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Academy Awards, 182–83

acceptance, 115, 215, 216

   of criticism, 208–12

   of people for who they are, 101–5

acknowledgment, 144–47, 191

action-inaction, 219

aggression, 206

aging, 97–98

agreement, 170–74, 210

airline travel, 140–43

Alaska, 44–45, 46

allowing failure, 175–77

Amazing Race, The (TV show), 86

Amazon, 47

ambiguity, navigating, 75–78

America Bowl, 166, 169

America’s Next Top Model (TV show), 86

anger, 2, 81, 95, 102, 104, 110, 121, 125, 171, 205, 206, 213, 214, 226

   asking questions and, 152–56

antibiotics, 34

Apple, 58

appreciation, 135–39, 149

Apprentice, The (TV show), 86

approval, 29–32, 52

   trusting yourself and, 29–32

arguments, 83, 106–9, 131– 32, 223

   asking questions and, 152–56

   walking away from, 106–9

arrogance, 66, 69

asking questions, 152–56

assessing options, 77–78

Austin, Texas, 89–90

auto industry, 19

Bachelor, The (TV show), 86

balance, 175–77

bedtime rituals, 60

being yourself, 89–92

bike riding, 175–76, 177

Birch, Leann Lipps, 226

BlackBerry, 207

Black Swan (movie), 182

Blakeslee, Mermer, A Conversation with Fear, 73

blame, 83, 110–13, 206

   taking the, 110–13

bonuses, 1, 87, 137

boredom, 58–61, 221

   PowerPoint presentations, 221–24

boundaries, 109, 148–51

breathing, 11, 13, 14, 16

   meditation and, 13–16

bullying, 108–9

C.K., Louis, 38

cancer, 85

cell phones, 37–38, 40, 48

   e-mail and, 218

   texting and, 93–96, 219

Census Bureau, 34

CEOs, 67–68, 111–13, 144–46, 183, 205, 221–23, 235–36

change, 225–33, 237, 238

   of environment, 229–33

   of expectations, 27–28, 37–40, 115–18

   solutions as temporary, 236–38

   with the right stories, 225–28

Chekhov, Anton, 35

clumsy communications, 93–96

cold medicines, 34

colleagues’ work, responsibility for, 185–88

communications, 93–96, 230–31 accepting people for who they are, 101–5

   arguments, 106–9

   asking questions, 152–56

   clumsy, 93–96

   generosity, 140–43

   listening for the unspoken, 131–34

   receiving, 123–26

   saying no, 148–51

   texting, 93–96

   thank-yous, 144–47

See also relationships

comparisons, 166–69

competition, 86

complaining, 170–74, 190, 192, 193

conferences, 89–92, 101

confidence, 65, 66, 74, 113, 205

   inner critic and, 62–66

   lack of, 64

Connecticut, 106

constructive criticism, 208–12

control, 15, 73, 239

cool, keeping your, 162–65

Coovadia, Jerry, 29–30, 31

courage, 124–25, 187, 188

   gathering, 151

creativity, 26, 59, 61

criticism, 30, 62–66, 204–12

   accepting, 204–7, 208–12

   feedback, 204–12

   gift of, 208–12

   inner critic, 62–66

cultural differences, 116–17

defensiveness, 209

   asking questions and, 152–56

   criticism and, 204–12

devil’s advocate, 211

disappointment, 99, 105

discipline, 161, 165, 198, 229

   overcoming impulse of, 194–98

   professionalism and, 162–65

   restructuring environment, 229–33

disengagement, 47–49

dogs, 110, 113

doing nothing, 33–36

doing other people’s work, 189–93

Dunn, Elizabeth, 86–87

Economist, 166

economy, 78

18 Minutes: Find Your Focus, Master Distraction, and Get the Right Things Done (Bregman), 4

e-mail, 144, 228, 231

   stop checking, 217–20

   thank-yous, 144–47

empathy, 127–30, 191

entrepreneurs, 34–35

environment, 229–33

