Pathways Into and Out of Crime
Lying in that hospital bed many times I thought about it, “What happened that I became involved the way I did?” You would ask me that, too. Not just about me, but what about so and so. What has happened to the different people I did business with—not just the thieves but the local clique and the different dealers, and the business people, too. I would keep my eyes open ‘cause you wanted to know that.1
In a way I had it rough as a kid but not any rougher than a lot of others, and not near as rough as some. Mainly ‘cause my stepfather was an asshole. Buy his own kids a toy or bicycle, but not one for me. I had to get mine hustling or do without. But my grandparents took care of me. Were stingy the way the old Germans were. But what I needed was there for me. Made me toe the line. Get your school work done, do your chores, then go play. If going to a friends’ house or ride my bike to the gas station, let them know.
That is different than the Beck boys. Mom and Dad can hardly take care themselves, much less the boys. Just come and go as they please, looking for a place to hang out or get somebody’s attention. The dad is a down-on-your-luck guy. Not a bad egg but doesn’t have much going for him. Would do odd jobs or isn’t working. Their mom worked in a greasy spoon restaurant. I can’t say if the Beck boys would go hungry, not so much that, but they had to do without things that kids would normally have. Would hang at my shop to have something to do and to make a buck for doing little chores. Were a nuisance but then I am feeling sorry for them. Could see they had a rough life. If I was at an auction, I would pick up clothes, shoes, pocket knives—”Here, help yourselves but first you have to mop floors.” Would always give them a job to do, so they didn’t learn to get something for nothing.
I had to go without for some things, but in other ways I was taken care of pretty good. Paper and eraser when I went to school, and a roof over my head. I wasn’t free to come and go, and people sort of knew where you’re at or what you’re up to. After grade school, yeah, then I’m more on my own. Am working and now staying mostly at my mom’s house. But just to hang my hat. As far as crime—my first crimes, really, were the gas station break-ins when I’m about sixteen. Did some hustling and pulled kid stuff, but I wasn’t stealing from kids at school or going into stores to shoplift. The Beck boys are doing that by the time they were ten or eleven. Whether they ever stole from me I can’t say. I would be watchful but was careful not to undo the trust, their feeling that I have faith in them.
Is probably a good thing I wasn’t around my stepdad that long. Am seven when my mom married him. No problem until his own kids came along, by the time I am ten or so—an age where you’re old enough to remember. Then more and more he is an asshole. But even then I’m staying at my grandparents house a lot more than I’m over at my mom’s. Then, after I finished eighth grade, I went to work and hardly ever saw my stepdad. Not that it would matter that much ‘cause by now I am full grown and could handle myself pretty well, so he’d be leery of pushing my buttons.
In the public’s eye the Beck hoys would he the typical criminal. Were raised poor and their parents are fucked up. Then maybe get to hanging with the wrong crowd. With other ones who are into devilment, out for a good time. For quite a few, yes, that is a background for getting into crime. Especially for the walk-in thief and the street criminals. Being poor, having to do without and seeing what other kids have, can leave a bad taste in one’s mouth. More likely to be a resentment and will be push to have some larceny in the heart. Then have buddies who will egg each other on.
Same with a lot of the black kids and the Puerto Rican kids. Are poor, so come to learn you have to do what you have to do to get what others have or what you think you need. Have to have your eyes shut not to see that. But it’s more than that. See people outside their house selling dope. See their parents using dope. See the doper on the corner. Have an older brother who is mugging people or breaking into cars. Have a sister who is hustling her ass. Are thinking what’s to stop me from doing that. See their buddies go to jail and see they got through it, so what the fuck does jail mean? No fear on their part. Then, if get to using dope themselves, is a new ball game as far as getting into crime and becoming a fuck-up is concerned.
Don’t know if you’d call it a ghetto but the kids raised in the black areas— what they have been through, what they’ve been exposed to. Is hard to ignore the hard row they have to hoe. Some of the ones that came in my shop in American City or from seeing them when I’d stop at Mookie’s shop in Tylers ville, makes you appreciate what you have.
But a lot of criminals don’t have that as a background. There’s all different upbringings, different paths, not just this thing or that thing. I wouldn’t say that most thieves and criminals were bad kids or that it started in childhood. Some did have hard going, like the Beck boys. But other ones, no.
Off and on I have dealt with bikers, guys in the Pagans or whatever. Some are fucked up and come from fucked-up families. But others are ordinary joe blows. One is Diesel. Met him when I bought motorcycles from the Pagans, way back. I’m talking twenty-five years ago. Stole the motorcycles from the another biker group. The main biker I am dealing with brought Diesel along. Wild looking. Tough guy. Was in his twenties back then, so I have known Diesel a long time.
Diesel just fell in with the Pagans. His dad and mom had a hardware store and were wanting Diesel to work there. He should go to a technology college or whatever, to get more training and to take over the business some day. But Diesel is itching to get away. Gets out of high school, goes to work for his uncle, who runs a bar that caters to the working man. Biker guys would drop in, have a sandwich, kill time. Diesel starts messing with them. Would invite Diesel to party with them, let him drive one of their Harleys. Diesel got to liking the excitement, the high that comes from being noticed, all the pussy he was getting. That people fear you, think you’re a little crazy. Young guys can get into that and if the good opportunity is there, is hard to walk away. Then later on, Diesel got to liking the money that came from peddling dope. With their branches and all the members the bikers have, is a helluva spider web for peddling dope.
My connection with Diesel came from buying those motorcycles that time, then afterwards I’d buy when he and his buddies would break into a place or maybe hijack a truck. But the state cops were watching the bikers very closely, so I hooked them up with Grasso. But Diesel and me always stayed in touch. He would stop at my shop or I’d bump into him at a auction. Is fun to talk to. Will tell you that he has good parents, that they have always stuck with him. Is a closeness there. Knows he has been an aggravation for them, that they have been through a lot. But is his life. Has to live it his way.
Has more or less packed it in. Is running the hardware store with his dad and is his if he wants it. The dope, the fights, the women Diesel has messed with. His body is a fucking mess. One big tattoo, really—his back, his arms, his legs. Covered with tattoos. Has been in the penitentiary for dealing meth and then for fucking up on parole. Is tired of the hassles, that his body can’t keep up with it anymore, but misses the excitement and the money. He would like to be back in it but not all the way. So still does a little clipping on the edges.
This you know from talking to Jesse many times. Is a fluke how he got started with the burglary, after he gets out of the military. Jesse is done with the military, the army, and is loafing. Looking for a job but mostly is killing time. Meets some guys who were into burglary from hanging at the same nightspots. Turns out they are looking for a guy to do the dropoff, so asked Jesse if he would do that. Jesse went along with it and was the dropoff a few times. Meanwhile, Jesse gets to messing around with a woman in this one bar, which is pissing the guy she is with. Is a squabble and Jesse decks the guy. The people that saw can’t say for sure, but are saying the guy’s head hits the table when he’s going down. Head is bloody but seems okay. Then, shit, the guy dies a month later from a concussion. Jesse did only about three years ‘cause he had a clean record and in a way it was self-defense. Still, somebody died so he had to do some time.
That’s when he meets Whitey, a very good burglar, very good safeman. Big man, very powerful. Very respected. Took Jesse under his wings in the penitentiary ‘cause Jesse was a greenie. Then after they get out, teamed up. Whitey taught Jesse how to open safes, taught him the ropes you might say. But Whitey was getting older and slowing down. In his (late) forties, so some jobs he didn’t want to do. And Whitey had a long record, was well-known. Was bringing too much attention from the police, who were figuring he was behind many of the safe jobs that were being pulled. Jesse was leery of that, so decided to go his own way. But he and Whitey always stayed close. Drove a delivery truck later on and was a main source of tips for Jesse and me. Whitey was very good people.
Are a bunch of them I’ve come across who were more or less like a Jesse. Not that they were in the military but, yes, some of them were. Steelbeams for one. And Kevin Foley, the one who broke Rocky in. Come home, are pissing around at nightspots or at a neighborhood bar like Casey s, where some of your better thieves would hang out. Get to know each other and see that someone like Jesse or Steelbeams is solid and maybe has some heart. So, need a dropoff or a lookout, “Hey, you can do this and is a good dollar in it for you, too.” For Jesse, no moral qualms on account of all the stealing and rank shit he came across in the military.
I’m not saying the military turns guys into becoming criminals. But guys get out, are at loose ends. Have seen a lot in the military, maybe have been through a lot. Is a code for being solid and that, and is more likely to have the heart for clipping than the ordinary joe blow. So if a crew is shopping for a partner, hey, why not try somebody like Jesse.
This is funny but some of the guys in the after-work burglary went into the military [when Sam was in his early twenties]. See, at that time, if you got busted—as long as it wasn’t something like murder or very serious—you could walk by going into the military. Charges would be dropped or pleaded down. From what I hear, these guys did not fall back into burglary or clipping when they got out. Just settled down, became ordinary joe blows. So the military can be a boost or a hindrance as far as crime goes.
