I am far from encouraging Vice, and should think it an unspeakable Felicity for a State, if the Sin of Uncleanness could be utterly banish’d from it; but I am afraid it is impossible. I give my Reasons why I think it so; and speaking occasionally of the Musick-houses at Amsterdam, I give a short Account of them, than which nothing can be more harmless; and I appeal to all impartial Judges, whether what I have said of them is not ten times more proper to give Men (even the voluptuous of any Taste) a Disgust and Aversion against them, than it is to raise any criminal Desire. I am sorry the Grand-Jury should conceive that I publish’d this with a design to debauch the Nation, without considering that in the first Place, there is not a Sentence nor a Syllable that can either offend the chastest Ear, or sully the Imagination of the most vicious; or in the second, that the Matter complain’d of is manifestly address’d to Magistrates and Politicians, or at least the more serious and thinking Part of Mankind; whereas a general Corruption of Manners as to Lewdness, to be produced by reading, can only be apprehended from Obscenities easily purchas’d, and every Way adapted to the Tastes and Capacities of the heedless Multitude and unexperienced Youth of both Sexes; but that the Performance, so outragiously exclaim’d against, was never calculated for either of these Classes of People, is self-evident from every Circumstance. The Beginning of the Prose is altogether Philosophical, and hardly intelligible to any that have not been us’d to Matters of Speculation; and the Running Title of it is so far from being specious or inviting, that without having read the Book itself, no Body knows what to make of it, whilst at the same Time the price is five Shillings. From all which it is plain, that if the Book contains any dangerous Tenets, I have not been very sollicitous to scatter them among the People. I have not said a Word to please or engage them, and the greatest Compliment I have made them has been, Apage vulgus.72 But as nothing (I say p. 241) would more clearly demonstrate the Falsity of my Notions than that the Generality of the people should fall in with them, so I don’t expect the Approbation of the Multitude. I write not to many, nor seek for any Well-wishers, but among the few that can think abstractly, and have their Minds elevated above the Vulgar. Of this I have made no ill Use, and ever preserv’d such a tender Regard to the Publick, that when I have advanced any uncommon Sentiments, I have used all the Precautions imaginable, that they might not be hurtful to weak Minds that might casually dip into the Book. When, pag. 239. I own’d, That it was my Sentiment that no Society could be rais’d into a rich and mighty Kingdom, or so rais’d subsist in their Wealth and Power for any considerable Time, without the Vices of Man, I had premised, what was true, That I had never said or imagined, that Man could not be virtuous as well in a rich and mighty Kingdom, as in the most pitiful Commonwealth.
Which Caution, a Man less scrupulous than my self might have thought superfluous, when he had already explain’d himself on that Head in the very same Paragraph, which begins thus : I lay down as a first Principle, that in all Societies, great or small, it is the Duty of every Member of it to be good; that Virtue ought to be encourag’d, Vice discountenanc’d, the Law obey’d, and the Transgressors punish’d. There is not a Line in the Book that contradicts this Doctrine, and I defy my Enemies to disprove what I have advanced, p. 241 that if I have shewn the Way to worldly Greatness, I have always, without Hesitation, prefer’d the Road that leads to Virtue. No Man ever took more Pains not to be misconstrued than my self : Mind p. 241 when I say that Societies cannot be rais’d to Wealth and Power, and the Top of Earthly Glory without Vices; I don’t think that by so saying I bid Men be vicious, any more than I bid them be quarrelsome or covetous, when I affirm, that the Profession of the Law could not be maintain’d in such Numbers and Splendor, if there was not abundance of too selfish and litigious People. A Caution of the same Nature I had already given towards the End of the Preface, on Account of a palpable Evil inseparable from the Felicity of London. To search into the real Causes of Things imports no ill Design, nor has any Tendency to do harm. A Man may write on Poysons and be an excellent Physician. Page 367. I say, No Man needs to guard himself against Blessings, but Calamities require Hands to avert them. And lower, It is the Extremities of Heat and Cold, the Inconstancy and Badness of Seasons, the Violence and Uncertainty of Winds, the vast Power and Treachery of Water, the Rage and Untractableness of Fire, and the Stubbornness and Sterility of the Earth, that rack our Invention, how we shall either avoid the Mischiefs they produce or correct the Malignity of them, and turn their several Forces to our own Advantage a thousand different Ways. Whilst a Man is enquiring into the Occupations of vast Multitudes, I cannot see why he may not say all this and much more, without being accused of depreciating and speaking slightly of the Gifts and Munificence of Heaven; when at the same time he demonstrates, that without Rain and Sunshine this Globe would not be habitable to Creatures like ourselves. It is an out of the way Subject, and I would never quarrel with the Man who should tell me that it might as well have been let alone: Yet I always thought it would please Men of any tolerable Taste, and not be easily lost.
