Bala: A Cure for Parkinson’s Disease

One of the biggest tragedies of human civilization is the precedents of chemical therapy over nutrition. It’s a substitution of artificial therapy over nature, of poisons over food, in which we are feeding people poisons trying to correct the reactions of starvation.

Royal lee

Bala or Sida cordifolia Linn is an important plant in Ayurveda system of medicine. Bala is a Sanskrit word which means strength. It is also known as an Aphrodisiac. The species name, cordifolia, refers to the heart-shaped leaf. It is used for weight loss, and boosting physical endurance and strength. It is often used by athletes and bodybuilders. This is a sweet, cold and heavy herb that builds immunity. Bala contains five out of the six tastes, a rare property, so it is widely used to nourish all body tissues (sapta dhatus). Bala is soothing and mucilaginous, so particularly used against vata nerve disorders and it is combined with other tonics for specific organs such as with arjuna for heart.

Bala Herbal Information

1. Nomenclature

Family Name: Malvaceae

Scientific Name: Sida cordifolia

Sanskrit Name: Bala

English name: Country Mallow

Common name: Kungyi, bala, country mallow, heart-leaf sida, flannel weed.

2. Bio-energetics

Rasa: Madhura

Guna: Laghu, snigdha, picchila

Viyra: Shita

Vipaka: Madhura

Dosha: VPK=

Karma: Vatapitta shamak, Vedanasthapana, Shotahara, Balya, Vatahara, Grahi, Hrudya, Raktapitta shamak, shukrala, Prajasthapana, Mutrala, Jvaragna, Balya, Brumhana, Ojovardhak

3. Biomedical Action

Diaphoretic, diuretic, anti-asthmatic, stimulating, strengthening, energizing, anti-pyretic, anti-ulcer, anti-inflammatory.


It is a weed of roadsides and wasteland found in all districts. Bala is a perennial subshrub of the mallow family Malvaceae native to India. It is distributed throughout tropical and sun tropical India and Sri lanka, growing wild along the roadside in villages. It has naturalized throughout the world, and is considered an invasive weed by invasive groups in Africa, Australia, the southern United States, Hawaiian Islands, New Guinea, and French Polynesia. Since it is unwanted weed, it competes with the cultivated crop for nutrients, light, humidity.

Botanical Characters

S. cordifolia is an erect perennial plant grows to about 0.5 to 2.0m (20 to 79 in) in length. The entire plant covered with soft white felt-like hair that is responsible for one of its common names, “flannel weed”, The stems are yellow-green, hairy, long and slender. The yellow-green leaves are oblong covered with hairs, and 3.5 to 7.5 cm (1.4 to 3.0 in) long by 2.5 to 6 cm (0.98 to 2.4 in) wide. The flowers are dark yellow, sometimes with a darker orange center. As a weed, it invades cultivated fields, competing with main cultivated crop. The roots of Sida are 5 to 13 cm long and about 0.62 cm in diameter.

Plant Parts Used

Roots, fruits, leaves and seeds

Chemical Constituents

S. cordifolia whole plant contains alkaloids to the extent of 0.085 %. A study reported 0.112% of alkaloid in whole plant. Seeds contain much higher quantities i.e.,0.32 % of alkaloid, than either the stems, leaves or roots. The principal portion of alkaloid was identified to be ephedrine. The seeds contain 3.23% fatty oils, seed oil contains sterculic, malvalic and coronaric acids.

Health Benefits

Bala has numerous health benefits
