Italic page number denotes illustration or table.

Abbas I, 100

Abdel Nour, Antoine, 73, 81

abduction, xvi, 38–39, 41, 105, 154

Abou el Fadl, Khaled, 3

Abraham, xxiv, 10

Abu Hanifa al-Nu‘man ibn Thabit, 15, 19, 23, 40, 54

Abu Nuwas, 8

Abu Sa‘ud (Mufti of Aleppo), 144

Abu Yusuf, 31

abusive husbands. See spousal abuse

accosting, 44

“account of the lie,” 7, 190n. 15

accusations, false, 7, 21, 124–27, 190n. 15

acts of indecency, 96

adaletnames, 34

adjudication process, 64, 99, 155

adultery: confessions of, 21; hadiths on, 10–11; intent of, 42–43, 44–45; kanunnames on, 38; murder and, 54–56; Qur’an on, 7; rape and, 53; stoning for, 9, 10, 132; as zina, xviii

af‘al qabiha, 96

af‘al shani‘a, 96

Afghanistan, 185n. 2

Aghasi, Ibrahim Agha Qattar, xxxv

Agmon, Iris, 200n. 32

‘Aintab, xix

‘A’isha bint Abi Bakr, 7, 9, 46–47, 190n. 15

‘A’isha ibn Qasim ibn Ahmad, 144

Albanians, 106

Al-Barh al-Ra’iq Sharh Kanz al-Duqa’iq (Ibn Nujaym), 17

alcohol: drunkenness and, 76, 163–64; flogging for, 128; istislah and, 135–36; public morality and, 163–64; punishment for, 27, 83; sample Aleppo sijills on, 167; spousal abuse and, 143; taxes on, 206n. 25

Aleppo: ‘amma in, 78–79; caravansaries in, 206n. 35; Christians in, 73; citadel of, xxx; eighteenth century in, xxvii, xxxvi–xxxvii; ethnic groups in, xxxii–xxxiv, 73, 76–77, 93, 188n. 43; Europeans in, 76–77; fatwas from, xx; guild system in, 62, 88–93; history of, xviii–xix, xxvi–xxxviii; housing in, 121, 122; Janissaries in, 105; Jews in, xxxiv, 73; kanunnames of, 36; map of, xxviii, xxix, 75; microhistory of, xx; Muslim population of, 122; nizami courts in, 70; northwest quadrant of, xxxiii–xxxiv, 188n. 43; policing of, 73–88; prostitution in, 112–14, 113; quarter representatives in, 81–82; quarter solidarity in, xix, 61–62, 82; quarters of, 73–75, 75, 76–77; religious groups in, xxxii–xxxiv, 93, 122, 188n. 43; residential neighborhood in, xxxii; revolts in, xxxiv–xxxv; social and political history of, xviii–xix; social class in, 78–80, 87, 188n. 43; trade and, xxvi, xxxi–xxxiii, xxxvi

Aleppo court records: Armenian fatwa in, 49; description of, 69–71; of the eighteenth century, 82; en masse testimony in, 86–87; euphemisms used in, 94–99; on executions, 67; on flogging, 99; formulaic expressions in, 111–12; French citizens in, 76–77; gender and, 156–57; guilds and, 91, 92–93; Jabal Sam‘an court, 70; Kubra court, 70–71; on the levend, 106, 107–8; morally upright women vs. prostitutes in, 100; names in, 201–2n. 49; in the nineteenth century, 115, 208n. 70; on police, 67, 200n. 24; on prisons, 67; on prostitution, xvii, 94, 101, 104–5, 107–8, 110–29, 123, 208n. 70; on public morality, xxiii, 71, 82, 86, 96; on punishment for prostitution, 131; quantitative analysis of, 114; on rape, 138, 147, 150–54, 151; on reformed prostitutes, 115; Salahiyya court, 70; sample sijills from, 167–70; selection method for sijiils, 71, 72; of the sixteenth century, 82; on sodomy, 98; on spousal abuse, 138–39, 143–45; on stoning, 99, 160, 185n. 3; in the Syrian archives, 69–70; witnesses in, 82; on zina, 98, 104–5, 123, 158–59; zina cases from, 172–83

Aleppo courts: deputies of, 68; Hanafi school and, 69, 71; judges rotated through, 68; during the Ottoman period, 70–71; Shafi‘i school and, 69, 71

Algeria, 101

‘Ali (Caliph), 9–10

Ali Pasha, xxxvi

al-louti, 98

al-Almaji quarter, 76

‘amal literature, 136

Amhan bint Abi Bakr, 119

‘amma: in Aleppo, 78–79; definition of, 77; guilds for, 89; zina crimes and, 80–81, 202n. 66

anal intercourse, 6

analogy. See qiyas

Anatolia, xxxiii, 36, 129–30

Andalusia, Spain, 100

annulments, 68, 140–41, 200n. 30

appeal process, 66

approaching, 44

Arabic language, xxx

arbitration, 66

architecture, 121, 122

‘arif al-hara, 159

Armenian fatwa, 49

arsh, 19–20

al-Ash‘ari, Abu al-Hasan, 134

Ash‘ari school, 134

ashraf, xxxvi, xxxvii, 77–78, 126

assault, 107. See also rape; spousal abuse

awlad al-zina, 150–54, 156

a‘yan, 77, 78, 79–80

‘Ayntab, 84, 115–16, 148, 152, 153–54, 156

al-‘Azm, As‘ad Pasha, 100, 110

Bab al-Nasr region, xxxiii–xxxiv

Bab Touma, 163–64

Baer, Gabriel, 89

Baer, Marc, 185n. 3

Baghdad, 100

Bahsita quarter, xxxiv, 73, 76–77

bakers guild, 92

al-Balubi, Hasan Ibn Muhammad, 116

al-Bandara quarter, xxxiv, 7, 118

banishment: for prostitution, 94, 118, 119, 126, 128–29, 131, 137, 159, 209n. 102; return after, 84; for zina, 51, 158

Banqusa region, 113–14

Banqusiyya court, 70

bash, 91

Basra school, 15

bastinado, 129–30. See also flogging

bathhouses, 112

Battle of the Trench, 14, 99–100

Bayezid II, 36

bayt al-mal, 22

bayt al-ta‘a, 141

bayt ‘arabi, 163

Bedouin, 79

Behar, Cem, 116–17

Belkis, 185–86n. 3

bestiality, xviii

betrothed virgins, 11

bint, 111

birth control, 6

blackening faces, 10

blood money. See diya

bodily harm, 19–20, 149

Bodman, Herbert L., Jr., 67, 200n. 24

boys, 41, 53–54, 105

brothels. See prostitution

Brown, Janelle, 185n. 2

Brown, Kathleen, 95

al-Budayri, 101–3, 108, 109, 137, 206n. 28

al-Bukhari, ‘Abdallah Muhammad ibn Isma‘il, 9, 11–12, 147

Bulus walad Ishaq, 148

burial, after stoning, 25–26

Cairo, 89, 100

Çankiri courts, 150

Canpulatoğlu, Ali, xxxv

Capitulations, xxxiii

caravansaries, 103, 206n. 35

carpenters guild, 93

castration, 38

Çelebi, Evliya, 89

celibacy, 6

chalabi, 77

chaos, 46–47

children of sin, 150–54, 156

child support, 144

Christians: abduction into military service, 105; in Aleppo, xxxiii, xxxiv, 73; guild system and, 92; names in court records, 201–2n. 49; out-of-wedlock pregnancy in, 153; prostitution and, 115, 118; rape of, 148; in shari‘a courts, 76; stoning and, 10–11, 158

