academic culture 78–82
academic status, as lever 95
access to higher education
Indigenous Australians 56, 96, 139n61
under binary system 87–8
under national unified system 96
administration 29–30
amalgamations 81, 89, 92–4, 144n8
Anderson, Don 70
Anderson, Robert 124
Anglican thought 135–6n16
Arcadia University 109
Arizona State University 24
Arnold, Matthew 98
Australian Catholic University (ACU) 137n30
Australian Maritime College 94
Australian National University (ANU) 19, 48, 65–6
Australian Qualifications Framework 95–6
Australian Tertiary Education Commission, revival of 122–3
Australian universities
accreditation requirements 102, 108, 109
amalgamations 81, 89, 92–4, 144n8
competition and convergence 99–102
competition and financial risk 99
fourth wave 92–4
minimum size requirement 91–2
offshore campuses 112–13
Australian Universities Commission 87
Australian university model
British influence 34–5
commuter institutions 46–8, 57
comprehensive institutions 48–9, 67–8, 139n54
endurance of 57–8
evolution 59–60
form 58–9
meritocratic institutions 44–6, 53
metropolitan model 5–6, 28–9, 58, 64, 128
open educational franchise 44–6, 53
public ownership 41, 53–4, 57, 137n30
reinforcement of founding ideas 33, 85, 99
research, place of 50, 51–2, 102, 118
resistance to change 33–4
similarities and differences within 100, 145n30
Sydney as model 53
written into law 83, 85, 86, 90–1, 95–6, 102
Australian university system
exporting of education 111–14
international competition 108–10
need for reform 102–3
rapid expansion 97
regulation of domestic student market 110
unified national system 90–6
uniformity 30–1, 97, 99–102, 104, 124, 135n5
vulnerability 30
Australian Vice-Chancellors’ Committee 95, 102
Bailey, Francis de Witt 63
Barry, Redmond 53
Batchelor Institute of Indigenous Education 94
Baxter, Sir Philip 67
Beazley, Kim 141n22
Bebbington, Warren 126
Bell, Sharon 1, 132 Prologue n2, 145n30
‘Benthamite’ view 146n2
Berlin, Isaiah 9
Bishop, Julie 106
Blackman, Charles 87
Blainey, Geoffrey 51
Blue Mountains International Hotel Management School 110
Bolton, Geoffrey 142n35
Brett, André 143–4n5
Brisbane Central Technical College 87
Broken Hill, division of New South Wales University of Technology 63, 64
Bygott, Ursula 138n41
Caltech 119
Cambridge see Oxbridge model
Campion College, Sydney 135n5
campuses, and online learning 17
Canada, higher education options 119
Canberra University College 65, 66
Carnegie Commission,
classification of institutions 30–1, 135n5
Carnegie Mellon University 108
casual workforce 98–9
Catholic University of Ireland 37, 38
Central Queensland University 64, 92
Centralian College 118
Charles Darwin University 4, 118
Charles Sturt University 92
Chicago, impact of railway 10–11, 124
China, universities in other countries 108
Chippendale, Peter 138n41
Chong, Fred 72
civic model (‘Redbrick’) 136n25
Clancy, Laurie 143n41
Clinton, Bill 108–9
Coaldrake, Peter 123–4
colleges of advanced education 87–8, 92, 106, 119
colleges of residence 46–8, 138n53
Collins, Hugh 146n2
Columbia University, New York 16
Commonwealth scholarships 85
commuter institutions 46–8
comprehensive institutions 48–9, 139n54
Considine, Mark 100
Prologue n3
corporate university 30, 134n3
Craven, Peter 143n1
creative destruction 9–11, 13, 18, 23–7, 30, 107
Croucher, Gwilym 143–4n5
Daniels, Mitch 24
Dartmouth University, MOOCs 19
Davison, Graeme 70
Dawkins, John 83, 86, 89, 90, 91, 93, 94–5, 102–3, 111
degrees, breaking down of 18
Derham, David 71
DeVry University 16
Dickens, Charles 35
distance education 63
and a third wave of new universities 70–8
impact of international market 113–14
importance of 7
loss of 97
need for specialist institutions 120
as prudence 105–10
Donovan, Thomas 138n46
Drew, William 62
Dunstan, Don 75
e-learning 15–17
East Sydney Technical College 87
Edith Cowan University 92
and employment 14, 17, 19, 20, 22, 24, 37, 88, 110
as export industry 111–14
EdX 19
elite higher education 95, 116
employment see education
Endeavour College of Natural Health 110
Etherington, Ben 145n23
Farrar, FW 38
fees 15, 41, 46, 91, 96, 116–17
Fitzgerald, Ross 80
Florey, Howard 65
free tertiary education 91, 98
French grandes écoles 59
Garner, Alice 126
Garton, Stephen 94
Gates, Bill 22
Geelong Teachers’ College 89
Georgia Tech, Atlanta 24
research universities 34
technical universities 119
Gilbert, Alan 133n14
globalisation, impact on universities 107–10
Gordon Institute of Technology 89
Griffith University 79–82
