
abalone 111

Ablett, John 152, 226, 227, 228, 230

aculifera 32, 35, 36

algal blooms 1069

Alien 80

Allonautilus 177

Alviniconcha strummeri 24

Alzheimer’s disease 241

ammonites 137, 179, 1826

absence today 18992, 193

ammonoids 1869

fertilisers 1845

A Natural History of Shells 60, 66

animal feeds 78

anti-fouling agents 245

Archimedean spirals 50

Argonaut, Brown 174

Greater 174

Rough-keeled 174

Tuberculated 174

Argonauta argo 178

argonauts 21, 1736, 1934, 2645

fossil record 17882, 1923

rafting 199200

reproduction 2001

use of air in shells 2012

Villepreux, Jeanne 1949

Aristotle 26, 1489, 175

arthropods 23, 26

atherosclerosis 244

augers 38

Awakenings 243

bailer shells 78

Banks, Joseph 193, 209

barnacles 26, 142, 2245, 285

Barthelat, François 248

Barton, Nick 82

Bat, Bumblebee 48

Bee-eater, European 142

belemnites 183

Bennett, George 221

bio-glues 2435

bivalves 27, 33, 34, 43, 62

feeding 389

siphons 42

Blaber, Stephen 245

Bladderwrack 16

Blaschka, Leopold and Rudolf 232

Boettiger, Alistair 74

Bonamia 126, 127

Bonderer, Lorenz 249

boring molluscs 38

Botticelli Birth of Venus 80

Bouchet, Philippe 223, 2834

Bouzouggar, Abdeljalil 82

brachiopods 26, 31, 58, 180

brains 34, 723, 1045

human brains 76

Briggs, Derek 30

British Museum 152, 177, 207, 223, 225, 226

Broderip, William 178, 216, 219, 225

bryozoans 26, 142, 285

bubble snails 1689

building a shell 4750

dextral and sinistral shells 637

patterns 6772

patterns as memory 726

Raup’s model 549, 62, 63

spiral growth 504

why shape matters 5963

Burgess Shale, Canada 2933, 180

Butterfield, Nick 31

Byron, Lord George 193

byssus 14750, 15860, 243

growth 1656

harvesting 1645

weaving 1614

calcium carbonate 41, 43, 48, 51, 2489, 250

limestone formations 48

ocean acidification 2648

Caldeira, Ken 262

Cameroceras 181

Campbell, John 712

capiz shells 249

Caron, Jean-Bernard 312

caudofoveates 28, 32, 35

Caulerpa 169

cephalopods 34, 35, 41, 76

fossil record 17882

mantles 42

right- and left-coiling shells 66

chank shells 64

Chapman, John 87, 88

Chiton, Gumboot 28

chitons 21, 28, 32, 34, 35, 40

chordates 26, 180

CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species) 289

Clam, Atlantic Jackknife 246

Oxheart 14

clams 17, 18, 21, 26, 27, 41

Clark, Craig 2378

Clash 24

Clathurella cincta 252

Clements, Reuben 489, 59

climate change 14, 84, 108, 256

anthropogenic climate change 2612, 272, 27881

coccolithophores 19, 2778

Cockle, Heart 45

West African Bloody 100, 116

cockles 17, 18, 26, 401, 44, 286

coiling pottery 51

Colberg, Mrs 59, 61

coleoids 1812, 183

Colobus, Red 114

Comeau, Steeve 270, 277

Conchologia Iconica 22930, 232

conch shells 910, 80

queen conch 111

shankh 634

conchifera 36

cone snails 38, 42, 64, 2348, 2512, 289

conotoxins 23843

deadly venom 235

hunting prey 2345, 2357

number of species 234

protection in the wild 252, 2534

venom collection 2523

conodonts 180

conotoxins 2378

chemical composition 2389

neurological effects 23941

therapeutic possibilities 2413

conservation 254

Conus 234

gloriamus 219, 2301

Conway Morris, Simon 301

Cook, James 20910

coprolites 1845

Coral Triangle 21617, 283

corals 29, 42, 48, 110, 142

coral reefs 1214, 18, 123, 135

Cornwall 1517

Cowrie, Cuming’s 227

Gold Ringer 967

Money 61, 68, 93, 96, 97, 204

cowries 11, 17, 79

mantle 412

turning cowries into currency 918

crabs 17, 19, 53, 61, 104