Rocky and Kevin were neighbors. Knew each other growing up, except Kevin is five, six years older. Is a smooth talker, a ladies’ man. Good head on his shoulders. Outta high school, goes into the military. Ends up being sent to Vietnam. Left a bitter taste in Kevin’s mouth that he still gripes about. Comes back and is into partying, smoking pot, having a good time. Then is breaking into places with some guys he is palling with. Is peddling the stuff to Louie and then to me. When I met Kevin he was half-assed but a quick learner. Is peddling drugs back and forth with the crowd he is hanging with, but mostly is sticking to burglary. Kevin would bump into Rocky at a party or nightspot, or see Rocky on the street where they both lived. It was natural for it to come out that Kevin would come to Rocky if he needed a dropoff or an extra man.
Angelo and Louie and Phil grew up with it, you might say. From the time they were teenagers to now, have been involved. Were part of a group of young guys, called themselves the Park Owls. Gucci brothers were in it, too. Lotta break-ins, rough housing, even some holdups, stealing cars, hijacking trucks. Were into the gambling already back then—the small stuff, at the lower end. Were more hands on, more out front when they were young. Then more and more stayed in the background.
Well, Phil was a little different. Wasn’t part of the Park Owls but was connected to the mafia through his dad and his uncles. But Phil went his own way. Was older when he got involved. Got married out of high school, to Mary and then worked for her dad. She is a very classy lady. They are still together. Then Phil has a falling out with Mary’s dad, says the hell with it. Goes to work for Phil’s uncle, who runs a big junk yard and is in the bail bond business. Eventually, Phil took it over. But wasn’t doing shady stuff before that. At least not in a big way.
Ones like Kevin and Rocky, and Angelo and Phil, didn’t come from backgrounds where you had to fend for yourself. But still, lot of ordinary thieves and a quite a few of your burglars have come from hard backgrounds. Other ones maybe got into dope or partying and running with the wrong crowd. Some don’t wanna work or the jobs they can get are horseshit jobs. In their eye, the job is beneath them. Some are just plain assholes—too dumb to work and too dumb to be good at stealing.
Lot of thieves, especially the kids, steal for party money. See things they wanna buy. Steal when they run out of money. Main thing, is how much money is in their pocket. Live day-to-day, don’t know where the next paycheck or the next dollar is coming from. Take the younger Beck boys, are partying and using dope, then one thing leads to another. Run out of money but want to keep on partying. Maybe are being pumped up by other ones they’re partying with, especially if there is dope or pussy involved. Want to impress their buddies, the women they are with. More or less are going with the flow. So, go out and clip a place or break into a car. Not a helluva lot of thought involved, put it that way.
Getting “high “ or “doped up “ is a big thing today, especially for the younger thief. But is a lot of drinking, too. In my day, it was mainly just alcohol. More of your thieves and hustlers today are into partying. Paying for that is a big part of their thieving. That, and wanting to puff themselves up with the ladies. If can’t get nookie from a regular woman, then hook up with a has-been. A lot of the women the thieves hang with are into partying, too. Are on the edge, peddling dope outta their apartment or peddling their ass—if not this way, then that way. Are easy lays but know how to string the guy on for dope and get him to empty his pockets for them.
Lot of thieves have never gotten used to working at a regular job, where you have to be on time and where you have to listen to some asshole tell you what to do. Even if they work, the jobs they can get won’t cover their expenses. May not even cover their living expenses and sure as hell not their partying. And the partying gets in the way of working. So is hard for them to hold a job.
Take Rocky, he isn’t lazy. Is a good worker if it is something he wants to do. But doesn’t like to punch a clock or take orders. Another thing, if you are clipping a lot, it is hard to be working and punching the clock. Take Jesse and myself, whew, we were hitting something fierce. Spend hours and hours looking for spots to clip and checking out the place. Could not have done that if Jesse worked or I held a regular job. With my shop, I could come and go— have Chubbie or somebody watch the shop for me.
But generally it is better to have a regular job. That way you have money coming in and won’t be under the gun to get cash quickly. Is a cover, too, ‘cause the cops will be less suspicious. Really, all the way down the line you’re more likely to get a break. That is why I always told Rocky, the Beck boys, and different ones—get a job, even a part-time job. Then you’ll have some bread and will keep the parole people happy, too. That, and having a woman. Will think you ‘re settling down and have somebody to get on your case.
Funny thing is, a lotta thieves look down on guys that work and puff themselves up with their buddies by not having a regular job. Unless they can make good bucks, they won’t work and will put down those that do work. Guys will say, hey, pay me twenty-five, fifty dollars an hour and I’ll work a regular job. But they is only blowing wind outta their ass ‘cause who in the hell will pay them that?
Now if you listen to some of these guys talk, they are bitching—”Who will hire an ex-con?” Is a lot of gray here. More of them can find a legit job then you are led to believe. But still isn’t a cakewalk. Take Rocky, when he first got out of the penitentiary, he kept getting turned down. Check the classified for the job ads, but no go. Takes a job as a janitor but the pay is horseshit. Barely enough to live on, sure as hell not enough if you want to party and chase pussy. And was beneath Rocky. In a way he was embarrassed to tell his buddies what he was doing. Would tell them, “Yeah, I have this horseshit job on account it keeps my parole guy off my back.”
Are only some jobs an ex-con has a decent shot at. Driving truck or working in a warehouse, jobs like that. Has always been that way but is worse today. That a person has done time, has a record, is kept better track of today. Are fewer places that will hire an ex-con. But still there are jobs out there. If not pay enough to cover your expenses, then you are still ahead to take the job and clip on the side. The job can be a cover to give you some leeway and is a backup, another source of bread so you don’t have to be clipping when the decent opportunities aren’t there. Not that the younger thief will think that way but as guys get older, this is more their mind-set.
Guys get older, then even a loser job is better than not working. Will settle for what they can get and make the best of it. Are tired of the partying and will take the money whichever way it comes. If a legit job brings in more money than the clipping, then pack in the clipping or at least slow it down. Whereas the younger guy is more likely to quit working, stay with the clipping. Get older, you’re past the excitement thing and the palling with your buddies. Have been there, done that. Your mind-set is more on making money, not to get rich but enough to live on and do your own thing. Maybe clip once in a while but keep it small and wait for the good opportunities.
Depends a lot, an awful lot, on the kind of thief he is. A lotta thieves aren’t doing that well, aren’t making that much. Have a so-so eye for the clipping and don’t have the contacts. They should grab the first decent (legit) job that comes their way. Whereas the better thief can take it or leave it. Will many times have a legit job but keep on clipping when the good opportunity is there. If he is getting too old, say, it is burglary—then pack in doing that but do something else. Like Whitey, he ended up driving a delivery truck, but would still give tips and may even be a dropoff. Or someone like Angelo who more and more operates in the background. Or myself, stop crawling in windows, but more and more just stay with the fencing.
If a guy has an eye for clipping for one kind of crime, you have to figure the eye can be there for other crimes. The know-how and being able to spot the openings for doing this or that crime will be a help for doing other crimes. Same as the contacts for doing one crime may help with the other. If you are into burglary, chances are you will know people who are involved in shoplifting or checks or dope or whatever. Will depend on the crime whether your paths will cross.
It is only common sense that if somebody has larceny in the heart for one kind of crime, then the larceny for another crime is more likely to be there. Break the law one way, more likely to break it another way. Money is money, no matter how you make it.
If the excitement is there for doing one kind of crime, have to figure it may be there for doing another crime. Devilment is devilment, especially for the younger guy. Need a little kick once in a while. The burglary did that for me and the fencing, too, ‘cause life can be dull as hell sometimes. It’d be the same with heart If you have the heart to clip one way, then more likely to have the heart to clip in other ways, say, compared to the average joe blow. Not all the way now. Can have the heart for one crime hut are chicken for doing other crimes. Same as you can lose the heart for crime like burglary but can pull other crimes like writing checks or selling dope out of your house.
But that doesn’t mean the thief will do any goddamn thing. May break into houses but won’t rob old ladies. Same as the store guy who is buying stolen goods from me or cheating Uncle Sam. He is comfortable with that. But couldn’t look at himself in the mirror if he was on the other end, the one who is selling the warm stuff or the one doing the breaking into places. Would upset him if you said, “Hey, you’re a thief, you’re a fence.”
Take Woody, he mixed in some fencing with his auction business. But he didn’t break into places or rob people or shoplift. Would not want himself or others to think of him that way. Same with someone like Puddy. Has been my good buddy for eight, ten years now. Is a bookie, been doing it a long time. That is what he does, how he sees himself. Comes by my shop pretty near every morning, is there by six or so ‘cause he is an early bird like me. If sees my truck parked, will stop in for coffee. Even if I was to ask him, I don’t think he would peddle stolen goods and sure as hell wouldn’t break into houses or sell dope.
The opportunity has been there, many times now, for me to get into peddling dope. Not on the street, but to be a layer in between for the guys bringing the stuff in. Could not look at myself in the mirror if I was peddling dope, especially if it ends up with kids. I always hated the dope and the dopers. Is a fact that a doper can’t be trusted. Will do anything to get the dope, really lower themselves.
There are different sides to whether a thief will specialize or not. Many will want to avoid that ‘cause they will know if you are doing anything to make a buck, you will more likely end up in jail. Will depend, can the guy can get the contacts, can he hook up with other guys who are decent, which will limit what kinds of clipping he is doing. Then, are you good at it and how comfortable do you feel. If that falls into place, then this will become your main thing.
Same way if you’re a carpenter, you will know something about plumbing and wiring. Will come across guys doing one or the other. Good with your hands in one area, then chances are will be good in another area that it’s related to. Have a mind for one thing, this can he extended into other areas. The burglary helped me with the fencing and the fencing helped me with the conning. Is overlap in the legit as in the illegit.
