abalone 111
Ablett, John 152, 226, 227, 228, 230
Alien 80
Allonautilus 177
Alviniconcha strummeri 24
Alzheimer’s disease 241
A Natural History of Shells 60, 66
animal feeds 78
anti-fouling agents 245
Archimedean spirals 50
Argonaut, Brown 174
Greater 174
Rough-keeled 174
Tuberculated 174
Argonauta argo 178
argonauts 21, 173–6, 193–4, 264–5
atherosclerosis 244
augers 38
Awakenings 243
bailer shells 78
Barthelat, François 248
Barton, Nick 82
Bat, Bumblebee 48
Bee-eater, European 142
belemnites 183
Bennett, George 221
siphons 42
Blaber, Stephen 245
Bladderwrack 16
Blaschka, Leopold and Rudolf 232
Boettiger, Alistair 74
Bonderer, Lorenz 249
boring molluscs 38
Botticelli Birth of Venus 80
Bouzouggar, Abdeljalil 82
human brains 76
Briggs, Derek 30
British Museum 152, 177, 207, 223, 225, 226
Broderip, William 178, 216, 219, 225
dextral and sinistral shells 63–7
Burgess Shale, Canada 29–33, 180
Butterfield, Nick 31
Byron, Lord George 193
calcium carbonate 41, 43, 48, 51, 248–9, 250
limestone formations 48
Caldeira, Ken 262
Cameroceras 181
capiz shells 249
Caulerpa 169
mantles 42
right- and left-coiling shells 66
chank shells 64
Chiton, Gumboot 28
chitons 21, 28, 32, 34, 35, 40
CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species) 289
Clam, Atlantic Jackknife 246
Oxheart 14
Clash 24
Clathurella cincta 252
climate change 14, 84, 108, 256
anthropogenic climate change 261–2, 272, 278–81
Cockle, Heart 45
cockles 17, 18, 26, 40–1, 44, 286
coiling pottery 51
Colobus, Red 114
Conchologia Iconica 229–30, 232
queen conch 111
conchifera 36
cone snails 38, 42, 64, 234–8, 251–2, 289
deadly venom 235
number of species 234
protection in the wild 252, 253–4
conodonts 180
therapeutic possibilities 241–3
conservation 254
Conus 234
coral reefs 12–14, 18, 123, 135
Cowrie, Cuming’s 227
turning cowries into currency 91–8
pea 169
Craik, David 242
Crassotrea 119
creation myths 80
cultch 131
Coral Triangle expedition 216, 218–21
Discoverer expeditions 209, 210–15
Museum Cuming collection 226–32
cuttlefish 17, 26, 27, 43, 178, 182
coloration 76
Cuvier, Georges 193
d’Errico, Francesco 82
Dall, William Healey 143
Dance, Peter A History of Shell Collecting 227
Darwin, Charles 214, 224–5, 231
Dead Man’s Fingers 17
Descartes, René 50
diabetes 244
how to probe an ecosystem 273–6
Eldredge, Lucius G. 61
Ermentrout, Bard 71–2, 73–6, 231
farmed seafood 101
oyster farms 104
‘trash fish’ 120
Finnemore, Alex 249
oyster harvesting in Gambia 112–20
poisoning outbreaks 89–90, 105–9
Fraaije, René 137
Frembly, John 208
feeding on oysters 44
living with hermit crabs 142
teeth 37
Gattuso, Jean-Pierre 280
Gaza, Theodorus 149
Geoduck 42
Gerlach, Justin 228
giant mangrove snails 19
gills 24, 36, 39, 40, 126, 128, 130, 132, 169, 265
Gilmer, Ronald 259
Glory of the Sea 219–20, 230–1, 232, 288
Glowacki, Mary 90
Golding William 80
Gong, Zhenqiang 75
grave goods 11, 77–8, 79, 85–8, 89
Great Barrier Reef, Australia 13, 110, 237
Grimpoteuthis 43
Grimwood, Captain 209, 210–14, 218
Grotte des Pigeons, Morocco 82, 84
Harbison, Richard 259
Hogendorn, Jan 95
Hooker, William Jackson 223
Hoso, Masaki 67
Hydrobia 40
hydrothermal vents 24–5, 250–1, 264
Ibn Battuta 93
ichthyosaurs 188
Janthina 260
Johnson, Marion 95
Kimberella 32
Kingfisher, Malachite 114
KOSMOS (Kiel Off-Shore Mesocosms for future Ocean Simulation) 273–6, 280
Kruta, Isabelle 191
Kurlansky, Mark 111
Laidre, Mark 141
Lamarck, Jean-Baptiste 193
Landman, Neil 192
Langur, Delacour 48
Lewy, Zeef 179
Limpet, Dismal 230
limpets 26, 37, 40, 43, 66, 188, 286
Lischka, Silke 256, 257–8, 260, 261, 269–70, 272, 274–5
Local Activation with Lateral Inhibition (LALI) 71–2
Lord of the Flies 80
Lovell, Matilda Sophia 102
Lyell, Charles 225
Mach Bands 72
patterns 69–70, 71–2, 73–4, 75, 76
destruction 281
Matthew, G. F. 30
Meinhardt, Hans 69
