Using LIB_parse

One thing you may notice about LIB_parse is a lack of regular expressions, even though regular expressions are a mainstay for parsing text. Regular expressions can be difficult to read and understand, especially for beginners. The built-in PHP string-manipulation functions are easier to understand than regular expressions. That doesn’t mean we won’t discuss regular expressions. Chapter 5 talks about regular expressions and their utility in webbot development.

What follows is a description of the functions in LIB_parse and the parsing problems they solve. These functions are also described completely within the comments of LIB_parse.

The simplest parsing function returns a string that contains everything before or after a delimiter term. This simple function can also be used to return the text between two terms. The function provided for that task is split_string(), shown in Example 4-1.

Simply pass split_string() the string you want to split, the delimiter where you want the split to occur, whether you want the portion of the string that is before or after the delimiter, and whether or not you want the delimiter to be included in the returned string. Example 4-2 shows examples of split_string() in action.

Sometimes it is useful to parse text between two delimiters. For example, to parse a web page’s title, you’d want to parse the text between the <title> and </title> tags. Your webbots can use the return_between() function in LIB_parse to do this.

The return_between() function uses a start delimiter and an end delimiter to define a particular part of a string, as shown in Example 4-3.

The script in Example 4-4 uses return_between() to parse the HTML title of a web page.

When Example 4-4 is run in a shell, the results should look like Example 4-5.

Sometimes the things your webbot needs to parse, like links, appear more than once in a web page. In these cases, a single parsed result isn’t as useful as an array of results. Such a parsed array could contain all the links, meta tags, or references to images in a web page. The parse_array() function does essentially the same thing as the return_between() function, but it returns an array of all items that match the parse description or all occurrences of data between two delimiting strings. This function makes it extremely easy, for example, to extract all the links or images from a web page.

The parse_array() function, shown in Example 4-6, is most useful when your webbots need to parse the content of reoccurring tags. For example, returning an array of everything between every occurrence of <img and > returns information about all the images in a web page. Alternately, returning an array of everything between <script and </script> will parse all inline JavaScript. Notice that in each of these cases, the opening tag is not completely defined. This is because <img and <script are sufficient to describe the tag without regard to additional tag attributes (which we don’t need to define in the parse) that may be present in the downloaded page.

This simple parse is also useful for parsing tables, meta tags, formatted text, video, or any other parts of web pages defined between reoccurring HTML tags.

The script in Example 4-7 uses the parse_array() function to parse and display all the meta tags on the FBI website. Meta tags are primarily used to define a web page’s content to a search engine.

This code could be incorporated with the project in Chapter 11 to determine how adjustments in your meta tags affect your ranking in search engines. To parse all the meta tags, the function must be told to return all instances that occur between <meta and >. Again, notice that the script only uses enough of each delimiter to uniquely identify where a meta tag starts and ends. Remember that the definitions you apply for start and stop variables must apply for each data set you want to parse.

Example 4-7. Using parse_array() to parse all the meta tags from

include("LIB_parse.php");    # Include parse library
include("LIB_http.php");     # Include PHP/CURL library
$web_page = http_get($target="", $referer="");
$meta_tag_array = parse_array($web_page['FILE'], "<meta", ">");

for($xx=0; $xx<count($meta_tag_array); $xx++)
    echo $meta_tag_array[$xx]."\n";

When the script in Example 4-7 runs, the result should look like Example 4-8.

Once your webbot has parsed tags from a web page, it is often important to parse attribute values from those tags. For example, if you’re writing a spider that harvests links from web pages, you will need to parse all the link tags, but you will also need to parse the specific href attribute of the link tag. For these reasons, LIB_parse includes the get_attribute() function.

The get_attribute() function provides an interface that allows webbot developers to parse specific attribute values from HTML tags. Its usage is shown in Example 4-9.

This parse is particularly useful when you need to get a specific attribute from a previously parsed array of tags. For example, Example 4-10 shows how to parse all the images from, using get_attribute() to get the src attribute from an array of <img> tags.

Example 4-11 shows the output of Example 4-10.

Example 4-11. Results of running Example 4-10, showing parsed image names


Up to this point, parsing meant extracting desired text from a larger string. Sometimes, however, parsing means manipulating text. For example, since webbots usually lack JavaScript interpreters, it’s often best to delete JavaScript from downloaded files. In other cases, your webbots may need to remove all images or email addresses from a web page. For these reasons, LIB_parse includes the remove() function. The remove() function is an easy-to-use interface for removing unwanted text from a web page. Its usage is shown in Example 4-12.

By adjusting the input parameters, the remove() function can remove a variety of text from web pages, as shown in Example 4-13.