Take myself. Just messing around on my grandpap’s farm, just doing different things. Like fixing up old bicycles or old cars, driving the tractor and different machinery. I had an edge as far as working at a gas station or driving a tractor trailer or, later on, even working with wood and antiques. I think this [farm experiences] gave me an edge even as far as learning about burglary. Of course, you still have to have the nerve for that. Is not something you can learn.
Some thieves are all-around thieves. Will steal in almost any way imaginable. Other thieves will stick to this or that type of theft such as shoplifting or burglary or passing credit cards. In my eye, guys who are into burglary are more likely to specialize than other thieves. Will see themselves as burglars, in a way set themselves off from other thieves. If don’t just stick with burglary, then clip in ways that are related like breaking in cars or hijacking trucks or maybe even stealing cars
Some of your students are dealing in drugs, right? Say it is pot for their friends and other students. Will have some of the know-how for dealing in other drugs. Maybe the contacts, too. Are gonna be part of the partying crowd, so can get into other kinds of devilment. But do they have the heart to move into dealing dope all the way? Can they get the contacts? Can they look at themselves in the mirror?
Maybe yes, maybe no. Sure, more so than someone who is naive or the guy who’s a nerd—’cause a nerd is a nerd, no matter how you cut it. But many will stop with dealing dope at that level ‘cause that is what they know and are comfortable with, and ‘cause the opportunity is handed to them and is so easy to do. But very few would have the heart and the contacts to go all the way. Even more so, they would be in a different league if we’re talking about getting into burglary, stealing cars, or the fencing. Wouldn’t have the know-how and your decent thieves wouldn’t clip with them.
I did do a robbery one time (see Chapter 19). With Jesse. Had a tip on this place where a guy lived alone, was stashing his money in a safe. Scouted and scouted but he never left. His sister would bring him groceries and that. So, we put on masks and robbed him. But wanted no part of that again. Stick to breaking into places. If somebody is home, then forget about it.
Myself, I have never shoplifted. I’d be scared or whatever. Just wouldn’t be me. Know what I mean? Don’t get me wrong, there are some good shoplifters and that, and who are respected. But not the same way as a decent burglar. In a way is a sissy thing, maybe on account so many women are doing it. Really, they have a lock on the shoplifting, are better at it than men. A lotta guys—a Rocky, a Steelbeams, a Bowie, a Jesse—would see it as lowering themselves, as not being what they really are. You might be willing to pass checks or clip in some other ways, but not be willing to sell dope or steal from old ladies. There’s a line there the guy won’t cross.
The burglars I knew, most of them, would shy away from shoplifting ‘cause the chances of being seen and getting caught is higher. Is the same with checks or credit cards, you are seen and your handwriting is right there. With robbery, some burglars will do that if the good opportunity is there, but more shy away from it ‘cause you have a witness and ‘cause you don’t want to hurt someone to get money. And don’t want to carry a gun. Is a way to get big time in the penitentiary, too.
It is hard to answer that. If you mean by “specialize” that someone does the same crime his whole life or even for years and years, then the answer is “no. “ Jesse comes close. And Steelbeams and Bowie. It is more that this becomes your main thing, maybe your only thing. And may involve doing other things that are similar. Bowie mainly broke into places, is known for safes, but has hijacked a number of trucks along the way—which in a way is like a burglary. Like a load of whiskey one time, that Bowie ran by me and I ran through Angelo.
Doesn’t mean you never clip in other ways. Chances are you will have done at least some other crimes, especially if different avenues open up. Theft is theft and hustling is hustling, and one can lead to the other. But is usually a limit there. Jesse was into burglary, that was his thing. But he would not hesitate to cheat Uncle Sam [on taxes] or buy stolen goods if the good opportunity was there. But he wouldn’t sell dope or rob people with a gun, or steal from old ladies, or be a baby rapist.
As far as this or that crew, yes, I would say they do stick to a main thing. Say you are all-around thief like a Danny Turner, then are contacted by Rocky and his buddies on account they are short a man or need a backup. Danny would be doing a burglary with them ‘cause if those guys are working together, that is what they do. Same way if a couple of guys are passing checks together and brought in Danny for that. Or say it was for bringing in dope. If this or that crew or outfit is involved, they will stick with a particular crime. That would usually be case.
It is natural that you will more and more specialize if you stay in crime. It’s like anything else, any kind of a job—legit or illegit. The more you do it, the better at it you get, the more comfortable you feel. Guys will even see themselves that way, as “Hey, I’m a safeman.” Or will say, “My thing is breaking into places.” You have the contacts, you have an eye for that kind of clipping, so the risks are less. The more crime becomes a business, the more you won’t do every damn thing that comes along.
Will depend on one’s situation. Can happen the opportunity isn’t there any longer on account of your contacts have dried up or you’re getting too old to pull those kinds of jobs. Or maybe you’re getting too known for that kind of clipping on account there is a lot of heat from the police. Then switch to something else or pack it in. It is more that guys do mainly this type of crime for that part of their life or that they do some types, but not other types.
Guys like Angelo or Lenny, or Silas the Lebanese guy, are involved in different things but stay in the background. Are bringing the drugs in you might say but aren’t peddling to the doper or the street thief, not direct anyway. Mafia guys, or the guys in local clique in American City, have their fingers in lots of things. Have the contacts and the money to go into different things, go where the money is—whether it’s legit, strictly shady, or in between. Have limits but are out to make money anyway they can. Same as the street hustler, but each is in a different league and the local clique guy would not stoop as low.
Remember Stu. I get a kick every time I think of this. How you were looking for a motel in American City but there weren’t any vacancies on account of the centennial celebration? So, you stopped at this seedy place that Stu runs. He wanted to know how long you wanted the room and you tells him you’d be leaving in the morning or at least by the following day. Then he says, “what— that long?” Turns out Stu’s motel is for guys wanting a quick nookie, say, at noontime or whatever—not to stay overnight or for a couple of days. Or, could be a hooker who takes the guy to Stu’s place—pays him a rate for an hour or two. This sort of thing is fairly common. Are a lotta guys like Stu who dabble at crime. Maybe have been doing so their whole life. Keep it small and stick to a couple of things you know and are comfortable with.
The ones who will do anything are more the fuck-up s. Are misfits all the way around—not just into crime but are losers in other ways. Not sure I’d even call them criminals. Give criminals a had name is what it boils down to [Sam laughs].
In my eye, a jack of all trades is a master of none. Are putting yourself at greater risk. But some guys are proud of being an all-around thief, like Tommy Grier. You name it, he has done it. Selling dope, burglary, stealing cars, breaking into cars, checks, credit cards, shoplifting. Has done a lotta time. A jailhouse lawyer in the penitentiary. Very smart guy. As far as know-how, is decent at what he does. But he doesn’t have the good contacts, like for burglary, and takes chances he shouldn’t.
The ordinary thief is nickel and dime, if the opportunity is there, will take it. The younger guys and especially your kids [juveniles] are the worst for doing any goddamn thing. Sell dope, break into cars, grab somebody’s purse, even peddle their girlfriend’s ass on the street if they run low on money to party. Are hustlers as much as they are thieves. But if stay in crime, like the older Beck boys and Andy, most will prefer doing this crime over other crimes.
The better thief is going to specialize more than the ordinary thief and sure as hell more than the asshole thief or the doper. The better thief will have the know-how and will have the contacts where he won’t have to pull anything to make a buck. Can stick to this or that thing, and make a go of it. But doesn’t mean they have never done other crimes or wouldn’t if the good opportunity is there. But will stick to kinds of clipping where there is overlap. If into burglary, might break into a van or might steal a car if he has a ready outlet for it. Or hijack a truck, that is fairly common. Not exactly the same as burglary but there is a lotta similarity, say, compared to shoplifting or passing the checks. Will feel more comfortable just doing burglary or just doing shoplifting. Then get to be known by their buddies or even the cops for being a “burglar” and may take pride in being that. Will look down on the all-around thief. Take Rocky, saw himself as a burglar, wanted to be seen that way. Would be upset if you said he was an all-around thief.
Jesse might handle jewelry and coins for some decent burglars he knew. They would contact Jesse to help them unload ‘cause Jesse had the contacts. But this was very seldom ‘cause Jesse wasn’t comfortable doing it. Didn’t like taking the risk and didn’t want the guys bitching back at him if the price wasn’t right. It is pretty much the same with Steelbeams, with Rocky, with Bowie, with Teddy. Now with Andy. With other ones, too. Their thing has been burglary and hijacking trucks. Anything else was a sideline.
Bobby Porter was into shoplifting. Very good at it. He did pull a few burglaries. But shoplifting was his thing. Now, if you look at Bobby’s record, you will see some other offenses—like assault and carrying a weapon, some disorderly conducts, and using some dope. But those aren’t crimes the same way. He didn’t do those to make money, know what I mean. Crimes like those in many ways are part of being in the criminal world, the places you hang out, the people you associate with, and from being watched by the cops and the parole people.
Same with some of the cops who will line their pockets. May take handouts from me or Louie. Maybe even give tips on a burglary. But won’t sell dope or take money from dope dealers. Even Duggan, who was a pretty corrupt cop, it never came out he was peddling dope or taking money from dope dealers. There probably is this or that cop who will do almost any goddamn thing but is usually a limit as to how far a corrupt cop will go.