Melo 78
microsnails 48–9, 59, 62, 188, 251
Mirkhalaf, Mohammad 248
Mollusca 19
MolluscaBase 22
molluscs 19, 21–5, 36, 233, 283–5
cooking and eating alive 104–5
slime 40
which came first, the mollusc or the shell? 33–6
Montagu, George 206–7, 208, 214
morphospaces, theoretical 58–9
mosasaurs 188
Moseley, Henry 51
murex shells 163
Musée Nationale d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris 22
museums of possible creatures 54–9
Mussel Adhesive Proteins (MAPs) 243–5
Horse 134
Naef, Adolf 179
Nassarius 82
Natural History Museum, London 10–11, 153
Museum Cuming shell collection 226–32
Nature 262
Nautilus, Belly-button 177
White-patch 177
chambered nautiluses 44, 50–1, 176, 221
reproduction 222
Nepinnotheres pinnothere 169
Nipponites 188
Noctiluca scintillans 257
nodal gene 66
Obinautilus 193
how to probe an ecosystem 273–6
octopuses 21, 26, 27, 35, 41, 42, 76, 178, 182
dumbo 43
intelligence 72
Ocythoe antiquorum 178
cranchi 177
olive snails 39
Olivera, Baldomero 237–8, 239, 241, 242, 251, 252
Olsen, Ole Theodor 124
On Growth and Form 52–4, 55, 148
Ostrea edulis 124
overfishing 18, 103, 109–12, 222
Owen, Richard 193, 199, 220–1, 225
Oyster, Mangrove 100–1, 115–16
Native 124, 126, 127–8, 129, 143–4
adventures of an oyster 128–34
Mumbles oysters 122–3, 125–8, 143–4
Parapuzosia 187
triangles 71
pearl shells 93
Periwinkle, Flat 16
Pes, Assuntina and Giuseppina 158–60, 161, 171
Peters, Winfried 40
plankton 19
Plectronoceras 180
Poli, Giuseppe Saverio 194, 198
pond snails 286
Pontonia pinnophylax 169
Portuguese Man-of-war 261
pottery 78
Power, Jeanne 194–9, 205, 264–5
Prialt 242
Prideaux, Charles 206
quahogs 93
Radix, Big Ear 62
radula 31, 32, 33, 36, 37–8, 43, 234
Rafinesque, Constantine Samuel 178
Raup, David 54–9, 62, 63, 69, 187
Reeve, Lovell Augustus 229–30, 232
Rembrandt van Rijn 64
Renfrew, Colin 86
Richter, Claudio 110
Rockshell, Belligerent 136
Rumphius, Georg Eberhard 235
Sacks, Oliver 243
Safavi-Hemami, Helena 242
scallops 11, 17, 27, 41, 62, 286
Science 57
Scripps Institution of Oceanography 43
ocean acidification 268–73, 274–5
reproduction 260
sea cucumbers 26
sea firs 135
sea urchins 19, 26, 58, 188, 264, 283
objects made from sea-silk 150–4
Sedgwick, Adam 184
Séfériades, Michel Louis 87, 88
Seronay, Romell 251
Shackleton, Nick 86
shell trumpets 9–10, 63–4, 80–1
shell-collecting 13, 204–5, 208, 287–9
Coral Triangle expedition 216, 218–21
Discoverer expeditions 209, 210–15
Museum Cuming collection 226–32
Noble Pen 146–7, 148, 149, 153, 156, 160, 168, 170, 171, 204
Singer, Peter 105
siphons 42
Snail, Clusterwink 45
Magician’s Cone 242
Marbled Cone 64
Roman 65
Tulip Cone 242
operculum 43
raising young within the shell 44
Snake, Iwasaki’s Snail-eating 67
Solander, Daniel 209
Sowerby, George Brettingham 216, 229–30
Spanish Dancer 261
Cuming’s 228
squid 21, 27, 28, 41, 42, 178, 182
Squid, Colossal 181
starfish 17, 26, 43, 131, 168, 286
Starfish, Crown-of-thorns 12–13
Steiner, Ulli 249
Steinmann, Gustav 179
Stylobates 143
Thesaurus Conchylorium 230
Thompson, D’Arcy Wentworth 52–4, 55, 148
tools 78
tower shells 63
toxins 64
Trampsnail, Asian 65
tributyl tin (TBT) 245
Tridacna costata 110
TRY Oyster Women’s Association 113–20
Tudge, Colin 25
tulip shells 44
Turing, Alan 71
turtles 53
Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea 151–2, 176, 197
Vanhaeren, Marian 82
Vermeij, Geerat 59–62, 60, 66, 74
vermetid snails 136
vicuña 167
Villepreux-Power, Jeanne 194–9, 205, 264–5
Walcott, Charles Doolittle 29–31, 180
Whelk, Lightning 64
Whittington, Harry 30
Wickett, Michael 262
Winkle, American Sting 126
Wolfe, Kennedy 264
Woolmer, Andy 121, 123, 125–6, 133, 143–4
Worm, Peacock 168
Wrack, Knotted 16
Wrasse, Cuckoo 17
Wren, Sir Christopher 52
Zoological Journal 178
zooxanthellae 45
zu Ermgassen, Philine 132