From Within to Without

Eddy awoke some hours later. The room was still dark and he could barely make out the bare shreds of Mr Tree. He could feel Reagan’s warmth at his back, and Eddy listened for a while to her slow and untroubled breathing.

As the waking moments passed in his cold and especially bare bedroom, Eddy’s mind wandered a labyrinth. How lucky his estranged mother really was. That she could just get up and walk away like that. That she could just leave him like a pile of leaves on somebody else’s doorstep. In a way, he envied her. In a way, he wished he could be as cold as a winter’s starlit night. The sort people admire from afar but can never get near to.

And as his mind trekked life’s twists and turns he did something so unconscious, so routine that at first he hadn’t even realised he’d done it. He reached over and up with his right hand and placed it on the tortured bough of Mr Tree. Down here, by the bed and not too far from the side window, Mr Tree’s branch was plump and strong, way too strong even for Grandma Daisy’s furious holocaust. It had still been stripped bare of its beautiful suit of leaves but it remained solid at its core.

Part of the reason Eddy didn’t notice it initially was because of what Grandma Daisy had done. Mr Tree was not dead – that would take much more than her frenzied hands alone – but the tree was silent and still. Nothing moved. Nothing vibrated. Everything was grey and quiet.

That was when he felt Reagan’s movement. Whether she too had woken up, or moved instinctively mid-slumber, she reached her arm over and across him. At first Eddy thought she was going to cuddle into him, a potential that made his tired heart flutter. But she didn’t. She took her hand and gently placed it right next to his, right there on the painful remains of Mr Tree.

Eddy closed his eyes again and for the rest of the night he willed Mr Tree to get better . . . a transfusion like none other. Somehow they would make things right. They just had to.