I’m not sure what you’d call someone like Chubby. Is a lackey but a decent joe. Have to like him. If you look at his record, it is pretty clean. Some DUIs and a couple of checks that bounced. Chubby likes to be part of something. Is more a bum than a thief. Does enough to get by, to have food on his plate and a place to hang his hat. Into stealing and hustling the whole time I’ve known him. Little pissy stuff. If you’re at an auction, Chubby has clipped something from another booth, then wants to sell it at my booth or at my shop. I would go along with it. Bounce a check here, bounce another one there. Then pay them off to have the charges dropped. Hustle older women and has-beens for money, and a place to sleep. Then they get tired of his bullshit and throw him out. Chubby keeps the hustling and the stealing small so they won’t go to the police. Has even clipped some places for me that had some good antique pieces. Would have to guide him, but he was dependable that way.
Is a lotta gray when you ask about specializing. Is iffy, put it that way. Kids don’t specialize, as a rule that is the case. But are some who will stick to this or that main thing. May pull some other devilment but that is more part of being a kid, from hanging with other kids and each is egging the other one on. One thing will lead to another. Then, if they are into partying, are drinking and using dope, there is a pretty wide range of bullshit crimes that can come about. Guys get older, if they stay in crime and don’t pack it in, then more of them will have a specialty or will clip in ways where there is overlap. I’m talking about guys in the twenties and even more if they’re in their thirties or forties. They will feel more comfortable clipping this way but not that way. Will more recognize they have the knowledge for this but not for that. And will have the better contacts for this but not for that. Even more so are the guys who mainly got involved in crime when they were older, like Jesse or Woody. Don’t see them jumping around from one crime to another.
Now if the guy is into dope or is an alkie, will be a different story. On account he more will do anything for a fix and more so will be an all around fuck-up. But even your doper or the alkie, as he gets older will many times limit himself to this or that theft or hustle. I’m talking about the doper who can handle his habit, knows when he needs a fix and knows what he has to do to cope with that. If at one time robbing people, breaking into somebody’s house, shoplifting, peddling dope, and hustling anyway he can—now just stays with the shoplifting and the breaking into cars or stay with little con games and credit cards. Doper still has to feed their habit, but can manage it now to where they stick with a couple of things. Maybe even get a part-time job. This kind of doper thief I would buy from. But you still have to worry in case he runs out of dope and needs a fix, will he fall back into the old ways.
You have the same thing on the legit side, there are ones who are nothing but fuck-ups and losers. Difference is, just have more assholes on the criminal side. Quite a few will end up in prison or get blown away. If don’t get blown away, then blow themselves away. Or do themselves in with the dope. Other losers fall into becoming alkies or live like bums, with their hand out.
See this in the penitentiary. Guys there with a criminal record—not just for burglary or different kinds of stealing but for baby rape or mugging old ladies or blowing someone away when there was no need to. Real fuck-ups. But you seldom find that among older thieves, guys in their thirties and forties who are still clipping, will not be involved in being assholes that way. Turns out, you will find that quite a few of those in the penitentiary for the baby rape or for putting a woman to sleep or for blowing the whole family away on account she is getting on his case, they don’t have that much in the way of record for crime. Weren’t really a thief at all. Just an asshole.
Depends, too, on whether we are talking about the white thief or the black thief. The black thief is more likely to do anything to make a buck, more likely to take pride in being an all-around thief. Now even the black thief as he gets older is more likely than the younger black guy to settle into a main hustle or a couple of main hustles. But the races are different here. The black thief is more strictly a hustler, is looking out for himself in a way that you’re leery of doing business with him. In his eye, if the opportunity is there to hustle or steal, don’t pass it up. The black thief is more cutthroat. Out to get what he can, even if you’re his buddy.
The white guy who is into hustling, is more of a limit there. Will not go as far to do anything to make a buck. Is some loyalty on their part, that you can trust them to do right by you. Is a different code. You at least can have a little faith in them.
Dope has a lot to do with thieves doing anything to make a buck. So many thieves today are on dope. That is a big change and more so for robbery than burglary. If you go back to when me and Jesse were clipping, were more guys into robbery who were decent at it and weren’t on dope. The good stickup guy stuck to robbery. Today, it is even hard to find a good stickup guy or a good stickup crew. Is more a thing of the past. What you have today is mostly kids doing the muggings and holdups—see it as a quick dollar and are being egged on by their buddies. But take the guy in his twenties and he is still doing the holdups, whew, he is on dope and has a fucked-up life. Are very few who are really decent at it.
Myself, yes, I pulled a lot of rank shit in my life. Burglary, fencing, and a lotta scams where I conned people. Some fights, even an arrest for an assault, but these [fights] were when I was younger, when I am running with a rougher crowd and hanging at rougher places. Except I did have to lean on somebody a few times—that comes from the territory, from being in crime you might say. You sure as hell can’t call the police if somebody is fucking you over or is about to. People have to know you can dish it out if that’s what it comes down to. If know somebody is going to snitch, have to let him know the price he will pay.
Was always some conning mixed in with the burglary and the fencing. Not the street hustling but more conning people about antiques or a business scam. Say, if there was a big storm, flooding, or hail, or whatever, I might jump at that. One time there was a big hailstorm, size of golf balls, in the Eagleton area about sixty miles from American City. Lotta, lotta damage. Insurance companies couldn’t keep up with it. Painted up a couple of my trucks: “Roofing and Siding: Family Business for 33 Years.” Took Cletus from my shop, a neighbor guy, and a couple of burglars who knew about roofing. I am in business. Knocked on people’s houses. Charged a good penny but was putting on cheap shingles and siding, a fair amount of which I am buying warm. Banged it on, got the hell out of there. So, I’m combining the fencing and the conning.
Guys who have crime as a sideline (what you call moonlighting), they pretty much will stick to a main thing or two. Steal from where they work or break into a place off and on. Or peddle dope to people they know. Or do a little fencing. Maybe mix in some stealing with a little fencing. If branch out, are still careful not to spread themselves too thin. This is good common sense, too.
In a way that is what I am doing this last time. Stay away from breaking into places, not just because that is something I am getting too old for, but also because it is something the cops are concerned about and you can get hammered for. This last time I am skating between being legit and being a crook. I am doing several main things to make a buck but staying within what I know and feel comfortable with. On the shady side, it has mostly been the fencing but has always been some antique fraud and a few burglaries mixed in, and then quite a bit in the way of giving tips and vouching for people to make the connections. Am more behind the scenes. Does that make me all-around thief? Not in my eye, that is more or less my specialty.
Guys who operate behind the scenes, who more stay in the background and have their fingers into different things, that is their specialty. Like Nicky and Phil today. Sure as hell aren’t the jack-of-all-trade thief.
I really believe this. Once you do time, you ‘re never the same as the guy who didn’t do time. Ask Jesse or Rocky or anybody about that. You’re different. The only time you really feel relaxed is when you’re alone or maybe with another guy that’s done time. Like my being with Jesse. Probably me and him understand more, are more relaxed than any two people I know of. We can communicate even without saying anything.
Don’t get me wrong, I like being around people but down deep I am a loner. At times I don’t want to be bothered with anybody. I mean nobody. Just leave me fucking alone. It’s a funny feeling that you can’t explain. Now I’m at ease with Wanda but I’m not totally at ease.
See, no one knows what loneliness is until you enter the goddamn penitentiary, looking out the window at two o’clock in the morning, rainy or whatever it may be and nowhere to go. That is lonely. When you lose your freedom you lose something else with it.
Except for someone like Jesse or Steelbeams, everybody forgets you in prison. Take Angelo. When I got out, remember what he said? [Steffensmeier was with Sam on several occasions when they bumped into Angelo in Ameri-can City]. “What do you need, Sam? Do you need anything?” Fuck it. “Why didn’t you send me something when I was in the penitentiary?” You got me? You hear what I am saying?
Except maybe your woman or if you have kids. Then maybe they will keep in touch. Becky was pretty good that way this last time. But still, the longer you are there, the more the chances are the woman will be pulling back. Not saying a guy should bitch about that ‘cause it comes down to it, if it was the other way around—if it was the woman who was doing time—not many guys would stand by her. So long baby and move onto another piece of nookie. Guys are a lot bigger assholes that way.
I sat down and thought about it a lot of times. Prison takes something out of you. I can’t explain it. You come out a different person. I don’t know if it makes you bitter, hard, or whatever. You learn to trust only yourself in life.
I don’t mean you’re mad at the cops on account you got caught. That pisses you off but that is the end of it. The only time I ever hated a cop was when they put you down, treat you like dirt, or if the sonofabitch lies on the stand. To me, when I was operating, it was a job. They had their job, I had my job. If we got busted it was our stupid ass, or they were lucky. That was it.
When you’re in jail a lot of things go through your mind. You say, man, this is it. Ain’t worth it. When you get out, it’s a different ballgame altogether. When I left the prison, got my papers to go, I did tell myself, Sam, pack it in. Get yourself a little shop, stay legit. Really, I think I was even trying to lie to myself. In the back of my mind, now, I am knowing that if eight, nine grand came up fast, I’d grab it.