chronicles, 64

church doors, 49

Cilicia, xxxi

Circle of Justice, 33–34

circumstantial evidence, 97–98, 147

citadel of Aleppo, xxx

civil courts, 30

civil order, 39

Code of Hammurabi, 18, 146

codification of laws, 3, 17–18, 28, 29, 36

coercion, 82–84

coffeehouses, 62, 112

Cohen, Amnon, 204n. 102

collective punishment, 83–84

collective responsibility, 82–84, 126, 164

Commentary on the Treasury of Subtleties. See Al-Barh al-Ra’iq Sharh Kanz al-Duqa’iq (Ibn Nujaym)

commoners. See ‘amma

communal domination, 86–87. See also en masse testimony

communities: fatwas and, 50; interests of, xxiv, 87–88, 136–37; muftis and, 49; power of, 159. See also neighborhoods; quarter solidarity

community policing. See neighborhood policing

community punishment. See collective punishment

comparative studies, xix–xx, 186n. 8

compensation, 22, 146–47, 149

concubines, 6, 14

conditional divorce, 51–52

confessions: by couples, 153–54; hadiths on, 12–13; Hanafi school on, 12, 21, 22, 33; Muhammad (Prophet) on, 13; Qur’an on, 114–15; rape and, 149, 153–54, 155; of reformed prostitutes, 114–18; stoning and, 23; to zina, 117, 153–54, 156

confinement, 141

Confluence of Seas, The. See Multaqa al-Abhur (al-Halabi)

consensual sexual intercourse, 53–54, 145

consensus, 5, 134–35, 161

consummation, 19

Contagious Diseases Acts (1860s), 101

contracts, 19, 116, 117, 139, 140, 144–45

corporal punishment: for crimes against the state, 132; Islamic law on, 27–28; modern use of, 161; moratorium on, 160–61; for rape, 149; ruler autonomy and, 31; Alexander Russell on, 67; for zina, 4, 99, 137. See also flogging; hadd punishment; stoning

corruption, fomenter of, 87–88, 98, 205n. 9

couples, confessions by, 153–54

court fees, 66

court records, xviii–xix, 95, 111–12. See also Aleppo court records; shari‘a courts

court scribes, 64, 65–66, 68, 200n. 32

courts: despotism model of, xx; French Inquisition, 65; Jewish, 188n. 46; nizami, xxxviii, 69–70, 201n. 39; shopping for the desired ruling in, 126; zaptiyya, 70. See also shari‘a courts

court scribes, 64, 65–66, 68, 200n. 32

courtyards, 121, 122

crafts. See guilds

Crimean War, xxxviii

crimes against the state, 132

crimes of passion. See honor crimes

criminal past, 84, 148, 208n. 75

Crusades, xxvii

cunning, 47

custom, law and, 133–34

customary law. See local customary law

al-Daftari, Fathi, 103

Damascus: al-Budayri on, 101–3, 206n. 28; banishment as punishment in, 131–32; Christian quarters in, 73; euphemisms used in, 96, 97, 205n. 5; guild system in, 92; the levend in, 106–7; modern life in, 163–64; nizami courts in, 70; oath-taking in, 149; prostitution in, 85, 100, 109–10, 112, 120; public morality in, 84–85; shari‘a court records of, 69; trade in, xxxi–xxxii

dancing boys, 41

dar juwad, 141

darahim, 19, 192n. 63

darar, 140–41

dar juwad, 141

Davis, Natalie Zemon, 56, 65, 142

al-Dawalibi, Sayyid Ahmad ibn, 128

al-Dawla, ‘Adud, 100, 109

al-Dawla, Sayf, xxvi

debts, 22, 67

defamation, 148

defendants, 80

deputies, 68

despotism model, xxi–xxii

deviant behavior, xxiii–xxiv, 79

devşirme, 105

al-Din, Ahmad ‘Iz, 93

dishonorable occupations, 79

disobedient wives, 139–41

diverging opinions, 6

divorce: conditional, 51–52; Hanafi school on, 19; li‘an, 21, 192n. 72; triple, 52–53, 141–42, 144

diya: for bodily harm, 19–20, 149; collective responsibility and, 83; fines for, 57–58; honor crimes and, 45, 55; liability and, 51–52

doctrinal law: fatwas as, 50; istihsan and, 132–33; vs. local customary law, xxiii, xxiv–xxv, 94, 133–36, 187n. 24; on stoning for prostitution, 130

D’Ohsson, Mouradgea, xx

domestic violence, xxv–xxvi, 139–45

doubt, judicial. See shubha

Doumani, Bishara, 64

Douwes, Dick, 57

dowry, 19, 116, 149, 192n. 63

drinking. See alcohol; drunkenness

drunkenness, 76, 163–64

Druze, 115

Duri, A. A., 190n. 19

East Mediterranean region, xxviii

Ebu’s Su‘ud: fatwas of, 29, 40, 48, 50–51, 58, 197n. 74; on honor crimes, 40, 55–56, 155–56; on murder of ex-husbands, 142; on prostitution, 50, 58; on rape, 50–51, 53, 54; on sodomy, 54; on spousal abuse, 142–43; on violence against women, 51–53

economy, xxxiii, xxxvi, 88

edicts, 35, 36

Egypt: disobedient wives in, 141; eighteenth century in, xxxvii; euphemisms used in, 205n. 5; intent in, 42; prostitution in, 100–101, 110; punishment for rape in, 149, 153; rape in, 135, 154; zaptiyya courts in, 70

Elias, Mar, 158

elites, 79

emasculation of men, 102

Emine, 150, 154

Engels, Friedrich, xxi–xxii

en masse testimony, 80, 81, 86–88, 150, 159

Ergene, Boğaç, 185–86n. 3; on communal domination, 86–87; on court fees, 66; on en masse testimony, 81; on fomenter of corruption, 205n. 9; on neighborhood policing, 124; on rape, 150; on social class, 202n. 66; on stoning, 185–86n. 3; on strategy of substitution, 98

ethnic groups, xxxii–xxxiv, 73, 76–77

euphemisms, xvii, 94–99, 205n. 5, 205n. 7

Europeans, 76–77

evidence: circumstantial, 97–98, 147; criteria for, 98; customary, 137; en masse testimony and, 81, 87–88; for hadd crimes, 97; nonlegal terminology and, 97–98; rape and, 138, 147, 156; Selim I on, 45

evil, warding off, 95–96

evildoers, 97–98, 169

“Excessive Hitting” (Ibn ‘Abidin), 143

executions, 67, 185n. 2. See also stoning

ex-husbands, 142

expert witnesses, 68

expulsion. See banishment

extended family, 120, 149–50

eyewitnesses. See witnesses

faces, blackening, 10

Fahmy, Khaled, 28, 89, 110, 205n. 5

false accusation, 7, 21, 124–27, 190n. 15

family: definition of, 208n. 78; extended, 120, 149–50; prostitution and, 111, 119–24, 159

