1. walking, 1
  2. wasting food, 1
    1. leaving food on plate, PSTEC and, 1
  3. weight
    1. defining people by, 1
    2. goal, 1
  4. weight gain
    1. obesogenic environment, 1
    2. stable relationship, PSTEC Cascade Release, 1
    3. survival strategy expression, 1
  5. weight loss, 1
    1. as goal of emotional eater, 1, 2
    2. goals, hypnotherapy and, 1, 2
    3. non-emotional eaters, 1
  6. weight-loss workshops, 1
  7. wellbeing, blocks to, 1
    1. clearing with EFT, 1
    2. releasing with PSTEC, 1
  8. western influences on diet, 1
  9. work, eating at, 1, 2
  10. working mothers, 1
  11. worksheets, 1
    1. ‘Accept yourself,’ 1, 2
    2. ‘Blocks to wellbeing,’ 1, 2, 3
    3. ‘Breaking through,’ 1, 2
    4. ‘Chart your success,’ 1, 2, 3
    5. ‘Comfort eating,’ 1, 2
    6. ‘Dream-come-true,’ 1, 2
    7. ‘Fear of success,’ 1
    8. ‘Food and mood diary,’ 1
    9. ‘Gratitude list’, 1, 2
    10. ‘Limiting beliefs’, 1, 2
    11. ‘Love and hate’, 1, 2, 3
    12. ‘Remaining resistance,’ 1, 2
    13. ‘Resistance’, 1, 2, 3
    14. ‘Run-the-movie’, 1, 2
    15. ‘Secrets revealed’, 1, 2
    16. ‘Self-sabotage’, 1, 2
    17. ‘Timeline’, 1, 2, 3
    18. ‘Weight loss log’, 1
    19. ‘Your self-talk’, 1, 2