Abutilon x hybridum, 46, 169, 178
garden location and, 77
importance of, 73
making, 84–85
mulch, 78–79
picks, 79
scale and, 75
selection criteria, 74
source, 74
story and, 76
style, 77
See also holiday decoration
Acorus gramineus ‘Aureopusillus Minimus’, 157, 183
Adiantum spp., 157
about, 129
care of, 137
as type of miniature garden, 13
air plants, 113, 115, 134–137, 155, 185
Ajuga ‘Chocolate Chips’, 26, 149, 161, 169, 176
Alternanthera, 131
Alternanthera ‘Thingold’, 179
Backyard Poolscape Garden, 116–119
blue star creeper, 47
bonsai, 14
Botanical Garden, 164–167
branded plants, 43–44
bromeliads, 49
bugleweed, 176
cacti, 113
Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Golden Sprite’, 52, 165, 184
Chamaecyparis thyoides ‘Red Star’, 165, 185
Chamaedorea elegans, 183
chives, 121
Christmas Tree Chain, 92–93
coleus, 46
color, 24–26
drainage and, 60–62
end-use considerations, 64–65
importance of, 59
repurposing, 70–71
spotlighting plants in, 66–67
terrarium containers, 68–69
theme and, 62–63
color, 24–26
form, 27
texture, 28–29
variegation and, 26
corkscrew rush, 157
Corsican mint, 161
creeping fig, 139
creeping sedum, 182
Cupressus macrocarpa ‘Wilma Goldcrest’, 117, 174
Cyperus prolifer, 157
deadheading, 103
Diamond Frost™ euphorbia, 174, 175
dividing plants, 42
drainage, 60–62
dwarf Alberta spruce, 52
dwarf creeping juniper, 165, 185
dwarf Hinoki cypress, 165, 184
dwarf hosta, 161
dwarf mondo grass, 47, 117–119, 161, 165, 169, 178
dwarf papyrus, 157
dwarf plants, miniature vs., 52
dwarf yaupon holly, 161
edging, 83
Eugenia myrtifolia ‘Nanum’, 139, 175
Euphorbia graminea ‘Diamond Frost’, 174, 175
fairy gardening, miniature gardening vs., 13
fairy’s-eye view, 34
ferns. See table ferns
fertilizing, 107
Ficus benjamina, 117, 119, 131, 179
Ficus pumila var. quercifolia, 117, 139, 161
form, 27
Garden at the Beach, 124–127
garden care
cleaning, 107
deadheading, 103
fertilizing, 107
pest control, 107
plant care guidelines, 100
tools for, 100–102
trimming, 102
watering, 104–106
Garden under the Sea, 152–155
golden tuffet arborvitae, 165, 184
Gold spikemoss, 180
Gold Tips spikemoss, 161
growth rate, 42
hens and chickens, 48, 113, 125, 153, 181
herbs, 121
holiday decoration
Christmas, 90–94
Halloween, 94–95
hosta, miniature, 47, 149, 165, 174
Hosta ‘Blue Mouse Ears’, 52, 161, 169, 174
Hurricane Terrarium, 142–145
hypertufa containers, 65
Hypoestes phyllostachya, 117, 139, 177
Ilex vomitoria ‘Nana’, 161
jade plant, 113, 124, 154, 181
Joseph’s coat, 179
Juncus filiformis ‘Spiralis’, 157
Juniperus horizontalis ‘Pancake’, 50, 165, 185
Laurentia fluviatilis, 180
maidenhair fern, 157
Making a Fairy House, 86–87
Mentha requienii, 161
miniature conifers, 52
miniature gardening
container gardening vs., 11, 12
defining, 10–11
design features and, 11
kids and, 15
reasons to try, 12
miniature hostas. See hosta, miniature
miniature plants, dwarf vs., 52
miniature variegated sweetflag, 157, 183
Miniature Water Garden, 156–159
Mini-Kitchen Garden, 120–123
Muehlenbeckia axillaris, 161
Muehlenbeckia axillaris ‘Nana’, 149, 183
mulch, 78–79
oak leaf creeping fig, 117, 161
Ophiopogon japonicus ‘Nana’, 117, 161, 165, 169, 178
outdoor gardens, 147
Pandanus spp., 125
parlor palm, 183
pathways, 80–83
patios, 80–83
Peperomia, 143
Peperomia caperata, 177
Peperomia podophyllum, 143
pest control, 107
Pilea glauca ‘Aquamarine’, 117, 182
plant care. See garden care
plant combining
design and, 12
garden type and, 53
growth rate and, 52
landscape function and, 54
plant needs and, 55–56
plant needs
plant combining and, 55–56
plant selection and, 42
plant selection
branded plants and, 43–44
air plants, 48
annuals, 46
bonsai starts, 50
dwarf conifers, 51
houseplants, 50
perennials, 47
succulents, 48
polka dot plant, 117, 121, 131, 139, 177
Backyard Poolscape Garden, 116–119
Botanical Garden, 164–167
Christmas Tree Chain, 92–93
Elegant Cloche Terrarium, 138–141
Floating Jellyfish, 136
Garden at the Beach, 124–127
Garden under the Sea, 152–155
Grandma’s Garden, 148–151
Hurricane Terrarium, 142–145
Making a Fairy House, 86–87
Miniature Water Garden, 156–159
Mini-Kitchen Garden, 120–123
Quick Canning Jar Terrarium, 145
Tile Sample Patio, 82
Twig Pergola, 88–89
Underwater Aerium, 134–137
Victorian Garden Party, 160–163
Where the Dinosaurs Roam Terrarium, 130–133
Wild Wild West Garden, 112–115
Woodland Hideaway Garden, 168–171
Quick Canning Jar Terrarium, 145
red creeping thyme, 149
accessory colors, 32
colors within plants, 31
importance of, 30–31
of plants, 33
role of, 11
ripple peperomia, 177
Rosmarinus officinalis, 149, 176
Sagina subulata, 149
Saxifraga stolonifera, 117
pairing accessories, 21
pairing plants and accessories, 22–23
selecting accessories and, 75
Scotch moss, 149
screw pine, 124–125
Sedum spp., 47, 113, 154, 165, 182
Selaginella kraussiana ‘Aurea’, 180
Selaginella kraussiana ‘Gold Tips’, 161
Sempervivum spp., 48, 113, 125, 153, 181
Spanish moss, 49
splitting plants, 42
stepping stones, 80
story, 76, 151. See also theme
strawberry begonia, 117
Syngonium podophyllum, 178
table ferns, 45, 117, 131, 169, 175
Teenie Genie™ miniature brush cherry, 139, 175
about, 129
containers for, 68–69
houseplants and, 50
succulents and, 56
as type of miniature garden, 13
texture, 28–29
accessories and, 76
containers and, 62–63
design and, 36–40
Thuja occidentalis ‘Golden Tuffet’, 165, 184
thyme, 121
Thymus praecox ‘Coccineus’, 149
Thymus praecox ‘Pseudolanuginosus’, 149
Tile Sample Patio, 82
Tillandsia spp., 49, 134–137, 185
tools, 100–102
trimming, 102
Twig Pergola, 88–89
variegation, 26
Victorian Garden Party, 160–163
watering, 104–106
Where the Dinosaurs Roam Terrarium, 130–133
Wild Wild West Garden, 112–115
Wilma Goldcrest (Monterey) cypress, 117, 174
Woodland Hideaway Garden, 168–171
woolly thyme, 149