family economy, 130–31

Fantun walad Fantun, 76–77

Farah bint al-Hajj Mustafa, 122–23

Fatima bint ‘Abd al-Karim, 123

Fatima bint ‘Abdallah, 200n. 30, 209n. 102

Fatima bint Ahmad al-Sarraj, 116

Fatima bint Hajj ‘Ali, 143

Fatima bint Hussein, 145

Fatima bint Muhammad, 119–20

Fatima bint Musa, 119

Fatima bint Shaykh Mustafa, 89

Fatma bint Hadhr, 107–8

fatwas: of Aleppo, xx; Armenian, 49; vs. court records, xix; definition of, xxxix, 47; on disobedient wives, 141; of Ebu’s Su‘ud, 29, 40, 48, 50–51, 58, 197n. 74; on honor crimes, 54–56; on istihsan, 133; muftis and, 49–50; Ottoman law and, 29, 47–56; process of issuing, xxiii; on prostitution, 50; on rape, 50–51, 52–53, 146–47; relationship to reality, 50; on self-defense, 40; on spousal abuse, 141–43, 144–45

fees, court, 66

fetva. See fatwas

fines: vs. banishment, 158; collective responsibility and, 126; with flogging, 129–30; kanunnames on, 31–32, 57–58; on neighborhoods, 126, 128; for out-of-wedlock pregnancy, 153; for rape, 146; as revenue, 34, 58; shari‘a on, 57–58; social class and, 37; for sodomy, 41; for zina, 37, 51

fiqh: closing of the gates of ijtihad and, 4; definition of, 15; on dual punishment, 57; fatwas and, 50; Hanafi school, 16; legal theory vs. court practices in, xix; vs. local customary law, 187n. 24; Ottoman law and, 58

first-person narratives, 65–66

fitna, 46–47

fixed punishment, 30, 35

flagrante delicto, 54, 55

flesh trade, xxiv

flirtation, 43–44

flogging: Aleppo court records on, 99; for drinking and prostitution, 128; for false accusation, 7; fines with, 129–30; gender and, 26–27, 193n. 97; hadiths on, 9; Hanafi school on, 26, 27; kanunnames on, 31; moderation of, 28; for rape, 146, 147; women, 26–27; for zina, 4, 26, 51

fomenter of corruption, 87–88, 98, 205n. 9

forced confinement, 141

forced sexual intercourse. See nonconsensual sexual intercourse; rape

foreign merchants, xxxii–xxxiii, 103

foreign prostitutes, 111, 207n. 63

formulaic expressions, 95, 111–12

fornication, 37

Foucault, Michel, xxiv, 95

France, 56, 101, 120–21

French citizens, 76–77

French Inquisition, 65

French mandate, 70, 101

furman, 35, 36

furu‘, 4, 16, 50

futuwwa, 85, 91

gardens, 112

gates of ijtihad, 3–4, 187n. 19

gathering strangers, 96–97, 99, 118, 168, 205n. 7

gender: flogging and, 26–27, 193n. 97; legal system and, 156–57; morality and, xix, xxiv, 160; social relationship of, xxiii. See also women

gender violence, 138. See also rape; spousal abuse

Gerber, Haim, 42, 130, 132

al-Ghamidyya, 24–26, 115

Ghantusa bint Hajj ‘Abdallah, 120

ghasb, 146

al-Ghawri, Qansuh, xxviii

ghayr mubrah, 139–40

al-Ghazali, Abu Hamid, 134–35

al-Ghazali, Janbirdi, xxix

government, local, 159

governors, 66, 73

Grehan, James, 148–49

guarantee, 62

Guerre, Martin, 65

guilds: in Aleppo, 62, 88–93; competition and, 90–91; definition of, 88; expulsion from, 91, 92; leaders of, 91; origins of, 91–92; prostitution and, 89, 100, 101, 204n. 102; public morality and, 92–93; rules of, 91

guilt, 42, 56–57, 149

hadd crimes, 20–21, 27, 97

hadd punishment, 31–33, 146–47, 149

hadith al-ifk, 7, 190n. 15

hadiths: on adultery, 10–11; authenticity of, 8–9; on confessions, 12–13, 115; on flogging, 9; on homosexual acts, 13–15; on intent, 46, 57; patriarchy in, 9, 191n. 22; process of compiling, 8, 190n. 19; on prostitution, 14; on punishment, 12–13; on rape, 21, 147; on sexual innuendo, 44; on stoning, xxi, 4–5, 9–13, 22–28, 158; on zina, 5, 8–15

hajji, 77, 80

al-Hakim, 100

hakim al-‘urf, 66

Halab, xxvi. See also Aleppo

al-Halabi, Ibrahim, 17, 20, 21–22, 23, 32

Hallaq, Wael, xxii–xxiii, 50

al-Hamawi, Sayyid Muhammad, 112

Hammurabi Code, 18, 146

Hamna bint Jahsh, 7

Hanafi school, xxv, 15–22; Aleppo courts and, 69, 71; on annulments, 68; on circumstantial evidence, 97, 147; codification of laws, 17–18; on collective responsibility, 83; on confessions, 12, 21, 22, 33; on contracts, 19; on divorce, 19; on dual punishment, 57; on flogging, 26, 27; on hadd punishment, 33; on intent, 44, 57; Jabal Sam‘an court and, 70; kanunnames and, 16–18, 192n. 54; Kubra court and, 71; Ottoman law and, 16–17, 192n. 54; on pregnant women, 25; on ruler autonomy, 31, 35; shubha and, 33; on sodomy, 40; on stoning, 22–23, 26; on witnesses, 33, 54; on zina, 18–22

Hanbali school, 15–16; on anal intercourse, 6; on confessions, 22; on istihsan, 133; prostitution and, 100; on stoning, 22

harm: bodily, 19–20, 149; darar, 140–41; warding off, 95–96

Haskiya bint ‘Ali, 144–45

Hatt-i Hümayun, xxxviii

Hatt-i Sharif, xxxvii–xxxviii

Hawadith Dimashq al-Yawmiyya (al-Budayri), 101–3, 206n. 28

Hawran, 76

heaven, 8

Hedaya (al-Marginani): on banishment, 131; on flogging, 27; influence of, 17; on intent, 44, 57; on shubha, 32; on stoning women, 25

Helena bint ‘Abd al-Nur, 148

Heyd, Uriel: on bastinado, 129–30; on fatwas, 48; on fines, 31, 57; kanunnames of Süleyman I and, 36; on stoning, 58

