Adaptogen: An Adaptogenic substance is one that demonstrates a nonspecific enhancement of the body’s ability to resist a stressor

Aloe Vera: Aloe vera is one of the most widely known herbs and can be used internally or externally. Externally aloe helps in any type of skin problem such as burns, sunburns, cuts, rashes and scrapes. Internally aloe can be taken for stomach irritation as a laxative and to promote healing.

Amalaki: Indian gooseberry. It is carminative, diuretic, aphrodisiac, laxative, astringent and refrigerant. It is the richest known source of vitamin ‘c’; one of the ingredient of triphala churna and chywanprash.

Anabolic: It is the set of metabolic pathways that construct molecules from smaller units. These reactions require energy.

Analgesic: Indian Analgesic herbs are used to relieve pain without loss of consciousness. Some of the herbs commonly used as analgesics include lobelia, mullein etc.

Anesthetic: An anesthetic is a drug that causes reversible loss of sensation. These drugs are generally administered to facilitate surgery.

Antacid: An antacid is used to neutralize acids in the stomach and intestinal tract. Herbs used for this include dandelion, fennel, ginger etc.

Anthelmintic: Herbs with anthelmintic agents either expel or destroy worms in the body. Other similar terms to describe such agents include vermifuge. Herbs with these fighting abilities include gentian, goldenseal, pumpkin seed and senna.

Anti-asthmatic: Anti-asthmatic are used to help relieve the symptoms associated with asthma. Some of the anti-asthmatic herbs are elecampane, gotu kola, lobelia, ash and wild cherry.

Antibacterial: Antibacterial herbs are those that fight and destroy bacteria and include alfalfa, basil, cinnamon, clove, eucalyptus, peppermint, turmeric etc.

Anticoagulant: Anticoagulant herbs help the body prevent clotting of the blood. Herbs with this constituent include garlic, turmeric etc.

Antiemetic: Antiemetic prevents vomiting, and herbs with this ability include clove, raspberry etc.

Antifungal: Antifungal agents act against and destroy various fungi. Herbs in this category include alfalfa, cinnamon, cloves, garlic, turmeric etc.

Antigalactagogue: Herbs with this property work opposite to herbs with galactagogue properties. Sage and black walnut are examples of herbs in this category.,

Anti-inflammatory: Herbs with this ability reduce inflammation in the body without acting directly on the cause of the inflammation. Herbs in this category include chicory, eucalyptus, fennel, ginger, licorice, marshmallow, papaya, rosemary, safflower, turmeric etc.

Antilitic: Plants that have the abiity to remove or prevent formation of stones or gravel in urinary system.

Antimicrobial: Antimicrobials helps the body destroy microbes by affecting their growth and multiplication, herbs with this ability include fennel, myrrh, etc.

Antineoplastic: Herbs with this quality destroy, inhibit and prevent tumors. Herbs in this category include aloe vera, black walnut, flaxseed, garlic, saffron, turmeric etc.

Antioxidant: Antioxidant herbs counteract the negative effects of oxidation on body tissues. Included in this category are barley, bilberry, gingo biloba, rosemary, sage and turmeric.

Anti-pyretic: This constituent counteracts the effects of periodic diseases (intermittent) like malaria. Herbs in this category include eucalyptus, goldenseal Antipyretics from the anti, against, nd pyreticus, pertaining to fever, are substances that reduce fever.

Anti-rheumatic: A herb which relieves or prevents rheumatism.

Anti-spasmodic: Antispasmodics are a group (class) of medicines that can help to control some symptoms that arise from the gut (intestines) - in particular, gut spasm.

Antitussive: Herbs with antitussive agents are cough suppressants. Herbs in this category include mullein and wild cherry bark.

Aphrodisiac: An aphrodisiac is a substance that increases sexual desire.

Arthritis: An inflammatory condition of the joints.

Ashoka: It is also used in fever, colic, ulcers and pimples. The seeds are strengthening and the ash of plant is good for external application rheumatic arthritis

Ashwagandha: It is tonic, astringent, deobstruent, nervine, and sedative. It is popularly known as Indian ginseng. It gives vitality and vigour and helps in building greater endurance

Asthma: A respiratory disorder in which there is breathlessness and wheezing sound.

Astringent: An astringent acts to contract and tighten. This constricting action can help eliminate secretions and hemorrhaging. Some herbs with astringent actions are amaranth, blackberry root, capsicum, elecampane, fenugreek, mullein, oak bark.

Ayurveda: Constituted of two words, Ayur meaning life and Veda meaning knowledge, Ayurveda means the knowledge of life. Another accurate translation of Ayurveda is ‘the knowledge of longevity.

Bala: It is used to reduce the body weight. It lowers the blood pressure and improves cardiac irregularity. It is useful in fevers, fits, ophthalmia, rheumatism, leucorrhoea, gonorrhea, colic, nervous disorders and general debility.

