- painful memories, ‘run-the-movie’ technique, 1
- parental behaviour, 1
- pattern interrupting/pattern interrupts, 1
- ‘pause button,’ 1
- peace with ourselves, 1, 2
- perceptions, 1, 2
- percussive suggestion technique (PSTEC) see PSTEC
- perfection, pressures for, 1
- personal hunger dial see hunger dial
- Phizackerley, Tim, 1, 2, 3
- physical exercise, 1
- beliefs/attitudes to, 1
- portion size, reduction with PSTEC, 1
- positive emotions, 1
- Programme checklist, 1
- PSTEC (percussive suggestion technique), 1, 2, 3, 4
- aims, 1, 2
- development, 1
- hypnosis and, 1
- indications/uses
- clearing mealtime memories, 1
- clearing resistance to change, 1, 2
- ‘dream-come-true,’ 1, 2
- ending sugar cravings, 1
- learning to accept yourself, 1
- leaving food on the plate, 1
- portion size reduction, 1
- releasing blocks to physical
- wellbeing, 1
- releasing memories of being judged, 1
- releasing remaining resistance, 1, 2
- resolving self-loathing (body image), 1
- ‘run-the-movie’ technique, 1
- for self-sabotaging behaviour, 1
- learning/method, 1
- list of issues, 1
- SUD rating, 1, 2
- optional tools, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
- principle, 1, 2
- PSTEC accelerators, 1, 2
- PSTEC™ audios, 1, 2
- click tracks see PSTEC click tracks
- PSTEC Cascade Release, 1
- PSTEC click tracks, 1, 2
- additional optional, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
- eliminating limiting beliefs, 1
- extra-powerful, 1, 2
- free, 1, 2
- level one, 1
- PSTEC Positive Extra, 1
- PSTEC Positive Power, 1, 2, 3, 4
- PSTEC Turbo Charge, 1, 2, 3, 4