Aguilar (interpreter), 40, 41, 68
Alexander VI, Pope, 21
Alvarado, Pedro de, 32, 34, 38, 46, 63, 71, 103, 169, 170; his massacre of Mexican nobility, 178, 179; 182, 195, 197, 198, 215 seq., 239
Amecameca, 117
Auitzotzin (Lord Water Opossum), 137
Axayacatzin (Lord Face of Water), his palace, 125, 128, 146, 184
Ayllón, 167
Ayotzinco, 117
Aztec, 16
Azúa, 23
Bernal, 17, 25, 26, 29, 34, 36, 37, 40, 42, 62, 89, 100, 110, 116, 129, 134, 142, 145, 149, 150, 163; his habits, 165; 169, 171, 174, 175, 183, 187, 188, 192, 201, 207, 208; his narrow escape, 218; 221; his True History, 222; 225; soliloquy on conquistadores, 239 seq.
Botello (astrologer), 193, 197
Burland, C. A., 16
Cacamatzin (Lord of Small Maize Cobs), 120, 123, 145; arrested, 146; 158, 195; death of, 197
Calmecatl (House of the Cord), 57, 154
Campeche, 28
Castillo, Bernal Díaz del. See Bernal
Cempoalan (Totonac capital), 74; arrival at of Mexican tax collectors, 75; 81, 83, 173, 180
Chapultepec (In the Hill of the Grasshopper), 134, 210, 216
Charles V, 30, 41, 44, 63, 68, 71, 72, 80, 86, 96, 100, 108, 129, 130, 146, 147, 158, 161, 166, 167, 172, 206, 214, 229; recognizes Cortés, 231; 238
Cholula, 55, 105, 107 seq.; massacre at, 109
Christianity, 44, 45, 83, 104, 111, 131, 135, 156, 159, 160, 190, 232, 233
Citlaltepetl. See Orizaba
Codex Mendoza, 16, 50, 191, 201
Codex Vindobonensis, 99
Columbus, Christopher, 21, 22, 191
Conquistadors, 88, 116; list of, 239 seq.
Córdoba, Hernández de: his expedition, 25 seq., 36
Cortés, Hernan, 15, 16; arrives W. Indies, 23; goes to Cuba, 23; his character, 24, 34, 77, 101, 112, 127, 136; his appearance, 34, 35; prepares expedition, 36 seq.; leaves Santiago, 37; at Trinidad and Havana, 38; leaves Cuba, 39; his army, 39; voyage to Mexico, 40 seq.; fights Tabascoans, 42; meets Marina, 43; lands in Mexico, 47, 60, 61 seq.; receives Montezuma’s presents, 66, 67; resolves to march on Mexico city, 68; evades Velázquez’s authority, 69 seq.; at Cempoalan, 74 seq.; and Mexican tax collectors, 75; resolves to do impossible, 80; destroys his ships, 80; given fat lord’s niece, 81; destroys Totonac gods, 82; marches on Mexico city, 86 seq.; at Tlaxcala, 92; rallies his men, 97, 98; enters Tlaxcala city, 102; enters Cholula, 109; his massacre of Cholulans, 109; invited to Mexico city, 114; first sight of it, 116; entry, 122; first meeting with Montezuma, 123, 124; his beliefs, 127, 136; confines Montezuma, 138 seq.; and Montezuma’s treasure, 151; told to go, 163; marches on Narváez, 174 seq.; Mexicans rise against, 178; re-enters Mexico, 181; driven out of Mexico, 193 seq.; at battle of Otumba, 201; reaches Tlaxcala, 203; marches again on Mexico, 210 seq.; narrow escapes in battle, 213; besieges Mexico city, 213 seq.; escapes assassination, 215; counter-attacked, 220; storms Mexico city, 223 seq.; recognized by Charles V, 231; subsequent history, 230 seq.; death and burials, 239
Coyuacan (Place of Many Lean Coyotes), 122, 215, 230
Cuitlahuac (Place of the Dunged Water), 121
Cuitlahuac, Lord, 122, 123, 184, 186, 188; death of, 207
Cuitlalpitoc (Big Bellied), 62, 63, 67, 68
Durer, 73
Egon, N., 17
Escalante, Juan de, 38, 71, 81, 84, 116; death of, 139
Estrada, Maria de, 197
Falling Eagle, Lord (Quauhtemoctzin), 184, 207, 213, 219, 225, 226; surrenders, 228, 229; tortured, 230; hanged, 235
fat lord (chief of Totonacs), 74, 81, 82, 103, 115, 172
Francisca, Doña, 150
Gama, Vasco de, 191
Grijalva, Juan de, his expedition, 29 seq.; 35, 36, 57, 58, 59, 61
Guatemala, 234
Holquin, García, 228
Honduras, 234
horses, 36, 39, 49, 58, 62, 89, 122
Human Sacrifice, 31, 40, 51 seq., 64, 65, 81, 90, 103, 111, 134, 137, 151, 152, 159, 199, 214, 221, 225
Humming Bird on the Left (Uitzilopochtli), 54, 57, 115; temple of, 125, 133 seq.; great sacrifice to, 137; his main temple, 153 seq.; 199
Iztacciuatl (The White Woman), 116
Iztapalapan (On the Salt Coloured Water), 121, 180
Jalapa, 88
Keats, 22
León, de, 168, 170, 172, 197, 240
Magellan, 231