My Vanity I could never conquer, so well as I could wish; and I am too proud to commit Crimes; and as to the main Scope, the Intent of the Book, I mean the View it was wrote with, I protest that it has been with the utmost Sincerity, what I have declared of it in the Preface, where at the bottom of the third Page you will find these Words. If you ask me, why I have done all this, cui bono? And what good these Notions will produce; truly, besides the Reader’s Diversion, I believe none at all; but if I was ask’d, what naturally ought to be expected from them? I would answer, that in the first Place the People who continually find Fault with others, by reading them would be taught to look at home, and examining their own Consciences, be made asham’d of always railing at what they are more or less guilty of themselves; and that in the next, those, who are so fond of the Ease and Comforts of a great and flourishing Nation, would learn more patiently to submit to those Inconveniencies, which no Government upon Earth can remedy, when they should see the Impossibility of enjoying any great Share of the first, without partaking likewise of the latter.
The first Impression of the Fable of the Bees, which came out in 1714, was never carpt at, or publickly taken Notice of; and all the Reason I can think on why this Second Edition should be so unmercifully treated, tho’ it has many Precautions which the former wanted, is an Essay on Charity and Charity-Schools, which is added to what was printed before. I confess that it is my Sentiment, that all hard and dirty Work ought in a well-govern’d Nation to be the Lot and Portion of the Poor, and that to divert their Children from useful Labour till they are fourteen or fifteen Years old, is a wrong Method to qualify them for it when they are grown up. I have given several Reasons for my Opinion in that Essay, to which I refer all impartial Men of Understanding, assuring them that they will not meet with such monstrous Impiety in it as is reported. What an Advocate I have been for Libertinism and Immorality, and what an Enemy to all Instructions of Youth in the Christian Faith, may be collected from the Pains I have take on Education for above seven Pages together: And afterwards again, page 311, where speaking of the Instructions the Children of the Poor might receive at Church: from which I say, or some other Place of Worship, I would not have the meanest of a Parish that is able to walk to it, be Absent on Sundays. I have these Words, It is the Sabbath, the most useful Day in Seven that is set apart for Divine Service and Religious Exercise, as well as resting from bodily Labour; and it is a Duty incumbent on all Magistrates to take a particular Care of that Day. The Poor more especially, and their Children, should be made to go to Church on it, both in the Fore and the Afternoon, because they have no Time on any other. By Precept and Example they ought to be encouraged to it from their very Infancy: The wilful Neglect of it ought to be counted Scandalous; and if downright Compulsion to what I urge might seem too harsh and perhaps impracticable, all Diversions at least ought strictly to be prohibited, and the Poor hindered from every Amusement Abroad, that might allure or draw them from it. If the Arguments I have made use of are not convincing, I desire they may be refuted, and I will acknowledge it as a Favour in any one that shall convince me of my Errour, without ill Language, by shewing me wherein I have been mistaken: But Calumny, it seems, is the shortest Way of confuting an Adversary, when Men are touch’d in a sensible Part. Vast Sums are gather’d for these Charity Schools, and I understand human Nature too well to imagine, that the Sharers of the Money should hear them spoke against with any Patience. I foresaw therefore the Usage I was to receive, and having repeated the common Cant that is made for Charity Schools, I told my Readers, page 276. This is the general Cry, and he that speaks the least Word against it, is an uncharitable, heard-hearted and inhuman, if not a wicked, profane and Atheistical Wretch. For this Reason it cannot be thought, that it was a great Surprise to me, when in that extraordinary Letter to Lord C. I saw my self call’d profligate Author; the Publication of my Tenets, an open and avowed Proposal to extirpate the Christian Faith and all Virtue, and what I had done so stunning, so shocking, so frightful, so flagrant an Enormity, that it cry’d for the Vengeance of Heaven. This is no more than what I have always expected from the Enemies to Truth and fair Dealing, and I shall retort nothing on the angry Author of that Letter, who endeavours to expose me to the publick Fury. I pity him, and have Charity enough to believe that he has been imposed upon himself, by trusting to Fame and the Hearsay of others; For no Man in his Wits can imagine, that he should have read one quarter Part of my Book, and write as he does.
I am sorry if the Words Private Vices, Publick Benefits, have ever given any Offence to a well meaning Man. The Mystery of them is soon unfolded when once they are rightly understood; but no Man of Sincerity will question the Innocence of them, that has read the last Paragraph, where I take my Leave of the Reader, and conclude with repeating the seeming Paradox, the Substance of which is advanced in the Title Page; that private Vices by the dextrous Management of a skilful Politician, may be turn’d into publick Benefits. These are the last Words of the Book, printed in the same large Character with the rest. But I set aside all what I have said in my Vindication; and if in the whole Book call’d, The Fable of the Bees, and presented by the Grand-Jury of Middlesex to the Judges of the King’s-Bench, there is to be found the least Tittle of Blasphemy or Profaneness, or any Thing tending to Immorality or the Corruption of Manners, I desire it may be publish’d; and if this be done without Invectives, personal Reflections, or setting the Mob upon me, Things I never design to answer, I will not only Recant, but likewise beg Pardon of the offended Publick in the most solemn Manner; and (if the Hangman might be thought too good for the Office) burn the Book my self at any reasonable Time and Place my Adversaries shall be pleased to appoint.
The Author of the Fable of the Bees