The most important thing a webbot does is move web pages from the Internet to your computer. Once the web page is on your computer, your webbot can parse and manipulate it.
This chapter will show you how to write simple PHP scripts that download web pages. More importantly, you’ll learn PHP’s limitations and how to overcome them with PHP/CURL, a special binding of the cURL library that facilitates many advanced network features. cURL is used widely by many computer languages as a means to access network files with a number of protocols and options.
While web pages are the most common targets for webbots and spiders, the Web is not the only source of information for your webbots. Later chapters will explore methods for extracting data from newsgroups, email, and FTP servers, as well.
Prior to discovering PHP, I wrote webbots in a variety of languages, including Visual Basic, Java, and Tcl/Tk. But due to its simple syntax, in-depth string parsing capabilities, networking functions, and portability, PHP proved ideal for webbot development. However, PHP is primarily a server language, and its chief purpose is to help webservers interpret incoming requests and send the appropriate web pages in response. Since webbots don’t serve pages (they request them), this book supplements PHP built-in functions with PHP/CURL and a variety of libraries, developed specifically to help you learn to write webbots and spiders.
To most people, the Web appears as a collection of web pages. But in reality, the Web is collection of files that form those web pages. These files may exist on servers anywhere in the world, and they only create web pages when they are viewed together. Because browsers simplify the process of downloading and rendering the individual files that make up web pages, you need to know the nuts and bolts of how web pages are put together before you write your first webbot.
When your browser requests a file, as shown in Figure 3-1, the webserver that fields the request sends your browser a default or index file, which maps the location of all the files that the web page needs and tells how to render the text and images that comprise that web page.
As a rule, this index file also contains references to the other files required to render the complete web page,[10] as shown in Figure 3-2. These may include images, JavaScript, style sheets, or complex media files like Flash, QuickTime, or Windows Media files. The browser downloads each file separately, as it is referenced by the index file.
For example, if you request a web page with references to eight items your single web page actually executes nine separate file downloads (one for the web page and one for each file referenced by the web page). Usually, each file resides on the same server, but they could just as easily exist on separate domains, as shown in Figure 3-2.