63. The ‘Vindication’ was added in 1724. – Ed.
64. This was the great plague at Marseilles, which lasted from 1720 to 1722. – Ed.
65. Mandeville omitted the two names and addresses in brackets here, although they appeared in the original presentment. – Ed.
66. These numbers of the British Journal contained letters by ‘Cato’ (John Trenchard and Thomas Gordon) attacking the clergy and the charity schools. – Ed.
* Quis est tam Vecors qui non Intelligat, Numine hoc tantum Imperium esse Natum, Auctum, & Retentum?—Cicer. Orat. de Harusp, Respons.67
67. ‘Who is so witless that he does not understand that it is by the divine power that the Empire has been created, extended and sustained?’ Cicero, De Haruspicum Responsis Oratio, ix, 19. – Ed.
68. Before us (as a defendant). – Ed.
69. The Duke of Ormond (1665–1745), one of the leading Jacobites. – Ed.
70. Christopher Layer (1683–1723) was executed for complicity in a Jacobite plot. – Ed.
71. A school rod. – Ed.
72. Away with the rabble. – Ed.