I am a firm believer that prisons don’t rehabilitate. When somebody gets tired of crawling in windows, then he’ll stop. Even with all the psychologists and counselors in the penitentiary, prisons don’t rehabilitate. When I got to the Midstate Penitentiary this last time, it was a shocker how the penitentiaries have changed. This time, holy fuck, you got the counselors, the teachers, the psychologists, the psychiatrist. You got programs for this and that, you got furloughs for good behavior, you got hearing boards for misconduct shit. A lot more kids, a lot of dopers and penny-ante thieves in prison now. A lot more assholes. Guys come in with radios and TVs. I’m thinking, holy fuck, is this really a penitentiary? The older prisons were tougher, a lot tougher in terms of doing without. Just the bare essentials was all you got.
But doing time is harder now ‘cause today you got all this psychological bullshit, all the assholes who are in prison, and the code is weaker. There used to be a helluva code in prison. That is weaker now. Myself, as far as doing time, I just skated by. Go by the rales on the outside, play along with the counseling bullshit, get along with everybody but don’t kiss anybody’s ass. There’s a borderline there.
Don’t forget this, there are a lot of guys that can’t make it out there. I don’t know if you can understand that. A whole lot of guys become something in jail, and out of jail they’re shit. Can’t make it on the street. They’ll do something to get caught so they can go back to jail to be somebody. Believe me. Not that going back to the penitentiary is going to do that person any goddamn good.
Is more of this today on account there are more losers who can’t make it on the outside and ‘cause the penitentiaries are softer. In jail they at least will have a roof over their head and a couple of meals a day. So, it is no big deal if you are sent back to the penitentiary, say, if you are the ordinary street thief. Except if you are a doper or an alkie, then maybe will fear going back to the penitentiary on account will have to face the grief from doing without the dope.
You hang with your own kind in prison. You got cliques. I wouldn’t be messing around with the baby rapist and the dopers. Different society, know what I mean? Your safecrackers and good thieves would hang together. Your stickup men would hang together. You’d rap about what you were into and that stuff. Same as you. You’re a professor, right? You aren’t gonna hang with the hippies and losers.
This has changed some since I did the big time in the fifties. This last time at Midstate, you are still hanging with your own kind. But are fewer decent thieves in prison. So now hang more with the lifers on account there are more of them in the penitentiary today. Big thing in the penitentiary today, is you have a lotta assholes and dopers. A lotta kids, really, who shouldn’t even be in prison. That is a main reason it is harder to do time today, are so many assholes and kids.
I did get involved with some of the counseling this last time in Midstate. On account the one program dealt with juveniles, with kids that were getting in trouble. Was asked by the superintendent if myself and couple of other cons would meet with them, let them know what prison was like, what they were headed for if they got in more trouble. Wanted us to scare them, is what it boiled down to. Some of them I shook up pretty good—”Yeah, would like to see you come to the penitentiary, you have a nice ass, soft face—not as good as real pussy but can’t be choosy in here.” Other ones blew you off. But still I’m thinking I am making a dent, am helping them even if they’re thinking, “This guy is only blowing wind up his ass.”
For me doing time was more a nuisance than anything. I sure as hell didn’t want to be in the penitentiary but I could block out the outside world and skate by the rules on the inside. Is a fine line there for getting along with the guards or the other staff people and not being an asshole inmate that is kissing up to the officials and is probably a snitch too. [Sam uses inmate as a derogatory term for a convict who goes out his way to please the officials.]
This last time especially, the other cons looked up to me and the guards too. It was known in prison that I was a pretty decent guy but could get nasty if I had to. And the name carries from having done time before and from different ones knowing what I was like on the outside.
Is a lotta tension, lotta bad feelings, between the races in the penitentiary but you can skate your way around that. A lotta white guys hate the blacks. Is that way before they do time, but is worse after they come to the penitentiary. Goes the other way, too, where the chip on their shoulder a lot of black guys have toward the white guy is worse after they’ve been in the penitentiary. I got along with just about everybody. Even with the blacks.
I learned a lot in the penitentiary. How to get over on people. Be a hustler hut not an asshole hustler. Am learning this from being a merchant and from having to hold my own with other cons. Will test you in a lot of ways, will find out what you’re made of. If I had a store [barter site for scarce goods] I was careful to not overdo the getting over on someone but still let it be known, yeah, any debts have to be paid. And stayed away from the loansharking.2 Learned how to read people, especially where different kinds of thieves and hustlers are coming from. Who’s a bullshitter and who isn’t? Learned who to hang with, that there is a helluva pecking order. Hang with the assholes, then will think you’re an asshole too. Can hang with this or that black con if he’s accepted and isn’t a snitch. But otherwise, no, the white guys and the better thief won’t associate with you.
Is the same with larceny in the heart. In a way you’re telling yourself, when I get out I’m going go straight, pack it in. But, really, what you are seeing and the conversations you are hearing you are becoming more jaded. All you are hearing is about this scam or this way to hustle—but even more so, how the system is fucked up. Sure, it is guys whining, but it is sinking in, too, that this or that cop is on the take. That, hey, the ordinary business guy is more than just a little shady. Put it this way, the penitentiary didn ‘t knock any larceny outta me. In a way gave me more confidence that if I did fall back into crime, there is a better way to go about it.
Main thing I learned is, crime is a business. That was the biggest change for me. If you’re going to stay in crime, then do it for the money and treat it as a business. Get past doing it for bullshit reasons—for the devilment, for the kick, for being part of something or being noticed by your buddies. Is a realization that how you were doing crime before—whew, how little thought there was, just do it. May have thought you were decent at it at the time but now know you were only blowing wind outta your ass.
I would say this is a big thing for most of your thieves, even the ordinary thief. Especially for the thief who is in his twenties and if he does a good bit in the penitentiary. May start before that if the guy has done short bits in jail or the juvenile reformatory, hut that first good hit in the penitentiary is a wake-up to the fact that crime is a business. I have heard so many guys say that. Take Rocky, before going to the penitentiary, I would get on his case. He would listen but only so far. After coming out of the penitentiary, was a different awareness on Rocky’s part. Same with the older Beck boy. May still clip for the excitement and to go along with the crowd but is a whole lot more of the business side to their clipping than before.
Having done time in the penitentiary, yes, you will worry about getting popped and doing time again. But less than you are thinking. The main change is between your ears, in the mental side, to where you are thinking ahead more and doing more of the little things so you don’t get caught. More preparation, be more careful about who you work with and about who knows your business. Be ready to accept it [going back to the penitentiary] but that thought is more on the back burner.
Doesn’t mean you will keep doing crime. If all that comes your way are bullshit crimes, the penny-ante stuff and where there is a lot of risk, might as well pack it in. Do something else. Same thing, if a good legit job comes along or fall into decent money, then pack it in or at least slow down. Go where the money is, that is now more and more your mind-set.
I’d rank next [right after learning that crime is a business] that I met a lot of people from the penitentiary, that a lot of contacts came my way from doing time. Not that you intentionally keep in touch or send fucking Christmas cards but more that you bump into guys you knew from the penitentiary. Maybe because you stop at the same places or end up getting the same kind of legit jobs. Even more it’s because the name carries—from this guy knowing that guy who knows that guy, “Yeah, I knew him in the penitentiary, you can do business with him.” I’m not sure what you’d call it, a sixth sense or whatever the ex-con has, but knowing without even asking that this or that guy did time. Will know, too, that if this guy has done time, he knows the ropes and will not be blabbing to the police. If he’s not interested in clipping, will still help you out in little ways—like, “Hey, what can you tell me about so and so?” Is a helluva a grapevine that comes from doing time, especially if you’re a decent con.
The worst time for me was the seven, eight months I spent in the halfway house after I was released from Midstate. Place was a zoo. Fucking kids and the staff just drawing their paycheck. I had to let everybody know I wasn’t to be fucked with. This you know ‘cause the guy in charge was there when it happened and told you about it. Is a refrigerator in the place so guys can buy food and make sandwiches and that to take with you to work or eat a snack when you get back from working. I am buying myself lunchmeat and orange juice, right? But this is happening pretty regular—I go the refrigerator and the lunchmeat is gone. Same with the orange juice. It is a Thursday evening and everybody is pretty much there, mostly watching television. I gets back from work and go to the refrigerator. Is one slice of lunchmeat left and a few drops of orange juice. I am hot. I yanked the plug out of the fucking television. Stood right next to it, pulled out my dick and pissed in the orange juice container. Then rubbed the lunchmeat on my dick. Put the lunchmeat and the juice back in the refrigerator. Walked out. No more needed to be said.
The first months, the first year out of the penitentiary is the hardest. Especially if you’ve been in the penitentiary a while. Can be pretty edgy when you get out. Want to make up for lost time. Maybe have a chip on your shoulder, are thin-skinned about how you fit in. Can be a bitterness there that will slant how you see things. Will have the parole people watching your ass to see if you slip up. This pisses a lot of guys. Their old buddies are pushing on them, and some loser women too. Big thing for most guys is to get money in their pocket ‘cause have been doing without for so long. Can be easy to fall back into the clipping and the kind of clipping that can take you back to the penitentiary.
Get through the first year, then there is a settling down. Will have a better outlook on how to handle things, to walk away from the bullshit. If go back to clipping, then know more what you’re doing. Accept the risk of getting popped and maybe doing time again. Not that this is dwelled on but is more an inkling, yeah, it could happen. If you wanna stay legit, find a job that you’re content with.