Basil: It also lowers blood sugar levels and its powder is used for mouth ulcers. It is widely worshiped in India.

Bhallataka: It is one of the most powerful and fast acting Ayurvedic hrebs. It is used extensively in piles, skin diseases, etc. Its botanical name is Semecarpus anacardium.

Bibhitaki: The fruit is one among the triphala of Ayurveda. It is useful in asthma, bronchitis, inflammations, sore throat, and treating the diseases of eyes, nose, heart and bladder.

Brahma Rasayana: This herbal recipe has been prescribed by Lord Brahma. It rejuvenates the body and fights against tiredness, fatigue, early grey hairs, wrinkling. It is the best anti-aging formula.

Brahma: It is the name of the first god in the Hindu God trinity. Considered as the creator of all mankind, all that lives and constitutes the mortal universe he has the universe as his body that manifests the energy of creation.

Brahmi: Brahmi is perhaps the most important nervine herb used in Ayurvedic medicine. It revitalizes the brain cells, removing toxins and blockages within the nervous system, while at the same time have a nurturing effect upon the mind. It improves memory and aids in concentration.

Bronchial: An herb or substance that relaxes constricting spasms and opens the bronchi or upper part of the lungs, thus improving respiration bronchitis.

Calyx: Flower parts are usually arrayed in whorls (or cycles) but may also be disposed spirally, especially if the axis is elongate. There are commonly four distinct whorls of flower parts: (1) an outer calyx consisting of sepals; within it lies (2) the corolla, consisting of petals; (3) the androecium, or group of stamens; and in the centre is (4) the gynoecium, consisting of the pistils.

Cancer: A disease wherein there is abnormal multiplication of cells.

Cardiovascular: The circulatory system comprising the heart and blood vessels which carries nutrients and oxygen to the tissues of the body and removes carbon dioxide and other wastes from them.

Carminative: Herbs and species taken to release gas and griping.

Charak Samhita: One of the oldest textbook on Ayurveda written on palm leaf.

Charak: Charak- an ancient rishi scientist, who is believed to have spent many years between the wild animals in dense jungles, which enabled him to coin his experiences in the book considered as the bible of Ayurveda and called the Charka Samhita.

Chemotherapy: Treatment with drugs that kill carcer cells or make them less active.

Chikitsa: Treatment, a therapy to retain balance, practice or science of medicine.

Cholagogue: A substance that promotes the flow of bile from the gall bladder into the duodenum.

Cholesterol: A fatty acid in crystalline form found in all animals oils, egg yolks, bile, liver, kidney etc.

Colic: Acute abdominal griping pain caused by various abnormal condtions of bowel.

Colitis: A chronic disease characterized by the inflammation of colon.

Cosmic energy: The all-pervading energy in the universe.

Cure: According to the literal meaning the word cure refers to the any diseased person’s state of being remedied from his ailment supports or nourishes the seven body tissues. These seven tissues of our body include the rasa, rakta, mamsa, meda, asti, majja and shuktra.

Decongestant: An agent that relieves congestion in the upper respiratory tract. Herbs with decongestant properties include, lobelia, valerian etc.

Demulcent: A soothing, usually mucilaginous or oily substance, such as glycerin or lanolin, used especially to relieve pain in inflamed or irritated mucous membranes

Diabetes: A clinical condition characterized by the excessive secretion of urine and increased blood sugar level.

Diaphoretic: Diaphoretic herbs help the body produce perspiration to help the skin eliminate toxins. Herbs with diaphoretic properties include capsicum, garlic etc.

Digestive: Digestives promote or aid in the digestion process. Such herbs include capsicum, garlic, mustard, safflower and sage.

Disease: It is a condition in which one or more body parts impair the performance of the vital functions and thus bring the absence of ease.

Diuretic: A diuretic is used to increase the flow of urine to relieve water retention. Some herbs used for this purpose are alfalfa, dandelion, fennel, and hawthorn.

Dysmenorrhea: It is a medical condition of pain during menstruation that interferes with daily activities.

Dyspepsia: It is a condition of impaired digestion characterized by chronic or recurrent pain in the upper abdomen, upper abdominal fullness and feeling full earlier than expected when eating. It can be accompanied by bloating, belching, nausea, or heartburn.

Emmenagogues: Emmenagogues are substances which have the ability to provoke menstruation. They can work in a variety of ways, but the end result is menstruation. Its action can be mild or strong depending on the herb.

Epilepsy: Epilepsy is a physical condition that occurs when there is a sudden, brief change in how the brain works. When brain cells are not working properly, a person’s consciousness, movement, or actions may be altered for a short time.

Etiology: It is the study of the causes of all diseases. In Ayurveda the cause of most of the diseases is due to the overuse, misuse or no use of the five senses.

