

Pronunciation Key

a cat (kat), plaid (plad), half (haf)
ah father (fah THur), heart (hahrt)
air carry (kair ee), bear (bair), where (whair)
aw all (awl), law (law), bought (bawt)
ay say (say), break (brayk), vein (vayn)
e bet (bet), says (sez), deaf (def)
ee bee (bee), team (teem), fear (feer)
i bit (bit), women (wim uhn), build (bild)
ı ice (ıs), lie (lı), sky (skı)
o hot (hot), watch (wotch)
oh open (oh puhn), sew (soh)
oi boil (boil), boy (boi)
oo pool (pool), move (moov), shoe (shoo)
or order (or dur), more (mor)
ou house (hous), now (nou)
u good (gud), should (shud)
uh cup (kuhp), flood (fluhd), button (buht uhn)
ur burn (burn), pearl (purl), bird (burd)
yoo use (yooz), few (fyoo), view (vyoo)
hw what (hwuht), when (hwen)
TH that (that), breathe (breeth)
zh measure (mezh ur), garage (guh razh)


accelerate(ak sel uh rate): to get faster and faster

agent (ay juhnt): a person who represents a business

apprentice (uh pren tis): someone who works for a set amount of time for low pay in return for being taught the skills of a trade

assembly line: an arrangement of machines and workers in which work passes from one worker to the next until the product is finished

associate (uh soh see it): a person involved in the company

bankrupt: out of money and unable to pay bills

blacksmith: someone who makes and fits horseshoes and other things made of iron

boarding house: a house that provides meals and rents rooms to live in

bookkeeping: keeping track of money

cabin cruiser: a type of boat with living quarters

carriage: a cart with wheels

compete (kuhm peet): to try hard to outdo someone at something

contraption (kuhn trap shuhn): a device or machine

corporation (kor puh ray shun): a business that is organized legally

custom: made or built to order

debt (det): money that is owed to someone

demonstration: a showing of how to do something

detachable (di tach uh buhl): a part that separates from something else

devastated (dev uh stay tid): very upset; destroyed

engineering (en juh neer ing): having to do with engines and engine design

entrepreneur (on truh pruh nur): a person who risks his or her money to start a business

export company: a company that sends products to other countries

export manager: someone who oversees the selling of products to another country

financially (fı nan shuh lee): having to do with money

forge (forj): a metal workshop

gadget (gaj it): a tool or part that does a particular job

generation: all the people born around the same time

Great Depression: the decade of the 1930s when many people in the United States had no jobs and were very poor

inherited (in hair i did): received a skill or quality passed down from parents

internal combustion (kuhm bus chuhn) engine: a type of engine in which fuel is burned inside an enclosed space in the engine rather than in an outside furnace

investor: a person who gives money to a business in hopes of making more money

lathe (layth): a machine that holds a piece of metal or wood while turning it against a cutting tool that shapes it

launched (lawnchd): introduced something new

legacy (leg uh see): quality or character of something handed down from one generation to another

luxury (luhk shuh ree): something you don’t really need but that you like having

leisure (lee zhur): free time when you don’t have to work

machinist (muh shee nist): somebody who makes, operates, or fixes machines

manufacturing (man yoo fak shur ring): making a product with the use of a machine

marketing: selling products or services

mechanical (muh kan i kuhl): having to do with machines

merger: when 2 or more companies join together to form a single, larger company

metallurgy (met uh lur jee): the science of working with metal

muffler: a part that lessens engine noise

outboard motor: a motor attached to the outside of a boat

outdone: done better than

overwhelming: having a strong effect

partnership: a business agreement between 2 or more people

patent: (pat uhnt): a legal document that gives an inventor all of the rights to an invention

philanthropist (fuh lan thruh pist): a person who donates money to charities

plunged (pluhnjd): to move suddenly

portable: able to be moved or carried easily

profitable (prof i tuh buhl): making money

prospered (pros purd): to be successful

public relations: activities used to create a good reputation with the public

regain: to get something back

reputation (rep yoo tay shuhn): the opinion that people have about something or someone

revolutionary (rev uh loo shuhn air ree): a large, important change

rheumatism (roo muh tiz uhm): a painful condition of the muscles and joints

seafaring: working at sea

seasonal: happening during the spring, summer, fall, or winter

sightseer: a visitor

slogan: a phrase used by a business to sell something

sophomore (sof mor): the second year in high school or college

sorter: a person who arranges thing in groups

spectator sport: a sport watched by an audience

strict: making someone follow all the rules

technology (tek nol uh jee): use of science to do practical things

tinkering: making repairs without being an expert

touring car: a car made for driving long distances

venture: a project that could be risky

wage (wayj): the money someone is paid for work