Hilala bint Ka‘dan, 154–55

hitting: excessive, 143; nonviolent, 139–40

homeless persons, 79

homosexual acts, 6, 7–8, 13–15, 41, 98. See also sodomy

honor, 159

honor crimes, 40, 45, 46, 54–56, 155–56

Hourani, Albert, 78

housing, 121, 122, 163

hudud. See corporal punishment

humiliation, public, 10, 191n. 28

husbands, 51, 139, 142. See also spousal abuse

Husseini, Safiya, 185n. 2

Ibn ‘Abdallah, Mustafa, 108

Ibn ‘Abdi Efendi, Ibrahim Chalabi, 149–50

Ibn ‘Abidin, 143, 152, 197n. 74

Ibn Ahmad, ‘Abd al-Rahman, 149

Ibn Ahmad, Taha, 128

Ibn al-Baktash, Muhammad, 107

Ibn al-Batanuni, 47

Ibn al-Hajj Mahmud, ‘Uthman Pasha, 119

Ibn al-Hajj Muhammad, Sayyid Ahmad, 118

Ibn al-Hajj ‘Uthman, ‘Aqil, 119

Ibn ‘Ali, Mustafa, 116

Ibn al-Kayem, 135–36

Ibn al-Khattab, Umar, xvii

Ibn Anas, Malik, 14-15

Ibn Bashar, Hajj Ahmad, xvii

Ibn Battuta, 91

Ibn Bazzaz, 55

Ibn Bilal, Taha, 128

Ibn Fathi, Mustafa, 119

Ibn Hajj ‘Ali, Qasim, 143

Ibn Hajj Hussein, ‘Abd al-Qadir, 91

Ibn Hajj Muhammad, Nasr, 93

Ibn Hajj Muhammad, Salah, 93

Ibn Hajj Muhammad, Sayyid Bakr, 125–26

Ibn Hajj Murad, Shaykh Muhammad, 127

Ibn Hamad, Sayyid Hassan, 120

Ibn Ibrahim Pasha, Darwish Ahmad, 127

Ibn Ishaq, 5

Ibn Isma‘il, Milhem, 149

Ibn Jawzi, 13

Ibn Kathir, 139–40

Ibn Mahmud, ‘Aqil, 91

Ibn Mubarak, ‘Ali, 92

Ibn Muhammad, Abdul Karim, 145

Ibn Muhammad, Ahmad Khatush, 144

Ibn Muhammad, Muhammad ibn Hajj Rajab, 107

Ibn Muhammad, Sayyid ‘Abd al-Razzaq, 91

Ibn Murad, Ahmad, 131

Ibn Mustafa, Hajj ‘Ali, 127

Ibn Najm, Ka‘dan, 154–55

Ibn Nujaym, Zayn al-Din, 15, 17, 32, 55

Ibn Qasim Basha, Muhammad Agha, 124

Ibn Qasim, Hajj Isma‘il, 116

Ibn Rajab, Hajj Muhammad, 119–20

Ibn Rajab, Mustafa, 119–20

Ibn Shams al-din, ‘Abd al-Salam, 167

Ibn Taymiyya, 135–36

Ibn Thabit, Hasan, 7

Ibn Uthatha, Mistah, 7

Ibn Walid, Khalid, xxvi

Ibn Yusuf, Ahmad, 144

‘iddah, 142

ifta’, xxiii

ightisab, 146

ijma‘, 5, 134–35, 161

ijtihad: classical Islamic law and, 3; debate about, 5; gates of, xxii–xxiii, 3–4, 187n. 19; Hanafi school on, 132; modern use of, 161; women and, xx, 186n. 13

ikhtilaf, 6

illicit sexuality. See zina

illness, 27

Imber, Colin: on the Hanafi school, 16–17; on prostitution, 38; on rape, 53–54; on ruler autonomy, 35; on shubha, 32

immoral conduct. See public morality

imperial law. See kanunnames

Imperial Rescript of the Rose Chamber, xxxvii–xxxviii

impropriety, 43, 56

impurity, 79

imtiyazat, xxxiii

Inalcik, Halil, 36

incest, xviii

indemnity, 33

individual punishment, 83

innocence, 22

innocents, 28, 135

innuendo, sexual, 43, 44

intent, 41–43, 56–57; to commit adultery, 42–43, 44–45; as guilt, 42, 56–57; of rape victims, 45–46; stoning for, 197n. 66; suspicion of, 42–43, 46, 197n. 66

interest (monetary), 134

interests of the community, 87–88, 136–37

“International Call for Moratorium on Corporal Punishment, Stoning, and the Death Penalty in the Islamic World, An” (Ramdan), 160–61

iqrar. See confessions

Iran, 185n. 2

Iraq, 15

irregular troops. See levend

Islamic law: classical, 3; codification of, 3, 17–18, 28, 29, 36; definition of, 160; devşirme system and, 105; doctrinal vs. local customary, xxiii, xxiv–xxv, 61, 94, 133–37, 187n. 24; flexibility within, 159; history of, xxii–xxiii; Islamists’ understanding of, xxi; istihsan and istislah in, 132–36; on legitimacy, 152; literature of, xix; Orientalism on, xxi–xxii, 187n. 19; on rape, xxv–xxvi, 138, 145; reformed prostitutes and, 114–18; reinterpretation of, 160–62; revisionist school of, xxi, xxii–xxiii; schools of, 15–16, 68, 69; on sexual morality, 160; sources of, 5–6, 134–35; on spousal abuse, 138–39; textual analysis of, xxiv; theory and practice of, xxi–xxii; women’s rights and, 139; on zina, xxv, 159–60. See also doctrinal law; juridical literature; shari‘a courts; shari‘a law

Islamists, xvii–xviii, xxi, 161

isnad, 8–9

Istanbul, 62, 70, 73, 117, 130

istihsan, 94, 132–36, 160

istislah, 94, 132–36

Jabal Sam‘an court, 70

al-Jandaly, Bassam, 185n. 2

Janissaries: Banqusa region and, 114; guild system and, 89; notable class and, 78; power of, xxxv–xxxvii; prostitution and, 108–9; two classes of, 103, 104

al-Jazzar, Ahmad Pasha, 106

Jelali revolts, xxxiv–xxxv, 38–39

Jennings, Ronald C., 108, 130–31

Jerusalem, 69, 204n. 102

Jesus, 10–11

Jewish courts, 188n. 46

Jews: in Aleppo, xxxiv, 73; guild system and, 92; marriage to Muslims, 185n. 3; stoning and, 10–11, 25; zina and, 129

Jezebel, 25

al-Jisr, Husayn, xxii

jizya, xxxviii

John (Book of), 10–11

Joseph, 46

judges: Circle of Justice and, 34; confessions and, 33; euphemisms and, 98, 99; istislah and, 135; kadijustiz system and, xxii; role in Islamic law, xxii; role in shari‘a courts, 67–68; rotation of, 67–68, 200n. 27; siyaset used by, 98; strategy of substitution, 98

judicial doubt. See shubha

juridical literature, xix, 137, 141, 145, 186n. 8. See also fatwas; fiqh; hadiths

Justice, Circle of, 33–34

kadijustiz, xxii, xxiii

Kadizâdeli movement, 129

kanunnames, xx; on abduction, 38–39; on adultery, 38; of Aleppo, 36; on circumstantial evidence, 147; on collective responsibility, 82, 126; decline of, 58; on fines, 31–32, 57–58; Hanafi school and, 16–18, 192n. 54; on honor crimes, 40, 45; on intent, 41–46, 57; local customary law and, 58; of Mehmet II, 35; on prostitution, 37–38; punishment and, xxv; on rape, 39, 41, 53–54; as ruler autonomy, 35–37; as secular law, 35; of Selim I, 29, 36, 37, 38, 41, 45; on sexual solicitation, 43–44; on sodomy, 40–41; on speculation, 43; on stoning, 158; of Süleyman I, 29, 36–37, 38–39, 40, 41, 42–43, 58, 82, 147; on violence against women, 39–40; on zina, 33–47

