WHEN YOU’RE ALONE, TAPPING AWAY ON A KEYBOARD, STARING AT A screen, watching the words appear one letter at a time, slowly forming sentences, paragraphs, pages, and eventually, chapters, it’s easy to fall prey to the illusion that you are the sole creator of your work.
But that is hardly the case.
There are so many people—by their influence, their support, their actual work—without whom this book would not be in your hands at this moment.
Yes, I wrote this book. But Genoveva Llosa and her team at HarperOne did a marvelous job of refining it, playing with its parts, and editing it. Thank you, Genoveva, for your belief in me, your enthusiasm about this book, your vision of what it could be, and your tireless drive to make it stronger. You’re a pleasure to work with, and I love how you shaped it. And great thinking on the title, Hannah.
And while writing a book is one challenge, selling it is another. Jim Levine and his team at the Levine Greenberg Rostan Literary Agency did that and much, much more. Thank you, Jim, for being so thoughtful, so supportive, so committed to me and to my writing. You are a fabulous partner—smart, steady, present, and caring. It is a joy to work with you.
Every piece of writing goes through many revisions and edits, and there are a number of people who refine my work before it’s ever seen in public. A huge thank you to Katherine Bell, my editor at Harvard Business Review, who has been editing—and shaping—my writing for many years. You are a fantastic editor, Katherine, and I am so grateful for your continued support of my ideas and my voice.
This book represents the culmination of years of writing. And my years of writing represent the culmination of years of experiences and lessons from some very special people who remind me, every day, of what it means to be supported, loved, challenged, and taught.
Emily Cohen, you have more than a great eye for writing; you are a clear North Star for me and a great reminder of what’s important to focus on and what’s okay to let go of. Thanks Em, for your belief in me and your willingness to throw all of what you have and all of who you are into our work together. I am so thankful for you and so grateful that we’re in this together. I picked the right one.
Jessica Gelson, thank you for the kind of love and support that I hope you feel back and that helps me believe in myself every day. I can’t quite express to you how important our friendship is to me, but I know you feel it. The way you live your life, and the courage you show in your commitments to people and spirit, are a powerful model for me. You have a huge heart. Thanks, Jess, for being so solid and so loving.
Also, Jess, thank you for finally, after much prodding, introducing me to Ann Bradney. Ann, you have really changed my life. I listen, speak, write, even walk differently as a result of my work with you. I have learned of the importance of emotional courage from you, and I continue to learn so much from your example and from your teaching. Thank you, Ann, for working so tirelessly to help create a world I want to live in.
I am also deeply impacted by the people with whom I work, some for short periods (a weekend workshop at Kripalu or someone I meet at a speech I give), some for longer periods (every single one of you who have attended the Bregman Leadership Intensive), and some for years (my retained clients and colleagues with whom I work). Each interaction impacts me deeply; I take none of them for granted, and I am so grateful for those of you who trust me enough to delve more deeply into my work. Thank you.
And thank you to every one of you who reads my blog and my books, who takes the time to e-mail me or post a review; I don’t take those things lightly, and I so appreciate knowing that what I write, what I do, matters. It’s what gives me the energy to keep doing it.
Finally, and definitely not leastly, I am so, so filled with gratitude for my family. My parents to whom I have dedicated this book, have taught me so much. Thank you, Mama and Papa, for having such strong belief and faith in me. Your confidence gives me the courage to take the kinds of risks that excite me, make me happy, and make me proud. I owe so much of it to you.
Isabelle, Sophia, and Daniel, I learn from you every day. Isabelle, I am touched by how deeply you feel and how authentically you live your life. Your thoughtfulness, sincerity, sensitivity, and courage is awe inspiring. I strive to be as real as you. Sophia, you are such a joy to be around. Your giggling brings me so much happiness, and I am tremendously moved by your kindness. You always look at the good side of people and situations; your generosity of spirit is a model for me. Daniel, your wild and enthusiastic engagement with the world gives me energy. Just watching you—in pillow fights, launching off the dock, even reading a book—makes me smile. And your curiosity and drive to understand the world around you helps me understand things more deeply too. The three of you live life so fully. I am grateful for every part of who you are, even as that changes with your growth and experience. I feel so privileged to be entrusted with your care, and I am so grateful for every moment I get playing, reading, swimming, skiing, biking, eating, and just being with you.
And Eleanor, my love, anything I write on these pages will not be enough. I am beyond grateful for our relationship, for the way you trust me enough to share your deepest self, for your trustworthiness that allows me to share mine, and most importantly, for the care and love with which you hold my soul.