hermit 18, 13743, 286

land hermit 13941

pea 169

Craik, David 242

Cranch, John 177, 2078

Crassotrea 119

creation myths 80

crustaceans 26, 104

cultch 131

Cuming, Hugh 2057, 2089

conchology 21516, 2236

Coral Triangle expedition 216, 21821

Discoverer expeditions 209, 21015

Museum Cuming collection 22632

currency 913

slave trade 936

cuttlefish 17, 26, 27, 43, 178, 182

coloration 76

cuttlebones 44, 267

Cuvier, Georges 193

d’Errico, Francesco 82

Dall, William Healey 143

Dance, Peter A History of Shell Collecting 227

Darwin, Charles 214, 2245, 231

Dead Man’s Fingers 17

Descartes, René 50

dextral shells 637

diabetes 244

diatoms 19, 37, 106

echinoderms 26, 33, 283

ecosystems 13, 14, 18

how to probe an ecosystem 2736

mussel beds 1347

rebuilding oysterbeds 1314

Eldredge, Lucius G. 61

Endean, Bob 237, 242

Ermentrout, Bard 712, 736, 231

escargots 65, 105

exoskeletons 53, 248, 264

farmed seafood 101

oyster farms 104

rope-grown mussels 1034

‘trash fish’ 120

feet 36, 3941, 67

Finn, Julian 2012

Finnemore, Alex 249

food 1005

overfishing 10912

oyster harvesting in Gambia 11220

poisoning outbreaks 8990, 1059

foraminifera 19, 257, 258

fossil record 2833, 656

ammonoids 1869

cephalopods 17882, 1923

Fraaije, René 137

Frembly, John 208

gastropods 267, 33, 35, 43

feeding on oysters 44

living with hermit crabs 142

teeth 37

Gattuso, Jean-Pierre 280

Gaydarska, Bisserka 87, 88

Gaza, Theodorus 149

geckos 48, 67, 228

genitalia 645, 245

Geoduck 42

geology 1856

Gerlach, Justin 228

giant clams 18, 10911, 2889

giant mangrove snails 19

gills 24, 36, 39, 40, 126, 128, 130, 132, 169, 265

Gilmer, Ronald 259

Glaucus atlantica 2601

Glory of the Sea 21920, 2301, 232, 288

Glowacki, Mary 90

Golding William 80

Gong, Zhenqiang 75

grave goods 11, 778, 79, 858, 89

Gray, John Edward 225, 227

Great Barrier Reef, Australia 13, 110, 237

Grimpoteuthis 43

Grimwood, Captain 209, 21014, 218

Grotte des Pigeons, Morocco 82, 84

Harbison, Richard 259

Harries, Dan 1356

Helioceras 1878

hermaphroditism 64, 260

Hertz, Adolph Jacob 967

Hogendorn, Jan 95

Hooker, William Jackson 223

Hoso, Masaki 67

human sacrifice 901

Hydrobia 40

hydrothermal vents 245, 2501, 264

Ibla cumingi 2245

Ibn Battuta 93

ichthyosaurs 188

insects 234, 26

Ipoh, Malaysia 478

Janha, Fatou 11220

Janthina 260

jewellery 778, 80, 89

signs of inequality 848

the oldest gems 824

Johnson, Marion 95

Kimberella 32

Kingfisher, Malachite 114

Kocot, Kevin 345, 36

Kohn, Alan 2367

KOSMOS (Kiel Off-Shore Mesocosms for future Ocean Simulation) 2736, 280

Kruta, Isabelle 191

Kurlansky, Mark 111

L-dopa 2434

Laidre, Mark 141

Lamarck, Jean-Baptiste 193

land snails 18, 286

Landman, Neil 192

Langur, Delacour 48

Leach, William 177, 207

left-coiling shells 637

Lewy, Zeef 179

Liew, Thor-Seng 49, 59

Limacina helicina 269, 270

limestone formations 479

Limpet, Dismal 230

Slipper 126, 1334, 267

limpets 26, 37, 40, 43, 66, 188, 286

Linnaeus, Carl 178, 20910

Lischka, Silke 256, 2578, 260, 261, 26970, 272, 2745

lobsters 19, 53, 104

Local Activation with Lateral Inhibition (LALI) 712

logarithmic spirals 502

Lord of the Flies 80

Lovell, Matilda Sophia 102

Lyell, Charles 225

Mach Bands 72

Maeder, Felicitas 1523

Manno, Clara 270, 271

mantles 36, 413

building shells 512

patterns 6970, 712, 734, 75, 76

marine habitats 14, 18

destruction 281

Marrocu, Ignazio 157, 160

mating 645