   restructuring your, 229–33

   safe, 213–16

exercise, 56, 97, 98, 189

expectations, 12, 27, 37–40, 115

   changing, 27–28, 37–40, 115–18

   rules of engagement and, 114–18

experience, 50–53

Facebook, 56

failure, 28, 52, 65, 71–74, 77, 83, 113, 175–77, 226

   allowing, 175–77

   empathy and, 127–30

   taking the blame, 110–13

   visualizing, 71–74

false starts, 127–28

Fast Company, 56

fear, 73, 81, 120, 125

   of failure, 71–74

feedback, 29–32

   critical, 204–12

   receiving, 123–26

   trusting yourself and, 29–32

Fighter, The (movie), 182

flaws, 100

   in others, 97–100

Florence, 54

focus, 4, 12, 14, 43, 54–57, 69, 131, 218

   identifying areas of, 19–21

   on outcome, 194–98

unfocused, 54–57

follow-through, 22–24

food, 185–88, 189, 199, 226–27, 229–32, 239

football, 19, 166

Ford Pinto, 19

four-second pause, 13–16

Fox, Chris, 56–57

France, 98, 140, 142

friends, 83, 85–88, 151, 214

   accepting people for who they are, 101–5

   high school, 87–88

   prioritizing, 85–88

Frisbee, 123

Gallup Organization, 87

gardens, 54, 56, 57

Geller, Andy, 211–12

generosity, 140–43, 189–93

   doing other people’s work, 189–93

Georgia, 85

gifts, 135–39, 213–16

   criticism as, 208–12

global health, 29, 30

globalization, 29, 115

goals, 4, 12, 17–21, 111

   negative side effects of, 17–21

   sales, 20

   setting, 17–21

“Goals Gone Wild” (paper), 18–19

golf, 24

gossip, 190, 191

Grand Canyon, 71–72, 74

habits, 3–7, 82

   mental, 9–78

   new, 5–6, 82, 79–156

   relationship, 79–156

   self-defeating, 1–7

   work, 157–233

See also specific habits

hair salons, 162–65

handwritten notes, 137, 138

happiness, 82, 87

Harvard Business School, 18

Harvard University, 18

HayGroup, 211

hedging, 206

high school, friends in, 87–88

Holocaust, 50

honesty, and critical feedback, 204–7

humility, 184

Hurricane Sandy, 194–98

Iacocca, Lee, 19

ice hockey, 167

imagining the worst, 71–74

impulses, resisting, 14

Inception (movie), 182

India, 116

individuals, 166–69

informal meetings, 221–24

inner critic, 62–66

inspiration, 97–100

   in people, 97–100

Internet, 38, 47–48, 163

   connection, 47–48, 49

   stop checking e-mail, 217–20

interpretation, 95

iPad, 58–61

iPhone, 58, 98

iPod, 58

Italy, 54

Japan, 41, 116, 191

journal, keeping a, 56

Judaism, 42, 50, 62, 194

judgment, 51, 125

   avoiding, 125

Kauffman Foundation, 34

kayaking, 44–46, 71–72, 74

keeping your cool, 162–65

kindness, 134

King’s Speech, The (movie), 182

knee-jerk reactions, 2–5, 11, 12, 14, 46, 69, 83, 155, 160

Lap-Band surgery, 230

Last Samurai, The (movie), 41

lateness, 1–6

laziness, 31, 63

leadership, 67–68, 76, 99, 111, 160, 161, 168, 223, 235–36

   CEOs, 67–68, 111–13, 144–46, 183, 205, 221–23, 235–36

   professionalism, 162–65

   senior, 178–80

   supporting others’ success and, 178–80

learning, 51, 55, 175–76

   blame and, 111

   failure and, 175–77

listening, 83, 108–9, 131–34, 191

   for the unspoken, 131–34

   instead of arguing, 108–9

love, 64–66, 88, 215, 216

   self-, 66

medicine, 34

meditation, 13–16, 189

meeting people where they are, 119–22

mental habits, 6, 9–78, 81

   boredom, 58–61

   changing expectations, 37–40

changing your, 9–78

   doing nothing, 33–36

   experience vs. performance, 50–53

