Vidanga: A Herb For Intestinal Worms
“The art of medicine consists of amusing the patient while nature cures the disease”
Vidanga is an Ayurvedic herb(Embella ribes burm F), popularly known as Vavding’ in Ayurveda, is a red-listed species belonging to the family Myrsinaceae. In sanskrit, this herb is known as jantanasa. Charak, Sushruta, Vagbhatta all renouned ancient rishis recommended vidanga as a therapeutic in treatment of several diseases. Sushruta has identified it as anthelmintic, alternative tonic herb and recommended to cure for various health disorders. It is a germicidal and bactericidal herb. It is considered one of the best Ayurvedic herbs for eliminating intestinal worms and other parasites. A warming herb used for managing all skin diseases, alleviating thirst, and it has a fruit that looks a lot like black pepper and so is sometimes called false lady pepper. It is anti-estrogenic and, used as oral contraceptive. E. ribes is a highly valuable medicinal plant with carminative, antibacterial, antibiotic, hypoglycemic, and antifertility properties. It is considered to be vulnerable due to excessive harvesting, because of its many uses.
Vidanga Herb Information
1. Nomenclature
Family: Myrsinaceae
Scientific Name: Embelia ribes Burm F
Sanskrit Name: Janatansa
Common Names: Vellah, Baberang, Viranga, Vayuvilanga, Vilal, Kattukodi, Embelia
Other Uncommon Names: Black Pepper, White-flowered Embelia, Janntughna, Kapala, Chitratandula, Krmighna, Vella, Krmihara, Krmiripu, Vayavidanga, Bhabhiranga, Baberang, Vayuvilanga, Vizhalari, Vayuvidangam, Vayuvidangalu, Viranga, Chitratandoola, Vayuvilangam, Vizhal, Vrishanasana, Bayabidanga, Vayabidang.
2. Energetics
Rasa: Kashaya, katu
Virya: ushna, ruksha, laghu
vipica: Laghu
Doshas: V+, PK -
Karma: dipanapachana, bhedana, krimighna, jvaraghna, mutravirechana, raktaprasadana, kushtaghna, vedanasthapana, sandhaniya, Kaphavatahara.
3. Biomedical Action
Vedanta fruits are astringent, bitter, anthelmintic, depurative, brain tonic, digestive, carminative, stomachic, diuretic, contraceptive, rejuvenating, alternative stimulant, alexiteric, laxative, anodyne, febrifuge & tonic.
It grows everywhere from the Himalayas to Sri Lanka and Singapore and ranges from India to South China and South to Indonesia, East Africa. This species is reported to be vulnerable in the western ghats of Tamil Nadu and Karnataka states of India and at a lower risk in Kerala state of peninsular India. It is well adapted to many different climates and elevation. E. ribes grows in semi-evergreen and deciduous forests at an altitude of 1,500 m (5,000 ft), throughout India. It grows in Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Uttar Pradsh, Assam, and Maharashtra.
Botanical Characters
Vidanga is a large climbing shrub. The branches are long, slender with long internodes. Leaves are leathery simple, alternate, ellptic-lanceolate, obtusely acuminate, shiny green and glabrous above, silvery below, with scattered, minute sunken glands 6-14 cm long and 2-4 cm broad. Midrib promonant. Stem whitish grey, with a mature girth of 45-72 cms. Flowers are small, white to greensh white, borne in terminal and axillary panicle racemes, the calyx five-lobed, the corolla hairy, with five stamens. The fruit is a smooth globose berry; thin reddish coloured pericarp containing a single seed, found in bunches.
Chemical Constituents
The most studied chemical in Vidanga is embelin (embolic acid), or rather, potassium embelate (2,5-dihydroxy, 3-undecyl-1, 4-benzoquinone). A related quinone found in Vidanga is vilangin, a structure of two embelin mocules attached with a CH2 bridge. Other constituents include the alkaloid christembine, a volatile oil, quercitol, tannins and fatty acids.
Plant Part Used
Fruit, leaves, root, bark
Health Benefits
Vidanga herb is used both internally and externally. Vidanga has various medicinal benefits which are listed below.