Karima bint Hajj Yusuf al-Mu‘asirani, 89

al-Kasani, ‘Ala’ al-Din, 15

Kasap Ilyas quarter, 116–17

katib. See court scribes

kayd, 47

Kayseri, 108

kefalet, 62, 93

kenizlik. See sodomy

Khadija bint ‘Abd al-Karim, 123

Khadija bint Bakri, 118

Khadija bint Shaykh Salah, 116

Khalidi, Tarif, 190n. 19

khans. See caravansaries

Khanum bint Hajj bint Hajj, 125–26

kharajiyyat, 100

Kharij Bab al-Nasr quarter, 113

khassa, 79

Khayr ad-Din. See al-Ramli, Khayr ad-Din ibn Ahmad

Khoury, Philip, 203n. 88

kidnapping, 149

killing innocents, 135

Kirli, Cengiz, 62, 73

kissing, 43, 44

Kitab al-fatawa al-kubra li naf‘ al-barriya (Khayr ad-Din), 141–42

Kitab al-Mabsur, 51

Kitab al-‘Unwan fi maka‘id al-Niswan, 47

Kohar bint ‘Attallah, 123

al-Kubra, Mahkamat, 69

Kubra court, 70–71

Kufa school, 15

Kurds, xxxv, 106

Kusa Mustafa Pasha, xxxvi

La Funti, Yusuf walad Istifan, 76–77

language: Arabic, xxx; euphemisms and, 94–99, 205n. 5; formal court, 64; formulaic expressions and, 95, 111–12; rape and, xxvi, 54, 145–46; Turkish, xxx–xxxi

lapidation, 10–11

Lapidus, Ira, 81

Largueche, Dalenda, 141

lashes. See flogging

law: codification of, 3, 17–18, 28, 29; custom and, 133–34; religious vs. secular, 35; substantive, 4, 16, 50; terminology of, 97–98; Western, 3. See also doctrinal law; Islamic law; local customary law; Ottoman law; shari‘a law

Lawal, Amina, 185n. 2

legal analogy, 5, 134–35

legal discourse, xxiv–xxv, 3–4, 15–16

legal manuals, 4, 16, 50

legal pluralism, 30

legal reasoning. See ijtihad

legitimacy, 152, 156

lesbianism, 6

letters of introduction, 117

levend, 103, 105–8, 154–55, 206n. 38

liability, 51–52

li‘an divorce, 21, 192n. 72

licit sexuality, xxiv, 6

“lie, account of the,” 7, 190n. 15

literature: ‘amal, 136; juridical, 137, 141, 145, 186n. 8; popular, 46

local customary law: consideration of, 5–6; vs. doctrinal law, xxiii, xxiv–xxv, 94, 133–36, 187n. 24; Islamic law and, 136–37; Ottoman law and, 30–31, 58; punishment and, 129–32; tradition of, 159–60

local government, 159

looseness of women, 102

Lot, 8

Mabsut (al-Sarakhsi), 17, 19

madhahab, 15–16

mahkamah shar‘iyya, 69–70

maintenance, 139, 140, 141

Ma‘iz, 11–12, 24, 25, 115

majlis, xxxvii

mahr or mahr mu’akhkhar. See dowry

Malik ibn Anas, 14–15, 16

Maliki school, 15–16, 54, 133

Malti-Douglas, Fedwa, 47

Mamluk, 71, 86

Mandeville, Jon, 63

al-Maqrizi, 100

mar’a, 111–12

Marcus, Abraham: on ‘amma, 80; on collective responsibility, 82–83; on guilds, 88, 91–92; on policing, 73; on prostitution, 129, 131, 209n. 102; on reputation, 208n. 75; on rotation of judges, 67–68; studies by, xviii

al-Marginani, Abi Bakr al-Farghani: on banishment, 131; on circumstantial evidence, 147; on dowry, 192n. 63; on flogging, 27; Hedaya, 17, 25, 27, 32, 44, 57, 131; on intent, 44, 57; on prostitution, 37–38; on shubha, 32; on stoning women, 25; on zina, 18

marital rape, 51, 139

marital status: fines and, 37; on muhtasib, 91; prostitution and, 119; punishment and, 6, 26, 194n. 99; women as property and, 19

Markar walad Arakil, 92

marriage: abduction for, 154; between a Muslim and Jew, 185n. 3; of rapist to victim, 135; registration of, 69; tahlil, 142

marriage contracts, 19, 116, 117, 139, 140, 144–45

Marx, Karl, xxi–xxii

al-Masabin quarter, xxxiv

Masters, Bruce, xviii, xxxiii, 206n. 35

masturbation, 6

Matthee, Rudi, 103, 206n. 35

Mecelle, 17–18

mediation, 39

Mehmed IV, 129

Mehmet II, xxviii, 35

memory, xxi

men, emasculation of, 102

mens rea, 13

merchants, xxxii–xxxiv, 103

Meriwether, Margaret, xvi, 208n. 78

Mernissi, Fatima, xx, xxi, 191n. 22

Messick, Brinkley, 49

microhistory, xix, xx

midwives guild, 88–89

military troops: abduction into, 105; prostitution and, 101, 103, 105–9, 206n. 38; rape and, 154–55. See also Janissaries

millet, xxxvii–xxxviii

miscarriage, 108

misuse of memory, xxi

money, blood. See diya

morality: deviant behavior and, xxiii–xxiv; gender and, xix, xxiv, 160; sexual, 160; women and, xxi. See also public morality

“morally repugnant deeds,” 96

Moroccan guards, 92

Morocco, 101, 135

mosques, xxvi–xxvii

mudaraba, 133–34

muftis, 29, 47, 48, 49–50, 68–69

Muhammad (Prophet): ashraf and, xxxvi; on confessions, 13; descendants of, 77–78; on fixed punishment, 30; on flogging, 27; hadiths on, 13–14; on intent, 44, 46, 57; on nonviolent hitting, 140; on prostitution, 14, 99–100; on punishment, 12, 32; on shubha, 32; on stoning, xvii, 4, 9–10, 158; stoning of Ma‘iz and, 11–12; sunna, 4

Muhammad ‘Ali, xxxvii, 101

muhtasib, 91

mujtahid, 47, 49

mukhtar notebooks, 117

mulk. See ownership

Multaqa al-Abhur (al-Halabi), 17, 21–22, 32

murder: collective punishment for, 83; diya and, 20, 45; of ex-husbands, 142; honor crimes and, 46, 54–56; as self-defense, 51–52; for sexual impropriety, 56. See also honor crimes

Muslim neighborhoods, xxxiv

Muslims: abduction into military service, 105; marriage to Jews, 185n. 3; names in court records, 201–2n. 49; out-of-wedlock pregnancy in, 153; population of Aleppo, 122; prostitution and, 115, 121–22; sexuality of, xx

mustakraha, 145. See also rape

Mu‘tazili school, 134

Myriam bint ‘Abd al-Rahman, 108

Myriam bint Yusuf, 118

mysticism, 91

Nablus, 69

al-Nabulusi, ‘Abd al-Ghani, 15, 44

nafaqa. See child support; maintenance

na’ib. See deputies

nakedness, 27

names, 201–2n. 49

naqib al-ashraf, 77–78

narratives, first-person, 65–66

neighborhood policing: corruption in, 124; modern use of, 159; Ottoman law on, 61–62; against prostitution, 101, 114, 118–29, 137, 206n. 25; of public morality, 82–83, 84–86, 124–27, 137, 164

neighborhoods: collective responsibility of, 82–84, 126; euphemisms and, 97; fines on, 126, 128; Muslim, xxxiv; non-Muslim, xxxiii–xxxiv, xxxiv. See also banishment; quarter representatives; quarter solidarity

neighborhood strongmen, 85, 203n. 88

Nerses walad Abdullah, 154

nizami courts, xxxviii, 69–70, 201n. 39

nobility, xxxvi, xxxvii. See also a‘yan

nonconsensual sexual intercourse, 53–54, 145. See also zina

nonlegal terminology, 97–98

non-Muslims: guild system and, 92; neighborhoods of, xxxiii–xxxiv, xxxiv, 73; prostitution and, 115; in shari‘a courts, xxxiv, 76

nonviolent hitting, 139–40

notable class. See a‘yan

nushuz, 139–40

oath-taking, 147, 148–49, 152, 157

obedience. See ta‘a

occupations, dishonorable, 79

“off the straight path,” xvii, 96, 118, 159, 168

1001 Nights (Shahrazade), 46

opinions, 6, 133

Orientalism, xxi–xxii, xxii–xxiv, 133

Ottoman Empire: Aleppo’s court records and, xix; coercion by, 82–84, 86; economy, xxxvi, 8; guild system and, 88, 91; history of, xxviii–xxxviii; language of, xxx–xxxi; public morality in, 84; social class in, 77–80; Tanzimat reforms, xxxviii, 3, 69–70; taxation of prostitutes in, 100–101