Lying in that goddamn hospital bed, many times I would go back over you what you would ask: Why do some guys pack it in and other guys like me stay at crime so long? Even more so, why do some guys pack it in when they’re younger, say, in their twenties or thirties? Pretty much everybody packs it in eventually—same as any legit job. Get too old or can’t hack it physically or just lose interest on account you been doing it so long or on account guys your age have packed it in and you don’t want to put up with the kids and the assholes. Sure as hell don’t wanna spend your last years in the penitentiary. But it is more than that. Get older, you have been there, you have done that. You are more content with what you have. More mellow, I guess.
It ain ‘t cut-and-dried. Many guys pull hack but don’t quit all the way. May eventually quit but it drags out. Then for other guys, they get busted or have a close call, maybe get shot at, or somebody leans on them—so have had enough. For them it is bang, bang, just pack it in.
One group is your ordinary thief that gets involved when he is kid, a juvenile. Does horseshit stuff—breaking into cars, into homes, or whatever. Maybe sells dope. Most are doing it for devilment, raise hell, be a big shot with their buddies, and for money to party with. If they are clipping pretty regular, will get popped or have a close call. This will get their attention. Even if they don’t get popped or do time, quite a few will pack it in. Not necessarily all the way, but will stop the horseshit stuff—more or less by the time they hit nineteen, twenty, twenty-five. On account of the hassles ‘cause, not that they would admit it, but most of them will lack the know-how and the contacts to make a decent dollar and to stay out of jail. Have a girlfriend or get a job, it is time to move on.
Here’s the thing. When you’re a kid you will steal for pennies ‘cause it is still spending money and for the devilment. But, you will outgrow that. The satisfaction is gone in stealing pennies. If you can’t do better than that, then will pull back or clip in other ways. Same as a kid who is working at a McDonald’s and they are paying him shit. That is still money and maybe is more than other kids his age have in their pocket. Now he is older and out of (high) school, chances are good he won’t be happy if all he is making from crime is pennies. So, will look to do something else.
Another group is guys like Lemont, a half-assed thief. Are into their twenties and are still clipping. Probably have done some time, maybe even a quite bit of time. Some are real losers, others are pretty decent thieves. But crime is more a business for them, is what they more or less do. Ones like Lemont will keep doing crime even though they keep getting hammered by the cops. Don’t want to work or can’t hold a job. Need the money to live the way they want. Pull jobs ‘cause they are short of cash. Maybe is a little thrill in doing it and hanging with other guys who are living the same way. Feed on each other, “Hey, there’s a place to clip. Let’s go for it.” But if they stay half-assed, the hassles and that will take away their wind. If they can get a job, even a horse-shit job, or get some woman to support them, just as well pack it in. If they stay at the clipping and are doing it pretty regular, the penitentiary is waiting.
This you will see, guys packing it in when they are hitting their late twenties or thirties. If don’t quit, then slow down. Know the chances are good they will get popped if they are clipping on a regular basis. The hassles of doing time and that do them in. But not all the way. If the coast is clear, they will clip off and on. Chisel at the place they work, maybe peddle some stolen goods, give tips to other burglars. They are reformed but not reformed, know what I mean.
Take Kevin Foley, he was a decent burglar, one of my regulars in American City. In his late twenties when I got popped for the fencing in American City. This shook him, so he packed in the burglary. Opened up a motorcycle shop and is doing very good. When he’s in the area, will stop by my shop in Tylers ville. Off and on he will deal dope or does some shady stuff with his business. That is fairly common.
A lot will depend on what the opportunities for clipping are, how big is the temptation. Remember Randy? Did some clipping with the oldest Beck boy. Is now in his thirties. Did time for stealing cars and breaking into cars. That was his main thing. Is now working for cleaning business that is a chain, drives one of trucks that runs supplies from one town to another. Turns out that a couple of the other drivers and some of the workers are peddling dope. The cleaning business is a good cover and can transport the dope from one place to another. Is pretty safe, so Randy is going along with it but is leery too. Tells me, yeah, he should go straight but is finding it hard to walk away. Not making big money from the dope but, with the legit pay, he is doing okay. The other guys involved are just ordinary joe blows. Is extra income. In my eye there is a lot of that.
You’d be surprised at this or that ordinary joe blow who has a regular job or has a business and wasn’t really involved in crime when he was younger, then ends up getting involved in dealing dope. This happens more than the public thinks. Especially if they are hanging with the party crowd. The Yuppie people is one part—this or that lawyer, this business guy, different ones that have good jobs. But also are ordinary joe Mows who like to party. Not just guys but party women. Live on the edge, at least a little. Manage to find one another. Is more of this today, the partying and using dope. Will be an opportunity for this or that one to peddle dope but stay within that circle. The risks will not be that great. Just don’t get greedy.
But can be hard to keep it small on account dealing in one circle can open up the contacts to deal in other circles, and the temptation will be there for the bigger dollar. Maybe a guy has a garage or a place to warehouse the dope or say he drives truck or knows how to fly a plane, he will be useful to people who are higher up in the dope peddling. But if he gets involved too heavy, then too many people will know and he will be taking more chances the police are knowing too.
This happened to Fuzzy’s son, the one we call Elvis on account of his sideburns. Real name is Todd. Have a good-sized garden and nursery place on the edge of Tylersville. Is a partnership except Fuzzy is the one who keeps it going. Todd likes to party. Is in his late thirties, a free spirit. Fun to be around. A ladies’ man. Not a doper or alkie but is into drinking and using dope. Comes five o’clock, Todd is done working and out the door. Is ready to party. Whatever money he makes, he is ready to spend. He will end up short of cash. May borrow from his dad or other times he will sell a little dope to people he is partying with. But this is pulling him in deeper. The guy Todd is buying from wants a layer in between. Turns out the police are eying this guy and the people he is seen with. Are squeezing this or that one, and the snitching starts. Bing, bing. A whole bunch are popped for dealing pot and cocaine and different kinds of pills. Was blown up in the paper like you wouldn’t believe. Todd was one of them, had his name on the front page.
Fuzzy came to me, to advise him on what to do. Gave him the name of my lawyer and another lawyer who I knew was okay. But not much a lawyer could do ‘cause by now everybody is snitching on everybody. Was a circus. Different ones are saying Todd was a main dealer. Except for a DUI [driving under the influence], Todd had a clean record. Takes a guilty plea and gets a short jail sentence like for six months but had to be on parole for a couple of years. Does his six months but then fucks up on parole. Now the judge has it in for Todd and sends him to the state penitentiary to do the time for the rest of his sentence.
Was a helluva wake-up for Todd. Didn’t do well in the penitentiary. Was a greenie with a pretty face and not enough roughness in him. The other cons took advantage of that. This time when Todd got out, you could see the change in him. Even in his eyes, is a sadness and some bitterness. The fun side is missing. To hear Fuzzy talk, Todd is way more serious about taking over the business now but his spark is gone.
Even more so, you will find guys who peddled dope when they were younger but now are in their forties or whatever—need the money or just miss the excitement, and then are dealing dope again. Know they have the know-how and maybe want to see if they can still do it. Doesn’t have to be dope now, maybe they were into other kinds of clipping. Can be a helluva temptation on account they’ve been there, still have the larceny in the heart, and the extra dollars are a pull. Maybe have kept in touch or just bump into guys you palled with before and it comes out this or that one is still operating. Especially if you’re in a pinch [financially], it is easy to fall back into it—not all the way like you once were but on a smaller scale. Lotta guys don’t retire, don’t quit all the way. Just slow down or shift to other areas. Maybe stay more in the background, more part-time. If the opening is there and it is safe, they won’t walk away. But they really aren’t thieves anymore, at least not like they once was.
I don’t know how to explain it. When you get older you get tired of the hassles, all the bullshit you have to put up with. When you’re young, you don’t think about prison—doesn’t really concern you. When you’re older, it’s not that you fear prison but that you don’t want to waste your time there. There’s more to lose when you get older. This last time I lost my shirt—my business, just about everything. Look at what I would lose now. The shop I have built up. Being there for my grandkids. Not just myself, but Wanda and the guys in my shop would be fucked too. When I did time in my twenties, I didn’t lose shit.
Most thieves are penny-ante. They’re not getting rich off of stealing. No way. So with all the hassles and bullshit, why not pack it in. The higher-ups, like Phil and Nicky, are making good money and there are fewer hassles. If they are careful, stay in the background, don’t get too greedy, there is very little risk for them. May have to pay a horseshit fine once in a while, for gam-bling and that, but that’s about it. With one foot in the grave, they will still have their fingers in it.
Same with Steelbeams and Bowie and Gordie—they are still clipping and very regular. Steelbeams is in his forties. Bowie and Gordie are close to fifty, maybe older. They work on tips, pull inside jobs. I would like to make what they are making. The last couple of times I saw Gordie, he was hobbling like an old man. Arthritis will flare up and then you would think he was a cripple. Bowie more and more is bitching about the physical side. That he is getting to old to crawl into places, should come to work for me in my shop. I told him he was blowing wind out of his ass. But you know the time will come to pack it in. Can bring in some younger guys to help out with the heavy part but you can only guide them so far.
The law of averages is against you, if you are clipping a lot. But if you are careful and limit the jobs you do, it is hard to catch a burglar or a guy who is stealing cars. Even when the cops are figuring you are the ones pulling the jobs. If there is no snitching, no blabbering to one’s buddies or girlfriend, it is hard to get the evidence to make an arrest and put someone away. Jesse and I were never caught for safes, never caught for stealing the nickel and copper. Only time we got nailed was for the antique job. All the jobs we pulled, only got nailed that one time.