   follow-through, 22–24

   four-second pause, 13–16

   inner critic, 62–66

perfection, 25–28

   preparation, 44–46

   process, 75–78

   resetting yourself, 47–49

   rituals, 41–43

   setting goals, 17–21

   sweet spot, 67–70

   trusting yourself, 29–32

   unfocused focus, 54–57

   visualizing failure, 71–74

micromanagement, 116

missed opportunities, 150–51

mistakes, 122

   meeting people where they are, 119–22

   taking responsibility for, 110–13

money, 87, 112

Moster, Marvin, 97–98, 99, 100

motivation, 22–23

   follow-through and, 22–24

movies, 181–84

multitasking, 3

music, 89

National Outdoor Leadership School (NOLS), 208–11

negativity, 160, 170–74, 193, 207

   countering with positivity, 170–71, 172

   neutralizing, 170–74

Netflix, 58

new businesses, 34–35

New York City, 106, 110, 116, 117, 194–98

New York Times, 19, 34

9/11 attacks, 39

no, 148–51

   preemptive, 150

   saying, 148–51

notes, handwritten, 137, 138

nothing, doing, 33–36

notice, 95

obesity, 179, 229–32

O’Brien, Conan, 38

O’Brien, Ken, 19

openness, 125

options, assessing, 77–78

Oscars, 182–83

outcome, focus on, 194–98

Outward Bound, 45

pain, 33–34, 36

Paris, 98, 140

parking tickets, 106–7, 109

pause, 95

perfection, 25–28, 40, 228, 237

   ditching the urge for, 25–28

performance, 13, 19, 42, 50–53, 138, 139, 161, 167

   appreciation and, 135–39

   individual, 166–69

   review, 136, 201–3

   stopping, 50–53

permission, asking, 206

Petzoldt, Paul, 77

Philadelphia Inquirer, 166

police, arguing with, 106–7

politics, 107

positivity, 160, 172, 173, 174

   countering negativity with, 170–71, 172

power, 140–43, 159, 205

   generosity and, 140–43

   struggles, 140–43

PowerPoint presentations, 221–24

practice, 150

preparation, 44–46

   with process, 75–78

Princeton University, 152, 153

Prince William Sound, 44–45

prioritizing relationships, 85–88

process, 75–78, 194–98

   resist following, 194–98

professionalism, 162–65

projection, 99

promotions, 144, 178, 179, 180

punishment, 110

pushiness, 150

questions, asking, 152–56

raises, 201–3

reality, accepting, 37–40

receiving, 123–26

relationships, 6–7, 13, 35, 78, 79–156

   accepting people for who they are, 101–5

   appreciation, 135–39

   arguments, 106–9

   asking questions, 152–56

   blame, 110–13

   boundaries, 148–51

   clumsy communications, 93–96

   critical feedback, 204–7

   doing nothing and, 35

   empathy, 127–30

   friends, 85–88

   generosity, 140–43

   inspiration in people, 97–100

   listening for the unspoken, 131–34

   meeting people where they are, 119–22

   prioritizing, 85–88

receiving, 123–26

   rules of engagement, 114–18

   saying no, 148–51

   showing people who you really are, 89–92

   strengthening, 79–156

   thank-yous, 144–47

   writing people off, 101–5

religion, 42, 50, 107

resetting yourself, 47–49

respect, 143 critical feedback and, 204–7

responding, 95

responsibility, 160

   for colleagues’ work, 185–88

   taking, 110–13, 159–60, 168

restaurants, 185–88

restructuring your environment, 229–33

rewards, 135–39

risks, 44–46, 75, 168, 173

   preparation and, 44–46

   process and, 75–78

rituals, 41–43, 60, 137

role-defining, 89–92

Rosenfield, Allan, 29, 99

rules of engagement, 114–18

safe space, creating a, 213–16

sailing, 75–78