Ottoman law: Circle of Justice, 33–34; codification of laws and, 3, 17–18, 28, 29, 36; on collective responsibility, 84; fatwas and, 29, 47–56; Hanafi school and, 16–17, 192n. 54; intent in, 41–43; local customary law and, 58, 61; on policing, 61–62, 83–84; on prostitution, 101; on punishment, 30–31, 107; on rape, 53–54; religious vs. secular, 35; shari‘a and, 29, 56–58; on stoning, 58; sultans and, 34–37; zina and, 32–33. See also kanunnames

out-of-wedlock pregnancy, 150–54, 155, 156, 167, 185n. 2

ownership, 18–19, 32, 37

Pakistan, 139

Palestinian Peasants and Ottoman Officials (Singer), 107

Paolo, 124

Paşa, Çağalzade Sinan, xxxv

passion crimes. See honor crimes

patriarchy, 9, 11, 18–19, 46–47, 191n. 22

patronage, 103, 127–28

Peeping Toms, 43

Peirce, Leslie: on ‘Ayntab, xix; on circumstantial evidence, 147; on monitoring morality, 84; on oath-taking, 152; on police, 200n. 24; on punishment, 132, 199n. 9; on rape, 148, 153–54, 155, 156; on reformed prostitutes, 115–16; on reputation, 208n. 75; on ruler autonomy, 31

perceived ownership, 32

Permanent Council (Saudi), 3

Peters, Rudolph, 54–55, 148

physical punishment. See corporal punishment

pimping, 38

pluralism, legal, 30

police, 67, 70, 200n. 24

policing: of Aleppo, 73–88; collective responsibility for, 84–85; Ottoman law on, 61–62, 83–84; against prostitution, 101, 114, 206n. 25; public morality, 84–85; quarter representatives in, 82. See also neighborhood policing

poll tax (jizya), xxxviii

popular literature, 46

poverty, 79

Powers, David, 187n. 24

preferred result. See istihsan

pregnancy, out-of-wedlock, 150–54, 155, 156, 167, 185n. 2

pregnant women, stoning of, 24–26

prisoners of war, 105

prisons, 67

privacy, 97, 208n. 75

procurement of prostitution, xviii, 38, 49, 96–97, 112, 118–28. See also prostitution

property, 18–19

proprietorship, 19

prostitution, 99–129; al-Budayri on, 102–3; Aleppo court records on, xvii, 94, 104–5, 107–8, 110–29, 123, 131, 208n. 70; ban on, 110; banishment for, 94, 118, 119, 126, 128–29, 131, 137, 159, 209n. 102; in Damascus, 85, 100, 109–10, 112, 120; descriptions of women in, 100; Ebu’s Su‘ud on, 50; in Egypt, 100–101, 110; euphemisms for, xvii, 96–97, 99, 205n. 5, 205n. 7; family and, 111, 119–24, 159; flogging for, 128; foreign prostitutes in, 111, 207n. 63; guild system and, 89, 100, 101, 204n. 102; hadiths on, 14; Janissaries and, 108–9; kanunnames on, 37–38; military troops and, 101, 103, 105–9, 206n. 38; Muhammad (Prophet) on, 99–100; neighborhood policing against, 101, 114, 118–29, 137, 206n. 25; in the nineteenth century, 115, 208n. 70; non-Muslims and, 115; ownership and, 37; patronage of, 103, 127–28; policing against, 101, 114, 206n. 25; premodern vs. modern, 101; procurement of, xviii, 38, 49, 96–97, 112, 118–28; punishment for, xvii, xxv, 94, 128–32, 136, 159, 209n. 102; Qur’an on, 99; reformed prostitutes and, 114–18; by religion, 123; sample Aleppo sijills on, 168; shubha and, 32–33; social class and, 110–11; socioeconomic factors of, 120; stoning for, 58, 130; taxes on, 100–101; testimonials on, 114–18, 170; as zina, xviii

public humiliation, 10, 191n. 28

public interest. See istislah

public morality: alcohol and, 163–64; Aleppo court records on, xxiii, 71, 82, 86, 96; collective responsibility and, 82–83; en masse testimony in, 80; euphemisms for, 96; false accusation of, 124–27; fomenter of corruption and, 87–88, 98, 205n. 9; guild system and, 92–93; neighborhood policing of, 82–83, 84–85, 86, 124–27, 137, 164; in Ottoman Empire, 84; quarter solidarity and, 85, 93, 159; social class and, 71, 80

“Public Morality in 18th Century Damascus” (Rafeq), 84–85

punishment: for alcohol, 27, 83; based on circumstantial evidence, 98; collective, 83–84; consistency of, xxiii; for crimes against the state, 132; for disobedient wives, 140; dual, 57; executions as, 185n. 2; fixed, 30, 35; hadd, 20–21, 27, 31–33, 146–47, 149; hadiths on, 12–13; for homosexual acts, 13–14; illness and, 27; individual, 83; Islamists’ and, xix; kanunnames on, xxv; local customary law and, 129–32; mandatory, 23; marital status and, 6, 26, 194n. 99; moderation of, 28; Ottoman law and, 30–31, 107; precedent for, 4; for prostitution, xvii, xxv, 94, 128–32, 136, 159, 209n. 102; for rape, 146–47, 148, 153, 155; ritual, 27–28; shari‘a court records on, xv, 64, 199n. 9; shari‘a law on, 30–31; social class and, 37; for spousal abuse, 143; for zina, xvii–xviii, xxi, xxiii, 20–21, 31–33, 129–32, 159–60. See also banishment; corporal punishment; fines; flogging; stoning

püzavinklik, 38

qabaday, 85, 203n. 88

qadhf, 7, 148, 156

qadi. See judges

al-Qadir, Hajj Hijazi bin, 169

Qarliq district, 121

qasd. See intent

al-Qasila quarter, 113

al-Qattan, Najwa, 73

qiyas, 5, 134–35

quantitative analysis, 66, 114

quarter policing. See neighborhood policing

quarter representatives, xxv, 81–82, 85

quarter solidarity: in Aleppo, xix, 61–62, 82; en masse testimony and, 159; in modern Damascus, 164; public morality and, 85, 93. See also neighborhoods

Qur’an: on adultery, 7; on confessions, 114–15; on disobedient wives, 139–40; on heaven, 8; on homosexual acts, 7–8; on prostitution, 14, 99; on stoning, xxi, 5, 9, 10, 22; on women’s sexual desire, 46; on zina, 5, 6–8

