A most useful animal, the cow is raised for both meat and milk, as well as for leather. In the Hindu religion the cow is considered a sacred beast, a symbol of wealth and strength, and deserving of the same respect as your mother. In India, cows wander the streets of all cities and seem to have priority over the cars and rickshaws; it is a criminal offence to harm a cow. Cows sleep for a mere four hours a day.
Many different techniques are used to knit the cow, but it’s not too difficult.
Length: 27cm (10¾in)
Height to top of head: 19cm (7½in)
• Pair of 3¼mm (US 3) knitting needles
• Double-pointed 3¼mm (US 3) knitting needles (for tail and for holding stitches)
• 15g (½oz) of Rowan Pure Wool DK in Black 004 (bl)
• 30g (1¼oz) of Rowan Pure Wool DK in Snow 012 (sn)
• 5g (⅛oz) of Rowan Pure Wool DK in Dew 057 (de)
• 2 pipecleaners for legs
• Crochet hook for tail
See for Colour Knitting.
See for Scarf Fringe Method.
See for Bobble Method.
See for I-cord Technique.
With bl, cast on 11 sts.
Beg with k row, work 2 rows st st.
Row 3: Inc, k2, k2tog, k1, k2tog, k2, inc. (11 sts)
Cont in sn.
Row 4: Purl.**
Row 5: K3, k2tog, k1, k2tog, k3. (9 sts)
Work 13 rows st st.
Row 19: K2tog, k1, inc, k1, inc, k1, k2tog. (9 sts)
Row 20: Purl.
Row 21: K2tog, k1, inc, k1, inc, k1, k2tog. (9 sts)
Row 22: Purl.
Row 23: K3, inc, k1, inc, k3. (11 sts)
Work 3 rows st st.
Row 27: K4, inc, k1, inc, k4. (13 sts)
Row 28: Purl.
Row 29: K5, inc, k1, inc, k5. (15 sts)
Row 30: Purl.*
Row 31: Cast (bind) off 7 sts, k to end (hold 8 sts on spare needle for Right Side of Body and Head).
Work as for Right Back Leg to *.
Row 31: K8, cast (bind) off 7 sts (hold 8 sts on spare needle for Left Side of Body and Head).
Work as for Right Back Leg to **.
Row 5: Inc, k2, k2tog, k1, k2tog, k2, inc. (11 sts)
Row 6: Inc, p2, p2tog, p1, p2tog, p2, inc. (11 sts)
Row 7: K2tog, k7, k2tog. (9 sts)
Work 7 rows st st.
Row 15: K2tog, k5, k2tog. (7 sts)
Work 3 rows st st.
Row 19: Inc, k5, inc. (9 sts)
Row 20: Purl.
Row 21: K3, inc, k1, inc, k3. (11 sts)
Row 22: Purl.
Row 23: Inc, k9, inc. (13 sts)
Row 24: Purl.***
Row 25: Cast (bind) off 6 sts, k to end (hold 7 sts on spare needle for Right Side of Body and Head).
Light stuffing is needed for the udders to make them hang down. Tweak the bobbles so that they protrude outwards for teats.
Work as for Right Front Leg to ***.
Row 25: K7, cast (bind) off 6 sts (hold 7 sts on spare needle for Left Side of Body and Head).
With sn, cast on 2 sts.
Row 1: Knit.
Row 2: [Inc] twice. (4 sts)
Row 3: Inc, k2, inc. (6 sts)
Row 4: Purl.
Row 5: Inc, k5, with RS facing k7 from spare needle of Right Front Leg, cast on 12 sts. (26 sts)
Row 6: Purl.
Row 7: Inc, k13, inc, k7, inc, k3, cast on 3 sts. (32 sts)
Row 8: Purl.
Row 9: K32, cast on 2 sts. (34 sts)
Row 10: Purl.
Row 11: Inc, k15, inc, k7, inc, k7, inc, k1, cast on 3 sts, with RS facing k8 from spare needle of Right Back Leg, cast on 2 sts. (51 sts)
Row 12: Purl.
