Triphala: A Natural Colon Cleaner
“This large and expensive stock of drugs will be unnecessary….The common resources of the lancet, a garden, a kitchen, fresh air, cool water, exercise, will be sufficient to cure all the diseases that are at present under the power of medicine.” –
Dr. Benjamin Rush.
As the name suggest triphala is one of the most popular and widely used household name in India. Triphala is a sanskrit word tri means three and phala means fruits (three fruits). This formulation is originated in India, has been found to act as a complete body cleanser. Other cleansing benefits of triphala include reducing some forms of serum cholesterol and reduces high blood pressure. In Charak Samhita triphala is described as Tridoshic Rasayana a therapeutic agent with balancing and rejuvenating effects on the three humors in Ayurveda vata, pitta and kapha. Haritaki and bibhitaki have warm energy while amalaki is cool in nature. Triphala being combination of all three, therefore is balanced, making it useful as an internal cleansing, detoxifying formula.
Recipe for this herbal supplement is described in traditional Indian texts Charak and Sushrutra Samhita. Triphala powder is a composed of a blend from the dried fruits of three tropical trees, called myrobalan plum: Amalaki (Emblica officinalis), Bibhitaki (Terminalia belerica) and Haritaki (Terminalia chebula). The blend is distributed into equal proportions to ensure maximum efficiency. These dried Rasayana fruits are well known as harade, baheda and amla as a part of medicine. These three herbs when properly mixed they interact and their potentiality increases many fold. Trihala as a whole is rich in vitamin C, gallic acid and tannins.
Ingredient-wise the main chemical constituents are presented in Table 33.1.
Table 33.1 Main Chemical Constituents of Triphala
Chemical constituents
Vitamin C, carotene, nicotinic acid, riboflavin and tannins
Tannins, anthraquinones and polyphenolic compounds
Gallic acids, tannic acid and glycosides
Because of its high vitamin content, triphala is often used as a food supplement like vitamins are in western countries. In fact, the benefits of this herb are so well known that a well-known Indian saying goes like this: “You do not have a mother? Don’t worry, as long as you have triphala in your life!”
Health Benefits
- • Triphala not only cleanse the colon and detoxify the body, but also purifies the blood. It assists regular bowel movement. It removes accumulated toxins from the liver and other organs.
- • People having low digestive fire often have sluggish digestion. As a result, ama is produced which is toxic substance. It is the root cause of majority diseases. Triphala ignites digestive fire and boosts the digestion process, allowing one to get maximum nutrients from dietary intake.
- • Triphala contains five of the six tastes viz; sweet, sour, bitter, pungent and astringent, only missing the salty taste. Perhaps because the Western diet is so lacking in bitter and astringent, these are the two most prominent tastes for most people. As per Ayurvedic principle one must take all six tastes to maintain sound health..

Triphala Powder
- • We all know that healthy stomach leads to a healthier life. Improper digestion is the root cause of all diseases. Conversely, ill-behavior and unhealthy stomach brings severe diseases to a body. Thus, to remain fit and healthy, it is very necessary for a person to keep his stomach healthy and fit. To fulfill this necessity, various medicinal formulae advocated. However, triphala is one of the most amazing powerful remedial mixture. Triphala is excellent colon cleaner.
- • In Ayurvedic terms, triphala is tridoshic ation, is said to have a beneficial effect on all three doshas—vata, pitta, and kapha.
- • People who is experiencing trouble in bowel movement should regularly take triphala. It helps in chronic constipation.
- • Unlike other laxatives, it is considered safe as food and is not habit forming, even when taken on daily basis.
- • A unique feature of triphala is it provides a favourable chemical environment for the proliferation of beneficial intestinal bacteria and unfavourable environment for non-beneficial bacteria.
- • It helps in expelling stones from the urinary tract; strong rejuvenator of the body especially for the vision, hair and voice.
- • It helps in curing the viral infection and leukemia a type of blood cancer.
- • It promotes one’s the wisdom and intellect. It helps in reducing the excessive weight.
- • In addition, triphala benefits the body by detoxifying it without distracting the fluid-electrolyte balance.
- • Triphala is helpful in reducing the lipid levels in the liver and heart. Thus it improves the health of both liver and heart.
- • In addition to the GI tract, triphala is used to support healthy respiratory, cardiovascular, urinary, reproductive, and nervous systems.
- • Frequently used by in the treatment of eye diseases, particularly conjunctivitis and vision disorders. Both Kvatha (decoction) and Churna (powder) of triphala are indicated respectively for external and internal use in eye disorders. Triphala decoction is mainly used for washing inflamed eyes with purulent discharge or as eye drops in controlling conjunctivitis. It is a highly effective herbal combination for all eye problems including cataract, glaucoma, eye strain, itchy eyes.
- • The Charak Samhita, one of the main texts of Ayurveda, describes haritaki as the remover of disease and promotes haritaki and amalaki for Rasayana, or rejuvenation of the body.
- • Triphala has also been shown to be a powerful antioxidant, protecting cells from the damaging effects of free radicals The three fruits involved in making Triphala are also known for their individual effects.
- • Amalaki a cooling effect that manages pitta, supporting the natural functions of the liver and the immune system.
- • Bibhitaki: Particularly good for kapha, supporting the respiratory system as well as kapha accumulations in all systems.
- • Haritaki: Though having a heating nature, it is still good for all three doshas (vata, pitta, and kapha). Is known for its “scraping” effect, which removes toxins and helps maintain healthy levels of weight.
- • It is good to take triphala along with digestive spices Trikatu. This gives a balanced approach for cleansing both stomach and colon and makes for a good metabolic regulator.
- • Triphala has been found to be an excellent scavenger of free radicals.
- • Tiphala produced excellent analgesic and anti-pyretic effects without any gastric demage.