oysters 1289

Matthew, G. F. 30

McKinley, Daniel 14751

Meinhardt, Hans 6972

Meinhardt, Hans 69

Melo 78

Michelson, Arnold 567

microsnails 489, 59, 62, 188, 251

Mirkhalaf, Mohammad 248

Möbius, Karl 1234

Mollusca 19

MolluscaBase 22

molluscs 19, 215, 36, 233, 2835

cooking and eating alive 1045

feet 3941

fossil record 2833

number of species 223

ocean acidification 2618

phylogeny 345

predation 612

shells 415

slime 40

teeth 379

what is a mollusc? 268

which came first, the mollusc or the shell? 336

monoplacophorans 27, 35

Montagu, George 2067, 208, 214

morphospaces, theoretical 589

morphospecies 23, 251

mosasaurs 188

Moseley, Henry 51

mother-of-pearl 51, 2479

Mumbles Oyster Company 1278

murex shells 163

Musée Nationale d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris 22

museums of possible creatures 549

Mussel Adhesive Proteins (MAPs) 2435

Mussel, Blue 134, 147

Horse 134

mussels 16, 19, 21, 27, 39

mussel glue 2435

nacre 51, 2479, 250, 252

Naef, Adolf 179

Nassarius 82

gibbosulus 834

Natural History Museum, London 1011, 153

Museum Cuming shell collection 22632

Nature 262

nautilids 18992

Nautilus, Belly-button 177

White-patch 177

nautiluses 21, 27, 1768, 289

chambered nautiluses 44, 501, 176, 221

modern shell trade 2213

nautilus cups 2034

reproduction 222

Nelson, Horatio 153, 155

Nepinnotheres pinnothere 169

neuroscience 756, 2401

Nipponites 188

Noctiluca scintillans 257

nodal gene 66

nudibranchs 18, 42

nutrient pollution 1089

Obinautilus 193

ocean acidification 2618

how to probe an ecosystem 2736

sea butterflies 26873, 2745

why time matters 27682

octopuses 21, 26, 27, 35, 41, 42, 76, 178, 182

argonauts 1736

dumbo 43

intelligence 72

nautiluses 1768

reproduction 2001

Ocythoe antiquorum 178

cranchi 177

Odontogriphus 312

olive snails 39

Olivera, Baldomero 2378, 239, 241, 242, 251, 252

Olsen, Ole Theodor 124

On Growth and Form 524, 55, 148

ornaments 1011

Oster, George 712, 736, 231

Ostrea edulis 124

overfishing 18, 103, 10912, 222

Owen, Richard 193, 199, 2201, 225

Oyster, Mangrove 1001, 11516

Native 124, 126, 1278, 129, 1434

Pacific Rock 104, 119

Windowpane 11, 24950, 288

oysters 27, 39, 43, 44

adventures of an oyster 12834

European oyster beds 1235

Mumbles oysters 1223, 1258, 1434

overfishing 11112

palm oil 96, 97

Parapuzosia 187

Parkinson’s disease 241, 243

Partula 2289

patterns 678

computer models 6972

patterns as memory 726

stripes 701

triangles 71

pearl shells 93

pearls 213, 2478

pen shells 14750, 1636, 169

periostracum 25, 68

Periwinkle, Flat 16

periwinkles 16, 41

Pes, Assuntina and Giuseppina 15860, 161, 171

Peters, Winfried 40

pigments 678

Pinna nobilis 1467

plankton 19

Plectronoceras 180

Pliny the Elder 101, 169

Poli, Giuseppe Saverio 194, 198

pond snails 286

Pontonia pinnophylax 169

Portuguese Man-of-war 261

pottery 78

Power, Jeanne 1949, 205, 2645

Prialt 242

Prideaux, Charles 206

proboscis 423, 49, 234, 235

quahogs 93

radiolarians 19, 257

Radix, Big Ear 62

radula 31, 32, 33, 36, 378, 43, 234

Rafinesque, Constantine Samuel 178

Raup, David 549, 62, 63, 69, 187

rays, electric 423

razor clams 2467, 286

Reeve, Lovell Augustus 22930, 232

Rembrandt van Rijn 64

Renfrew, Colin 86

Richter, Claudio 110

Riebesell, Ulf 2756, 278

right-coiling shells 637

RoboClam 2467

Rockshell, Belligerent 136

Rumphius, Georg Eberhard 235

saccoglossans 378, 1689

Sacks, Oliver 243