Radd al-muhtar ‘ala al-durr al-mukhtar (Ibn ‘Abidin), 143

Rafeq, Abdul Karim: on banishment, 131–32; on euphemisms, 96, 97, 205n. 5; on gathering strangers, 205n. 7; on guilds, 91; on homosexuality, 98; on the levend, 106; on prostitution, 110, 120, 136; on public morality, 84–85; on quarter solidarity, 61; studies by, xviii–xix

rajam. See stoning

Ramadan, Tariq, 160–61

al-Ramli, Khayr ad-Din ibn Ahmad, 52–53, 141–42, 146–47

rape, 145–57; adultery and, 53; Aleppo court records on, 138, 147, 150–54, 151; of boys, 41, 53–54; compensation for, 146–47, 149; confessions and, 149, 153–54, 155; Ebu’s Su‘ud on, 50–51; evidence and, 138, 147, 156; fatwas on, 50–51, 52–53, 146–47; flogging for, 146, 147; hadd punishment for, 146–47, 149; intent and, 42, 45–46; Islamic law on, xxv–xxvi, 138, 145; kanunnames on, 39, 41, 53–54; marital, 51, 139; marriage of rapist to victim and, 135; oath-taking and, 147, 148–49, 152, 157; Ottoman law on, 53–54; pregnancy from, 150–54; punishment for, 146–47, 148, 153, 155; shubha and, 33; of slaves, 21; sodomy as, 41; stoning for, 185–86n. 3; terminology for, xxvi, 54, 145–46; testimony on, 65; witnesses to, 147; women as property and, 18–19; as zina, xviii, 21–22, 146, 156–57

ra’y, 6, 133

Raymond, André, 81, 92, 121, 206n. 35

reasoning, legal. See ijtihad

reformed prostitutes, 114–18

religious elite. See ‘ulama

religious groups, xxxii–xxxiv, 73, 122, 188n. 43

religious law, 35

remarriage, 142

rent, 124

representatives, quarter, xxv, 81–82, 85

reputation, 116, 118, 208n. 75

research methodology, 63–69, 199n. 7

responsibility, collective, 82–84, 126, 164

retribution, 138

revenue, 34, 58

ritual punishment, 27–28

Romans, 158

Rosen, Lawrence, 133–34, 135, 136

ruler autonomy, 31, 35

runaways, 163–64

Russell, Alexander, 67, 130

Safavids, xxxvi, 100, 109

Safiya bint ‘Ubayd, 21, 147

Sahat Biza quarter, 113

Sahih al-Bukhari, 9, 21

sa‘i bi’l fasad. See fomenter of corruption

Sajdi, Dana, 206n. 28

Salah al-Din, xxvii

Salahiyya court, 70, 118

Saliba al-Judayda quarter, xxxiv, 73

Saliha bint Muhammad, 149–50

Salmun, 109

same sex relationships. See homosexual acts

sanity, 12, 13

al-Saqazi, Sadiq ibn Muhammad, 32–33

Sara bint Hana, 131

Sara bint Rizq Allah, 150, 154

al-Sarkhsi, Muhammad ibn Ahmad, 17, 19

Sasun bakers, 92

Saudi Arabia, 3

Schacht, Joseph, xviii, 16, 18, 133, 192n. 54

Schlegell, Barbara von, 15

schools of Islamic law, 15–16, 68, 69

scribes, 64, 65–66, 68, 200n. 32

secular law, 35

seduction, 46

self-defense, 40, 51–52

Selim I: on abduction, 38; on evidence, 45; on intent, 41; kanunnames of, 29, 36, 37, 38, 41, 45; on kissing or flirtation, 43; Mutaqa al-Abhur and, 17; rule of, xxviii

Seljuk emirates, xxvii

Seng, Yvonne, 130

sexes, mixing of, 49

sexual assault. See rape; spousal abuse

sexual desire, 46

sexual indiscretion. See zina

sexual innuendo, 43, 44

sexual intercourse: consensual, 53–54, 145; forced, 40–41; illicit (see zina); legal, xxiv, 6; nonconsensual, 40–41, 53–54, 145

sexual intercourse, illicit. See zina

sexual morality, 160

sexual solicitation, 43–44

sexuality, xx, xxiv, 19, 46–47

Shafi‘i (Imam), 16, 40

Shafi‘i school: Aleppo courts and, 69, 71; on annulments, 68; on confessions, 12, 22; founding of, 16; Hanafi school and, 15; on istihsan, 133; on pregnant women, 25; on sodomy, 40; on stoning, 23

Shafi‘iyya court, 69

Shahrazade, 46

Shahroudi (Ayatollah), 185n. 2

shahud al-hal. See expert witnesses

Sharaf bint Hajj Mustafa ibn ‘Abdallah, 116

shari‘a courts: adjudication process, 64; Christians in, 76; communal domination in, 86–87; formulaic expressions in, 95, 111–12; guild system and, 62, 88–89, 91–92; information provided by, 63–64; interests of the community and, xxiv; legal theory vs. actual practices of, xix, 61; local customary law and, 5–6; local differences in, 69; non-Muslims in, xxxiv, 76; political history and, xviii–xix; procedures and structure of, 67–68; on punishment, xvii, 64, 199n. 9; quantitative analysis of, 66, 114; research methodology and, 63–69, 199n. 7; shopping for the desired ruling in, 126; siijills of, 66, 68; social class and, 61–62, 80–81, 202n. 66; social history and, xviii–xix, xxv, 63–72; stoning by, xvii–xviii; Syrian archives records of, 69–70. See also Aleppo court records

shari‘a law: codification of, 3, 17–18, 28, 29, 36; vs. customary law, 94; description of, 61; on fines, 57–58; istihsan and, 132–33; kanunnames and, 29, 56–58; vs. local customary law, 5–6, 61; modern understanding of, 161–62; Ottoman law and, 29, 56–58; on punishment, 30–31; as religious law, 35; on stoning for prostitution, 130. See also doctrinal law; Islamic law

sharif, 77–78

shaykh, 77, 89

shaykhul-islam. See mufti

Shiites, 6

shotgun weddings, 152

shubha, 31, 32, 146–47, 148

Shuman, Mushin ‘Ali, 73

sijills, xx, 66, 68, 71, 72

silent partnership. See mudaraba

Singer, Amy, 107

siyaset (siyasa), 31, 98

slander. See qadhf

slaves, 14, 18, 21, 26, 105

social class: in Aleppo, 76, 87, 188n. 43; court fees and, 66; guild system and, 88, 89, 204n. 98; in the Ottoman Empire, 77–80; prostitution and, 110–11; public morality and, 71, 80; punishment and, 37; shari‘a courts and, 61–62, 80–81, 202n. 66; witnesses and, 77, 126

social conflict, 46

social history, xviii–xix, xxv, 63–72

socioeconomic factors, 120, 130–31

Sodom and Gomorrah, 8

sodomy, xvi, 8, 13, 14, 40–41, 54, 98, 145

soldiers. See military troops

solicitation, sexual, 43–44. See also prostitution

solidarity, quarter, xix, xxv, 61–62, 82, 85, 93, 159

Sonbol, Amira El-Azhary, xix, 79, 141, 149

speculation. See suspicion

Spellberg, Denise A., 190n. 15

spice trade, xxxiii

spousal abuse, 139–45; Aleppo court records on, 138–39, 143–45; Ebu’s Su‘ud on, 142–43; Islamic law on, 138–39; kanunnames on, 39–40; murder of ex-husbands after, 142; punishment for, 143; sample Aleppo sijills on, 169; testimony on, 65–66

