Celtic Carryall

Here’s another version of what has become an essential carryall in my life. Keep your possessions and valuables comfortably secured and your hands free as you travel about, whether you’re a student on a school campus, a mom needing a snack bag, a hiker on the trail or if you’re just out shopping. If you‘re looking for a handled bag, simply follow the finishing instructions and you’re ready to go!

Skill Level



G/6 (4mm) crochet hook

L/11 (8mm) crochet hook (for hemp straps on backpack only)

For backpack: 6 skeins Worsted (no. 4) weight cotton yarn (project shown uses Peaches and Creme [120 yds/109m per 2.5 oz/71g ball] in color no. 1005 White)

For handbag: 5 skeins Worsted (no. 4) weight cotton yarn (project shown uses Reynolds Saucy [186 yds/167m per 3.5 oz/100g skein] in color no. 292)

For straps (backback only): 18 yds (16.5m) hemp yarn with approx. 16" (4mm) thickness (project shown uses Natural Polished Hemp [64.5yds/59m per ball])

20 wooden beads (backpack only; must be large enough for the hemp to pass through the center)

1 set of wooden handles (handbag only; project shown uses handles from Everything Mary)

Finished Dimensions

1512" × 16" (39.5cm × 40.5cm)


5 sts = 234" (7cm) and 7 rows = 3" (7.6cm)

Special Stitches

Low Front Ridge, Cable, Celtic Weave

Woven St: Yo, insert hook into indicated st, pull up a lp, pull hook through 1 lp on hook, yo, pull through both lps on hook (1st half complete). Yo, insert hook into same st, pull up a lp, pull through both lps on hook (2nd half and Woven st completed).


Ch 2 does not count as 1st throughout entire pattern.

Turn after every rnd so that odd numbered rnds are worked with RS facing and even numbered rnds are worked with WS facing.

With smaller hook, ch 55.

Rnd 1 (RS): 2 sc in 2nd ch from hook, 1 sc in each ch across, 4 sc in last ch. Turn to work along other side of ch, 1 sc in each ch across. End by working 2 sc in last ch. Join with a sl st. Turn (112 sc).

Rnd 2 (WS): Ch 1. Sc in each sc around. Join with a sl st. Turn.

Optional: For a wider base, work 2 inc at each end of Rnd 2. This will add 4 sts to total st count. Then you can rep Rnd 2 twice more for added width on the bottom of the bag. This will inc st count by 12 sts.

Rnd 3 (RS): Ch 2. Sk 1st st, Woven st in next st, *sk next st, Woven st in next st. Rep from * around. Join with a sl st to turning ch. Turn (56 Woven st).

Rnds 4–11: Ch 2. Woven st in the sp between 1st and 2nd Woven sts. Woven st in the sp between each Woven st around, ending with a Woven st in top of turning ch. Join with a sl st. Turn.

Rnd 12: Ch 1. Work 2 sc in each sp between the Woven sts and in the turning ch. Join with a sl st. Turn (112 sc).

Rnds 13 & 14 form the LFR pattern.

Rnd 13 (RS): Ch 1. Working in flps only, sl st in next sc and in each sc around. Join with a sl st in turning ch. Turn.

Rnd 14: Ch 1. Working in rem lps of last sc rnd, sc in each sc around. Join with a sl st. Turn.

Rnds 15 & 16 form the Cable pattern. On Rnd 15, you will turn the work each time a cable is made.

Rnd 15: Ch 1. Sc in 1st st, *ch 3, sk 2 sc, sc in next sc. Turn and work 1 sc in each ch of ch-3 just made. Join to next sc with a sl st (cable made). Turn and, working behind the cable, 1 sc in each sc that was skipped, sk the sc that was made after ch-3. Rep from * around. Join with sl st to 1st sc. Turn (37 cables).

Note: In the next rnd, you will work a sc in the last st, and 3 sc evenly spaced behind each cable (on WS). The 3 sc behind each cable are worked into the sc that were worked into the 2 skipped sc. Work 1 sc in one of these skipped sc and 2 sc into the other. Do not work into the sc of the cables. Push the cables towards the RS as you work.

Rnd 16: Ch 1, *2 sc in next sc, sc in next sc; rep from *. across. Join with sl st to 1st sc. Turn.

Rnds 17 & 18: Rep Rnds 13 & 14.

Rnd 19: Ch 3. [Sk 2 sts, fptr around next 2 sts, working in front of sts just made fptr around 2 sts just skipped (CW made)] around. Join with a sl st. Turn.

Rnd 20: Sk 4 sts, work bptr over next 2 tr, working in back of sts just made, bptr around 3rd & 4th skipped sts (leave 1st & 2nd skipped sts for end of rnd), sk 2 sts, bptr around next 2 sts, working in back of sts just made, bptr around skipped sts, rep from * around to last 2 sts, bptr around last 2 sts. Join with a sl st. Turn.

Rnds 21–27: Rep Rnds 19 & 20 three times. Rep Rnd 19 once more.

Rnd 28: Ch 3. Bpdc around each st around. Join with a sl st. Turn.

Rnds 29–34: Rep Rnds 13–18.

Rnd 35: Rep Rnd 3.

Rnds 36–40: Rep Rnd 4.

For handbag only: Work 3 additional reps of Rnd 4. Then work Rnd 12 once. Go to finishing instructions for bag.

Rnd 41: Rep Rnd 12.

Rnd 42: Ch 3 (does count as 1st st). Dc in 4 sc, ch 4, sk 4 sc, *dc in next 4 sc, ch 4, sk next 4 sc, rep from * around. Join with a sl st. Turn.

Rnd 43: Ch 3. Work 4 dc in ch-4 sp, work 1 dc in each dc an 4 dc in each ch-4 sp around. Join with a sl st. Turn.

Rnd 44: Rep Rnd 3.

Rnd 45: Rep Rnd 4. Finish off.


For backpack only

Using larger crochet hook and hemp, crochet a ch 60" (152.4cm) long. (Be sure to leave about 12" (30.5cm) of extra hemp at the beg of the ch and at the end of the ch. This will be helpful when tying knots as well as adding beads.) As you crochet the ch, pull each st tightly to reduce any slack. Carefully check to be sure that both straps are the same size.


For backpack only: Weave in loose ends. Weave 1 ch into slits at the top of the bag and weave around 360° so that the other end is near the entry point. Weave the other ch starting on the other side of the bag in the same manner, but on the other side. When the ropes are pulled, the bag should close.

Push ends of ropes through the bottom corner on each side of bag. Tie both strands of hemp in a single knot. Add beads as desired.

For handbag only: Place bag on flat surface to determine the center of each side. From one end, count 8 sts. Join yarn with a sl st in next st. Sc in same st and in next 45 sts. Turn (46 sc).

Rows 2–5: Ch 1. Sc in each sc across. Turn. Finish off leaving a 20" (50.8cm) strand to attach handles.

Sk 16 sts on rnd where yarn was joined. Join in next st. Rep Rows 1–5 as for 1st side.

Carefully push last sections crocheted through wooden slots and sew in place with yarn and yarn needle. Weave in all ends.

Optional for bag and backpack (highly recommended): A lining can be added and sewn to the inside. Cut fabric the size of the bag plus 12" (1.3cm) seam allowance. The top of the lining should be below the handles or hemp openings. Sew a hem on the top open edge. If pockets are desired, add to lining. Next, sew 3 sides, leaving top open. Pin lining to bag and sew to inside of bag below handles or hemp openings.

The edges of this bag are inserted through the wooden handles, overlapped and sewn down to the inside edge of the bag.