sacrificial objects 901

Safavi-Hemami, Helena 242

satsuma snails 667

Scallop, Cuming’s 2278

scallops 11, 17, 27, 41, 62, 286

scaphopods 27, 28, 34, 35

Science 57

sclerites 28, 31, 33, 36, 250

Scripps Institution of Oceanography 43

scuba diving 1718

sea anemones 17, 143

sea angels 41, 2589, 272

sea butterflies 41, 25560

ocean acidification 26873, 2745

reproduction 260

sea cucumbers 26

sea firs 135

sea slugs 18, 378

sea snails 245, 62, 286

sea squirts 26, 142, 257

sea urchins 19, 26, 58, 188, 264, 283

sea-silk 1456, 1667, 1701

byssus 14750

objects made from sea-silk 1504

production 1546

Project Sea-silk 1523

weaving 15664

seashells 915, 2856

Sedgwick, Adam 184

Seeley, Harry 1845

Séfériades, Michel Louis 87, 88

Selkirk, Alexander 21011

Seronay, Romell 251

sexual symbolism 7980

Shackleton, Nick 86

shamanism 88, 8990

shell middens 99100

shell trade 220, 2878

nautiluses 2213

shell trumpets 910, 634, 801

shell-collecting 13, 2045, 208, 2879

Coral Triangle expedition 216, 21821

Discoverer expeditions 209, 21015

modern shell trade 220, 2879

Museum Cuming collection 22632

shell-makers 14, 18

Shell, Flame 1346

Noble Pen 1467, 148, 149, 153, 156, 160, 168, 170, 171, 204

shellfish 1819

shamanistic consumption 8990

shipworms 44, 245

shrimps 19, 169

Singer, Peter 105

sinistral shells 637

siphons 42

slave trade 936

Sloane, Hans 152, 231

slugs 18, 21, 25, 27, 28, 40

predatory slugs 38, 49

Smith, Martin 323

Smith, Stephen 35, 36

Smith, William 1856, 231

Snail, Clusterwink 45

Cooper’s Nutmeg 423

Geography Cone 235, 241, 242

Magician’s Cone 242

Marbled Cone 64

Purple Cone 23940

Roman 65

Scaly-foot 2501

Tulip Cone 242

snails 21, 25, 27, 28, 35, 40

operculum 43

raising young within the shell 44

Snake, Iwasaki’s Snail-eating 67

Solander, Daniel 209

solenogastres 28, 32, 35

Sowerby, George Brettingham 216, 22930

Spanish Dancer 261

spirals 16, 45

spiral growth 504

Spondylus 61, 8591, 93, 228

Cuming’s 228

sponges 17, 28, 85, 135, 142

squid 21, 27, 28, 41, 42, 178, 182

Squid, Colossal 181

starfish 17, 26, 43, 131, 168, 286

Starfish, Crown-of-thorns 1213

status symbols 848

Steiner, Ulli 249

Steinmann, Gustav 179

Stylobates 143

Thesaurus Conchylorium 230

Thompson, D’Arcy Wentworth 524, 55, 148

thorny oysters 61, 85

tools 78

tower shells 63

toxins 64

toxin cabals 23940

Trampsnail, Asian 65

tributyl tin (TBT) 245

Tridacna costata 110

trilobites 29, 30, 180, 186

Triton, Giant 1214

tritons 80, 81, 288

TRY Oyster Women’s Association 11320

Tudge, Colin 25

tulip shells 44

Turing, Alan 71

turrid snails 38, 2512

turtles 53

tusk shells 27, 93, 138

Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea 1512, 176, 197

Vanhaeren, Marian 82

Varna, Bulgaria 778, 848

Vermeij, Geerat 5962, 60, 66, 74

vermetid snails 136

Verne, Jules 1512, 176, 197

vicuña 167

Vigo, Chiara 1617, 170, 171

Villepreux-Power, Jeanne 1949, 205, 2645

Vinther, Jakob 356

Waite, Herbert 244, 245

Walcott, Charles Doolittle 2931, 180

Whelk, Lightning 64

whelks 17, 44, 93, 102

dog whelks 824, 245, 286

Whittington, Harry 30

Wickett, Michael 262

Winkle, American Sting 126

Winter, Amos 2467

Wiwaxia 303, 250

Wolfe, Kennedy 264

Woolmer, Andy 121, 123, 1256, 133, 1434

Worm, Peacock 168

worms 21, 30, 31, 142

Wrack, Knotted 16

Wrasse, Cuckoo 17

Wren, Sir Christopher 52

Zoological Journal 178

zooxanthellae 45

zu Ermgassen, Philine 132