sales, 112, 182

   goals, 20

Savannah, Georgia, 85

saying no, 148–51

Schell, Michael S., Managing Across Cultures, 116

Sea Kayaker, 45

Sears, 18

self-criticism, 62–66

self-defeating habits, 1–7

sharing success, 185–88

showing people who you really are, 89–92

silo mentality, 185–88

skiing, 119–22, 167

sleep, 189

Social Network, The (movie), 182

solutions, as temporary, 236–38

South By Southwest (SXSW), 89–90

sports, 19, 24, 75, 119–28, 166, 167, 182

startups, 34–35

Steinberg, Don, 166, 169

stop checking e-mail, 217–20

stories, telling the right, 225–28

storms, 75–77

stress, 3, 6, 37, 38, 81, 189–93

   changing expectations and, 37–40

   doing other people’s work, 189–93

   reduction, 37–40

success, 4, 12, 28, 52, 65, 67, 69, 87

   sharing, 181–84

   supporting others’, 178–80

   visualizing, 73–74

Sundance Film Festival, 181, 183, 184

supporting others’ success, 178–80

Survivor (TV show), 86

sweet spot, 67–70

swimming, 127–28

taking responsibility, 110–13, 159–60, 168

   for colleagues’ work, 185–88

taking the blame, 110–13

taxes, 35

tea ritual, 41

technology, 35, 37–38, 47–48, 55, 58–61

   stop checking e-mail, 217–20

TED talks, 25–26, 30

television, 58, 59, 86

   reality, 86

telling the right stories, 225–28

temptations, 12

tendonitis, 33–34, 36

Texas, 89–90

texting, 93–96, 219

thank-yous, 144–47

time, 27

   lack of, 27

   management, 69

   protecting your, 69–70

   spending less, 25–28

Tokyo, 116

Top Chef (TV show), 86

Tourist, The (movie), 184

training wheels, loss of, 175–77

True Grit (movie), 182

trust, 29–32, 205, 215

   safe space, 213–16

   in yourself, 29–32

tsunami, 191

Ultimate Frisbee, 123

unexpected, dealing with, 75–78

uniqueness, 166–69

University of British Columbia, 87

unplugging, 47–49

unreasonable requests, 131–34

unspoken, listening for the, 131–34

USA Today, 218

visualization, 72

   of failure, 71–74

   of success, 73–74

volunteerism, 194–98

Vonnegut, Kurt, 180

walking away from arguments, 106–9

Weeds (TV show), 58, 59

weight loss, 229–32

why, explaining, 149

willpower, 12, 15, 161, 229–33

restructuring your environment, 229–33

Winter Olympics, 167

work, 7, 34–35, 42, 157–233

   allowing failure, 175–77

   appreciation, 135–39

   blame, 110–13

   comparisons, 166–69

   complaining, 170–74

   critical feedback, 204–12

   doing other people’s work, 189–93

   focus on outcome, 194–98

   friends and, 87, 88

   gift of criticism, 208–12

   individuals, 166–69

   informal meetings, 221–24

   keeping your cool, 162–65

   neutralizing negativity, 170–74

   optimizing habits, 157–233

   PowerPoint presentations, 221–24

   professionalism, 162–65

   raises, 201–3

   referrals, 87

   restructuring your environment, 229–33

   safe space, 213–16

   sharing success, 181–84

   startups, 34–35

   stop checking e-mail, 217–20

   supporting others’ success, 178–80

   sweet spot and, 67–70

   taking responsibility for colleagues’ work, 185–88

   telling the right stories, 225–28

   thank-yous, 144–47

   turnover rates, 225

   zeroing in on top priorities, 199–203

writing, 56

writing people off, refusing to, 101–5

Wyoming, 208

yelling, 152–56

yes, saying, 151

yourself, 89–92

   being, 89–92

   trust in, 29–32

zeroing in on what matters, 199–203