Febrifuge: A substance which reduces the fever.

Flatulence: is defined in the medical literature as “flatus expelled through the anus” or the “quality or state of being flatulent”, which is defined in turn as “marked by or affected with gases generated in the intestine or stomach; likely to cause digestive flatulence

Free radical scavenger: An antioxidant is a molecule that inhibits the oxidation of other molecules. Oxidation is a chemical reaction that transfers electrons or hydrogen from a substance to anoxidizing agent. Oxidation reactions can produce free radicals. In turn, these radicals can start chain reactions. When the chain reaction occurs in a cell, it can cause damage or death to the cell. Antioxidants terminate these chain reactions by removing free radical intermediates, and inhibit other oxidation reactions.

Galactagogue: A substance that increase milk supply is called galactagogue.

Garlic: Garlic is known as a miracle herb. It lowers blood pressure and cholesterol levels, provides nourishment for the circulatory, immune and urinary systems. It aids in circulation and detoxifies the body.

Germicide: Germicides are known for their ability to destroy germs and other microorganisms. Herbs in this category include cloves, eucalyptus.

Ghrita: Ghrita is a Sanskrit word meaning ghee. It is the clarified butter made by heating unsalted butter. The ghee may be stored without refrigeration and can be used for most of the preparations that need oil or butter as the basic ingredient.

Ginger: Ginger cleanses the colon, stimulates circulation and helps the body to eliminate wastes through the skin. It also acts as a catalyst for other herbs, to increase their effect

Gotu kola: Gotu kola nourishes the nervous system and helps improve memory and enhance vitality. It is known for helping the body to balance blood pressure levels and assist in the healing of wounds, decreases fatigue and depression.

Gout: Metabolic disease marked by acute arthritis and inflammation of joints.

Guna: All material entities including the mind are the composites of the three gunas, namely the satva, rajas and tamas. These are the attributes whose imbalance leads to creation of diseases.

Haridra: In India, traditionally it is used to eliminate worm, to improve intestinal flora, for relief of arthritis and swelling, as a blood purifier, to warm and promote proper metabolism correcting both excesses and deficiencies to relieve gas, to cleanse and strengthen the liver and gall bladder, to normalize menstruation

Haritaki: It is one of the herbs in Ayurvedic combination of three herbs called “triphala. It is used against jaundice, colic, anemia, cough, asthma, hoarse voice, hiccup, vomiting, hemorrhoids, diarrhea, abdominal distention, gas, fevers, diseases, parasitic infection, tumors, etc

Haemrrhoids: Everybody actually has hemorrhoids or piles. This is the name for a part of the rectum that is like a cushioned area well-supplied with blood. For a variety of reasons this can become enlarged, and this can lead to bleeding.

Inflammations: A pathological process in which pain, heat, redness and swelling occur.

Insomnia: Insomnia is the inability to obtain an adequate amount or quality of sleep.

Jala: Water, fluid.

Jatharagni: Fire located in stomach, digestive fire, gastric juices, and digestive enzymes.

Jaundice: A condition characterized by yellowness of the skin and elevated level of billirubin in blood.

Jiva: It is the empirical self, individual soul or the living being.

Kapha: It is one of the three doshas i.e. the water humor, the intracellular fluid and the extra cellular fluid that plays significant role in the nutrition and existence of body cells and tissues.

Kuti: Cottage or hut or room.

Kutipravesika: Entering or living in a cottage for the purpose of rejuvenation.

Leprosy: It is disease caused by Mycobacterium lapre

Lithotriptic: These are herbs which help dissolve and eliminate urinary stones from the body. They include dandelion, marshmallow etc

Long pepper: Used as spices in pickles, Used for cough, asthma,.

Madhu: The honey

Multiple Sclerosis: It is nervous system disease which affects brain and spinal cord.

Musta: Recommended for intestinal problems, diarrhoea, indigestion, dysentery, fever, vomiting.

Nagkeshar: Useful in the treatment of acidity of stomach, vomiting, loss of appetite, burning sensations in the chest after taking food, blood vomiting, gastritis, peptic ulcer and pain in intestines, bronchitis, cough, asthma, headache.

Nervine: A substance that calms and soothes the nerves and reduces tension and anxiety. Examples: Ashwagandha, bala etc.

Neuritis: Infection of nerves

Ojas: Vigor, strength and vitality that is the essence of all tissues (dhatus). It means the life sap or the essence of immune system and spiritual energy.

Osteoarthritis: A slowly progressive form of arthritis, found chiefly in older persons.

Panchamahabhutas: The five great elements, ether, air, Agni, water and pruthvi.

Parasites: An organism that lives on or in an another species, known as the host, from the body of which it obtains nutrients.