School of Social and Industrial Administration 79–80, 81
Haldane Principle 123
halls of residence 47
‘Harvard Envy’ 101
Hawke Government 94
Higher Education Contribution Scheme (HECS) 91
higher education funding 85–6, 87, 91, 94, 95–6, 98–9, 113, 115–17, 121–3
higher education institutions, Carnegie classifications 30–1
higher education policy
1987 Green Paper 89
Dawkins reforms 89–96
recommended initiatives 114–24
higher education sector growth 4, 29–30, 71, 118–19
non-university institutions 86–9
see also post-school sector
higher education trade 107–8
Hilliard, David 74
Holt, Harold 73
Hong Kong, University Grants Committee (UGC) 121–2
Hong Kong University 122
honours year 36
Horne, Julia 40, 44, 53, 55, 93–4, 137n38
Humboldtian ideal 52
Hutchinson, Mark 72
The Idea of a University (Newman) 37–8, 50, 139n57
IDP 109
Illinois Central Railroad 10–11
India, establishment of universities 34
Indigenous Australians
access to higher education 96
access to secondary education 139n61
first graduate 56
innovation, cycles of 17–21
interdisciplinarity 71, 75, 79–80, 81
international campuses 108, 112
international competition 108–9
international education market 108, 111
international students 96, 108, 111–12
international universities 108–9
Ireland, universities 36–7
Jayasuriya, Kanishka 99
Kadenze 109
King’s College, London 36
knowledge, as end in itself 37
Koller, Daphne 21
Laureate group 109
Legge, John 69
Letters, Frank 62
Life After George [play] (Rayson) 84–5
Lindsay, Joan 87
Lingnan University, Hong Kong 122
London University (later University of London) 35–6, 45, 54
McCord, Norman 138n42
Macintyre, Stuart 133n14, 143–4n5
Mackinnon, Alison 144n9
Macquarie, Lachlan 72
Macquarie University 4, 48, 71–3
Manne, Robert 75
Mansfield, Bruce 72
Marginson, Simon 90, 100, 110, 113, 139n54, 144n6
Marshman, Ian 142n23
Martin Report 87
Martin, Sir Leslie 87
massive open online courses (MOOCs) 19–20, 109
Matheson, JAL 69
Menzies Government 87
Menzies School of Health Research 118
Menzies, Prime Minister 87
meritocratic institutions 44–6, 53
metropolitan university 5–6, 28–9, 58
Mill, James 35
Mill, John Stuart 38
Miller, Toby 76
Minerva 20–1
mission statements 59
Monash, Sir John 42
Monash University 69–70, 93, 112, 118
MOOCs see massive open online courses
Murdoch, Sir Walter 77, 142n35
Murdoch University 3, 71, 76–8
Murphy, Kate 70
National Gallery of Victoria Art School 87
National Institute Grant 66
National Institute of Dramatic Art 106
nationalism 71
Navitas 109
Nelson, Ben 20–1
Netherlands, higher education options 119
New England University College 62
New South Wales University of Technology (later UNSW), 63, 67–8
New York University 109
Newman College (Melb) 138n46
Newman, John Henry 2, 5, 37, 38, 50, 59, 133n13, 136n21
non-university higher education sector 86–9 109
Northern Territory University 92, 118
Norvig, Peter 18
offshore campuses 112–13
Oliphant, Sir Mark 65
Olley, Margaret 87
online colleges 13–17
online learning 15–17
online tertiary initiatives, failures 16
open educational franchise 44–6, 54–5
Open Universities Australia 118
Oxbridge model 6, 35, 36, 38, 39, 42, 43, 45, 57, 136n25, 139n63
Oxford 3, 11–12, 23, 54, 62, 115
Parish, Gus 63
Parkes, Sir Henry 71
Partridge, Percy 73
path dependency 7, 8, 31–4, 78, 85, 94, 101, 103, 104, 125
Pattison, Mark 133n8
Pearson, Charles 50
Pierson, Paul 32
Pietsch, Tamson 34
Pizzey, Jack 64
political settlements, nature of 146n2
polytechnical colleges 119
post-school education, as single sector 115–16, 121, 127
postgraduate education 51, 65, 66, 103, 106, 120
pragmatism 105
Preston, Margaret 87
Princeton 119
private education providers 109
private universities 106
professional courses 42–4, 52, 55, 66, 75, 76, 80, 81, 82, 137n38
public universities in United States
anticipating and responding to market changes 24–5
challenged by private providers 14, 16, 18
contest for students 25–6
purchase of private rivals 24–5
Purdue, Bill 138n42
Purdue University, Indiana 24–5
Queen’s College Belfast 36
Queen’s College Cork 36
Queen’s College Galway 36
Queen’s University 37
Queensland, amalgamations 93
Queensland Institute of Technology (Capricornia) 64
Queensland University of Technology 92
Quest Education Corporation 16
Quirke, Noel 80
Rasmussen, Carolyn 140n68
Rayson, Hannie 84
‘Redbrick’ universities 136n25
religion, and higher education 44–7
‘reputational race’ 100
place in universities 6, 50, 51–2, 88, 102, 108, 109, 110, 113–14, 116–18
and teaching 49–52, 79, 88, 91
research laboratories, establishment 51
