
Title Page




Twelve Years Later

1. Shower Time

2. Bent Nails

3. Sticks and Stones

4. Nappies & No Friends

5. A Tree on the Move

6. Secrets In & Out

7. The Lady Who Visits

8. Red Vans & Other New Things

9. Window to Window

10. No Point in Asking Again

11. First Days & Mother’s Smiles

12. Long, Long, Long, Long, Long Days

13. Reagan to the Rescue

14. Grandma Don’t

15. Jam Sandwiches

16. A Day to Blossom

17. Bang!

18. What a Difference

19. Black Cars & Rainforests

Three Years Later

20. Something Missing, Something Gained

21. Bad News

22. How’s It Going?

23. Problem Solved

24. Q & A

25. The Pieces in Between

26. Not Good

27. Throwing Stones & Witchcraft

28. Arms & Limbs

29. From Within to Without

30. Cold, Clean & a Sprinkle of Sugar

31. Where’s it Gone?

32. Reagan's Bad Day

33. Afterwards

34. Putting in the Hours

35. What Are They?

36. Eddy!

37. Love in through the Window

38. A New Beginning

Two Years Later

39. A New World

40. Back to Reality

41. The Second Note

42. Mrs Stanton’s Challenge

43. Reagan’s Big Night

44. Rich & Famous

45. What Makes Girls Like Boys

46. The Wrong Sort of Present

47. Stretched like a Rubber Band

48. Eddy’s Turn

49. Mrs Crowe Answers

50. The Big Day

51. An Even Bigger Day

52. The Grand Tour

53. Not in a Million Years

54. Tired Days Commence

55. A Thousand Words

56. Time Off

57. A Heavy Load

58. Holding One’s Breath

59. Why!

60. Prayers

61. Bedtime Stories

62. The Slide Down

63. Time Running Out

64. A Rock in the River

65. Chasing Ambulances

66. Two Talks

67. Just One More Time

68. The Greatest Gift


69. The Remember Me Things