Pitta: It is one of the three doshas i.e. the bile humor, entire hormones, enzymes, coenzymes and agencies responsible for the physiochemical processes of the body.

Prabhava: When two substances of similar taste, energy and post-digestive effect show entirely different action, it is called prabhav.

Prakruti: It means one’s basic constitution which remains unchanged till death.

Prana: Literally meaning outgoing moving air, this is first of the five-vayu and is responsible for respiratory functions and regulating inhalation.

Pruthvi (Earth): An element of panchamahabhutas which is heaviest among all.

Psoriasis: A skin disease

Punarnava: This miracle herb is used in indigestion, treatment of fever, in edema, wound healing, its mainly improves the metabolism of liver cell.

Rasa: It is derived from the digested food and is circulated te entire body by channels. The main function of the first of the seven dhatus is to provide nutrition to all cells of the body and the plasma dhatu.

Rasayana: Rasayana is ancient Indian therapy used for rejuvenation. Rasayana builds up dhatus(tissues), improves the quality and quantity of life and increases immunity in the body.

Reumatoid arthritis: It is an autoimmune disease that results in a chronic, systemic inflammatory disorder that may affect many tissues and organs, but principally attacks flexible (synovial) joints. It can be a disabling and painful condition, which can lead to substantial loss of functioning and mobility if not adequately treated.

Saffron: Saffron is a very expensive spice with a mild and distinct flavour and used mainly in rice, poultry and seafood dishes

Samhita:: Collection of subject matter, text, or document that are methodologically arranged.

Sankhapuspi: It is a natural tonic for mental development of children. It has been used for centuries in Ayurveda for rejuvenating nervous functions.

Sanskrit: Purified, sanctified, the language used in Vedic age.

Sarpagandha: An herb used for lowering high blood pressure.

Sattvic: It refers to the qualities that are pure, realistic and have the clarity of perception, which is responsible for goodness and happiness.

Sciatica: The term sciatica describes the symptoms of leg pain and possibly tingling, numbness or weakness that originates in the lower back and travels through the buttock and down the large sciatic nerve in the back of the leg.

Sedative: drug that calms a patient, easing agitation and permitting sleep. Sedatives generally work by modulating signals within the central nervous system. If sedatives are misused or accidentally combined, as in the case of combining prescription sedatives with alcohol, they can dangerously depress important signals that are needed to maintain heart and lung function. Most sedatives also have addictive potential. For these reasons, sedatives should be used under supervision and only as necessary.

Shatawari: Shatavari is recommended in Ayurvedic texts as both a preventative aid and as a remedy for a wide array of health conditions including gastric ulcers and dyspepsia

Stomatitis: Stomatitis is inflammation of the mouth and lips. It refers to any inflammatory process affecting the mucous membranes of the mouth and lips, with or without oral ulceration.[2]

Sushruta Samhita: A textbook on Ayurveda written by Sushruta

Sushruta: Founder of Sushruta School of Ayurveda, which focuses on surgical methods and purification of blood.

Triphala churna: The famous formulation. It is herbal powder triphala usually used in the treatment of innumerable conditions

Syphilis: s a sexually transmitted infection caused by Treponema pallidum subspecies pallidum. The primary route of transmission is through sexual contact; it may also be transmitted from mother to fetus during pregnancy or at birth, resulting incongenital syphilis.

Tonic: Herbs that promote functions of the system of the body usually used in the treatment of innumerable conditions

Twak: It is popularly known as cinnamon. It is medicinally used.

Vagabhatta: A famous personality in the history of Ayurveda wrote Astanga Sangraha and Astanga Hrdya.

Vaidya: Ayurvedic doctor

Vasodialator: Causes relaxation of blood vessels

Vata: The dosha responsible for all movement of the body.

Vatatapika: A type of rasayan therapy in which patient is treated on outpatient basis.

Vedas: It is a Sanskrit word meaning knowledge. Vedas are the oldest source of universal knowledge, which bloomed in the Indian culture centuries ago by rishis and holy saints. The four Vedas namely, Rig-Veda, Yajur Veda, Athrva Veda and Sam Veda have answers to mostly all the questions relating to life and living

Vermifuge: An agent which kills and expel parasitic worms

Vidanga: A warming herb used for managing all skin diseases, alleviating thirst, and rejuvenation., anti-estrogenic and, used as oral contraceptive.

Vipica: vipica refers to the metabolism of various organs caused by biochemical changes brought about by foods and drugs. It is directly related to rasa, but while the action of rasa is immediate, local, physiological and psychological and quite perceivable, vipaka action is delayed, systemic, physiological and inferable but not-perceivable.

Virya: Potency or energy of substance. It is extremely active attribute of substance

Vitiligo: It is a condition that causes depigmentation of parts of the skin. It occurs when skin pigment cells die or are unable to function. The cause of vitiligo, aside from cases of contact with certain chemicals