Rasona: A Boon For High Cholesterol
“If we doctors threw all our medicines into the sea, it would be that much better for our patients and that much worse for the fishes.”
Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendel Holmes, MD
Garlic (Allium sativum) is a member of the family Liliaceae has been widely recognized as valuable remedy for number of diseases. The botanical name, Allium may have originated from the Celtic word ‘all’ meaning pungent and the word sativum from the Latin word ‘sative’, meaning sown from the seeds. Rasona is a Sanskrit word means ‘lacking a taste’, derived from rasa meaning ‘taste’ and una meaning ‘lacking’, as except sour taste it contain all six tastes. Rasona, well known as Lasuna among Indians. Garlic is practically grown throughout the world, it is believed that garlic appears to have originated in central Asia then spread to China, and the Mediterranean region before moving west to Central and Southern Europe, Northern Africa (Egypt) and Mexico. Historical records show its medicinal use about 5,000 years ago, and for at least 3,000 years, it is a part of Chinese medicine. It is a boon for conditions like high cholesterol, high blood pressure and even deposition of the toxins inside the body. In addition of its reputation as a healthy food, garlic’s anti- bacterial, anti-viral, anti-fungal, and antioxidant properties have also been demonstrated. The Egyptians, Babylonians, Greeks, and Romans used garlic for healing purposes. In 1858, Louis Pasteur noticed garlic’s antibacterial activity, and in England it was used as an antiseptic to prevent gangrene during World War I and World War II. Garlic’s current principal medicinal uses are to prevent and treat cardiovascular disease by lowering blood pressure and cholesterol, as an antimicrobial, and as a preventive agent for cancer. The active constituents are several complex sulfur-containing compounds that are rapidly absorbed, transformed and metabolized. The delicious bulbs of this annual are a veritable herbal panacea.
Rasona Herb Information
1. Nonencalture
Family name: Liliaceae
Scientific Name: Allium sativum – Bulbus
Sanskrit Name: Lashuna, Rasona,
English Name: Garlic, Lashun
Common Name: Garlic, Lashun, Lasan
2. Bioenergetics
Rasa (taste) Tikta, madhura
Virya: Ushna
Vipaka ; Tikta
Guna (quality) Heavy, unctuous, penetrating
Dosha effects: VK-, P+
Dhatu: All tissues
Srota: Digestive, respiratory, circulatory, reproductive,
Karma: Balya, Caksusya, Dipana, Hrdya, Kaphahara, Medhya, Raktadosahara, Vatahara, Vrsya, Varnya, Pittadusanakara, Bhagnasandhanakara, Rasayana, Jantughna, Kanthya, Asthi, Mamsa Sandhankzar
3. Biomedical Action
Carminative, vermifuge, vasodilator, expectorant, anti-cholesterol, anti-bacterial/fungal/ viral, anti-oxidant, fibrinolytic,
Garlic is believed to have first grown in central asia, from where its cultivation and use spread to the rest of the world. It is now commonly cultivated in the Mediterranean region, Egypt, Kenya, India, China, Philippines, and Brazil. It grows well in areas with cool and dry climates. The plant grows erect as an annual or biennial plant.

Rasona Bulbs
Botanical Characters
The leaves are long 200 – 1,000 mm in length, alternate; there is one leaf per node along the stem. Leaves are growing only at the base of the plant. Leaf blade is linear, very narrow with more or less parallel sides. Flower petal colour is green to brown, white or pink to red, flower petal length 3-5 mm. The inflorescence is an umbel type. Because of short axis it appears that all flowers originate from the same point. The fruit is a capsule type. The bulb which is the only eaten part is of compound nature, consisting of many bulblets, technically known as cloves grouped together between membranous structure and enclosed within white thin skin, which hold them together in a sac.
Plant Parts Used
Health Benefits
Garlic has number of health benefits.
- • It modifies pulse, modulates the rhythm of the heart and relieves symptoms of high blood pressure and dizziness.
- • Garlic helps to lower serum lipids, and breaks down cholesterol that might have accumulated in the blood vessels. This way it helps in restoring elasticity to the arteries, thus preventing heart attacks. Garlic is a popular supplement as a healthy choice among people looking to increase cardiovascular wellness.
- • It directly benefits the heart by reducing kapha and ama in the rasa, rakta and meda dhatus and this has the effect of lowering blood cholesterol and reducing clotting; potential use in thrombosis and varicose veins.
- • It enhances the body’s immunity as well as directly removing pathogens. It can be both prophylactic and therapeutic for many infections. Garlic supports immune function in patients with AIDS.
