Photo Gallery: A Chicken Extravaganza

Chapter 6 suggests some good breeds for a backyard chicken flock. As is the case with other pets, picking chickens is a subjective experience. I based my selection of best backyard chickens on the breeds that lay lots of eggs but aren’t broody, that have relatively calm demeanors, and that come in vivid colors. The chickens in the following photographs aren’t the fanciest breeds but just a few of what I believe are the best breeds to keep in most small spaces as pets and for eggs.

Of course, you can’t have chickens without a coop to keep them in. City chickens, like their country cousins, require basic shelter that is safe, warm, and dry. Many small flock owners build coops that are safe, warm, and dry, then toss in creative and whimsical architectural accessories that make their coops anything but basic. For the purposes of inspiration, you’ll find here some photographs of a few of the coolest coops in the country. If you’re like me, they’ll both amuse and surprise, and they’ll trigger new ideas for your own coop construction plans.



Feather Colors: Wide variety

Eggshell Color: Blue to army green

Hen Body Weight: 5 lb (2.3 kg)

Comments: Good layer. Eggs smaller than other breeds listed. Cautious and calm.



Feather Colors: Black, with a greenish tint

Eggshell Color: Dark brown

Hen Body Weight: 7 lb (3.2 kg)

Comments: Good layer. Cautious. Extra hardy in cold weather.


Buff Orpington

Feather Colors: Buff camel

Eggshell Color: Medium brown

Hen Body Weight: 7 lb (3.2 kg)

Comments: Great layer. Friendly disposition. Hardy in cold weather.



Feather Colors: White or dark red

Eggshell Color: White

Hen Body Weight: 5 lb (2.3 kg)

Comments: Great layer. Friendly disposition.


New Hampshire Red

Feather Colors: Chestnut red

Eggshell Color: Medium brown

Hen Body Weight: 6 lb (2.7 kg)

Comments: Great layer. Friendly and calm.


Plymouth Rock

Feather Colors: Barred black and white, buff and white

Eggshell Color: Light brown

Hen Body Weight: 6 lb (2.7kg)

Comments: Great layer. Friendly and curious.


Rhode Island Red

Feather Colors: Dark red to reddish brown

Eggshell Color: Medium brown

Hen Body Weight: 6 lb (2.7 kg)

Comments: Cautious, yet mellow. Great layer.


Silver-Laced Wyandotte

Feather Colors: Contrasting silver-white and black

Eggshell Color: Medium brown

Hen Body Weight: 6 lb (2.7 kg)

Comments: Good layer. Attractive plumage pattern.


Red Sex Link

Feather Colors: Dark red with black tail, wing feathers

Eggshell Color: Medium brown

Hen Body Weight: 5 lb (2.3 kg)

Comments: Good hybrid layer. Friendly disposition.


Black Minorca

Feather Colors: Black and white spotting

Eggshell Color: White

Hen Body Weight: 5 lb (2.3 kg)

Comments: Good layer of white eggs.

A Cool Coop Collection


The Lenham Poultry Range, a creation of Forsham Cottage Arks.


Marquee-style decor in a Seattle chicken run (owner John Bennet).


A veritable chicken villa (owners Ray and Robin Nichols).


The Henspa, a unique portable coop designed by Egganic Industries.


True country-coop style (courtesy of the imaginations of owners Jeff Stein and Margaret Kramer).


Stained-glass chick-chic window made by Brighton West, Atlanta, Georgia.


Two-story chicken chalet (owner Kimberly Minch).


Room with a view and her own flowerbox, too (owners Shelley Baker and Sonja Hunter)

The Girls


The End.