residential colleges 46–8, 138n53
RMIT University 4, 92, 112, 113
Robbins Report (UK) 37, 71, 136n20
Rose, Calvin 80
Rothblatt, Sheldon 59
Royal Melbourne Technical College 68
Rutgers State University of New Jersey 12–13, 14–15, 17
St Andrew’s University 38
St Ann’s College (USyd) 47
St Paul’s College (USyd) 47
San Jose State University 20
Saxberg, Bror 16
scholarships 41, 44, 52, 85, 112
Schumpeter, Joseph 10, 11, 24, 114, 127
Scottish Enlightenment 36
Scottish/London model 57, 136n25
Seek 109
Sherington, Geoffrey 40, 44, 53, 55
Silicon Valley 10, 18, 19, 24, 26, 30, 103, 107
Singapore, regulation of higher education 121
South Australian College of Advanced Education 92
South Australian Institute of Technology 92
Southern Cross University 92
specialist institutions
need for 120
Spencer, Herbert 38
Springborg, Robert 142n27
staff, working conditions 98–9, 143n41
staff profiles 79
staff-to-student ratios 98
Stanford University 18, 19, 22
Statements of Accomplishment 18
Stedman, Lawrence 123–4
Stoppard, Tom 133n8
Strachey, Lytton 136n21
students, studying abroad 108, 147n8
Sutton, Keith 68
Schwartz, Herman 33
Sydney Mechanics Institute 67
Sydney Technical College 67
teachers’ colleges 87, 92, 106
emphasis on 49–51
Technical Education and New South Wales University of Technology Act 1949 (NSW) 67
technical and further education (TAFE) 88, 91, 106, 116, 118, 120, 127, 137n30, 144n8
Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency 110
Thackeray, William 12
Thiel Fellowships 23
Thrift, Nigel 140n81
Thrun, Sebastian 7, 18, 19, 20, 21–2
Torrens University 109
Trinity College, Dublin 37
Trow, Martin 116
Turner, JMW 12
Turney, Clifford 138n41
UKeU 16
unified national system 143–4n5
implementation 90–6
United Kingdom
expansion of higher education in nineteenth century 34–8
Haldane Principle 123
higher education in colonies 34
narrowness of institutional type 119–20
regulation of higher education 121
types of universities 136n25
United States
public universities 24–7
regulation of higher education 121
Universitas 21 Global 16
University of Adelaide 3, 36, 47, 56–7, 58, 73, 74, 75, 92
University of Ballarat (later Federation University) 92
University of Cambridge see Oxbridge model
University of Central Queensland 64
University College London 108
university credentials
‘stackable qualifications’ 24
value of 22–3
University of Divinity 118, 135n5
university education, purpose of 105, 126
University of London 35–6
University of Melbourne 19, 42, 50, 53–6, 65, 68, 69, 93, 94, 106–7, 138n53
University of New England (UNE) 4, 56, 62–3, 67, 92
University of New South Wales (UNSW) 48, 64, 67–8, 69, 98, 113
University of Newcastle 63–4, 71
University of Notre Dame Australia 31, 109
University of Otago, New Zealand 34
University of Oxford see Oxbridge model
University of Phoenix, US 13–16, 17–18, 21, 22, 27
University of Queensland 3, 57, 64, 81
University of South Australia 3, 75, 92, 108
University of Southern Queensland 30, 112
University of the Sunshine Coast 118
University of Sussex, Brighton 72
University of Sydney
admission of women 137n35
calls for establishment 39–40
college residency 138n53
colleges with religious affiliations 46–7
as commuter institution 46–8
as comprehensive institution 48–9
establishment 41–2
founding statute 43, 46, 137n35
Great Hall 45
influence of British practice 52–3
as meritocratic institution 44–6, 53
and New England University College 62
professional courses 42–4, 137n38
as public institution 40–1
as secular institution 45–6
as self-governing institution 41–2
teaching mission 49–51
University of Technology Sydney 3, 92, 144n10
University of Toronto, Canada 34, 135–6n16
University of Western Australia 4, 30, 57, 77, 106–7
University of Wollongong 4, 63–4, 71, 89, 112, 114
Victoria, amalgamations 93
Victorian College of the Arts (VCA) 94
Vietnam War 74
vocational education and training 88, 106, 112, 115–16, 122
Vught, Frans van 100
Walsh, Jill Paton 3
Watson, Don 76
Wentworth, William Charles 39–40, 41, 44, 45, 71
West Review 124–5
Western Australian Institute of Technology 89
Western Sydney University 92
Whitehead, Alfred 107
Whitton, Howard 141n22
Wildavsky, Ben 109
Williams, Bruce 144n14
Williams-Weir, Margaret 56
Wilson, William 55–6
Wolf, Alison 119–20
admitted to Australian universities 47, 56, 137n35
admitted to British universities 35
permitted to sit matriculation exams 137n35
recruitment as academics 56
residential colleges for 47
Yerbury, Di 142n27
Zuckerberg, Mark 22