Join in bl.
Row 13: K19sn, k3bl, k29sn.
Row 14: P28sn, p4bl, p19sn.
Row 15: K17sn, incsn, k5bl, k4sn, incsn, k8sn, incsn, k14sn. (54 sts)
Row 16: P29sn, p6bl, p19sn.
Row 17: Incsn, k16sn, k8bl, k4sn, k3bl, k22sn. (55 sts)
Row 18: P21sn, p6bl, p2sn, p8bl, p18sn.
Row 19: K18sn, k16bl, k21sn.
Row 20: P20sn, p18bl, p17sn.
Row 21: K17sn, k18bl, k20sn.
Row 22: P21sn, p16bl, p12sn, p2bl, p4sn.
Row 23: Incsn, k2sn, k4bl, k11sn, k16bl, k21sn. (56 sts)
Row 24: P3bl, p19sn, p14bl, p11sn, p6bl, p3sn.
Row 25: K3sn, k7bl, k8sn, k2togsn, k10bl, k2togbl, k2bl, k2sn, k1bl, k3sn, k2togsn, k5sn, k2bl, k3sn, k4bl. (53 sts)
Row 26: P5bl, p1sn, p4bl, p7sn, p3bl, p1sn, p13bl, p8sn, p8bl, p3sn, cast on 11 sts sn. (64 sts)
Row 27: K14sn, k10bl, k4sn, k19bl, k7sn, k10bl.
Row 28: P10bl, p8sn, p19bl, p3sn, p9bl, p11sn, [incsn] twice, p1sn, incsn. (67 sts)
Row 29: K2sn, incsn, k1sn, incsn, k12sn, k11bl, k2sn, k2bl, k2togbl, k8bl, k2togbl, k4bl, k4sn, k2togsn, k4sn, k9bl. (66 sts)
Row 30: P8bl, p11sn, p14bl, p3sn, p11bl, p19sn.
Row 31: K18sn, k11bl, k5sn, k12bl, k13sn, k7bl.
Row 32: P6bl, p15sn, p11bl, p5sn, p12bl, p17sn.
Row 33: K1sn, k2togsn, k1sn, k2togsn, k10sn, k13bl, k4sn, k1bl, k2togbl, k7bl, k2togbl, k6sn, k2togsn, k6sn, k5bl, k2togbl. (60 sts)
Row 34: P2togbl, p7bl, p9sn, p11bl, p4sn, p16bl, p4sn, [p2togsn] twice, p1sn, p2togsn. (56 sts)
Row 35: K2togsn, k5sn, k18bl, k5sn, k9bl, k8sn, k7bl, k2togbl. (54 sts)
Row 36: Cast (bind) off 8 sts bl, 8 sts sn, 9 sts bl, 5 sts sn, 5 sts bl, then p13bl icos, p4sn, p2togsn. (18 sts)
Row 37: K2togsn, k4sn, k10bl, k2togbl. (16 sts)
Row 38: Cast (bind) off 2 sts bl, p9bl icos, p3sn, p2togsn. (13 sts)
Row 39: K4sn, k7bl, k2togbl. (12 sts)
Row 40: P2togbl, p5bl, p3sn, p2togsn. (10 sts)
Row 41: K4sn, k4bl, k2togbl. (9 sts)
Row 42: Cast (bind) off 2 sts bl, p3bl icos, p2sn, p2togsn. (6 sts)
Row 43: K3sn, k1bl, k2togbl. (5 sts)
Row 44: Cast (bind) off 2 sts bl, p1sn icos, p2togsn. (2 sts)
Cast (bind) off.
With sn, cast on 2 sts.
Row 1: Purl.
Row 2: [Inc] twice. (4 sts)
Row 3: Inc, p2, inc. (6 sts)
Row 4: Knit.
Row 5: Inc, p5, with WS facing p7 from spare needle of Left Front Leg, cast on 12 sts. (26 sts)
Row 6: Knit.
