First and foremost, I express my gratitude to Parma Pujya Swami Viditatmanandji for his divine blessings has made this publication a reality.
I would like to thank my wife Dipti, not only for sharing the vision and providing the motivation to make this book become reality, but in addition for her continuing support for going through this book with care and indulgence.
How can I forget my sons Hirak and Nehal, not only they made arrangement for the publication, but provided moral support and encouragement at every stage during the preparation of manuscript. Thank you for understanding how important it has been for me to write this book. Thank you also to my daughter in laws Dipa and Tarjani and little Rishi and Ashni.
I thank whole my family and friends for providing me all kind of help and support during the course of this book.
Our Vedas, Charak Samhita, Sushruta Samhita have immense wisdom that can guide us for keeping good health and maintaining mental equilibrium. I am indebted to ancient sages as well as sages of our time who brought this wisdom for us.
I am grateful to the authors of number of books, journals without which there would be nothing to support my words.
I am obliged to Maveric Pana, Ann Minoza and Joe Anderson, Partridge India, a Penguin Randsom House Company for having printed this book in short time.
Finally, I would like to express my gratitude to my mother Smt Bakulben S. Vora for her love and affection.
I am really thankful to my friends, well-wishers for their sincere support by way of thoughts, words and deed.