Take Rocky. Has been twenty years since he did time for burglary. Was okay at it but not what you would call “good.” First years out of the penitentiary, he was pretty reckless. Would do the scouting and planning okay, but then would sometimes be drinking or using dope on the job. Was hooked up with a couple of decent burglars but would also pull jobs with some assholes. This led to Rocky getting jammed up but the cops couldn’t pin it on. But they weren’t going to let him walk. So played dirty—got him on a parole violation, for having a gun in his possession. See, it was the start of hunting season and the police were watching ‘cause they knew Rocky loved to hunt. He comes out of the timber, is heading for his truck—bang, bang, did you clear it with your parole officer to have a gun?
Rocky ended up doing about a year in the county jail. This time he gets out, you could see the change in him. Not to get out of crime, but for getting his act together. Was more caution in him, more careful who he worked with. Look for the good jobs. Don’t fuck with the penny-ante stuff. Not that he still couldn’t do dumb shit. Rocky’s main problem is he is hard-headed. Has the smarts, the know-how, and can keep his mouth shut. But cement in his head. I would chew him. Find a decent partner and stick with him. Otherwise hook up with one of the decent crews if they are looking for another guy to pull this or that job. Keep on the good side of your parole officer. Not let little shit get in your craw if he comes down hard on you. Get yourself a job so he thinks you’re legit. Even get yourself a girlfriend, so it will look like you’re settling down.
Rocky wanted no part of a regular [legit] job or having a girlfriend. Liked to chase pussy but didn’t want somebody nagging at him. Would work odd jobs off and on, but for many years never held a regular job. Didn’t wanna be tied down and some jobs he could get, he wanted no part of. Got his first regular job like five, six years ago, working for a vending company. Drives their van filling and emptying vending machines, like for cigarettes and picks up the cash. Has a route he’s responsible for. So can work out his own hours. This in a way has changed Rocky. Likes driving the track, likes meeting the people on his route. If they call, he is right there. It is funny to hear Rocky talk—wishes he had gotten a job like this sooner. Beats doing the burglary on account he doesn’t have to be looking over his shoulder if the cops are on to something or if somebody is gonna snitch. Would like the pay to be better but is enough to live on. At least knows the money is coming in ‘cause for someone like Rocky there would be dry spells between the stealing. He is very near to packing it in and maybe has done so already.
Is the job changing Rocky or is it because he is getting older? Or, are they working together to change him? A lot of thieves don’t work and don’t wanna work. Especially the younger ones. Are too lazy to work or because it interferes with their partying. Or because they don’t wanna take the jobs they can get. The better thieves aren’t lazy, it is more they don’t wanna be tied down. Jesse didn’t work when him and me were clipping. Jesse never really worked until he took the maintenance job after we got popped for the antique job. Bowie and Gordie have never had regular jobs. Still don’t.
But most of your thieves as they get older will end up at regular [legit] jobs. Especially the better thieves will have a job or maybe a little business. Is a cover and are bringing in bread you can fall back on it if you run short of cash. For the ordinary thief, the big thing from having a job is you don’t have to steal to keep the money coming in, to take chances when you shouldn’t. That is what I would tell them. Not that they listened to me but some did.
This is something that makes me feel good, lining up a job at Fuzzy’s for a friend of Bonnie’s [foreman in Sam’s shop] that has turned him around. I’m talking about Wayne, the one who you sometimes see at my shop. Did time for breaking in cars, which he fell back into after he got out of the penitentiary. Got him a job with Fuzzy [runs a garden and lawn business] doing deliveries and helping out in other ways. Has gotten to liking it. In my eye Wayne would’ve gone straight when he first got out of the penitentiary if that job had been there. Being in prison shook him. Was ready to go another direction. That he couldn’t find a job and is finding out in other ways that people hold it against you if you’re an ex-con, soured Wayne. Do the time, but you are still paying. I’m not saying Wayne was pushed back into crime, but you wonder if it coulda been otherwise.
Are a lot losers and a lot of dopers who will fall back into crime anyways. But a legit job is the biggest avenue for packing it in. Especially if the guys are little older and can cut back on the partying and chasing pussy, or can pull back from showing off to their buddies. Just listening to guys talk, will many times find they are making more from a legit job than from clipping. Or the difference ain’t that great and are doing without the hassles.
A good woman can help but in my eye that is many times blowing wind outta your ass. Some guys, yes, and if they have kids, may help too. A lot of guys hook up with women who are little shady and maybe are losers themselves. Not that the women are pushing them to stay in crime but won’t be on their case to quit either. Lot of other guys won’t stay with a woman if she is nagging them and getting in their way. Will want to come and go as they please. Older thieves especially, will live with a woman but are ready to pack their bag if she gives him much hassle. Not that they have never been married. At one time probably were married. But now can take it or leave it whether there is a woman in their life. Rocky’s mother would nag Rocky, he should find a good girl—as if that would turn Rocky around. Is after nookie once in a while, but is no way that will happen.
Rocky has taken up fishing the past few years. Very serious about it. Spends a lot of time at this hunting and fishing club. Is palling with some of the guys there. Is a niche for him, a satisfaction. He would rather do that than party or spend money. Has done for him what his mom has been hoping a girlfriend would do. I kid him about that. Is a factor in why he is pulling back from the burglary, no doubt about that.
Off and on I will bump into Mickey at the auctions. Goes as a pastime. An all-around thief, was decent at it and solid. I bought a lot of stuff from Mickey. Has packed it in all the way. Doesn’t miss it and his wife would dump him if he got involved again. She keeps an eye on him. They both work, so the money is okay and don’t have to worry about the cops being on your ass. That is what Mickey told me. I would egg him, -give him a hard time about being henpecked and wearing a skirt. But there wasn’t any play. Not that I wanted to pull him back in [into stealing] but more to hassle him.
Myself, I preferred to have a woman in my life. As long as I could come and go as I pleased. Don’t ask me too many questions. Then my bags are packed. I was with Becky about five years before I got popped for the fencing and ended up at Midstate. Was a close relationship and with her kids, too. Same with Wanda and her kids. Was a close relationship. Even more so I am closer to Wanda. She is a good woman.
Lisa is another story. She is more like the woman a lot of thieves and ex-cons hook up with. Was on dope, into partying. A good lay but as far as pulling me away from crime, no way. That I am still clipping and might fall back into crime all the way, isn’t on the radar screen for Lisa. She would not want me to get caught ‘cause then the money and a roof over her head would be gone. But as long as what I am doing is a benefit for her, didn’t interfere with her partying, then no big deal. Not that she was a bad person, not saying that, but she was living a pretty fucked-up life. Maybe down the road she would straighten herself out, then would probably get on my ass to reform or at least pull back. But while we was together, she wasn’t into reforming me. Not that it would’ve made any difference.
A main reason guys pack it in or pull back is because they lose the heart for clipping. Or find out they never had it. Happens more as guys get older, lose some of the edge they once had. Become more leery of who they can trust and just don’t want the hassles or the worries of clipping when others are involved. But it is hard to work alone on account four eyes or six eyes are better than two. Even more so, very few can clip alone. It isn’t in them to go out at night and break into a place, by their lonesome. Most guys will want somebody along. Their nerves are better.
In a way some guys stay at crime because that is what they are good at Are making a living and is a satisfaction in earning a good dollar. What they know is how to clip a place. Someone like Bowie, at his age what kind of a legit job could he get? Can maybe drive a truck or work in a warehouse, but where is the satisfaction? And can he handle the physical side of working at a warehouse, the lifting and that? Main thing is, what else is out there? It is hard to give up what you have. You don’t want to go backwards.
Here’s another thing. Once you pull back or, say, you do a long stint in the penitentiary, you are out of practice and have lost some of the edge. Say, I beat the cancer and get my legs back, I’d have a harder time doing burglaries today. Don’t think I could think quick witted as well as I should. Mostly because I am out of practice. Maybe don’t have the nerve I had before. Wouldn’t be as intense. Now, if I had a couple of jobs under my belt, I would get that back. It would be the same thing if you stopped teaching. Would lose that edge but is something that would come back to you. I would have a harder time until I pulled a couple of jobs, then be right back to where I was— except couldn’t run as fast, that is for sure. But couldn’t go out tonight and be at ease.
A lot of the same ones who were clipping in American City when I was operating, are clipping today—if not this way, then another way. Pretty much all of the little dealers, the secondhand and pawnshop guys are still at it. If not them, then their sons or a cousin has taken over. More of them have moved from the downtown ‘cause the downtown ain’t what you used to be. But other ones have stayed put. A lot of the same bookies are still operating. A lot of the same ones are running the taverns and the night spots where you will find the shady mixed in with the legit. Some of the businesspeople who I was dealing with are now hooked up with Phil or the Gucci brothers. Different cops who were shady back then are mostly retired but some are still hanging on. Don’t know who broke them in but are some new cop faces that are just as shady as the ones I operated with.
Even ones that are doing half-assed, if they are pretty well covered, they are still at it. Like Joey Page, cousin of Angelo. Always wanted to be a hotshot, wanted to be a big fence but couldn’t get the trust of people—especially from the better thief and from the business guy for unloading. How Joey lasted all these years without the cops busting his balls or somebody doing him in, is a mystery. Is a real asshole. But Joey is still hustling, still clipping one way or another. Some fencing, some dope dealing, shyster loans. Now one of his sons is involved.