Row 7: Inc, p13, inc, p7, inc, p3, cast on 3 sts. (32 sts)
Row 8: Knit.
Row 9: P32, cast on 2 sts. (34 sts)
Row 10: Knit.
Row 11: Inc, p15, inc, p7, inc, p7, inc, p1, cast on 3 sts, with WS facing p8 from spare needle of Left Back Leg, cast on 2 sts. (51 sts)
Row 12: Knit.
Join in bl.
Row 13: P19sn, p3bl, p29sn.
Row 14: K28sn, k4bl, k19sn.
Row 15: P17sn, incsn, p5bl, p4sn, incsn, p8sn, incsn, p14sn. (54 sts)
Row 16: K29sn, k6bl, k19sn.
Row 17: Incsn, p16sn, p8bl, p4sn, p3bl, p22sn. (55 sts)
Row 18: K21sn, k6bl, k2sn, k8bl, k18sn.
Row 19: P18sn, p16bl, p21sn.
Row 20: K20sn, k18bl, k17sn.
Row 21: P17sn, p18bl, p20sn.
Row 22: K21sn, k16bl, k12sn, k2bl, k4sn.
Row 23: Incsn, p2sn, p4bl, p11sn, p16bl, p21sn. (56 sts)
Row 24: K3bl, k19sn, k14bl, k11sn, k6bl, k3sn.
Row 25: P3sn, p7bl, p8sn, p2togsn, p10bl, p2togbl, p2bl, p2sn, p1bl, p3sn, p2togsn, p5sn, p2bl, p3sn, p4bl. (53 sts)
Row 26: K5bl, k1sn, k4bl, k7sn, k3bl, k1sn, k13bl, k8sn, k8bl, k3sn, cast on 11 sts sn. (64 sts)
Row 27: P14sn, p10bl, p4sn, p19bl, p7sn, p10bl. 11
Row 28: K10bl, k8sn, k19bl, k3sn, k9bl, k11sn, [incsn] twice, k1sn, incsn. (67 sts)
Row 29: P2sn, incsn, p1sn, incsn, p12sn, p11bl, p2sn, p2bl, p2togbl, p8bl, p2togbl, p4bl, p4sn, p2togsn, p4sn, p9bl. (66 sts)
Row 30: K8bl, k11sn, k14bl, k3sn, k11bl, k19sn.
Row 31: P18sn, p11bl, p5sn, p12bl, p13sn, p7bl.
Row 32: K6bl, k15sn, k11bl, k5sn, k12bl, k17sn.
Row 33: P1sn, p2togsn, p1sn, p2togsn, p10sn, p13bl, p4sn, p1bl, p2togbl, p7bl, p2togbl, p6sn, p2togsn, p6sn, p5bl, p2togbl. (60 sts)
Row 34: K2togbl, k7bl, k9sn, k11bl, k4sn, k16bl, k4sn, [k2togsn] twice, k1sn, k2togsn. (56 sts)
Row 35: P2togsn, p5sn, p18bl, p5sn, p9bl, p8sn, p7bl, p2togbl. (54 sts)
Row 36: Cast (bind) off 8 sts bl, 8 sts sn, 9 sts bl, 5 sts sn, 5 sts bl, then k13bl icos, k4sn, k2togsn. (18 sts)
Row 37: P2togsn, p4sn, p10bl, p2togbl. (16 sts)
Row 38: Cast (bind) off 2 sts bl, k9bl icos, k3sn, k2togsn. (13 sts)
Row 39: P4sn, p7bl, p2togbl. (12 sts)
Row 40: K2togbl, k5bl, k3sn, k2togsn. (10 sts)
Row 41: P4sn, p4bl, p2togbl. (9 sts)
Row 42: Cast (bind) off 2 sts bl, k3bl icos, k2sn, k2togsn. (6 sts)
Row 43: P3sn, p1bl, p2togbl. (5 sts)
Row 44: Cast (bind) off 2 sts bl, k1sn icos, k2togsn. (2 sts)
Cast (bind) off.