spousal support, 141

standing surety, 62

state, crimes against, 132

stoning: for adultery, 9, 10, 132; Aleppo court records on, 99, 160, 185n. 3; bodily position during, 23–24, 27; burial after, 25–26; Christians and, 10–11, 158; confessions and, 23; fatwas on, 50–51; hadiths on, xxi, 4–5, 9–13, 22–28, 158; Hanafi school on, 22–23, 26; historical basis for, xvii–xviii; kanunnames on, 31; of Ma‘iz, 11–12, 24, 25; moratorium on, 160–61; Muhammad on, xvii, 4, 9–10, 11–12, 158; Ottoman law on, 58; of pregnant women, 24–26; for prostitution, 58, 130; Qur’an on, xxi, 5, 9, 10, 22; for rape, 185–86n. 3; recent cases of, 185n. 2; size of stones for, 23; for suspicion of bad intent, 197n. 66; of women, 24–26, 27; for zina, xvii–xviii, 4, 22–28, 129, 185–86n. 3

strangers, gathering, 96–97, 99, 118, 168, 205n. 7

strategy of substitution, 87, 98

substantive law, 4, 16, 50

Sufi, 91, 92

al-Sulami, Safwan ibn Mu’attal, 7

Süleyman I: on abduction, 38–39; on circumstantial evidence, 147; on collective responsibility, 82; on honor crimes, 40; on intent, 42–43; kanunnames of, 29, 36–37, 38–39, 40, 41, 42–43, 58, 82, 147; on Peeping Toms, 43; on prostitution, 38; rule of, xxviii–xxxviii; on sodomy, 41

sulh. See mediation

sultans, 34–37

sunna, 4, 5, 134–35

Sunni, 15

Surat al-Isra, 6

Surat al-Nisa, 139

Surat al-Nur, 6, 7, 14, 99

Surat Bani Isra’il, 6

suspicion, 42–43, 46, 57

Su‘ud, Efendi, xx

Syrian archives, 69–70, 201n. 39

ta‘a, 53, 139, 141

al-Tabari, 140

tafsir, 15

tahlil marriage, 142

ta’ifa. See guilds

tajbiya, 10, 191n. 28

Taliban, 185n. 2

Tamari, Stephen Edmond, 200n. 27

al-Tamimi, 152

Tanzimat reforms, xxxviii, 3, 69–70

taxes, xxxviii, 100–101, 206n. 25

Tayiba, 108

ta‘zir, 20–21, 57, 143, 193n. 97

testimonials, 114–18, 170

testimony: in court records, 65–66; en masse, 80, 81, 86–87, 150, 159; nonlegal terminology and, 97–98

textual analysis, xxiv

theft, 27, 83

titled witnesses, 77

töhmet, 84, 148, 208n. 75

Torah, 10–11

trade, xxvi, xxxi–xxxiii, xxxvi

transliteration, xxxix

triple divorce, 52–53, 141–42, 144

troops. See military troops

Tucker, Judith: on disobedient wives, 141; on gender, xix, xxiii; on marriage contracts, 69; on muftis, 49; on shubha, 33; on ta‘a, 53

tufinkjis, 67, 200n. 24

Tunisia, 101, 141

Turkish language, xxx–xxxi

Turks, 76, 135–36

‘ulama, xxix–xxx, 77, 161

‘Umar (Caliph): on punishment, 32; on rape, 21, 147; on stoning, 5, 9–10

Umar ibn al-Khattab, xvii

Umayyad Dynasty, 15

undesirables, 79, 124, 131, 137

United Arab Emirates (UAE), 185n. 2

urban notables paradigm, 78

‘urf. See local customary law

usul al-fiqh, 16

‘Uthman, xxviii, xxxvi, 5

‘Uthman, Shaykh, 124

veiling, 97, 100

Venetians, 106

“Verse of Rajam,” 5

Verse on Women. See Surat al-Nisa

violence, xxv–xxvi, 39–40, 51–53, 138, 139–45. See also spousal abuse

Virginia, 95

virgins, 11, 89, 147, 149

virtue, 45–46

Volney, Constantine François, 106

volumes. See siijills

al-Walid, Khalid ibn, 24–25

Warda bint ‘Ajrif, 149

warding off evil or harm, 95–96

“Was the Gate of Ijtihad Closed?” (Hallaq), xxii–xxiii

wealth, 78

Weber, Max, xxi–xxii

weddings, 103; shotgun, 152

Western culture, 161

Western law, 3

witnesses: Aleppo court records on, 82; en masse testimony of, 80, 81, 86–88; expert, 68; Hanafi school on, 33; for honor crimes, 54–55; intent and, 45; vs. oathtaking, 152; to rape, 147; social class of, 126; stoning and, 23; titled, 77

Wittfogel, Karl, xxii

wives, disobedient, 139–40

women: cunning, 47; family economy and, 130–31; fines paid by, 37; flirtation with, 43–44; flogging, 26–27; guild system and, 88–89; ijtihad and, 186n. 13; intent of rape victims and, 45–46; juridical, 46; labels for, 95; looseness of, 102; morality and, xxi; morally upright vs. prostitutes, 100; ownership of, 18–19, 32, 37; patriarchy and, 11, 46–47; pregnant, 24–26, 150–54, 155, 156, 167, 185n. 2; reformed prostitutes, 114–18; self-defense by, 40, 51–52; sexual desire of, 46; sexuality of, 46–47; stoning of, 24–26, 27; with unrelated men, 55–56; violence against, 39–40, 51–53. See also prostitution; rape; spousal abuse

women’s rights, 139

world economy, xxxiii

yara, 118

Yemen, 49

Yusuf ‘Ali, ‘Abd Allah, 139

Zahra, xvii, xviii

Zamzan bint Sulayman, 170

Zangi, Nur al-Din, xxvii

zaptiyya courts, 70

Zarinebaf, Fariba, 185n. 3

Zarmina, 185n. 2

Ze’evi, Dror, 56, 64, 130, 199n. 7

zina: ‘amma and, 80–81, 202n. 66; after divorce, 142; Aleppo court records on, 98, 104–5, 123, 158–59, 172–83; with betrothed virgins, 11; confessions to, 117, 153–54, 156; corporal punishment for, 4, 99, 137; definition of, xviii, 6, 18, 43-44, 53; euphemisms for, xvii, 94–99, 205n. 5, 205n. 7; false accusation of, 7, 190n. 15; fatwas on, 50–53; fines for, 37, 51; flogging for, 4, 26, 51; hadd punishment for, 31–33; hadiths on, 5, 8–15; Hanafi school on, 18–22; individual punishment for, 83; intent to commit, 44–45, 46; interests of the community and, xxiv; Islamic law on, xxv, 159–60; Jews and, 129; kanunnames on, 33–47; legal theory vs. practice of law and, xxiv–xxv, 136–37; legitimacy and, 152; local customary law and, 129–32; Ottoman law and, 32–33; punishment for, xvii–xviii, xxi, xxiii, 20–21, 31–33, 129–32, 159–60; Qur’an on, 5, 6–8; rape as, xviii, 21–22, 146, 155, 156–57; sample Aleppo sijills on, 167–70; sanity and, 13; self-defense against, 51–52; social class and, 80; stoning for, xvii–xviii, 4, 22–28, 129, 185–86n. 3; suspicion of, 42–43, 46, 57; witnesses to, 23; women found with unrelated men as, 55–56. See also adultery; prostitution; rape

Zulaykha, 46

zurbawat, 108