Marina, Doña (Malinche or Ce Malinalli), her origin, 43; given to Puertocarrero, 46; 62, 68, 83, 88, 89; her courage, 97; 103, 108, 115, 123, 152, 164, 195, 197, 229; becomes a goddess, 233; marriage and retirement, 235, 238
Maya people, 26, 28, 30, 32, 36, 40, 49
Mendoza, Don Antonio de (first Viceroy of Mexico), 237
Merced, Padre de la, 103, 153, 155, 171, 188, 190
Mexica (People of the Maguey Hare), 16, 153
Mexican religion and astro-magic, 43, 51 seq., 66; the enchanters, 68; 95, 96, 104, 110 seq., 118, 119, 137, 138, 145, 163, 164, 185, 191, 202, 203, 223, 224
Mexico city (Tenochtitlan—Foundation of Stone and Prickly Pear), 49; first sight of, 116; vision of, 119; 122, 128, 210; surrenders, 229; rebuilt, 230
Montejo, Francisco de, 72, 166
Montezuma (Motecuçuma—The Courageous Lord), 15, 16, 31, 47, 48; his position as First Speaker, 50, 53; his anxieties, 56 seq.; sends emissaries to Cortés, 62 seq.; receives back emissaries, 64; his dilemma, 66; his alarm, 77; his power, 89; sends envoys, 99; his despair, 100; his army, 104, 105; his character, 112; sends fresh embassy, 113; his predicament, 119; a new embassy, 120; first meeting with Cortés, 123, 124; his beliefs, 126; his appearance, 128; visits Cortés, 129; shows Cortés Tlatelolco temple, 134; his mentality, 136; agrees to be confined by Cortés, 139; private habits, 144, 145; swears fealty to Charles V, 148; sacrifices, 152; his presents, 155, 156; his dilemma, 162, 163, 168; 181; superseded, 184; death of, 188, 189; character and significance, 191, 192; 200
Mulock, C., 17
Narváez, Pamfilo de, 167 seq., 180, 207, 234, 240
Nauatl (Pleasant Sound—Mexican language), 16, 48
Needham, Dr. J., 17
Olea, Cristóbal de, 220
Olid, Cristóbal de, 38, 215 seq., 234
Olmedo, Fray Bartolomé de, 46, 63
Ome Teuctli (The Two), 99
One Reed (year 1519), 54, 56, 58, 60
Orinoco, 22
Orizaba (Citlaltepetl—Hill of the Star), 30, 46, 88, 172, 207
Otumba, 200; battle of, 201 seq., 213
Pacific Ocean, 22
Papantzin (sister of Montezuma), 57
Picture-writing, 58
Pizarro, 237
Popocatepetl (Smoking Mountain), 116
Puertocarrero, Alonso, 38, 46, 71, 73, 83, 86, 166, 241
Quauhpopoca (Smoking Eagle), 139, 140, 143
Quauhtemoctzin. See Falling Eagle
Quauhxicalli (eagle dish), 115
Quetzalcoatl (Feathered Serpent), 31, 54; his image and feast at Cholula, 55, 56; arrival awaited, 57; 60, 64, 65; insignia, 66; 73, 84, 92, 99, 100; his great temple, 110; 111, 124; his necklace, 125; 126, 129, 143, 147, 152, 179, 185, 205, 223
Quintalbor (double of Cortés), 67
Sahagún, 17, 57, 59, 63, 64, 65, 66, 100, 108, 122, 123, 232
Salamanca, Juan de, 202
Sandoval, Gonzalo de, 38, 71, 170 seq., 195, 214 seq.; death of, 237; 240
San Juan de Ulúa. See Ulúa
Santo Domingo, 23
Segura de la Frontera, 207
sloops, 150, 180, 208, 212, 214, 215, 216
Smoking Mirror (Tezcatlipoca), 54, 57, 99, 115, 118; temple of, 133 seq.; 152, 162 seq., 179
Snake or Serpent Woman (Mexican Commander-in-Chief), 50, 200; death of, 202
Swallow, Lord (Don Carlos), 146
Tabasco, 30, 41; battle at, 42, 43; people of, 45
Tacuba, 134, 181, 194, 198, 218
Tapia, Andrés de, 140, 161, 240
Temalacatl (Stone Ring), 154
Tepeyacac (In the Beginning of the Hill), 134, 216, 217
Tetzcuco, 120, 145, 180, 200, 201, 208, 211
Tezcadipoca. See Smoking Mirror Tezozomoc (chronicler), 57
Tlachtli (ball game), 154
Tlaloc (Rain God), 153, 155, 163
Tlatelolco (The Round Earthwork), 133, 184, 219, 225
Tlaxcala (Place of Much Bread), 90 seq., 102, 104, 109, 198, 203 seq.
Tlaxcalan people, 114, 172, 194, 200, 205 seq., 212
Tonatiuh (Sun God), 162
Totoltepec (The Hill of the Turkey Hen), 198, 199
Totonac people, 45, 73 seq., 86, 108, 115, 139, 173
Treasure of Montezuma, 149 seq., 194, 195, 204, 238
Uitzilopochtli. See Humming Bird on the Left
Ulúa, San Juan de, 31, 46, 47, 60
Velázquez, Diego, 23, 25, 29, 32, 34, 35 seq., 68 seq., 158, 166 seq.
Vera Cruz, 30; foundation of first town, 72; rebuilt near Cempoalan, 81; 86, 96, 116, 139, 164, 172, 206, 207
Villafaña, 215
Wheel, the, 49
Xipe (The Flayed One—vegetation god), 154, 162
Xochimilco (The Field of Flowers), 121
Xocotla (Abundance of Fruit Trees), 88, 90, 104
Xoloc, 122