- • Helicobacter pylori is responsible for causing stomach ulcers. Galic is found to inhibit the growth of this bacteria.
- • As a circulatory stimulant it warms the whole body. This regulatory effect on the circulation is further demonstrated by either lowering or raising blood pressure depending on the condition it balances, restores and regulates.
- • Garlic selectively kills microorganisms that might be harmful for the body while also keeping normal flora of intestinal tract. It stimulates the secretion of digestive juices and cures inflammations of the digestive tract as well. This is a unique mechanism of repair of intestistal lining.
- • Garlic extracts have been tested and found to be effective as aphrodisiac, and cures impotency when taken regularly.
- • As Garlic Powder is well known to improve the blood circulation to all parts of body including skin; it is a recommended dietary supplement for skin diseases. Garlic Powder is one of the best dietary supplements to increase libido.
- • Garlic powder is a good healer of fractured bone so it is a recommended dietary supplement for fractured bones, weak bones and in osteoporosis.
- • Garlic Powder is a supporter of digestive system in all aspects. It is a well known fact that piles are the resultant of disturbed digestive system. so it is a natural remedy for piles.
- • As Garlic Powder nourishes the every part of body it is one of the best Ayurveda supplement to increases physical strength
- • Presence of sulphur, is rejuvenative for the respiratory system. This is the reason garlic powder is a recommended as dietary supplement for asthma and other respiratory system problems.
- • The body nourishing characteristic of garlic powder makes it a good supplement for weight gain. If you want to use garlic to improve your health, the best way is by ingesting at least one clove a day.
- • Rasona is extensively used in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, sciatica, lumbago, back pain and cervical spondylitis.
- • It is also recommended in the treatment of leprosy, diseases of nervous system, infections by bacteria and viruses, intestinal worms etc.
- • Garlic has an astounding effect on diabetes since one of its extracts (allicin) acts as anti-diabetic agent. It also lowers blood glucose levels.
- • Garlic’s anti-inflammatory properties make it particularly effective against arthritis, lumbago, and rheumatism.
- • Garlic extracts were tested and found to reduce the absorption of lead and cadmium (which are toxic, heavy metals) in internal organs such as liver and the kidney, thus reducing the effect of toxic heavy metal poisoning.
- • Garlic is highly nutritious. 28 g of garlic will provide 23% daily requirement of manganese, 17% of vitamin B 6, 15% of vitamin C, 6% of selenium. In addition it contains calcium, copper, potassium, iron, phosphorus and provide 42 calories.
- • It boosts immune system. In one study it is proved that daily garlic supplement reduce the incidence of cold by 63 %. The average length of cold was also reduced by 70 %.
- • In one study garlic supplementation have a significant impact in reducing blood pressure in people with history of high blood pressure.
- • Garlic supplement can reduce total cholesterol and LDL. However it has got no effect on triglyceride level and HDL.
- • We know that oxidative damage due to free radicals is the root cause of aging and diseases. Garlic contains antioxidants that protect against cell damage. The combined action of reduction in cholesterol and antioxidant may help prevent Alzheimer and brain diseases.
- • Modern science has shown that Garlic is a powerful antibiotic, broad-spectrum rather than targeted. The body does not appear to build up resistance to the garlic, so its positive health benefits continue over time.
- • Garlic could help people to live long.
- • Garlic acts as an effective antiseptic while also relieving the patient of pain from the wound.
Home Remedy
- • Instill medicated oil in the affected ear drop by drop by tilting the head to opposite side and retain it for about 30 minutes by plugging the ear with cotton swab. Repeat the process for other ear if affected. Instillation of oil in the ears can be done twice daily for 2-3 days. Medicated mustard oil is prepared by taking slightly crushed fresh 5-6 cloves in 20 ml mustard oil and and heating in low fire for 5-10 minutes till garlic become brown. Filter through cloth and use when ever needed. Recommended for earaches.
- • Garlic may be used safely in pregnancy and breast-feeding. However, consumption by breast-feeding mothers may impact the infant’s behavior during breast-feeding, causing prolonged attachment to the breast and increased sucking.
- • People allergic to garlic may develop a rash from touching or eating the herb. Consult your practitioner before using garlic if you are pregnant
- • Avoid large amounts of garlic if you are taking aspirin or other drugs that thin the blood
- • Avoid garlic for 10 days prior to operative surgery. There may be a positive interaction with statins by increasing the cholesterol lowering effects and monitoring is advised.