With de, cast on 2 sts.
Beg with a k row, work 2 rows st st.
Row 3: [Inc] twice. (4 sts)
Row 4: Purl.
Row 5: K1, [inc] twice, k1. (6 sts)
Row 6: Purl.
Row 7: K2, [inc] twice, k2. (8 sts)
Row 8: Purl.
Row 9: K3, [inc] twice, k3. (10 sts)
Row 10: Purl.
Row 11: K4, [inc] twice, k4. (12 sts)
Row 12: Purl.
Row 13: K5, [inc] twice, k5. (14 sts)
Row 14: Purl.
Row 15: K6, [inc] twice, k6. (16 sts)
Row 16: Purl.
Row 17: K7, [inc] twice, k7. (18 sts)
Work 3 rows st st.
Row 21: K6, 3-st bobble, k4, 3-st bobble, k6.
Work 3 rows st st.
Row 25: K2tog, k4, 3-st bobble, k4, 3-st bobble, k4, k2tog. (16 sts)
Row 26: Purl.
Row 27: K2tog, k4, [k2tog] twice, k4, k2tog. (12 sts)
Row 28: Purl.
Cont in sn.
Row 29: K2tog, k2, [k2tog] twice, k2, k2tog. (8 sts)
Row 30: Purl.
Row 31: K2tog, k4, k2tog. (6 sts)
Work 5 rows st st.
Row 37: Inc, k4, inc. (8 sts)
Work 13 rows st st.
Row 51: K2tog, k4, k2tog. (6 sts)
Work 3 rows st st.
Row 55: K2tog, k2, k2tog. (4 sts)
Work 3 rows st st.
Cast (bind) off.
With double-pointed needles and bl, cast on 5 sts.
Work i-cord as folls:
Knit 14 rows.
Join in sn.
Row 15: K1sn, k3bl, k1sn.
Row 16: K2sn, k1bl, k2sn.
Cont in sn.
Knit 12 rows.
Cast (bind) off.
(make 2 the same)
With bl, cast on 5 sts.
Knit 5 rows.
Row 6: K2tog, k1, k2tog. (3 sts)
Knit 2 rows.
Row 9: K3tog and fasten off.
Head and Neck
Use separate balls of yarn for the black patches and lightly stuff the floppy skin at the front legs.
SEWING IN ENDS Sew in ends, leaving ends from cast on and cast (bound) off rows for sewing up.
LEGS With WS together and whip stitch, fold each leg in half and sew up legs on RS, starting at hooves.
HEAD AND BODY Sew from front of front legs, around head, along back and 5cm (2in) down bottom.
TUMMY Sew cast on row of tummy (udders) to where you have finished sewing down bottom, and sew cast (bound) off row to front of front legs. Ease and sew tummy to fit body. Leave a 2.5cm (1in) gap between front and back legs on one side.
STUFFING Pipecleaners are used to stiffen the legs and help bend them into shape. Fold a pipecleaner into a U-shape and measure against front two legs. Cut to fit approximately, leaving an extra 2.5cm (1in) at both ends. Fold these ends over to stop the pipecleaner poking out of the hooves. Roll a little stuffing around pipecleaner and slip into body, one end down each front leg. Repeat with second pipecleaner and back legs. Starting at the head, stuff the cow firmly, but do not stuff flap of skin at front legs and udders, then sew up the gap. With de, sew through the udders at the seams from one side to the other to help the udders remain unstuffed. Mould body into shape.
TAIL Attach cast on row of tail to start of bottom. Cut four 5cm (2in) lengths of sn yarn and use crochet hook and Scarf Fringe Method (see here) to attach to end of tail, then trim.
EARS Sew cast on row of each ear to top of head, with 6 rows between ears.
EYES With bl, sew 4-loop French knots positioned as in photograph.
NOSE With bl, sew 5 long satin stitches horizontally across tip of nose. With de, sew 3-loop French knots for nostrils.