Most of the big ones in American City, like the ones in the local clique, are still at it or they are dead or have one foot in grave. Someone like “Fat Charlie” Ciletti—stomach hangs over his belly, walks two steps is out of breath. Sold his business, ain’t doing nothing. Takes care of his grandchildren and that’s all. Gambles a little. Some shyster loans if he knows the person well but that is about it. His heart is bad. He had to pull back.
Guys like Charlie, if his heart hadn’t petered out, have more on the ball than the ordinary thief and got the better connections. They’re in a situation where they can make money, where they don’t really have to take the chances. So why pack it in? But say you are a penny-ante thief or horseshit burglar like S te vie Walljasper. I will give S te vie credit, could see the handwriting on the wall and had enough sense to pull back. Is mostly clean now but still may hit a place or pick up something. And sells a little dope, to his friends and to their friends. So, he is reformed but not all the way. Are quite a few like that.
Is a big difference between regular clipping and moonlighting,3 in how each is approached. When Jesse and me was clipping regular, that was our focus. Was almost a day-in and day-out thing. Jesse even more so ‘cause I am running my upholstery and secondhand shop. But the clipping is what we was about—the planning, the scouting, the thinking ahead about what we will do after we clip the place, a lotta conversations between ourselves. Same with Rocky when he was clipping regular—is breaking into places with his buddies nearly every week, sometimes two, three times a week. That is what they talked about, is what they did. Outside of loafing and some partying, they are eating and sleeping the clipping.
Moonlighting is more laid back, take things as they come. Someone like Jesse is spending a whole lot less time on the burglary now than he was before. His main thing now is his job and taking out his boat. Most days the burglary is not even on the table, except that he is keeping his eyes open. Is an awareness but hardly a conscious thing. Is on the lookout for a good opportunity, yes—in a way all the time but in another way hardly at all. Will keep in touch with the lawyer and that for tips. Check them out. If Jesse likes what he sees, then the scouting and the planning becomes a main focus. But otherwise the burglary is very much a sideline.
Same with Rocky these last years. He mostly is at work or is putzing around with one of his buddies or is out fishing by himself. Has places he will stop at for lunch or to kill time, like at the one hunting and fishing club. Keeps in touch with some guys who are into burglary. Are pretty much like Rocky, have slowed down from what they were once doing. Or will bump into one another from dropping in at the same places. This or that opportunity may come up in conversation. Maybe this guy will check it out. May egg each other a little but usually in no rush. Have a different mind-set—the burglary may still be an important side of you, but have a life that is more than that and you are weighing the risks better. The eye for clipping is still there hut is more restful, which is different from the guy who is regularly clipping.
To do what Jesse has been doing is a good way to go. Has everybody thinking he has packed it in, even me. Then find out later he is still clipping places but is working alone. Does a job or two a year, from tips he is getting. Jesse has worked himself up to supervisor of maintenance in the county, is his own boss, and the pay is good. He would not want to jeopardize that. Would not want the ones he works with and different people he knows to find out he is a thief. Is very leery about Bernice finding out, would not want to put Bernice through the worries anymore.
The big change in Jesse is after we got popped for the antique burglary, but he already is pulling back from safes. We were getting too known in Jesse’s eye. But Jesse is getting older, too, can see the writing on the wall. He is thinking it is better to have a legit job, only clip when the really good opportunity is there. The burglary is now a very sideline thing for Jesse, when before it was his main thing. In a way that is what it means to be a good thief that he knows when to pull back or move to a different racket.
But say Jesse doesn’t like the job, doesn’t wanna take the bullshit that comes with it—In my eye Jesse would have gone back to clipping. Him and me would’ve lasted a lot longer as partners. Eventually, yes, Jesse would have slowed down—you pretty much have to at some point. Same way as in a legit job where you are getting tired of the hassles and can’t take the physical side.
Even myself, not sure I could do what Jesse does. Very few can clip alone. It isn’t in them to go out at night and break into a place, by their lonesome. Most guys will want somebody along. Their nerves are better. I don’t think I’m that much of a pussy that I wouldn’t break into a place myself [Sam in fact has]. I don’t scare easy. For me, it is just a feeling of being more comfortable or whatever if there is an extra pair of eyes. Maybe ‘cause I am more trusting than Jesse. In a way, too, I like to be part of something, which is different than Jesse.
Are a lot of twists and turns in anybody’s life, sure as hell in mine. A push here, a push there, but then is a linkage for one thing leading to another thing.
My doing time in the juvenile reformatory itself was a big push. Not so much for learning but you hear guys talk. Are puffing themselves up about the shit they’ve pulled. Are making it sound easier and better than it is. You know they are mostly blowing wind outta their asses but still you are taking it in. Very little penitence on their part. Main thing I learned was I could do the time. I don’t know how to say it, when I first got popped there was a fear there—’cause you hear stories about the shit that goes on in jail and that. I didn’t like jail but found out it wasn’t so bad. For some guys, yes, but quite a few other ones could handle it.
This paved the way, at least a little, for the after-work burglary. I’m twenty, twenty-one, when this got started. Guys just horsing around after work, the night shift. Went on for a couple of years. Steal tires, break into places. A couple of the guys hadn’t done time like me but did some clipping when they were kids [juveniles]. Was quite a bit of devilment on their part. For myself, having done the burglary with Ronnie and then doing the time in the juvenile reformatory, there was very little second-guessing on my part. Should we do this, should we do that? “Yeah, let’s go.”
Take yourself, say, you didn’t pull much when you were a kid. Some devilment but not really into the clipping. Now you’re twenty, twenty-five, the opportunity is there to clip and maybe are some guys who are egging you. Say you go along with it, once or a few times. The chances are you will be looking over your shoulder, there is a fear there and maybe you can’t look at yourself in the mirror. So, you are holding back. Whereas myself, I have been there— will have some knowledge, very little fear on my part, no problem looking at myself in the mirror. Not that I really know what I’m doing but I’m thinking I do. Am comfortable with myself and can enjoy it—not just at getting away with something but palling with the guys and making a buck, whereas you are too shaky to do that.
Same way, if you are an angel as a kid, if there is very little devilment in you. Even more so if you are a nerd, not a free spirit in you. You will be less likely to get into crime down the road. Just won’t feel comfortable doing it. You’re not gonna touch the clipping even if the good opportunity is there. Unless maybe, you really hit hard times. You’d be surprised at how much larceny is in people if they are in a pinch. But otherwise, no, you won’t be able to look at yourself in the mirror. Even more, you won’t have the heart or the knowledge. It just wouldn’t be you.
When you’re young you want to be part of something, do what others are doing. Is an enjoyment in jerking the adults’ chains, of getting away with something. Get older, will outgrow some ofthat but most people will still have some larceny in them, will want some excitement in their lives. But can be a point there where you can get to liking the clipping and are feeling comfort-able with it. Is now more than just devilment. This will pave the way down the road ‘cause in a way you have some knowledge and the fear isn’t there, and can look at yourself in the mirror. And will be more likely to hang with a crowd that sees things the same way, are on the take at least in little ways, so will be more openings for clipping.
But a bigger push for me was the escape from jail. Whew, only a couple of months from my release date, then a fucking queer hits on me and I end up busting his balls. Bang, bang, I am given more time. Being on the run changed things, which ended up with me doing the big time. I don’t know if there’s a new me when I leave the penitentiary that time, but the old me is not the same. I have been through a lot, learned a lot, saw a lot. I have a better eye for clipping and more larceny in the heart. In a way there is an acceptance on my part to combine the clipping with the legit. Go after the dollar both ways. Whichever way brings in the better dollar, then do that.
Here’s the thing. Same as any ex-con, I am knowing the good jobs won’t be coming my way. Guys will bullshit in prison about having a good job lined up or wanna go into business. But deep down you know, it doesn’t work that way. My thing has always been to have a legit job, to knock on doors until you get one. Even a horseshit one like the one at the furniture place when I first landed in American City. It turns out this helped to get a little business going in upholstery and antiques. Now I had a new thing, being a businessman you might say. Then the fencing takes off.
If that hadn’t happened, would I have stayed with the burglary longer, say, like a Jesse or a Bowie? No need to answer that. You have to do what you have to do, to put bread on the table but more so to where you don’t owe anybody. I am big believer in that—you live your life, not somebody else’s. As far as this last period: if my legit business wasn’t doing so good, yes, then notch up the fencing. At least a little anyways.
1. Sam adds, “It is surprising how many I would bump into. Would ask how they’re doing? Is their nose clean? Hey, who is operating? What about so-and-so? Some of them were no longer clipping, weren’t active any more. But they were curious to find out what was happening and gossip about what they know, and to reminisce about the old days.”
2. Penitentiary “loan sharks” loan cigarettes (a main medium of exchange in prisons) to inmates who want to get in a card game. The going rate in Sam’s time period was a carton of cigarettes for one and a half cartons back. If you lose in the card game, the loan shark is owed fifteen packs. The loan shark is often seen as a dicey, exploitative role because the “pull of gambling” and “poor gambling skills” can easily lead to high debt.
3. This is Steffensmeier’s term that Sam eventually adopted to describe the shift between regular versus part-time or sideline clipping.